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@NevikRehnel I hope you're ready to get your tool kit out, I have another trainwreck coming your way =D
calls mechanic
or should I say
ruft Mechaniker an
5 hours later…
@Astrum i'm always ready :P
Guten Tag!
Moin @shakthi
Hallo zusammen :)
moin @Takkat :D
Moin alle ;)
ich mag, ich mochte, ich habe gemocht, ich werde mögen, ich werde gemocht haben, ich hätte gemocht haben sollen, ...
...da ist kein Konjunktiv II ;)
I fail the pronounciation lessons in german :( I make 30 attepts at 'isst' and cant get it right.
@shakthi like "east" with a short e ...
@Takkat warum hast du einfach "ich würde mögen" ausgelassen? D
Es geht mir um ich möchte...
welches mit ich mag synonym ist
zumindest bei mir
moin @ all
Es wurde behauptet "ich möchte" sei kein Konjunktiv!
@Takkat ferner wäre das der Konjunktiv I, nicht II
die IIer sind die mit dem würde ;)
sozusagen die würdevollen
@NevikRehnel ich möge mich kaum irren. --> I
Du mögest hier nachschauen: canoo.net/inflection/m%C3%B6gen:V:haben
Aber ich bin da auch immer konfus.
Und musste das erstmal nachschauen... ;)
@Takkat yeah i tried a lot. rosetta expects learners to pronounce the same way like the teacher, little variations leads to fail.
@Takkat die Tabelle halte ich für veraltet :D
wie erwähnt wird m.E. mögen und möchten heutzutage synonym verwendet
zumindest von allen außer Sprachwissenschaftlern
alternativ kann man ja immer noch "ich will" sagen
@NevikRehnel "möchten" ist kein Verb.... ich möchte, ich möchtete, ich habe gemöchtet??? <-- geht gar nicht!
@Vogel612 Man könnte, wenn man wollte. :)
So man nicht will, kann man auch sagen Ich mag nicht! (ganz ohne möchte).
Nur bei "Ich mag dich!" sollte man kein möchte nehmen, um Missverständnissen vorzubeugen :P
@Takkat ich möchte, ich mochte, ich habe gemocht
wird zumindest ugs. genau so verwendet
@Takkat Es sei denn man möchte möchten...
wobei die verwirrung verstärkt wird durch die tatsache, das gemocht ja die tatsächliche vergangenheit des tatsächlichen mögen ist :D
Wer nicht gemocht werden will, mag noch so mögen, er will es nicht.
jaha "mögen" heißt das Verb!!!
@takkat wat?
Et ceterum puto, Carthaginem esse delendam.
mögen und nicht möchten, meine ich.
[] -> ()
^ |
| v
() <- []
Quatsch war das.
@Vogel612 {} + []
leerzeichen fast alle geklaut.
es leben das whitespace-ignorierende rendering :D
A good Deutsch vocabulary list with english meaning is here ocr.org.uk/Images/68532-vocabulary-list-by-topic.pdf
@nevik problem ist, secure space wird escaped..
@shakthi i find the french words surprisingly irritating
@Vogel612 s/escaped/zensiert/
I furthermore want to point out that I think @Astrum is full of hot air and has not delivered the train wreck I was promised.
@takkat es nennt sich brainfuck... und quatsch ist es auf jeden fall...
@NevikRehnel aww is it ? i dont know french either. :(
@shakthi no, the list you pointed out is DE-EN
habe ich schon mal erwähnt. dass ich ein Grammatikhasser bin?
but on the page before the list starts, there are some very noticably french words
@Takkat bei jeder gelegenheit :P
@NevikRehnel I'm just touching it up a bit
@Astrum that sounds.... ambiguous
though I might just spend too much time on the internet
I'm online more than you, don't feel too bad
@Astrum i would not be so sure about that..
I'm just giving you a fair warning, I went outside my comfort zone here, and it might be too much to tackle in one session....
Tying to write about renewable energy in German was not easy
@Astrum I doubt that
@Vogel612 I'm online for like... 9 hours day
wow... that was reaaally ambiguous before you added the second sentence..
oh jeez
@Astrum Thats it ?
you dirty Germans
@Astrum poor you.. 11-13 hrs. daily..
gotta sleep and eat sometimes..
if I got a mechanical keyboard, I'd spend more time here as well
plus a screen that was easier on my eyes
well i am kinda working online, soo you can actually subtract 3-5 hrs. daily for real working time..
true denizens do not let mere hardware hinder them
15 hours online on mobile, nearly 13 hours on Laptop. I thought it was less.
