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5 hours later…
So... I know this is a long video, but I really can't make out anything other than a few words... so.... what's happening here? youtube.com/watch?v=ULq1r1LveVM @Takkat
oh wait... you don't have any sound at work...
I'm able to gather that it's something to do with Germans in Austrian
@Takkat Staaten und Mexiko
@Astrum Der Hund hat keinen Fahrschein ^^
Und die haben beide eine an der Klatsche. :)
What dog? @Em1
@Astrum Her dog. ;)
she had a dog?
Well, apparently. According to what she said.
I don't understand why I hardly understood any of it... it could just be because it's too fast
However, later on she's talking about other things, like terror, discrimination. She's got crazy when he touches her, and seemingly something takes her bag away.
I could see either way that woman has some psychological problems
Well, in the beginning I can't understand him either. But she's very easily understandable, especially when shouting.
the other guy is speaking Wienerisch?
Maybe. I don't know.
why doesn't the conductor kick her out?
people like that need to be removed...
I'm pretty sure there isn't any conductor.
How often do you see a conductor in the metro? ;)
that's true
but I've never been on a subway or "metro", so I don't know.
I know that on our public trains, the conductors come around to collect tickets, and there's usually some employee around every couple of cars
On a train, yes. But that's actually the only place where I've ever seen one.
Anyway. Got to get to work now.
Have a nice day.
alright, see ya later @Em1
time to bug @Takkat
@Takkat wake
@Takkat up
@Takkat schaffe schaffe häusle baue
@Astrum lol
FB needs to be shut DOWN
just because they do what the market is there for?
Becuase they're too big
it's absurd
there is no "too big" in a free market
and free market is what america is all about, no?
Intagram, whatsapp, oculus rift
what's next
google certainly isnt
because google is bigger and youre not complaining
I don't agree with the American system
I am
I think it's all broken and needs fixing
free market is nice when you don't have super massive companies that own practically everything you buy
only youre on the short end of the stick
or the market, as it were
I wonder what'll happen to the oculus rift now
Notch already canceled any deal with them for MC
probably nothing too bad or unexpected
they've already done their most important job (making VR a market reality)
isn't one of the nice things about it that it's open source?
virtually all big games being produced now have VR support
@Astrum it's not
it's as commercial a product as any AAA game or facebook is
eh, we'll see. I think it's really twisted though
ive long since giving up worrying about the market, esp. the american one
not like i can influence it
"Corporations are people"
there are better places to invest my energy
the situation isn't much greater in the EU though, either
your corporations essentially run the government too. Maybe not like it is here, but still
on a different note, I think it's interesting that "gefragt" has such a different meaning than it's parent "fragen"
how so
it's just the perfect form
well wiktionary says it means "to be in demand, requested"
oh you mean like wanted
to be in demand is the interesting one
wanted is just as weird/different
in english, someone wants the thing/person; in german, someone asks for it
there's really nothing weird about either
in fact, demand (market) is "Nachfrage"
aber ich will dich
thanks i'm not into dudes at the moment
I never told you a story about a creepy gay German guy that used to bother me on skype
this guy was weird
I thought I was talking to the guy that the song Mein Teil is about
seriously, he tried to convince me to meet him in Munich
and tried to tell me how "young" he looked
oh, that brings me to a question
finally :P
"Ich mag dich" is not really "ok" to tell another man, right? (unless you're gay)
that really depends on a million social factors
it's not generally not okay
well, I remember him saying "ich mag dich, ich mag dich", and I thought it was kinda weird that he used "mag"
i think that was just due to the fact that that guy was weird overall
but is it ok to tell a friend "ich mag dich"?
it's just something you dont usually have to tell people, same as in english
Why is everybody convinced I get up as early as 7 AM... this is my time to dream of better days! @Astrum, @Em1, @NevikRehnel, and @Astrum again, to ping @Astrum often...
Guten Morgen!
@Takkat ping
ich glaub ich hab dich heute noch nicht erwaehnt
but it's stronger than "du gefällst mir"?
@Takkat greetings, ping again
@Astrum ehhh. depending on context, they're about the same
so, how about another question
@Astrum knows how to repeat pings /o\
@Takkat herroooooooooo
so the word süß
you know that Chinese stereotypes can't pronounce the 'r' but use the 'l' instead when talking Gelman?
