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Guten Morgen
1 hour later…
Comments are worthless... we need answers!
We do. We'd have nothing to discuss without.
May it be that we also need an occasional downvote to graduate?
Don't take it personal - your question is good.
They may only want to huff you..
Obviously. It's just a random downvote.
It is.
Is hortoque (in AU) German?
he is.
Why don't you ask him to join GLU?
I did months ago - he said he was not so much interested in language.
Guessed so.
Is there a way to find out who downvoted?
No there deliberately is no way. They are supposed to be anonymous per design.
You can only guess from who was there by the time when you got it... But then its only a guess. Any of 1341 users could have been it.
no: 1347 \o/ we are constantly growing.
Uhum, we are.
6 hours later…
Feierabend! bis später. Wo bleiben die Fragen heute?
2 hours later…
@Gigili nicht eine einzige :"( :"(
OMG, don't cry.
Should I ask some questions?
I won't because W doesn't like my questions.
Anybody is welcome to do so. W don't matters.
You matter. Your questions are good
I have to wait for another ten questions to post my next...
Maybe @LadybugKiller have an idea to make the site more active?
Has but won't tell.
Well then, old people ...
Tell all the young people that it is a good thing to ask.
They don't understand!
Tell all the old people to tell all the young people to ask.
Old people tend to know everything already.
If not they say its not important.
They lie.
Things you know are not important any more. Gaining knowlege is the way to ageing. Not knowing much is being young. Asking a lot is a "Jungbrunnen".
Young people are dumb.
They are not when they ask.
People that never ask will stay dumb forever.
Was that it?
Was that what?
Verstehen = Hölle
Nein nein
umm, vielleicht
1 min ago, by Takkat
Verstehen = Hölle
So funktioniert's.
Ich kann überhaupt kein Persisch und kenne mich auch mit den Schriftzeichen nicht aus. Aber ein Wort, das nur durch die Betonung seinen Sinn ändert, das interessiert mich!
@Gigili ich wollte aber weinen.
(aber nur kurz)
Es ist nur Aussprache
- darak / - dark
Dark wie im Englischen?
Nein, dark - 'a' wie in 'cat'
"dark" = verstehen
"darak" = Hölle
Also höllisch verstehen. Das ist ja die Hölle.
Höllisch interessant.
Höllisch langweilig.
Höllisch wahr.
Höllisch ruhend.
Seit ein paar Tagen überlege ich mir eine höllisch gute Frage zur Hölle und ihrem eigentümlich positiv verstärkenden Einfluß...
Aber das ist höllisch schwierig in eine gute Frage zu packen.
Nichts wie ran
Ich kann dir helfen.
Ich habe dann halt erstmal die Hexenfrage genommen.
Ich kann unmöglich mehr als 10% aller Fragen hier stellen. Das geht gar nicht. Lieber wären mir nur 1-2%.
Aber dann müssten wir 10x mehr Fragen haben.
Es gibt aber keine Wahl.
Und es müssten auch einfache Fragen dabei sein, sonst kommen wir nicht zu den Antworten.
30% unanswered - ein Alptraum!
Ja, was ist mit eine einfache und eine schwere?
Die einfachen bekommen 2 close votes. Die schweren nur eine Antwort.
Und die ganz schweren haben über 5 Antworten.
2 mins ago, by Gigili
Es gibt aber keine Wahl.
We have a little time, I'll bring my German course book- We can find something together.
spiegel.de/thema/zwiebelfisch - 100 Fragen stehen da schon fast fertig.
philhist.uni-augsburg.de/lehrstuehle/germanistik/… weitere 100 Fragen auch schon fast fertig.
Die Antworten, die da vorgegeben scheinen, müssen nicht stimmen!
100 Fragen?
Das sind alles umstrittene und schwierige Themen der deutschen Sprache, die dort besprochen werden.
Hi @Alenanno
