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Guten Morgen @Jez @Takkat und @LadybugKiller
Morgen @Lukas.
Morgen @Lukas @Gigili
Guten Morgen @Gigili
Guten Morgen Takkat
<-- is off work for two weeks \o/
Ferien, Urlaub, Ostern \o/
Nun ja, ich habe hier recht viel zu tun. Es bleibt immer so viel liegen...
Die Steuererklärung steht heute an.
Haha, nice that taxes are not a problem here.
Die Steuererklärung ist bei mir auch schon überfällig...
Hallo, wie sagt man: "Wir need something to relax."? Ist das richtig "Wir brauchen etwas aus zu ruhen."?
Hi @hhh
Can you give some context?
Wir brauchen Spiele aus zu ruhen.
That doesn't make any sense at all :)
ausruhen or aus zu ruhen means to relax or to rest (physically)
Can you tell in english what you want to say or in which situation you would say it?
If one plays a video game, you may get a feeling of Catharsis (a similar to reading when your mind opens etc or refresh from daily issues).
Die Katharsis (gr. kátharsis „Reinigung“) bezeichnet nach der Definition der Tragödie in der aristotelischen Poetik die "Reinigung" von bestimmten Affekten. Durch das Durchleben von Jammer/Rührung und Schrecken/Schauder (von griechisch éleos und phóbos, auch seit Lessing in irreführender Weise mit Mitleid und Furcht übersetzt) erfährt der Zuschauer der Tragödie als deren Wirkung eine Läuterung seiner Seele von diesen Erregungszuständen (Poetik, Kap. 6, 1449b26) Katharsis war zunächst ein Begriff aus der Sphäre des Sakralen und bezeichnete die kultische Reinigung. Der Begriff wurde später ...
"emotional cleansing"
I think I could use here "aus ruhen" aber bin ich nicht sicher!
I'm still not sure...
I would say that entspannen would be the appropriate word, but I can't really tell, because the german sentence you provided is wrong.
How would you say in english?
Games make me feel more refreshing or make me relax, forget daily issues (perhaps).
(etwas anderes zu denken)
Spiele helfen mir mich zu entspannen und die Alltagssorgen zu vergessen.
In this case you should use entspannen not ausruhen, I think it is more appropriate
Ja das ist gut, klingt besser. Danke.
Why is that Lukas?
"entspannen is more appropriate"
Ist das den so "Spiele helfen uns uns zu entspannen--"?
@hhh Ja, im prinzip schon :)
Aber du kannst natürlich auch eine allgemeine Formulierung wie "Spiele helfen sich zu entspannen" benutzen
@Gigili Good question. ausruhen is best translated with "to rest". It is what you do if you're exhausted because you walked whatever distance, then you can sit down somwher to rest.
Thats the context in which ausruhen is commonly used
@Lukas Great explanation, got it. Thank you.
Also have at look at 1c in this duden entry duden.de/rechtschreibung/entspannen as opposed to ausruhen, where all meanings are of physical nature duden.de/rechtschreibung/ausruhen
I'm of for lunch
@Lukas That's interesting. As there's no marked difference between the English ones. Thank you.
@Lukas Mahlzeit!
@hhh Auch "relaxen" ist ein nicht so seltenes Wort. Sieh Dir auch dort die Synonyme an: sich erholen, abschalten, entspannen...
5 hours later…
@Lukas afternoon :-)
Hi @Jez
is the word 'gut' affected by gender in German? Can I say both "Er ist gut" and "Es ist gut"?
@Martin I don't understand the first part but you can say both, as far as I know.
I just mean does the word change if it refers to a masculine or feminine noun
Even sie ist gut is correct.
is "die Lampe, sie ist gut" correct also?
"Die Lampe ist gut", why "die Lampe, sie ist gut"?
I know the sentence was strange, just wanted to emphasise that the pronoun is affected by gender, as is the definitive article, but not the word 'gut'
but I think you've helped me, thanks :)
@Martin: It is, however, "eine gute Lampe" vs. "ein guter Stuhl"... ;)
But beware of this: eine gute Frau - ein guter Mann
@Takkat: :D
Jinx - Hi @OregonGhost
Moin ;)
Jetzt hört man sich tagelang nicht und dann gleichzeitig mit dem fast Gleichen. Ts ts ts.