Süß != sauer
when you use it for a person, does it need to agree with the gender of the person? "du bist süße" for a girl?
suess != die meisten woerter
@Takkat wow... I'm not sure what to think
@Astrum i dont think i get your question
Yeah, use it for girls: süße Jungs... na ja.
oh it seems Takkat does
I thought so
Kinder sind immer süß.
(solange sie nicht anderen Eltern gehören und brüllen)
children are pure evil
<--- wartet auf neuen TV
bleib daher morgens von der Arbeit daheim, da ich sonst tagelang Hermes hinterherspringen muss :<
I saw this sentence "Ich würde versuche mich ein wenig zu spezialisieren"
caps for the sake of it
I'd ___ a little to specialize
@Astrum versuche**n**
I'm confused though
is it missing a comma?
no, an n
"Ich wuerde versuchen, mich ein wenig zu spezialisieren" (the comma is technically optional, though most people would put it in written language)
I thought it should have been :Ich würde mich versuchen, ein wenig zu spezialiseren"
but that doesn't make sense...
I would try me to specialize (is what that would mean)
so, I'm not understanding "mich ein wenig zu spezialisieren"
oh, to specialize myself , right?
"mich (myself) ein wenig (a little) zu spezialisieren (specialize)" -- "to specialize myself a bit"
this would be so nice if i had formatted multiline text :<
ah ha
thanks, I see where I was getting confused
and now, what's the difference between "zweig, Bereich, Umfield"?
what word are you looking for
in terms of work
it seems like you have a million ways of saying "field of work"
ah, Bereich or Gebiet, usually
Feld also, but that's rarer in that usage these days
that's a literal field right
could it be anything else?
besides rarely field of work
I've been reading reddit comments on the German subreddits, people can be very sloppy
'field of work' as in specialty/subject/discipline is "Fachgebiet" or "Disziplin" (the latter more in education/research/academia
@ScottW yes, that's it
@Astrum naturally
have you ever tried to compare everyday english to what we learn in school?
I have no idea what foreign language people learn in school for English
@Astrum good find, that as well
I can only guess it's terrible though
and not at all what people actually say
hatten wir Spezialgebiet schon?
@ScottW seeing how many people speak it fairly well, it can't be that bad
@ScottW it's not too terrible. but as with any language, you learn the standard language in school
which is not how people usually talk most of the time
@Astrum that I believe is a consequence moreso of English being "the universal language" nowadays
you should learn Ebonics @NevikRehnel
foreign language classes are first concerned with a general understand of the standard language, which perpares most for reading standard texts
@Astrum i dont think there are classes for that :P
@Astrum LOL
there might be, you never know
yall wanna cop some bone, jack?
shi dawg y'all jive turkeys don know what y'all sayin'
I grew up and live in a nearly 100% white town
I understand zero Ebonics
there was literally one black kid in HS
I grew up in a mostly white town, but if you're anywhere near Detroit you will speak fluent ebonics
or at least understand
Jamaican is the best
Rastafari - I and I - Jah people.
jah jah mahn
the most I remember of Bob Marley and sons
buffalo soldier
in the heart of america
we were all much into reggae when I was a bit younger.
@Takkat Do you ever sleep?
Schlafen? Wozu?
Schlafen führt nur zu Müdigkeit... völlig unnütz.
erst beschwert er sich dass wir ihn zu früh am morgen erwarten
dann sagt er, er schliefe nie
Sekundenschlaf! (Ich will im Schlaf sterben wie mein Großvater und nicht schreiend wie sein Beifahrer.)
Träumen ist aber cool...meistens
@Takkat Böse, böse.
100% böse, ich weiß.
Sarkasmus pur :)
what does reinstecken mean?
I couldn't find it in a dictionary...
to plug/stick into
and since when is "gar nichts" one word?
seit vielen Jahrhunderten
it's two words
another question.... eigenständig is "discrete", but can it also mean "the opposite of continuous"? nothing seemed to mention this meaning, so I'm guessing it only means the former
@Astrum in what sense do you think it means "discrete" (which would normally be "diskret" in German)
and the second part of your question doesnt make sense because "discrete" is by definition the opposite of continuous
wow, TIL
I'm thinking of discreet
which would also be "diskret" in German, haha. they're the same spelling for us
I honestly never knew that it was spelt like that, I assumed it was the same word, just had two meanings
ok, thanks
english. making pronunciation a mytery every day
another confusing sentence: wenn er dann aber nach jedem Anruf fragen kommen muss - when he then after every call must ask comes?