We're trying to find some interesting questions to ask, but we've asked many question. So it might be annoying for some people. Maybe you could ask some questions?
Oh! Well, why should you stop yourselves? You can ask as many questions as you wish, as long as they're of good quality, but I don't think there's a problem in that... :D
Umm ...
The whole site is going to be ghost room soon.
There is a limit of questions 6 per day and 50 per month, I guess...
You have 503 visits per day! We have 224/227 in Linguistics.
duden.de/suchen/dudenonline/persisch lists all german words with Persian roots.
Wow, liwan
well, some words are not really used much.
But used enough to have made it for Duden ;)
You may find interesting relations or even errors.
Yes, someone else told me they are mostly outdated.
Thanks for coming @Alenanno anyway.
@Gigili No problem! :)
@Gigili what is outdated?
oh - the Persian words... you may look with Google.
Yes, the German words with Persian eymology.
I see there are a billion Liwan Hotels...
That can't be right.
Hi @DavidWallace - what is not right?
A billion Liwan hotels. Of course, I don't know what Liwan means, but I think I would have noticed that many of any sort of hotel.
I was just googling for Liwan on German sites.
All hotels...
Even though Duden (major German dictionary) lists this word...
... just reading backwards .... and the Persian etymology (thanks Gigili) explains why it doesn't sound much like a German word.
Yek Liwan ab = a glass of water
Duden says something about architecture... :/
Gigili - do you speak Persian?
I do.
^ Liwan
Oh nice... Can you write the Farsi transcription too?
Cool. :D
That's so much more interesting than the standard collection of major European languages. The writing looks cool too.
Yes, we're cool like that.
Many writing scripts look nice.
For example?
I kind of like all of them. lol
Tamil is nice too.
And Asian languages.
I like the Arabic one too, of course.
Greek, Russian...
Is the Farsi script related to Arabic? Or are its roots different?
Like I said, I kind of like them all. :D
I find cyrillic italics ugly and hard to read.
They are a bit hard to read at first, but they are not as ambiguous as it seems.
The have the same root, I believe. Except that Arabic doesn't have 5 special letters and it's written with some symbol and signs.
Wow @Takkat, my question is also answered there: philhist.uni-augsburg.de/lehrstuehle/germanistik/…
"Ich bin die/der Gigili"
@Takkat Is that a writing script?
it was a handwriting my grandfather learned at school.
@Takkat Oh, so it's like a... font? :D
Die Sütterlinschriften, meist auch einfach Sütterlin genannt, sind zwei 1911 im Auftrag des preußischen Kultur- und Schulministeriums von Ludwig Sütterlin entwickelte Ausgangsschriften. Neben der bekannteren deutschen Sütterlinschrift, die eine spezielle Form der deutschen Kurrentschrift ist, entwickelte Ludwig Sütterlin auch eine weniger bekannte, stilistisch vergleichbare lateinische Sütterlinschrift. Geschichte Es war im 19. Jahrhundert in England Mode geworden, mit der neu entwickelten stählernen Spitzfeder zu schreiben. Die sehr schräge englische Schreibschrift mit ihren großen ...
I guess we had a question about it.
@Takkat It looks nice!
There are those letters on the attic nobody can read anymore
Yes, nice as in impossible to read or to make sense of it.
@Gigili What does a letter have to do to be considered special?
@Gigili question on which one?
@Gigili Why do you say that... :P Nice as in nice. :D
@DavidWallace I meant those letters are widely used in Persian somehow, if it has anything to do with special!
Q: When can the Sütterlin be expected to be understood?

