It would be great if the hats could be kept and worn after Winter Bash. Why can't hats be kept for the year until the next Winter Bash?
Furthermore, the hats fits all seasons, not just suitable for winter, though it's serves a greater purpose during winter since it's cold ;)
because of that, having hats enabled all year long would suddenly make you all less profitable at work, worst parents for your children, bad apples in the community and generally not trustworthy.
@Panda then, technically, the site with the list is still accessible all year long - they usually remove it only about a month before next Bash starts. And even then... they probably don't remove the data from the servers.
@veryRandomMe your older question is from 2013. Our from 2009. We have 4.5k question pages, your site has 1.6k. User base is also larger , yet we manage to have lower votes counts :P
anyway, not a competition.
just very sad knowing you won't never see the 20k tools.
The description states:
earn 150 reputation points on three different sites (not including Stack Overflow) within 15 days.
I've 3 questions:
Does this mean that if I earn 150 reputation combined on 3 sites, eg. 100 rep on Meta Stack Exchange and 50 rep on Ask Different, I would get this...
@Panda ask a question about how to cut a battery (old ones, with free mercury) to use it as a lighter on Lifehacks, something about Pokemon Go or Minecraft on Arqade and you are already half way done.
sadly, all the cool ones are already taken, so if you was thinking about a question asking how to use cyanide gas to remove mold.... bad luck, was already done.
> Potassium Cyanide: This is the kill-all of cleaning products! Containing a triple Carbon-Nitrogen bond it breaks open any mould DNA down to the molecular level and leaves behind the most sterile and clean area you've ever witnessed. Just add it to water (even a 2% solution will work great!) and again use a sponge (synthetic or natural: now it doesn't matter) and the same physical treatment as the above solutions. This is the most permanent solution of all!
@DavidPostill andrew was fine with it last night? has something changed? we were asked not to do "gimme upvotes" have they added "dont ask other people to look at the contents of a hyperlink"?
Winter Bash and hats are the fun way that we like to end the year. We very carefully try to come up with triggers based on normal user actions on the sites, like asking questions, answering, commenting, and many others.
Gaming for the hats is always a problem, which is why we try to make sure ...
@DavidPostill how asking people to click the link on the chat is different from asking them to click the link on twitter? Just because here you talk directly with the ones clicking. It feels lame, but to suspend someone for that would feel even lamer. Especially when we often don't take actions against worst offenders....
@DavidPostill Was not my point. My point is that asking for votes creates noise, asking for 5 views creates almost none. It still is lame, but I think that we have worst problems that could use some work than losing time suspending someone because he/she shared a link on the chat.
Today I got my 11th hat but I have not received the hat 011, whose requirement is to get 11 hats, I found it a bit strange since it has been a few hours since I got the 11th and I have not been given.
Are there any extra requirements for this hat? Or is it a bug? Or all the hats have to get them...
The description for the hat, "011" is not that clear:
Collect 11 hats
Even I was confused with this. I realized that when it says collect 11 hats, it means collect 11 hats on a single site. For example, you must earn 11 hats in Stack Overflow. Its current description really says that all yo...
The hat, "Epiphany", currently has a description in a language other than English (not Italian):
La Befana vien di notte con le scarpe tutte rotte
I can't read that and a lot of other users will not be able to read that. Sure, we could read the short summary which says, "post or vote on Jan...
I just got Blue in the Face shortly after receiving an upvote on a comment. It seems that the trigger was "10 upvoted comments posted during winter bash".
is this correct?
Please don't be annoying or disruptive. That's just common courtesy.
@Mego im just asking the person who they are to tell me what to do and what the problem is. if hed asked me nicely I wouldnt have a problem with it Hes trying to order me around and I don't like that.
Im refering to : "In a “synthetic test” this seems to work: On a question posed during Winter Bash, where There are 10 comments with up votes, and The comment stream involves the OP and at least two others, and The others are tagged, and The question gets revised, then The OP gets the hat. "
@Mego I looked back. I didn't see the "plz" at the end. My bad. For the record though, if I hypothetically don't want to do something someone else wants in chat that doesn't mean I am being rude or breaking any rules.
@mbomb007 no some random person who is not a mod also said they thought it was against the rules and they were told by multiple other people they were wrong. Two people saying they think the rule means X does not a rule make.
you cant just ask someone to do something that isnt a rule and say they are breaking the rules because not doing what you want is against the rules cause its rude
Winter Bash and hats are the fun way that we like to end the year. We very carefully try to come up with triggers based on normal user actions on the sites, like asking questions, answering, commenting, and many others.
Gaming for the hats is always a problem, which is why we try to make sure ...
You are annoying me, the both of you. You are both breaking the "golden rule". What kind of subjective nonsesnse is that. I don't want to talk about this anymore. EasterlyIrk is right, its clogging chat. Don't try to force your beliefs about what is appropriate on other people unless you are writing the rules for the room. I wont break the rules and if asked nicely i will try to comply with what other people want, but no guarantees. Ill stop posting the link since you guys asked.
where is andrew li at, hes the one who made the room. I have already had this exact discussion with him and he said he doesnt like it personally but it isn't against any rules. @EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ don't worry about these two, they are just on some silly crusade about "selling your soul for hats".
what the hell is this room for then anyway if we cant link to questions
we already have the google doc for writing criterea
@mbomb007 I see the other criteria, I'm sure that will happen naturally (thus me not posting a link and asking for UV), but I want to make sure the timing is legit (or at least believed to be)
Do we know if the UV needs to be within a certain time as well?
@orthocresol My last 9 comments have at least one upvote. My last comment before that has no upvote. And I have got no hat. Thus, your hypothesis could be correct.
I decided to start the traditional secret hats post, but instead of just another "here is how you get the secret hats" post, to also add in all the hats. There are two answers: one for the secret hats, and one for the regular hats.
Some notes about secret hats:
A secret hat for correctly gue...
Ok, folks this goes to everyone. The nonsense that just transpired on this post needs to end immediately. I know you want hats but if you continues to be disruptive, you'll be suspended until after winter bash ends.