quick way to find answers with 6 comments: - go to http://data.stackexchange.com/ - select site - make a query: select * Posts where PostTypeId = 2 and CommentCount = 6 :-)
Hats are a really nice idea and earning one is an happy event.
Who invented the hat system???
I was wondering how they were born and who chose their names?
Why can't I wear hats in chat rooms? I don't see other members wearing it there either -- why is that?
I think that something's wrong with chat, for example in my profile, I am wearing the hat but in actual chat it doesn't show.
Also this member doesn't wear it, but in the room like this, they ...
The description for the ‘Running Ragged’ hat is
earn 150 reputation points on three different sites (not including Stack Overflow) within 15 days.
On December 19th (the first day of Winter Bash), I gained 150 or more reputation on Meta Stack Exchange, Puzzling and English Language & Learner...
but I did 20 reviews in the pattern found on the google docs but someone noticed I did some reviews on posts older than 3 years so could have been that that triggered the hat
@Eran I did the same. First I mod closed + reopend my own question with a minor edit, it didn't worked. Then I reopened a identification question which was improved later but I only fixed title and didn't got hat
Why can't I wear hats in chat rooms? I don't see other members wearing it there either -- why is that?
I think that something's wrong with chat, for example in my profile, I am wearing the hat but in actual chat it doesn't show.
Also this member doesn't wear it, but in the room like this, they ...
To make some statistics, i want to use http://data.stackexchange.com/ to find for example:
Who have the most Hats until now,
Who have this or that Hat,
How many Hat used,
How many one wear Hat,
and and,
But i can't find in the Database Schema something about the winter-bash, someone help me ...
There have been a few cases in which the shaphat was not awarded.
There have also been other cases in which it was awarded incorrectly, on old questions.
What gives?
I'm seeing some weird hat behavior on the iOS app.
On some answers, I'm wearing the trophy hat.
On other answers, I'm not wearing any hat at all.
And on the web, I'm wearing the taco hat.
What's going on?
App Version:
Device: iPhone 6
OS Version: Version 9.3.4 (Bui...
How did I get the Snap Hat? I have only 1 accepted answer in the last 4 days and it wasn't posted within 30 mins of the question. dba.stackexchange.com/users/993/…
unless old answers count too, if they get upvoted these days
There have been a few cases in which the snaphat was not awarded.
There have also been other cases in which it was awarded incorrectly, on old questions.
What gives?
Any chance I could get an upvote on this answer for Lifesaver? stackoverflow.com/a/41252106/2069064 I got the hard part out of the way (Tumbleweed-worthy + accepted)
I got the 6 hat on SO today. Didn't edit anything. Only commented on some questions and posted an answer that got accepted without votes.I may have gotten it before that answer though. The hat notification is sometimes late