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A long cylindrical shell of radius $R$ carries a uniform surface charge $\sigma _0 $ on the upper half and an opposite charge on the lower half. Find the electric potential inside and outside the cylinder
oh joy
@NevikRehnel what's the word for a physical position? "I was in a sitting position"?
@NevikRehnel fgafbhhjjh JRYKSKAQW AFHRKASKA
Haltung/Körperhaltung, yes
Stellung might also work, depending on context (it's mostly used when lying, etc)
I checked Stellung out, and it seemed to be refering more to a work position or something
that as well
usually we just use the adjective without nouns... ich sitze, der Kasten steht aufrecht, wir liegen krumm, ...
The noun comes in when the position is not defined: Nimm Haltung ein - In welcher Stellung befinden wir uns?, or in composites such as Sitzhaltung, Liegeposition, ...
sitzende Haltung is awkward.
Gute Morgenstellung allerseits ;)
moin @Takkat :D
My phone says something like this: Zum Entsperren über den Bildschirm streichen

what's up with "Zum Entsperren"? I would have thought something like "Streichen über den Bildschirm, zu entsperren" (I hope that makes sense)
@Takkat greetings
argh - diese Smartphonebewegungen sind immer arg seltsam übersetzt.
so it is a weird way to say it?
Ich warte noch auf: "Streicheln sie Ihr Telefon zärtlich, damit es anfängt zu vibrieren" :D
@Astrum both are equivalent (except that you have an extraneous comma in yours)
ah, I thought the comma was needed
so is the way my phone says it a little odd, or is it more idiomatic than mine?
@Astrum your sentence would need ", um ihn zu entsperren"
Wischen ist ein häufig benutzter Begriff
but I thought the subject was implied here
@Takkat that's nonsense
Zum Entsperren is the dative object, den Bildschirm the accusative object in the original message but for a complete sentence a subject is missing.
ther object is clearly there
oh damn
i augmented too much in my mind
@Astrum get your act together man, stop using half sentences
Streichen Wischen entsperrt den Bildschirm. <-- proper sentence
but wouldnt be used in this case because it's not an instruction
but... why does it need to be a full sentence?
@Astrum it doesnt need to be a full sentence, it just needs to be grammatically correct
No reason, really. Telegrammstil does not need any grammar.
ok, I think I get it
@Astrum btw "swipe the screen to unlock" is a full sentence
the difference is that you dont need the pronoun for an imperative in english
and you only need it in german for the polite address
alright, so back to the original sentence
Das Fuchteln am Bildschirm lässt das Handy frieren.
the way I read it literally is "swipe over the screen to the unlocking"
that's confusing
--> to do the unlocking
I didn't see any word for "to do" in there
"For the unlocking, swipe the screen"
the problem is that you dont usually use the nominalized participle like this in english
Wir haben halt kein present continuous
since when does "zu" mean "for? I'm allll confused now
To unlock swipe the screen
but that would make "unlock" a verb
Entsperre den Schirm durch Wischen
I understand it, but I can't make it make any grammatical sense in my head
4 mins ago, by Nevik Rehnel
the problem is that you dont usually use the nominalized participle like this in english
explains why you cant
there IS no equivalent form in english
I can't find anything about it through google, either
<-- believes the human brain is not made for grammar rules
Grammar rules were invented after people talked. Not vice versa.
Imagine a coding language with a syntax close to spoken languages... Chaos. Fraktal apps.
isn't that the truth
is there a fancier way to make "X [verb], dass ......" sentences?
If my_conditions are sort of true
    then think over
        what you_did
I feel as though this is a simplified way of writing/speaking
@Astrum we can do that with nominalisation of verbs.
with lots of genitives!
oh, the snobbiness!
Rettet den Genitiv!
is there a stereotype attached to this?
Des Hundes Haare sind der Hausfrau Feind.
Des Menschen Wolf ist der Mensch.
The wolf of man is the man?
@Astrum no stereotype. higher language registers use more nominalizations and more genitives
Man's wolf is man.
@Astrum yes. "Homo homine lupus."