@shakti mobile is not counted here...
TIL: @shakthi is online 28 hours a day
IndexOutOfBoundsException: the day has 24 hrs. only..
@Astrum btw still waiting :D
@NevikRehnel one sec
@Vogel612 If the day is static. If its not, its expandable :P
one sec has passed
mother-- *PG-13'd*
@NevikRehnel before I post my text of shame, I'd like to ask you how one would say "to leave the computer on"
nice, escaping asterisks actually works
@Astrum very literally, "den Computer an[geschaltet] lassen."
@Nevik you only need to escape the first though (afaik)
@Vogel612 yes. that's what i did
I thought it would be den Computer einschalten lassen
they just get parsed in direct contact with text so you can alternatively * leave a whitespace in between *
seufz Telefondienst ... die Erfüllung meiner kühnsten Träume
@Astrum that would be "let the computer switch sth. on" haha
@Vogel612 whitespace is for the weak
no. have the computer switched on would also be a valid translation
oh yes, that as well
@Vogel612 i just didnt consider computer as the object in that snippet :D
so - warum ließt du den Computer an?
@Astrum yup
well I wrote the answer.. and usually the computer does not switch on that many things..
ok, time for the post
@Vogel612 gotta read more fantasy!
ahhh. i'd prefer "warum hast du den Computer angelassen" though..
Ich habe mit mein Freund über Erneuerbare Energie diskutiert. Er denkt dass, es möglich ist, nur Erneuerbare Energie zu benutzen. Ich liefert die Sonnenenergie und ich habe entscheide mich. Sonnenenergie kann nicht genug Energie liefert.

Der Weltenergiebedarf ist rund 1.43 X 10^14 Kilowattstunden. Das ist ein Menge Energie! Die Sonne strahlt viele Energie zu die Erde, tatsächlich, ist 4.2 Kilowattstunden pro Meter (Erdoberfläche) pro Tag. Der Weltenergiebedarf pro Tag ist (1.43 X 10^14)/(365) = 3.92 X 10^11 Kilowattstunden. Wenn die Wirksamkeit von der typisch Solarkollektor rund 15% ist,
@Nevik lolwhy??
@Vogel612 ugs vs hochsprache :P
I think the numbers are the only thing I got right =D
mit meinem*
and that second sentence is wrong on so many levekls..
e*rneuerbare (no caps)
it's not @Vogel612
it just has a comma too many
oh wait
it's just misplaced
I think I might use too many commas
nah, you good
ohhh.. missed a fullstop... i meant the third..
I need to figure out how to write more efficiently
liefert liefern (you use infinitive here)
yeah the third sentence doesnt make sense
discussing such a huge snippet here is annoying though
it gets pushed out of scope
Erde is femininum, but strahlen zu requires dative..
--> zu der zur Erde
is there another way?
sentence by sentence..
and the third please with an original english one..
can't star that much text ;)
well, giving the whole snippet first is good, so we can get the context. but for discussion it's easier to get one at a time
Ich liefert die Sonnenenergie und ich habe entscheide mich = I researched solar energy, and I have come to a conclusion
the numbers are right, I didn't pick them out of my ass
now i wanna know how you found "liefern" for research
wiktionary !
@Astrum the numbers are irrelevant to the translation though :P
that's why you should look at examples
sure, but there's valuable information there, it shows that solar isn't all that practical
I couldn't find any
"Informationen liefern" means "provide information"
oh, haha
ok, that was a dumb mistake
yes, i can see it spectacularly lacks examples :(
the wiktionary entry for research actually gives the perfect translation:
@Astrum why did you look it up that way anyway. why not look at research instead
sometimes it has them, most of the time not. It's why I only add words that I come across in reading (usually)
because I had thought I knew what the word meant
and didn't need to look it up =/
@Vogel612 that's lacking the verb though
I know the noun for research, yeah
that should have been a red flag for me
@Astrum the verb research isn't easy to translate because it depends on context
de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Forschung @Nevik schau mal in die herkunft
in this case, the german recherchieren is appropriate
looks liek the verb rechnen
untersuchen (investigate)is also fitting though.