Tim NTo which extent can I expect German-speakers to understand Sütterlinschrift? In which of the following situations would it be fine to use it? Written exam in German Written exam in physics Residence application and other offical forms Letter to a company Postcard to a friend, <30 years old P...

Oh, you mean "not found in Arabic", yeah?
Exactly that.
That. :)
We soon will have questions on everything!
My favourite letters: საქართველო
საქართველო — სახელმწიფო ევრაზიაში, კავკასიაში, შავი ზღვის აღმოსავლეთ სანაპიროზე. ესაზღვრება ჩრდილოეთიდან რუსეთი, სამხრეთიდან თურქეთი და სომხეთი, და სამხრეთ-აღმოსავლეთიდან აზერბაიჯანი. ტრანსკონტინენტური ქვეყანა სამხრეთაღმოსავლეთ ევროპისა და დასავლეთ აზიის გასაყარზე მდებარეობს, თუმცა სოციოპოლიტიკურად და კულტურულად ევროპის ნაწილია. თანამედროვე საქართველოს ტერიტორია მუდმივად დასახლებული იყო ადრეული ქვის ხანიდან მოყოლებული. კლასიკურ ანტიკურ ხანაში აყვავდა ადრეული ქართული სახელმწიფოები კოლხეთი და იბერია, რამაც დასაბამი მისდა საერთო ქართულ კულტურასა და სახელმწიფოებრიობას. ქრისტიანობა გაბატონდა...
@DavidWallace We make fun of them because they cannot pronounce a word containing those letters : گچ پژ
!!! I'm not sure that I can either :-)
@Gigili impossible to c&p to google translate >:(
@Gigili How many letters is that exactly? It's hard to tell where each begins and ends.
Five. if you consider "ء" as a letter.
You seem to have a knack of making me feel extremely stupid.
I suppose it would be unreasonable of me to ask you to describe how they are pronounced.
Oh no, not really. That's how it works!
For example: "پتو"
Means "blanket"
The first letter is one of them.
I think Google translate will help about pronunciation.
پتو به نوعی روانداز گویند که معمولاً در هنگام خواب بر روی خود می‌کشند. پتوها می‌توانند از لایه‌های مختلفی ساخته شده باشند. بعضی از این لایه‌ها برای گرم نگه داشتن و بعضی دیگر تنها برای زیبایی به کار رفته است. nds-nl:Dèken
I don't know how to get Google Translate to show me pronunciation.
I like the way it translates the page that you embedded; especially "others are used only for beauty". This sounds so delightful.
@Gigili I'm a bit suspicious of the letter that claims, on this page, to be pronounced like "f" as in "Persian".
Pft, that's wrong.
I guess it's supposed to be "Farsi" instead of that.
We say "Pfirsich" in German.
What does it mean?
It's a peach, originating from persischer Apfel
I bet someone did a search and replace. Like if that page originally referred to the language as "Farsi", then somebody decided to change all references to "Farsi" into "Persian", for whatever reason, and didn't realise they were breaking the pronunciation guide.
"Pfirsich" is widely pronounced like "Fersich" in Germany
@DavidWallace Oh, it's likely, Didn't think of that.
@Takkat I'm wondering how it's related to persischer Apfel
Interesting. The English word peach ultimately comes from the Latin malum persicum, which also means Persian apple.
> (aus lat. malum Persicum, dieses wiederum von griech. μῆλον Περσικόν mêlon Persikón „persischer Apfel“; botanischer Name Prunus persica)
OK, remove "ultimately" from my last comment then :-)
Does that mean I can use the words "peachy" and "Persian" interchangeably :-)?
@Takkat Does that apply to other German words with Pf? Like should I pronounce Pferd as Ferd, for example?
You can, but its regional.
and will probably become more widespread with time.
It already is quite widespread.
Even here in Swabia many people talk like this.
It is considered correct to be honest.
(but it isn't)
That's the good thing about having so many dialects. Any pronunciation goes well. ;)
1 hour later…
umm, all of them left the room?
not quite.
They stopped talking and disappeared.
Except you, very nice.
I stopped too.
We better manage the country together.
Die ganze Zeit denke ich, es ist Freitag und morgen ist schon Wochenende.
Und dann stelle ich fest, es ist Donnerstag.
Du musst noch ein Tag warten
Ja, das kann ich.
Aber nicht gerne.
Jeder Tag ist ein wertvoller Tag
Außer Montag.
Morgen sollten wir 5 mal so viele Fragen haben.
Genau so.
Zum Heulen.
Nein das Bild kommt nicht.
Montag heißt es dann wieder 1.3 questions/day needs work
If not worrying
Und wenn wir Pech haben 499 visitors needs work
worrying hatten wir noch nie, oder?
2 visitors worrying
Did the SE day just turn?
Umm, think so
Das ist kein Beinbruch.
Then we have only one question today.
considers the picture
Which picture?
Not again :P
No, not again.
Doesn't he have a mouth?
Nein er hat eine Lätsch
Laccio - Lasche - Lätsch
I didn't understand your question well
Es gibt kein hochdeutsches Wort dafür.
Schnute ist zwar o.k., aber die sieht anders aus.
Lätsch means someone without mouth?
Its when you move your lower lip to the outermost point.
When annoyed, sad or disappointed.
Or angry.
Oh cool
Is there a Persian word for that facial expression?
But the picture is really disgusting
It is but the others were all kids.
We have a word for the person, not the action
I see.
@Gigili Sorry, it was nothing personal. I went and got breakfast.
And I had nothing to add, on the pros and cons of one's language having many dialects.
Aber keine Lätsch.