@Takkat dont you mean "wolf"?
had it 1/2 plural
Wouldn't "the wolf of man" be a better translation?
hoof, hooves --> roof, rooves?
lol, roofuckers
@Astrum "To man, man is a wolf." would be more accurate imo
@Astrum no genitive :(
there's not dative in english, so you cant accurately translate the latin
Dem Mensch sein Wolf ist der Mensch -- this would be modern replacement of genitive case
@NevikRehnel you went to Oz, right? Surely you heard that from Kiwis?
the proper translation into German is "Der Mensch ist dem Mensch ein Wolf."
@Astrum heard what from them
the kiwis call them roof-uckers
... I thought it was pretty funny, actually
no, i have not heard that
maybe i didnt hang out with people as vulgar as you :P
from my experience, Australians are mighty vulgar, and they drink a ton
the two go hand in hand, I guess
I can never figure out if the kiwis really hate the aussies, or they're just screwing around
@NevikRehnel how about sneaky nuts, ever seen him?
I probably shouldn't link it here because it's not PG-13, but you can find it on YT with the title sneaky nuts angry boys
anyway, i gotta head to work
have fun
later boys
a man with a hook hand
take my cookie
@Takkat that looks like a swollen eye, you might want to get that checked out
all eyes and nose closed.
^^Germany's Next Top Model.
ew, stick figures
Heidi Klum's TV show with pretty girls so slim you can't see them without stretching your screen horizontally.
I thought she was American
does more harm to my daughter than any X-rated stuff.
@Astrum No she only lives there.
eh, I don't pay attention to that trash
skinny is not sexy
you don't but my daughter does... how I hate those shows.
how old is she?
She's 9 - that's exactly when they start defining their bodies from beauty.
assuming she's hetero, ask her is she likes skinny guys (my guess is she doesn't)
oh dayum
isn't nine a bit young for this?
Not nowadays... she's looking after boys already.
that's pretty weird...
I remember back in the day, that stuff didn't really start until maybe 12-13
that was like... 7 years ago
I'm getting old
Frag' mich erst! ;)
look at the bright side, Germany has lower teen pregnancy than the US
Bei uns ging das aber auch so mit 13 los.
I guess it's pretty much the same, then (was)
@Astrum wir dürfen mit unseren Kindern über diese Dinge reden.
12-13 was really when most kids started showing interest
true sex ed (protection etc.) doesn't start until 8th grade in the US
Wie bringt der Klapperstorch die Kinder, und warum haben Bienen kein Glück darin.
well, in my state, at least
in a lot of other states, they don't even have sex ed
Wir haben derzeit eine Riesendiskussion über einen geänderten Aufklärungsunterricht in den Schulen.
They bring the kids.
haha, the stork
I heard a quote once about having kids
"Have a son - worry about one dick, have a daughter and worry about them all"
I'm so glad I don't have kids
I was pretty well behaved as a kid (I think)
Es gibt keine wohlerzogenen Kinder.
Die tun nur so.
perhaps not
but I could have been sent to jail or something...
so I figure I turned out alright
Wenn du meine Kinder untereinander reden hörst, verlierst du den Glauben an PG-13.
Immerhin halten sie mittlerweile den Schnabel, wenn Erwachsene dabei sind (PG-64)
you use a lot of adverbs I haven't seen before
will you still need me, when I'm 64
@Astrum in case you need a translation, tell me... they are common colloquial
I think I understand them, I've just never come across them before
Na, dann lernst du ja was!
I really think I'm ready for a book like Im Westen nichts Neues
go for it
you've read it?
well, let me get your opinion on something, either way
Nein, ich kann ja nicht alles lesen ;)
@Astrum that's a cool link!
should go to our "resources" question.
this is what I'm reading (I'm still slow with listening), and this is a bit too easy for me. It's not that there aren't words/phrases I don't understand, but that there aren't enough of them for me to really learn new words quickly
sure, the entire Deutsche Welle should be added there, they've got a bunch of stuff
so, do you think that book will be a decent level for me?
or a book in general
@Astrum you will find out by reading.
When I read "The Lord of the Rings" I thought I will never get it finished.
But over time I improved, and managed all three books.
17 I was then.
how much English did you know at the beginning?
It was 7 years of English at school.