@NevikRehnel spelling is the worst
haha that sentence is cruel on learners
though i guess the same construction is used in english -- "But if he has to come ask after ever call."
it's very confusing indeed
I gotcha, is this a construction I should note?
it's somewhat colloquial
and can we switch the places of the "kommen" and "fragen"?
it's grammatically fine (i think), but probably wouldnt be used in standard texts
no, you cant
I'll just take your word for it then
"to {come, go} <verb>" is "<Verb> {kommen, gehen}"
I really don't understand why that is ok... you're just smashing three verbs together
oh, plus the aux
but the construction works with both going and coming (depending on where you are relative to the person talked about
so yeah, two + müssen
the aux verbs (müssen, können, sollen) make such constructions a bit more unwieldy in german
so you can say "er muss nach jedem Anruf fragen kommen"?
see, it makes little more sense to me in a main clause
the "<Verb> kommen" construction can be split up into "kommen und <Verb>", same as you can insert the "and" in english
but when the aux goes to the back of the sentence, I have to think extra hard to make sense of it
(only in english the order doesnt change)
i get grammar pretty decently in german, i'm just bad at genders and phrases and how to say things
it's easy to memorize vocab, just hard to be idiomatic
easy to be idiotic though
true dat, brother
der Müll verwerfen - throw out the garbage?
which direction are you asking this translation?
I'm actually just asking how you say "to throw out garbage", but thought I'd give it a try myself
Müll wirft man weg - verwerfen ist eher to refuse, to drop ...
Peter hat seine Idee wieder verworfen.
or to cancel (e.g. changes in a settings dialog)
Gabi wirft alles weg, nicht nur ihren Müll.
man kann Müll auch rauswerfen
bzw. alte Sachen
und entsorgen
slow down there, cowboys
3 ... 2 ... 1 ... -
Ein Cowboy kommt in den Saloon. Dort steht ein Glas voll Dollars. "Was ist das für Geld?" will er wissen. Sagt der Wirt: "Mein Hengst heult wie ein Schlosshund, seit ihn seine Stute verlassen hat. Du bekommst das ganze Geld, wenn du ihn wieder zum Lachen bringst."
"Kein Problem" sagt der Cowboy und geht hinaus. Schon bald hört man den Hengst wiehern vor Lachen und der Cowboy bekommt das ganze Geld.
hab mir das grade mit verschiedenen Cowboys, die ich so kenne, vorgestellt
Fragt der Wirt: "Wie hast du denn das gemacht?"
Sagt der Cowboy: "Das war einfach: ich habe dem Hengst gesagt: meiner ist länger als deiner"
denn* und meiner*
aber nette story :P
Am nächsten Tag kommt der Cowboy wieder in den Saloon. Dort steht aber wieder ein Glas voll Dollars.
I don't get it
@Astrum tl;dr, cowboy makes horse laugh by comparing shlongs
"Was ist denn nun damit?" will der Cowboy wissen. Sagt der Wirt: "Der Hengst stirbt mir noch vor Lachen, der hat die ganze Nacht gelacht. Du bekommst das ganze Geld, wenn er wieder aufhört."
@.@ wtf
"Kein Problem" sagt der Cowboy und geht hinaus.
Schon bald hört man den Hengst schuchzen und heulen und der Cowboy erhält das Geld.
"Wie hast du denn das gemacht?" fragt der Wirt.
"Ganz einfach!" sagt der Cowboy.
"Wir haben nachgemessen".
@Takkat xDD
@Astrum today's homework -- translate that joke
shouldnt be too hard
that was the purpose... of course.
@Takkat lol
that's too easy
I could translate it
I'm bad
why s it showing my collective reputation
instead of my German
because why not :P
ive never found out why; possibly because the site is still in beta
I see
StackOverflow has a separate chat platform, weirdly enough
dumb enough
ich geh' schlafen
guten bye
Gute Nacht @ScottW
@NevikRehnel Chat ist systemweit und zeigt immer die gesamte SE Rep, das ist nicht nur bei den Beta-Seiten so.