@Vogel612 ich meine den research artikel
da wird komplett ignoriert, dass research auch das verb ist
ja... wiktionary... ziemlich schlecht eigentlich :(
@Astrum recherchieren (derived from french) has the same roots as research in english
the word just took a detour to come to german, haha
@Vogel612 nur das deutsche
das englische wikt is wesentlich vollständiger
@Astrum back to your sentence. the second part, "[i] have come to a conclusion" sounds a bit weird, even in english
wiktionary, y u no link to english wiktionary when asked an english word??
@Vogel612 ?
@NevikRehnel not really, it sounds like somebody making a declaration "I have come to a conclusion!", or in a formal setting it could be like "the panel has come to the conclusion that..."
@Astrum i think you'd usually say "[i] have come to the following conclusion", or something like "[i] have found the following:"
@Astrum making that anouncement sounds awfully childish to me D:
(and last time i checked, you are not a panel :P)
er, no, it's nothing that would make anybody raise an eyebrow
sure, it was an example
well, literally, "I have come to a conclusion" is "Ich bin zu einem Schluss/zu einer Schlussfolgerung gekommen."
but i still think that the indetermined article in that sentence is weird
@Astrum it's not about the word conclusion :P it's about the stuff around it
"I have come to a conclusion!" really sounds like you're super proud to announce you finally managed to make a decision
after like deliberating for 2 years
Hm, I don't really think it sounds weird, but if I was writing it in English, to stay in English, I would have probably written the entire thing differently.
Yes, the "!" is supposed to have that effect
my point is, since your actual conclusion follows right after, you should just introduce it as such
but as it stands, eh, not that weird, it's certainly not the most eloquent way it could be written though, that's for sure.
i.e. "I have come to the conclusion:" or "the following" or whatever
im probably spoiled by all the papers ive had to read lately :<
where there is abundance of conclusions and "following"s
maybe, because I really don't think it's that weird! You wouldn't write this in a formal piece, but as something written to a friend, it sounds fine.
let's get on with this cause ive got other stuff to do :o
did you catch the complete version of this third sentence?
you mean Ich bin zu einem Schluss/zu einer Schlussfolgerung gekommen.?
and also the first part of it
I can't find it
but I'm sure it's there somewhere
"Ich habe Solarenergie recherchiert und bin zu einer Schlussfolgerung gekommen."
first bit I get fine, secon one... not so much
why is it intransitive?
or transitive, I get name mixed up
what would you have expected
no "bin", just as is
oh, you need the bin because the first main clause uses "habe" for the Perfekt form of the verb
erm, ok
"Ich bin gegangen und dann angekommen." <--- can leave out the second "bin" because it's the same.
"Ich bin gegangen und habe dann gesehen." <--- can't leave out "habe" because it's different
@Astrum it's just the normal Perfekt form of both verbs. you could use Imperfekt but in colloquial we use Perfekt most of the time
ok, I think I understand
next sentence!
please provide~
yup, one sec
from the very top, or from the 3rd sentence on?
how much of the first two were wrong
mit meinem - I got this correction
the first two were pretty fine. "erneuerbare" has no capital letter (normal adjective), and the comma is before the "dass", not after it
ah yes and that too
Der Weltenergiebedarf ist rund 1.43 X 10^14 Kilowattstunden. Das ist ein Menge Energie! Die Sonne strahlt viele Energie zu die Erde, tatsächlich, ist 4.2 Kilowattstunden pro Meter (Erdoberfläche) pro Tag.
pro Jahr, probsbly should come after Kilowattstunden
because that's a yearly amount
The first two are alright. the third one should be "zur Erge", as @Vogel612 had pointed out
oh, can I ask something else related
about "Area"
and yes, if you want to make it clear, add a "pro/im Jahr" or "jährlich"
Erdoberfläche is earth's surface
and oberfläche - is general area
oberfläche is surface area of a 3D body
as in, die Oberfläche von X ?
what about R^4 =D
area is "Fläche" in general, when meaning something like the area of a lake or the likes
and Ober is...?
area in the meaning "general area" or "region", is "Gebiet, Gegend, Region"
@Astrum ober is a prefix for "upper, top"
@Astrum well if you have the sqare root of a length as r then r^4 will actually be an area..
literally, at least
but Gebeit is not a mathematical term?
I meant \mathbb R (as in 4D) @Vogel612
takkat had a message about that yesterday or the day before...