But there it was not really taught practically useful.
if your courses are anything like our "language" courses, you didn't learn much in it
We didn't.
yeah, ours are BS
you have to take 2 years of a language, and nobody learns anything
One thing I realized was that we should not look up words we don't know when reading but just go on with the story. Understanding will come by itself then.
you think so?
it was so with me.
that might work with common words, but if it doesn't show up again, I'd imagine you'd forget it
It does not matter if we can't understand each and every sentence but we still enjoy the story.
Only if a word popped up on each and every page I eventually felt like I wanted to know what it means.
Some words can be guessed from context.
that's true
This will lead to understanding but not to being able to translate.
Only then language works at it is supposed to.
Create images in your brain - not create translations.
that's probably the right way to do it, but not the quick way
I'm pressed for time here
I've got about 7 months
if you do it with reading and watching movies it is not quick but it is fun
But the books your read or the movies you watch must be interesting to you.
but still
it's slooooow
I still want to watch Das Leben der Anderer
You get faster by doing so. (well movies may not work that well)
Books, certainly
I'm convinced there's a faster way than what I've been doing, though
I bet it's possible to be fluent in a language in 2 months of total immersion
Moving home to Germany is the fastest.
maybe not fluent, but certainly good enough for most things
Yeah, total immersion. Stop talking English.
I know, I suppose if I go through with Wien, I'll get a ton of practice in a short period of time
Moin zusammen :)
@OregonGhost greetings
Aber du wirst dort Wienerisch lernen.
Huhu @OregonGhost
Wiener sind auch ein spezielles Völkchen.
@Takkat I was under the impression that they're kind to foreigners, and they'll speak normal people German
Ich würde Wienerisch nicht als "normal" bezeichnen wollen... ducks away
no, but don't they speak Hochdeutsch too?
They try to.
Und das aus dem Munde eines Schwaben ;)
so I'd have an English + Wienerisch accent
do you guys tell the difference between an American accent and British one in German?
there probably is not an appreciable one
That is totally beaten by a French and a Spanish coworker (at a customer), both living in Austria and therefore with Austrian accent, and then talking English to each other. Awesome!
@Astrum klar, den Unterschied hören wir sofort
Ohja, sofort.
Ich bin mal beim Standup.
well, do tell
Vossische Zeitung - what does "Vossische" mean? I search wiktionary and leo - nothing came up
> Nachdem Johann Andreas Rüdiger 1751 ohne männlichen Erben gestorben war, übernahm sein Schwiegersohn, der Buchhändler Christian Friedrich Voß die Zeitung.
oh, so it's from a name
People in Berlin then named it "Tante Voß", or "Vossische Zeitung".
very boring-
Rufmordkampagne - leo gives me the translation ratf^#@ing @.@
is it vulgar?
Ratfucking is an American slang term for political sabotage or dirty tricks. It was first brought to public attention by Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein in their book All the President's Men. Background Woodward and Bernstein's exposé All the President's Men reports that many staffers who had attended the University of Southern California such as Donald Segretti, Tim Elbourne, Ronald Louis Ziegler, H. R. Haldeman and Dwight Chapin had participated in the highly-competitive student elections there. UPI reporter Karlyn Barker sent Woodward and Bernstein a memo "Notes On the USC Crowd" that...
I've never heard of this word in my life
@Astrum nein "Rufmord" ist nicht schön, aber das Wort ist keinefalls vulgär.
LEO might have come across this by translating from English to German, then it had it in their database.
I think it's time for a snack
Oh btw. in Vienna whenever you hear a composite ending with -rat it has nothing to do with rodents!
Hast du mal ein Beispiel für ein Wiener Wort mit -rat?
> Der Reichshofrat war neben dem Reichskammergericht und in Konkurrenz zu diesem eines der beiden höchsten Gerichte im Heiligen Römischen Reich Deutscher Nation.
Ach so, in dem Zusammenhang. Ja, gut, hier gibt es auch einen Stadtrat ;)
Es gibt natürlich auch ein Stadtrad...
... und ein Stattauto...
... sehr schöne Kombination.
Das ist der Unterschied zwischen Räten und Ratten.
Manchmal kaum einer.
Obama visited the university I went to, 10 minute drive away
I feel special
Wie Hemingway benutzt Remarque den Begriff der „verlorenen Generation“ für die jungen Männer, die aufgrund ihrer in jungen Jahren erfahrenen Kriegstraumata nach dem Krieg große Mühe haben, im zivilen Leben wieder Fuß zu fassen.