@Takkat nur dass SO seinen eigenen chat hat, bei dem dann nur die SO-Rep angezeigt wird
ja, SO ist ein eigenes Kind.
wär ja auch zu einfach sonst :D
naja, ich sollte mich jetzt mal auf die arbeit konzentrieren
wünsch euch noch viel spaß o/
I was getting a snack @NevikRehnel
which part am I supposed to translate? I understand it, I just can't see what's funny about it
@Takkat a quick question. "Im Konflikt um die von Russland annektierte Krim hofft die Ukraine auf ein Machtwort der Vereinten Nationen"
I don't really understand how to interpret the italics
--> Ein Konflikt um eine Sache.
it's the appropriate preposition.
die Krim fem.
annektiert von - preposition used with this verb
and why "von"?
too late ;)
quick draw takkat
thanks, still seems like a peculiar sentence to me though
"Da ist jetzt Moskau am Zug" means "Moscow is now on board (in agreement)"?
it's Moscow's turn
^^forgot you had the cow in that name.
so the construction "am Zug" always means this?
fat cow!
am Zug does mean that figuratively, yes. But you can also say: Es sind keine Schilder am Zug angebracht
then it's the train.
Zug is from chess move
or rather plates I guess.
I thought that was Zeichen
Hinweistafel = Schild
so what do you call street signs? Straßeschild?
Schilder, Schilderwald, ... Hinweisschild... Stopschild ... yeah
@Astrum Verkehrsschild
I've found a great new word ausflippen
na, dann flipp mal nicht rum hier... ;)
what happened to the "aus"?
"aus" ist out... frag nicht, was Umgangssprache alles anrichten kann: ausflippen rumflippen, flippig drauf sein...
nur das Verb flippen gibt es nicht für sich alleine... komisch eigentlich.
rumflippen? These words don't even exist on leo...
... dictionaries fail on colloquial and slang.
yeah, I think I'm gonna leave it there for tonight...
I'll see ya later
... gute Nacht @Astrum
Viel Spaß!
1 hour later…
@Takkat Ich mag den letzten Edit hier nicht. Erstens macht es alle alten Antworten falsch, zweitens ist das Verb am Ende des untergeordneten Satzes (was ja in den neuen Antworten dann zwar addressiert ist).
@Em1 die Frage war "closed", jetzt wissen wir wenigstens warum er Schwierigkeiten hat...
Hubert sollte seine Antwort noch anpassen.
@Takkat Oh, ich seh jetzt erst, dass er die Frage in den Quote-Block gepackt hat. Dann habe ich nichts gesagt.
@Em1 und ich sehe gerade, dass sich die Frage in ein CW aufgelöst hat... nun denn.
Besser so, eigentlich.
Besser ist selten der Komparativ von gut... ;)
Nun gut.
verwirr die armen Lerner nicht noch mehr, bitte...
Wir sind doch auch für die "feineren" Punkte da, oder?
Fein ist da aber mal gar nichts.
Und wie können Punkte eigentlich überhaupt fein sein? ;)
Ich denke, der Satz gilt so auch im Englischen: better rarely is a comparative of good
@Em1 Retina-Deutsch :D
326 wpi (words per inch)
Das ist ein besonders kleiner Schriftfont.
Hm?! Schriftfont. Schönes Wort ^^
was verzapfst du denn wieder für einen Un-Sinn?
7 hours later…
@Astrum yo if it helps, I noticed something that German does a lot that English only kind of has, and it's in this sentence you posted. basically, adjectives can be ENORMOUS in German, to where they become their own entire thing: an adjectival construct oder sowas. the example you posted is just one but they're all over the place.
die von Russland annektierte Krim. the thing in italics is an adjective. sure it starts with von but that's merely to describe the adjective ultimately.
This is not uncommon or a "peculiar sentence"! this happens a lot, I just finished my first German book and they used this kind of construct a TON. so get used to it :)
English doesn't have this...the direct translation would be: "the incorporated-from-Russia Crimea"
notice how I had to add those hyphens? that's the closest thing English has. you can sort of hyphenate together an adjectival construct in English, but it's mostly used as a joke or comedically when it gets super long
definitely not in formal writings...for a better translation I'd say "Crimea, which was incorporated from Russia, .."
because English doesn't have it
well there can be wirse...
why the FUCK did I write that???
hahaha you tell me buddy
3 hours later…
oh also I finished my first full German book last night guys :)
I'm proud
I can't claim to have understood every single sentence but I fully understood the story and what was happening
that's good enough for me
for now
00:00 - 22:0023:00 - 00:00

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