A long cylindrical shell of radius $R$ carries a uniform surface charge $\sigma _0 $ on the upper half and an opposite charge on the lower half. Find the electric potential inside and outside the cylinder
usually we just use the adjective without nouns... ich sitze, der Kasten steht aufrecht, wir liegen krumm, ...
The noun comes in when the position is not defined: Nimm Haltung ein - In welcher Stellung befinden wir uns?, or in composites such as Sitzhaltung, Liegeposition, ...
this is what I'm reading (I'm still slow with listening), and this is a bit too easy for me. It's not that there aren't words/phrases I don't understand, but that there aren't enough of them for me to really learn new words quickly
sure, the entire Deutsche Welle should be added there, they've got a bunch of stuff
so, do you think that book will be a decent level for me?
One thing I realized was that we should not look up words we don't know when reading but just go on with the story. Understanding will come by itself then.
That is totally beaten by a French and a Spanish coworker (at a customer), both living in Austria and therefore with Austrian accent, and then talking English to each other. Awesome!
> Nachdem Johann Andreas Rüdiger 1751 ohne männlichen Erben gestorben war, übernahm sein Schwiegersohn, der Buchhändler Christian Friedrich Voß die Zeitung.
Ratfucking is an American slang term for political sabotage or dirty tricks. It was first brought to public attention by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in their book All the President's Men.
Woodward and Bernstein's exposé All the President's Men reports that many staffers who had attended the University of Southern California such as Donald Segretti, Tim Elbourne, Ronald Louis Ziegler, H. R. Haldeman and Dwight Chapin had participated in the highly-competitive student elections there. UPI reporter Karlyn Barker sent Woodward and Bernstein a memo "Notes On the USC Crowd" that...
> Der Reichshofrat war neben dem Reichskammergericht und in Konkurrenz zu diesem eines der beiden höchsten Gerichte im Heiligen Römischen Reich Deutscher Nation.
Obama visited the university I went to, 10 minute drive away
I feel special
Wie Hemingway benutzt Remarque den Begriff der „verlorenen Generation“ für die jungen Männer, die aufgrund ihrer in jungen Jahren erfahrenen Kriegstraumata nach dem Krieg große Mühe haben, im zivilen Leben wieder Fuß zu fassen.
@Takkat @OregonGhost I'm a bit confused with this sentence
Well... let me first tell you what I think it means, and after I need to ask some "why" questions
"Like Hemingway used Remarque as a concept of "the lost generation" for the young men which because of their early exerience with PTSD after the war..."
Remarque schreibt wie Hemingway. Junge Männer erleiden im Krieg ein Trauma. Danach haben sie es schwer im zivilen Leben. Das wird "verlorene Generation" genannt.
Hemingway, like Remarque, used the concept of "the lost generation" for young men who have experienced great difficulty with PTSD after the war, and who have had difficulty rejoining civilian life
Wie Hemingway benutzt Remarque den Begriff der „verlorenen Generation“ für die jungen Männer, die aufgrund ihrer in jungen Jahren erfahrenen Kriegstraumata nach dem Krieg große Mühe haben, im zivilen Leben wieder Fuß zu fassen.
@Vogel612 nein, denn ich habe gerade viel echte Arbeit um den Kopf... werde das mal lesen.
@Vogel612 ach du je, da hagelt es nur so an Mißverständnissen... Kann man denn nicht einfach eine Frage generieren, in der nur eine Frage steht, aber in der alle Antworten möglich sind? So etwas wie: Wie benutze ich "tut mir leid"