@Takkat @OregonGhost I'm a bit confused with this sentence
Warum? Das ist doch ein hervorragender Satz ;)
@OregonGhost maybe that's the problem
Well... let me first tell you what I think it means, and after I need to ask some "why" questions
"Like Hemingway used Remarque as a concept of "the lost generation" for the young men which because of their early exerience with PTSD after the war..."
I really don
I really don't understand it
I need some help to break it down
Remarque schreibt wie Hemingway. Junge Männer erleiden im Krieg ein Trauma. Danach haben sie es schwer im zivilen Leben. Das wird "verlorene Generation" genannt.
^^ broken down
@Takkat thanks, so now I just need to understand the grammar...
...subordinate clauses without end.
so, let's start with the first sentence...
Wie Hemingway benutzt Remarque den Begriff der „verlorenen Generation“ für die jungen Männer
Hemingway, like Remarque, used the concept of "the lost generation" for young men - good?
ok, next sentence
Hemingway, like Remarque, used the concept of "the lost generation" for young men who have experienced great difficulty with PTSD after the war, and who have had difficulty rejoining civilian life
liberal translation, I guess...
very good.
Wie Hemingway benutzt Remarque den Begriff der „verlorenen Generation“ für die jungen Männer, die aufgrund ihrer in jungen Jahren erfahrenen Kriegstraumata nach dem Krieg große Mühe haben, im zivilen Leben wieder Fuß zu fassen.
to experience
why is the verb not right after the comma?
what I mean is, why is it not "..., die erfahrenen...."?
it's used as an adjective to Kriegstrauma
I guessing " jungen Jahren" is a good fit for "youth"?
in their youth
these higher level sentences are confusing
thanks for the help
bed time now
good night @Astrum
see ya!
2 hours later…
Hey @Takkat, hast du schon den Knatsch hier gesehen?
@Vogel612 nein, denn ich habe gerade viel echte Arbeit um den Kopf... werde das mal lesen.
@Vogel612 ach du je, da hagelt es nur so an Mißverständnissen... Kann man denn nicht einfach eine Frage generieren, in der nur eine Frage steht, aber in der alle Antworten möglich sind? So etwas wie: Wie benutze ich "tut mir leid"
Das wäre ja viel zu offen formuliert..
eher 3 Fragen:
na dann kommt wieder jemand und schreit DUPE...
1) ist "tut mir leid" audrucksstärker als "Entschuldigung"
2) Kann man auf "Tut mir leid", nichts zu entschuldigen antworten
3) Kann man "tut mir leid" sagen, selbst wenn man nicht schuld ist
und wenn da noch jemand DUPE Schreit, soll er herkommen und sich hier beschweren...
und was machen wir mit den beiden Antworten....?
du kannst die, zumindest soweit ich weiß rumschieben...
die von PMF ist ja sowieso nur für 3.
Ich kann nur alles zu einer Dupe Mutterfrage mergen..
und die von DisplayName ist für 1)/2)
hmm.. das ist natürlich doof...
eben... am Besten wäre, man kann eine Frage daraus machen... z.B. worin unterscheiden sich "tut mir leid" und "Entschuldigung" im Sprachgebrauch.
Dann ist alles drin, und zu broad auch nicht.
ich habe jetzt schon "too broad" gevotet...
Erst Edit, dann Vote ;)
Du kannst aber dein Vote zurücknehmen, nachdem du die Frage editiert hast.
Nur kannst du dann nicht mehr close-voten, wenn jemand ein rollback anstößt.
Ich glaub ich lass den Vote erstmal "liegen"
ich hätte die Frage sowieso gerne aufgeteilt....
ich bin mir fast sicher, c.p. auch, aber jetzt ist das schwieriger.
Wenn ich jetzt wieder nur den Titel ändere, aber den Body lasse, kriege ich wieder ein Rumgemoser zu hören...
@Takkat das wäre aber auch faul...
Faulheit ist die Wurzel der Intelligenz!
stimmt auch wieder..
schon wieder geändert..
das artet ja echt in Edit-wars aus..
... scheint so... aber jetzt scheinen alle soweit zufrieden.

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