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Did you get upvotes?
maybe it has something to do with flagging questions
No flaghats
did you get any badge lately?
@Barry choose a site and vote on 600 questions. Should take 15 days
"The Hatter", looks like something hateful :D
here comes the other hatter person
The Mad Hatter
could it be about reaching people?..
he reached >512 people on ask different
may be the 500 threshold..idk
They don't have any activity in last 15 minutes: apple.stackexchange.com/users/77164/elrull?tab=activity
I hit reached 100k during WB in think and didn't get a hat
I didn't have much activity on ask different, in fact I only have 130 reputation there.
@AlexanderO'Mara I know at least conor got it overnight
last activity was 15h ago
Maybe it's something to do with hats
and yesterday I got 4 bronze badges
that is to say, I didn't do anything for it
because it wasn't there when I signed off
@ConorO'Brien What site did you get it?
- Editor
- Citizen Patrol
- Excavator
- Teacher
@AlexanderO'Mara PPCG
maybe it's have your answers aid in a hat given?
or something like that
I got a new secret
The Hatter
which is?
@AndrewLi hahaha to slow
2 people already found it (alex isn't one of them)
@AndrewLi And idea how?
I got a few hours ago
@ConorO'Brien and @eLRuLL
Just checked
@AndrewLi so did everybody
looks like you don't do anything, just happens to you
I added his activity to the GDoc
No activity from me @AlexanderO'Mara
@AndrewLi which site?
@ConorO'Brien SE
I did get a +23 question
Was anyone online when they got it?
I got a +25 q, no hat
+16 q, but I have hat
@Mithrandir edit suggestion work?
School has disabled me from Hats
Maybe reviews in general
@AndrewLi you aern't out yet?
I want more
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ ^
finals ended on friday for me
@Eran what, start finding comments to flag aggressively?
maybe also flagging comments.
..That's two. 8 more? :P
@AndrewLi how many hats have you worn since winterbash started?
@Barry no, voting on questions is easier
Maybe it has to do with revisions?
@ConorO'Brien hmmmmm maybe it's for keeping the same hat for a certain amount of time?
BTW, that's my ONLY hat on Ask Different, maybe something to do with that?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ that's what I'm thinking
like putting on and keeping a hat for 80% of the time
@AndrewLi you got more hats in meta?
@eLRuLL do you ever use the "wear only on this site"?
before I've only worn the telephone hat
@AndrewLi And no other recent activity on Meta
no, always for all sites
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ That's what I'm also thinking
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ that wouldn't explain why I got it on Ask Different
and NO, I only used it for "all sites"
@ConorO'Brien how many hats you have in PPCG?
@eLRuLL Were you online the minute you got it?
@eLRuLL 8
yes but not in the Ask Different site
I am mostly in SO
then maybe it's something about your answers/questions
did you gain any rep there recently?
somebody getting hat off them
@Eran what gold badge do I get for voting for questions?
@eLRuLL Did you get any upvotes or downvotes around that time?
@Barry electorate
@ConorO'Brien Already got it
@ConorO'Brien profile says answers yesterday
@AlexanderO'Mara no, no activity since yesterday
+2 and +1
@Mithrandir did the test edit work/
I was checking SO and the winter notification appear with 3 hats at a time 011, Snapchat (both for SO) and the Hatter for Ask Different
who is talking about the new secret hat?
Can I have some more?
@David They're here.
@Barry don't remember the name but you need 600 votes and there's a limit of 40 per day
I think I got just here for the hats this morning on meta.se
Strange people are just getting it now.
@AndrewLi you got it didn't you
@ConorO'Brien Everyone at PPCG should have got it yesterday night
@ConorO'Brien have you done anything on PCG's meta?
I wanna see if there's a hat for wearing all of your hats / changing hat 20 times
@David a few things yes
@David he commented on my answer
and answered his own a day ago
plus whatever voting
And the answer has one vote
I thing it is more likely that is came form here, but just guessing at this point
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ will you do some more suggedt please?
