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Guten Morgen zusammen
Guten Morgen
Hast du einen neuen Job? :)
Fast schon. Habe meine Posts hier "gesäubert" - es waren zum Glück nur wenige.
What? you removed all pictures? =\
Guten Morgen @all.
Hi @Gigili
Hi Lukas.
@Gigili I only replaced them with links to them. The pictures are still there to be recovered immediately by just adding a single '!' in the posts. I don't want to congest the Internet ;P
Guten Morgen auch noch.
@Takkat Heh, they're useful (to understand the question) as hell.
Sometimes they are not. I left some images anyway
But the worms, the oranges, the huge scan of an antique book etc. are not really needed.
I left the pug though because I really believe we need this there to make the question interesting at all.
Um, That's completely optional.
And the rosenssonntag
Or whatever it's called
I was told that every child knows what a Rosenmontag is.
But I mostly had a reason to post an image...
Oh? I'm old enough (at least I feel so) and I knew absolutely nothing about it before your post ..
Knowing that knowing may be not so from people that never saw a Rosenmontagsumzug. To answer the question we don't need an image.
But to get an idea about what's going on and what's being asked, we need.
@Gigili same for Butzen >90% of Germans never saw any.
@Gigili then make this an answer to the meta post and let people vote for it?
I also believe we need occasional eye-catchers to make the site a bit more colorful - but I may be alone by this.
Yeah, I decided to do it but then I saw you removed them
Do it for the future and for other people that may not dare to post images.
We are the community who decide what we like to see and what is off topic.
@Takkat No, I completely agree. your pictures were large sometimes but helpful.
I was too lazy to make them smaller, I admit.
Still they are never rendered larger than the text.
If you make them smaller they just leave an empty space at the right side.
About you trousers question @Takkat, isn't it similar in English?
I thought trousers as as noun is always plural.
Oh, I guess I misunderstood you there
We do have this too - but we can also use singular. What puzzles me is that it is not always interchangeable.
@Gigili: ty for the meta post :)
@Takkat Sure thing. =)
@Takkat, ich hab Deine Frage so geändert, wie ich sie verstehe. Schau mal nach, ob's noch stimmt.
@LadybugKiller: Klasse - ich bin begeistert!
Jetzt übertreib mal nich
Wieso nicht, es ist wirklich gut geworden.
@Takkat I didn't know the term plurale tantum , would be nice if you could link to the WP article
Done :)
Thank you.
I didn't do it for you, because you know it now :P
(well, I did it for you so that you can see that your ideas are welcome)
Thank you very much then. :P
But @Takkat, I think it's time for our site to launch beta phase. Do we need to post something on Meta.stackoverflow to get their attention?
I don't know, they may want to wait a bit longer to see how it goes. Still, we need more questions/day.
It's a long time and I guess users tend to lose their interest about the site
Visits/day are constantly increasing so are registered users.
But I have no idea how many users we lost again...
What I know is, that some very active users don't show up any more... :"(
And we need them more than new users, to provide answers
Maybe it is normal?
We have only 3-4 avid users who can answer questions completely as expert or something
The number of registered users might be doubled but there soon will be no one to answer questions
We suck on answers/questions too.
But still only 1 question is unanswered. So no reason to worry.
We suck at almost everything.
But I still like it here :)
We have 32 +2k users - that is a lot!
I'm not worried or anything, I just think we spent enough time in beta. Whether they reject the proposal or they approve it. It's getting boring ..
...I'd love to link us as reference to Wikipedia articles.
This can't be done from beta.
Uhum ...
Should we have more questions that can easily be answered?
They might be boring or closed as off topic because of general reference...
So few questions you can't answer with the help of Google.
But then, we also want to be part of the Google experience, don't we?
@Takkat Of course we do, it's how it works. ELU attracts visitors mostly from Google.
But we need some famous questions, maybe about grammar
What a learner would look for in Google
I asked a grammar question today :P
That was a great question, like all of your questions.
What would a learner look for? My limited imaginative powers fail there.
It is so long ago when I was a learner. But I could ask my kids.
> Ist die Redewendung Eulen nach Athen tragen eigentlich hinfällig?
Ist Eulen dann ein Pluraletantum?
In dem Kontext, ja. Weil die Ironie ist hinfällig, wenn man von einer Eule redet.
Eulen heulen in Athen... ich hör' schon den Schlager bei Silbereisen :D
1 hour later…
@Takkat I don't know, what I and Tim asked or maybe some grammatical points. About idioms or something, I don't know really. I should think about a good question
You had a lot of nice questions, I remember that.