There is an old joke about a poor Croatian man in Belgrade. He went up to a Serbian soldier and begged for bread. The soldier shot him.
To understand this joke, you need to know that the word for bread is one that differs between the Serbian and Croatian dialects of their language.
Serbians and Croatians consider their language each to be one of their own, not a dialect.
But I don't. Anyway, the point is that there are disadvantages to having many dialects.
It is a major disadvantage, I agree ;)
As a native German you can trave to places where you don't understand a single word they are talking.
Not even when they try to make it understandable.
It must be hard for a foreigner to get that.
I hate It about German.
And that's why I like Hanover the most.
I try to learn some of these dialects. It is almost impossible.
I had a conversation once with a Swiss woman, who spoke SchweizerDeutsch very rapidly, while I spoke NZ schoolkid German very slowly. She understood me just fine, but the converse was not true.
@DavidWallace No problem at all. We complain all the time when we're alone here.
I felt we might have been better off in French. I had forgotten when I offered to speak German with her that SchweizerDeutsch is so different.
It is entirely different. They even use different words, not to speak of the pronunciation.
I grew up close to the Swiss border - so its only a small problem for me. But still not easy.
I always wondered how they can live with speaking so much different to writing. Amazing.
I've often wondered that too.
I like Martin Suter a lot. A Swiss author who writes brilliant novels.
But you almost can't tell he is Swiss from the books.
Only sometimes there is a different word choice.
So they just speak differently? When it comes to writing, they're German?
That's it.
You can read any Swiss Newspaper, Book or whatsoever.
They don't have an ß and use the Guillemets. That's almost all difference.
Some words don't exist in Germany but they don't really matter.
No difference.
They speak "Hochdeutsch" in Swiss TV as well.
But its always "Mundart" outside.
ask @Lukas - where is he?
One Swiss man told me that Swiss German should be considered a spoken language only; there is no written equivalent to it.
Like Cantonese.
That's probably true.
@Lukas and @Oregonghost disappeared suddenly.
smells of vacation time
^is that a Germanism?
Das riecht nach Urlaub.
Not an expression I would use. But "vacation" is an American word.
we say smells of when we suspect sth.
I suspect they are on holiday.
Huh, I found a very cute avatar.
Where, what, when, who?
It's time to get rid of that eye.
"Is that you in the picture?"
"No, it's my father, you $#@&%$@*$%&@$#"
Who asked that?
We say "stinks of" it we suspect it in a bad way.
I mean even OrgenGhost was asked if that is him in the picture ;P
Heh, right.
@DavidWallace riecht nach has no negative connotation.
@Gigili whoever asked this was probably trying to ascertain whether you are an attractive woman, or a man pretending to be an attractive woman.
<--- this is how I really look like! It's me!!!
"On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog"
I see.
That's really something.
If they don't know, asking won't change the situation.
I got asked the same question, but not for the same reason.
Somebody thought I might have been using the photo of a famous writer, instead of my own photo.
@Gigili Well, yes.
It's called "internet", don't trust yourself on the internet.
Did you know of them?
Whoa, no
I just made up the word myself
How cruel
By the time I chose Takkat I have not found a single entry from Google.
That changed over the years.
We should have saved them somewhere as "GIGILI, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED"
There even is a .com domain now :"(
That sucks.
My other name is somewhat better but still used in very different other contexts.
Only my real name can't be found (yet) \o/
Cool, what is it? whistling
wrong guess, it is not whistling ;)
We should have chosen $#@&%$@*$%&@$#
But even that may exist.
But it can't be googled.
Try it.
> Ungefähr Ergebnisse (0,36 Sekunden)
but that means we insulted ourselves.
A: Has "scheiße" become a "normal" word?

LandeiWhile the general trend is that "Scheiße" is not too bad, there are some offensive uses, e.g. addressing a person as "Stück Scheiße" or "Scheißkerl", or seriously criticizing the actions of a person: "Das war jetzt wirklich Scheiße von dir!". Of course this depends very much on the context. If s...

Upvote that answer please, @Takkat.
I don't like the list however... :/ I'll upvote after someone downvoted.
Which list?
A: Reference request: irregular adjectives

Landei gut, besser, am besten viel, mehr, am meisten gern, lieber, am liebsten hoch, höher, am höchsten dunkel, dunkler, am dunkelsten teuer, teurer, am teuersten groß, größer, am größten arg, ärger, am ärgsten bange, banger / bänger, am bangsten / bängsten blass, blasser / ...

Boa - its not Friday - I better be off to bed. Good night all!
@Takkat Good night, sleep well.
I'm off to bed as well, Good night @DavidWallace.
Good night Takkat.
Good night Gigili
Nice talking to you both.

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