@Martin You're very welcome, you better ask native German speakers anyway.
But @Gigili is almost a native...
We miss your fine edits.
Thank you.
^that's cheating - the quarter just begun...
so, when referring to a lamp, I cannot say "es ist gut", I must say "sie ist gut" right? (to say: it's good).
Die Lampe, sie ist gut.
ok, dankeschön :)
and das Buch, es ist gut?
@Takkat The one I said was wrong?
No, it was o.k. - you can say both.
In this case I put emphasis on the gender.
Like: "Wie ist die Lampe?" - "Sie ist gut."
@Martin "Wie ist das Buch?" - "Es ist sehr gut!" :)
@Takkat Great, thanks... I understand :)
A:Die Lampe ist gut
B: Ja, sie ist gut.
C: Was ist gut?
B:Die Lampe, sie ist gut.
Lies das gute Buch und nicht den schlechten Schundroman.
@Gigili: ABCD all correct ;P
Could be a real-world example. Except that most people wouldn't actually call a lamp "gut", but rather "schön" or "hübsch" or something :)
Welche Lampe ist die beste?
I'd call a man "hübsch" but not a lamp?
Why not?
Hübsche Blümchen, hübsche Kinder, hübsche Bilder... its not only people.
The lamps we have in office here are, by contrast, "hässlich". Or, to add to the confusion, "hübsch hässlich".
To not compare men and lamps!
depends if the lamp has a good body :)
Yes, that lamp is definitely not female.
Oh, this one is even more "hübsch" than any man.
Isn't that the Pixar lamp?^^
I was about to say it.
Yes it's the Pixar lamp
A co-worker definitely wants this one:
@Takkat Because it's beautiful and attractive.
@OregonGhost Die hektische Wackellampe?
Nein, ich glaube so hektisch ist die nicht. Würde ich bei dem Vermögen, das sie kostet, auch nicht erwarten.
@Gigili that is not the definition of "female"
I'm female and I know the definition
I wouldn't want the red lamp, by the way.
One and only lamp
@OregonGhost I'm not sure if the red lamp wants you either.
@Gigili: Thank you for your refreshing kindness.
There is an important detail missing with the red lamp.
I apologise for the lamp/gender thing I started :-)
All @Martin's fault!
ja, es tut mir leid
@Gigili: You don't actually work in the same office as me? Because she does say such things all the time since maybe two or three months now :p
Now we know the reason why @OregonGhost is so rare here in chat!
@OregonGhost I work there, look more carefully. Muhahaha.
He is talked to all the time...
@Takkat Yeah, he's depressed apparently. The red one refused to talk to him.
@Takkat: I would be glad if she talked to me all the time. But apart from work-related things and some nice things like Gigili's one, our communication is actually broken down to "Moin", "Tschüss" and "bis morgen" :(
The red lamp is badly broken
I never felt so alone in my office. That's why I'm currently mostly in another one, so I can't chat here ;)
@OregonGhost it is revived by @Martin \o/
@OregonGhost Oh, I', sorry to hear that.
@OregonGhost That's kind of like a 'gangbang' lamp
@Gigili: Thank you. I'm quite sad about it, but can't do anything. Does not feel nice to be so helpless ;)
@Jez you just said what I was thinking
@Jez: You know that the picture shows three lamps? ;)
@OregonGhost Warum braucht dein(e) Kollege(in) drei Lampen?
Das sind doch 2 zuviel.
@Takkat: Das ist ein Kollege, der auf diese Lampe schwört und sie auch zu Hause hat. Er braucht nur eine. Aber das Bild, das ich auf Anhieb gefunden habe, zeigt nun einmal drei ;)
Ah - die Suggestivwirkung eines Werbefotos.
Nimm eine, zahle drei...
Ja, das kommt auch ungefähr hin. Eine kostet um die 450€.