Why thank you. =)
There is always the question whether a question is nice if it can be answered quickly or whether it is nice when an answer is hard to find...
Both kinds of questions are needed to make GL&U interesting for many people.
As many as possible.
Yes, plus that it should make others say "interesting, I'd ask it myself"
Or "Yeah, I was wondering too"
Or "What a dull answer - I'll make it better" :P
That means we only should give bad answers? ;p
Or "whoa, I didn't know that"
Or "This gives me an idea for another question"
@Em1 giving bad answers is strictly prohibited and will be punished with down votes.
But we cannot punish users as they deserve it while we're in beta.
"Hey don't downvote this answer, the new user will flee"
Only the good ones flee. The bad ones stay.
:D wie recht du hast
@Takkat They'll make you flee.
I flew out because of a major network disaster.
The admin had to login on my box. Of course without you lurking around ;)
I thought you were proud of us as your friends, who better than us, really?
I am not supposed to do such things here at work.
Noone better than you - but that is general reference ;)
Chill out.
Ich bin heute ein Eiszapfen.
Ich meld mich ab.
Und wenn ihr brav seid, schicke ich euch ein wenig Sonne, damit der Eiszapfen auftaut.
Bye bye
Ja, @Em1 schönen Urlaub und erhol Dich gut
Hoffe Du hast für hier eine Vertretung für Dich organisiert.
Kairo: 15°C 75% Regen...
ok ok: Hurghada 27°C sonnig.
4 hours later…
<-- re-entering the world of GL&U
^ How?
wildely ;)
Whut? You're re-entering the GL&U world widely?
No the GL&U world is only a small part of the whole world that I am in.
So it's quite easy to re-enter.
Meine heutige Frage scheint in die Hose zu gehen. Zu viele Kommentare und zu wenig Antwort.
Keine Antwort, als ich kann sehen?
Keine ist viel zu wenig.
Man könnte alle Kommentare per copy/paste in eine Antwort schieben...
To vote them down then evil grin
2 hours later…
@Gigili I think the new doch question is not really a dupe to your doch question even though it is perfectly answered by your question then...
Answering questions by questions...
Juhuu, a new user ...
Let's celebrate.
but I don't understand the question =\
es ist meine Schuld
Is that what he meant?
No, it's confusing I had to read 4 times.
Q: It's not your fault. - A: Doch, es ist meine Schuld.
That works like the example you gave in the first paragraph of your question.
Are you sure?
Not quite but almost ;P
Bah, that's not what I understood
I had to read it another 2 times.
Five times till now
es ist doch meine Schuld
I think the OP is asking if he can negate it with doch
Or something
8 times now - I don't quite get it. In fact it is getting worse.
That's ambiguous as hell
I don't understand what's being asked anymore
It's hell. I commented.
Typos in comments are hell too.
I edited out 6 or 7 just now...
Maybe he's asking if by adding doch it'd mean it's my fault , not yours
You know better why you asked a question about "doch". This word is hell :D
Wenn das doch doch nicht so doof wäre, doch es ist es doch.
Doch, doch, das stimmt, auch wenn man denkt, das stimmt doch gar nicht.
Doch doch doch
Ha, Du hast es verstanden?
bin kurz weg
I guess so =\
nur kurz!
@Gigili - guess your edit made it look better.
Oh an answer - similarly confusing because we have nothing on emphasis. I told you. "Doch" is a wonderful word from hell.
@Takkat Yeah, I dare say.
It's a good answer, I think.
Some of doch-meanings are missing. In fact we need the precise context to tell. Or a short story with all variants of doch
A: Peter, Du hast hoffentlich nicht das Glas verschüttet.
B: Doch, es ist meine Schuld.
A: Gabi, geh die Pfütze aufwischen!
B: Aber warum Gabi? Es ist doch meine Schuld!
A: Die Gabi hat das Glas an den Rand gestellt.
B: Also ist es doch nicht meine Schuld?
I'm going to hate the word
A: Du hättest besser aufpassen müssen.
B: Also ist es doch meine Schuld.
@Gigili Best thing to do.
End of the story:
Gabi says: "Ich putze das nie und nimmer, es ist doch nicht meine Schuld!"
I just can't put all this in an answer that will not be confusing.
But that was great story, with about a million doch's
It's too late, I must go to bed. Good night @Takkat.
Gute Nacht, schlaf gut @Gigili

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