Gebiet --> Area
@Astrum not in the meaning of area. We use "Gebiet" in relation to technical/scientific stuff to mean "field" as in "research field" or "field of interest"
(and then, there is the mathematical structure field, which is "Körper")
I thought that was Bereich =(
that too
lots of overlapping meanings
I noticed
much sad
. Der Weltenergiebedarf pro Tag ist (1.43 X 10^14)/(365) = 3.92 X 10^11 Kilowattstunden. Wenn die Wirksamkeit von der typisch Solarkollektor rund 15% ist, benötigen wir (1.43 X 10^14)/(15%)(4.2) = 6.22 X 10^6 km^2 {oder 6,220,000 km^2}. Was meint das? Der Flächenbedarf ist einfach fast so groß Australien.
okay, a couple things
first one of those is fine. but the second one has a few points
by Wirksamkeit you probably mean efficiency?
I had trouble finding a word for that
you could just use Effizienz
in technical context, that is "Wirkungsgrad" (physical variable eta, power output over power input)
or that :P
Wirkungsgrad - this one has a nice ring to it
but kashi is right, Effizienz would also be acceptable here
@Astrum it literally means "degree of effect(iveness)" :D
so why was Wirksamkeit wrong? what does it mean?
it means "effectiveness", which isn't entirely wrong but seems a bit weird here. as you would expect something more about the "efficiency" (Effizienz, Wirkungsgrad)
yeah, I see
the next part is in the wrong case. It would then be "Die Effizienz eines typischen Solarkollektors" (genitive)
I get confused sometimes about when to use "von" and when to use genitive case
note that solar collectors generally refer to water-/fuid-heating panels.
power-generating panels are usually called solar cells, though the distinction is not as strict in english, i think
we call them Solarkollektoren vs Solarzellen
@Astrum "Effizienz von typischen Solarkollektoren" would also be fine here
oder einfach PVZellen
@Vogel612 odda, wenn's da Frange sacht, Foddowoldaig!
ein Glück bin ich Schwabe und muss die Halbbayern nicht verstehen,...
@Astrum Photovoltaik is usually only used in formal and technical contexts though
normal people just say Solarzellen
@Vogel612 ja gell, die weintrinka muas ma o ned versteha
we forgot this sentence - Sonnenenergie kann nicht genug Energie liefert.
I forgot it
@Astrum ah. @Vogel612 had already pointed out that it must be "liefern" at the end. otherwise that one is fine
oh sorry, hard to follow everything
can you not update the text in realtime??
no worries
to summarize that other sentence. "Wenn der Wirkungsgrad typischer Solarzellen rund 15% ist/beträgt, ... [rest is correct]"
the next sentence should be "Was heißt das?"
or "Was bedeutet das?"
@Astrum to mean, when used for words, phrases or facts, is "bedeuten". "meinen" is used when people mean or think something
Ah, you can't use "meinen" like that,
"heißen" is synonymous with "bedeuten" here, though a slightly lower language register. and it doesnt nominalize (meaning in this context is "Bedeuting", but there's no synonymous noun from "heißen")
stick with bedeuten
the final sentence of that paragraph is fine as it is
and the last bit
Ich verstehe, dass du anderen Arten benutzen möchtest, aber Solarenergie ist die effizientesten. Ich finde Solarenergie eine gut alternativ, aber es kann nicht die Hauptquelle
eine gut gute Alternative, aber es kann nicht die Hauptquelle (missing at least a verb here)
i love how @Vogel612 always starts somewhere in the middle with his suggestions, instead of at the front
I forgot to put sein
but everyone knows where i am or not??
I see where you are
that would work perfectly
@Astrum the first sentence is fine except for the last word. it's either "die effizienteste" or "am effizientesten"
why two?
oh ok, cases
and we're done, thanks a lot guys
well, and personally i would use "Energiearten" instead of just "Arten", to make the context a little clearer
yeah, I'll make the sub
but that one's optional :P
that went a little better than I expected. Aside from one true train-wreck of a sentence
there's always one train-wreck
well, you delivered what you promised :P
\haha, I'm not full of hot hair
sorry for putting you through that, that took a while
If you have low expectations, you can never be disappointed, I suppose
anyway, gotta do some uni work now. spent all of yesterday bs'ing >.>
alright @NevikRehnel see you later, thanks again!
sure, no problem
later :D
I'm gonna get a snack, AFK for a bit
bis bald Astrum
6 hours later…
Gut nacht !
1 hour later…
@shakti Gute nacht
@Vogel612 late reply is late
@nevik at least reply is reply at all ;)
@Vogel612 touché
2 hours later…
damn. i just missed the power to edit a sent line on IRC
first time that this chat seems to have a feature superior to irc D:

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