Geht ja noch.... ;P
Für eine Schreibtischlampe?^^
Die schmucke berührungssensitive Esstischlampe, die meine Eltern sich mal angeschafft haben (und die ein erstaunliches Eigenleben führt, ab und zu dimmt sie mal auf 0, dann auf voll, und dann wieder auf den ursprünglichen Wert), die kostet ungefähr genau so viel, hat aber fünf Leuchtmittel und sieht auch edler aus^^
prediger.de/shop/lumina-ra-chrom.html die Vampirlampe in Kobraform
Die finde ich ja fast schicker.
Und sauteuer...
> Die ausgefallende Leuchte ist aus Metall und Technopolymer, die Lichtübertragung erfolgt durch Glasfaserkabel, wobei die Farbe des Lichtes mittels Filter in rot, grün und blau individuell wählbar ist.
Kein Wunder frisst die Euronen.
Schick ist auch ein Persisch wort.
Bedeutet es das gleiche?
Und was bedeutet es?
Ja, das gleiche.
Und die Franzosen haben das von Euch übernommen?
Umm, das wiess ich nicht ...
Vielleicht waren es auch gar nicht die Franzosen. Grimm sagt, es kommt von schicken...
Und wie kommt es nach oder von Persien?
Und weg ist sie und hat mich nicht mal angesehen. Seufz^^
@Takkat: Das war ein Pingpong-Wort?^^
Nicht ansehen ist fies...
tröst: blinde Hühner taugen nichts.
<-- bin mal wieder weg: Abendessen
@OregonGhost I recommend you to do the same thing.
Pay no attention to her, just an icy "morgen" and "tschüss".
I guess she feels your eyes are following her.
@Gigili: My eyes are not following her most of the time, just when I expect her to look in my eyes. Like, you know, when going home or talking with each other.
@OregonGhost Just do the same. It works.
It works because we never ever talk again?^^
Because it makes women nervous.
hi, is "bis zum Studiumabschluss bleibt mir noch eines Wintersemester" correct?
@Julius "... bleibt mir noch ein Wintersemester"
@Gigili: It makes me nervous as well.
@OregonGhost You're not less nervous now?
And why didn't reply to my email?
@OregonGhost ohh i think i get it. There's no adjective here, so no need for a suffix, right? Thanks!
@Gigili Now that she's gone, or in general?
@Gigili There was an email? :X
The one on 2012-03-07?
@OregonGhost In general. Do the same or worse, pretend that you're talking to a girl on the phone, things like that. It's evil but I guess it works.
@OregonGhost Umm, I'm not sure when it was but I waited for a reply.
user image
@Gigili I like her really, but, umm, I'm not sure if you're just giving me advice to make her jealous? Because for now, I'd actually be fine if she would talk to me like she did three months ago. I don't know what has happened.
It was a happy two-people office back then.
I miss her.
Oh, she has changed her behavior then.
Why don't you ask her?
I asked her why she's talking much less to me than some time ago and she said that she doesn't agree.
Umm, that's not as easy as I thought. Rather complicated.
I actually have no choice; if this goes on, I have to invite her to an official conversation because, despite the problem being personal obviously, it heavily affects our work-relation.
Everything was good a few months ago?
I answered the only email from you I found, by the way.
Is that your primary email address? Do you check your inbox regularly?
@Gigili: I meant I answered the email just now :X
It is actually secondary, like I use for most social services. I thought G+ would just notify over its app, if anyone wanted to contact me :)
@OregonGhost You have no idea what the reason could be? Maybe she has someone else or something?
@Gigili: Our current project depresses her, and I think she blames herself for a lot of the problems it had. And two weeks ago, when we drove home from the customer's site, she told me several related things (like me not having enough time for her, which is simply not true) I didn't know bothered her...
(it's not really easy to describe this in English for me (; )
I sent an email.
@OregonGhost Now I think it's your fault.
Just saw it.
@Gigili How? I can't even count all the overtime hours I did just to not let her alone with her problems.
@OregonGhost Umm, maybe just something men don't understand. You had to do something special the time she mentioned that. You had a very good chance to attract her.
I have to go now, I'll check my email as soon as possible.
Good night!

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