@ConorO'Brien also, a lot of answers on the challenge have 0 votes
Just got 8,243,721. No idea how. Feel free to rummage in my activity. (All on RPGSE in the last hours.)
maybe something about that?
Comments, the Bert/Ernie I think
I got them having a lengthy comment discussion which we deleetd later
@nitsua60 Did you delete comments recently?
I did delete three or four comments on the same post recently =)
(I try to keep the place clean.)
Maybe it's a riff on B&E's famous fastidiousness?
Anyone want to test it with me?
? Delete 6 comments on the same post. ?
I got mine a few days ago, after I had deleted a lot of comments, some under same post.
But I'm not sure if that was the trigger. I also had done other stuff.
@Mithrandir You're turn.
@Mithrandir It could have been six. If a mod wants to check out the deleted comments on this answer they might glean some info.
I also occasioned an edit conflict a few moments ago--any possibility that's it, rather than comments?
if it's for have a comment discussion with another person, I should get it soon
I just had about 3-4 and 3-4 comments about a questino on PPCG
Wait, can you comment on my Sandbox and see what happens?
@Mithrandir there's another 3
I only saw 1
@KritixiLithos done
@Mithrandir hm, I did like 5 total so far
3 in this set though
yellow alert, worf's uniform, and 1 other
I saw those, maybe. I thought you meant 3 now
The thing that I find interesting is that this hat only showed up now, but it is rather common.
@David How common?
3 people so far
all at the same time
@Mithrandir dont know, but going my the sorting (rarest first) on the leader board, there are quite a few with it.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ more then that.
I have 5 open now
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ me guesses time is the important factor here.
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ Now I need some to reject, but that can still be approved
Apparently I have "the hatter".
oic, will do minor edits
@RamenChef congrats, you're one of todays lucky around 5 so far
How is everyone getting The Hatter?
@Mithrandir minor edit on a qustion about the borg
@AlexanderO'Mara need data. everybody that has gotten it, ~ when did you get it?
I figure about 40 mins ago. is that right?
@Mithrandir @AlexanderO'Mara any hat?
Not yet, will deleet soon
But i already got the hat so just ask @AlexanderO'Mara
One more?
I think the comments have to have upvotes
@Mithrandir removed bold + italics from yellow alert
@KritixiLithos Here, you can upvote them: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/46930/…
Reject and edit :P
I just upvoted 4 of them otherwise it will be too suspicious
@Mithrandir ok need anymore?
@KritixiLithos I upvoted them all lol
they don't give rep so whatever
I'm never against it, but I don't want to flood the front page
Try some tag wiki edits
I have 5k on SFF
But mods can 11 us if something's too suspicious >_>
yeah, I've got 575
@KritixiLithos true
@Mithrandir Guess it's time to delete?
@KritixiLithos But they're used to higher churn during Hatmas. Just make sure the edits are good, non-trivial ones.
I guess
Sometimes it takes time. You pore over a few dozen posts, find five you want to edit, make all the edits in separate tabs, then submit one every thirty seconds. In minutes it'll drop down the frontpage.
@Mithrandir done the star-terk wiki one
@Mithrandir Did you just get it?
@Mithrandir deletion, or just having it?
Just got it
I didn't get it, only the asker gets it?
Having them, possibly with upvotes on some/all
@Mithrandir OH COOL
did you ignore the "auto-chatroom"?
talking a lot time = blue in the face
But maybe it's because you edited your question after the long discussion
No luck on The Hatter either.
@Mithrandir those 2 tag wiki edits work?
@KritixiLithos hello? keep the comments coming
oh, interesting
any hat?
I gtg now. We'lls ee if I get more hats
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I edited the post
see ya!
@KritixiLithos saw that
any hat yet?
@EᴀsᴛᴇʀʟʏIʀᴋ I get out Dec 23.
oh nice
see y'all, I'm leaving too
bye, and hi
Ugh. 5 chat pings
School is a dingle
@AlexanderO'Mara how did you get mild-mannered?
@AndrewLi Accepted answer with no upvotes maybe?
seems a bit easy
Q: Got a Gold badge, but not 24

Vogel612's ShadowI was awarded the gold-badge "electorate" on Meta.Stackoverflow. But I was not awarded the hat "24". The description of the hat on the official winterbash site says "earn a gold badge". Why was the hat not awarded?

Just got 8,243,721 for Puzzeling.
To those that got Blue in the Face, did you post a comment with a link to another question in it? Just got it and it seems to be comment related. I also happened to link to a very popular question. And i've posted that same link (how to make a good reproducible question) to a bunch of different questions.
Must have been that thing we did @Mithrandir.
I haven't posted anything else.
Someone want to help me repeat on Stack Overflow?
@AlexanderO'Mara can do
@MrFlick does that include close votes?
what we gotta do?
On Q or answer? just commented on the Q but if its the Answer then yeah ill start there
@Stewartside Just question.
elementary looks like its confirmed, but did anybody try editing 5 answers?
@MasterBob I don't think mine was related to a close vote.
@MrFlick I know, but can it be a close vote?
@MasterBob I think my five qualifying posts were all answers.
@AlexanderO'Mara what were you doing on Puzzling?
I'm just guessing but I don't think so. I think you need to be able to include a link to another question in the comment, not just a duplicate close vote. At least that would match with my experience today
@AndrewLi Commenting back and forth, got upvotes on comments, waited ~10 minutes, then deleted.
@AlexanderO'Mara Ok. Let's see...
@AlexanderO'Mara back-and-forth as far as the auto-move notice? Beyond?
I'm trying to reproduce on SO, 5 comments, without upvotes.
had a guy just get elementary for editing 5 tags of old questions
@nitsua60 Probably about there.
Im just doing some QA stuff so I got time to waste
@Himarm yes, that was confirmed, but it's possible the criteria could be lower
We had gotten past that dialog, and did 8 each when on Puzzle.
2 days before I break for xmas with little to do :P
@MasterBob Yeah, thursday and friday then im off till Jan 3rd
@Stewardside or are the time zones messing us up again
clarified a bit haha
@Stewartside hah, got off last week
Hey guys(and gals), does anyone know a way to force-close a tab?
on chrome?
shift + esc opens the task manager
then select it and kill
I stupidly ran var i=0;while(i!=Infinity)i++
@saiid really?
And I can't, running Windows 7. The task manager is not detailed enough
@MasterBob Yes V-V
@Saiid i would expect a better person not to run that
Well, you know, I read something that said that js's Infinity started at 2.something or other E+1038
So I wanted to see how fast it would get there
@AlexanderO'Mara anything yet?
you'll have to kill the entire window then :P
@Stewartside Not yet.
@Stewartside I think we have to delete them. It's been 10 minutes, time to nuke.
are there any questions currently needing closing :(
Cool, now we wait another 10 minutes. Or until the hat shows up.
Did anybody earn elementary by editing an answer (not a question)?
[Testing -- Stewartside -> CONFIRMED
should we add it in
@MasterBob Yes, but I don't remember who, and it wasn't confirmed
@bleh by an answer
@bleh and i think we added that
@Saiid really? did anybody repo
ok im going afk
gonna be back (gotta do a blood test)
eegh blood test
Vandalism happened again?
I need to look into banning IPs
If that even is possible
turn into comment only and you are the owner
@AndrewLi This is why we can't have nice things on the internet =|
I want it to be open though :/
We have a user with both 6 and 8,243,whatever.
@AlexanderO'Mara not looking promising
@Stewartside No, looks like the comments needed upvotes.
I'm in the middle of a similar experiment: 8-comment colloquy, ignores the auto-room creation. No hat.
Upvotes. No hat.
Deletion (one side of the conversation upvoted, the other not). Waiting....
Anyone want to have another go at the 8,* hat?
Sure @AlexanderO'Mara
@AlexanderO'Mara done
@AndrewLi Ok, lets go for 5 each, upvotes on all.
I dont get wat @AndrewLi did
you just need a comment?
@AndrewLi You need to comment again. 5 comments each. In a discussion.
has anyone got 6, without having got 8234567 previously?
Yes, I just got 6, without 8,xxx,yyy.
@TypoCubeᵀᴹ yes
@AndrewLi Also, upvote my comments.
dang it
Just got "TheyLive" 5 accepts, 4 improve, 2 reject/edit, 7 rejects - 18 reviews
Lets find another post @Saiid
lol, alright
A: CSS transform transition layout flash in WebKit (possibly caused by layout caching?)

Alexander O'MaraThis was apparently a bug in the vendor-prefixed implementation of CSS transitions where it pre-computes the target and does not update it after a reflow. It's no longer resent in the un-prefixed version in newer versions of WebKit.

@AndrewLi Lets go until we hit move-to-chat.
@AndrewLi What hat are you going for?
@AlexanderO'Mara also stuff that is of substance
Maybe 8 upvotes, 2 upvotes, 3, 4, 7, 2, 1, etc?
Which hat are you attempting to get with the comments?
8-comment colloquy, ignores the auto-room creation. No hat.
Upvotes. No hat.
Yes I have confirmed Taco about it
3 exteremly old
nothing in the edit summary
Can people delete their comments on Alex's post?
saiid and i have already hit the 7 comment mark
and it said to move to chat
Can we wait 10 minutes to see if we get a hat?
i ignored it
@Saiid can you delete comments on alex's post?
29 secs ago, by Saiid
Can we wait 10 minutes to see if we get a hat?
Also @bleh too
The question
The question
wants to die
it could be either
@KritixiLithos don't ruin it :P
I'm out of votes
we dont know
Q: Did Umbridge know when to come in to her office?

blehSo when Harry stupidly goes into Umbridges office to talk to Sirius, he gets very rudely interrupted. But did Umbridge know when to come into her office? If so, how?

lets try
@AndrewLi I'm just trying to increase the comment count :)
@Saiid @bleh @KritixiLithos purge your comments on the questions please
i did
I removed mine from Alex's
Not all @Saiid
@someone can we comment test on my question
@AndrewLi Cool, let's wait 10 minutes, then nuke.
I think you might also need to edit the question afterwards
why are we testing such a situation anyway
@AlexanderO'Mara why
@AndrewLi Not sure, we did that before.
ok @Saiid lets wait 10 minutes to nuke
On "Blue in the Face": 8 back-and-forth (4 each user) comments (which gets you past the auto-room message), upvoted, deleted, does not suffice. Trying with 10 (5 each) now, one user's upvoted, the other's not.
let's keep going to see if it works
@AndrewLi We can probably just nuke the ones from the first one now.
Q: Did Umbridge know when to come in to her office?

blehSo when Harry stupidly goes into Umbridges office to talk to Sirius, he gets very rudely interrupted. But did Umbridge know when to come into her office? If so, how?

so do i now move them to chat
@bleh I didn't have to on Puzzling.
how many messages did u carry it too
8 each, 16 total
@bleh 4 (each) did not work for us.
testing 5 now
yeah i did 5
also playing with whether or not pings are involved
@Saiid hey we gotta do more

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