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sorry, i don't speak German
@Jez: Hi. Doesn't matter, this chat mixes English and German all the time :)
@Jez Good that you said "sorry" first. (just kidding)
@Jez yes this Room is supposed to be bilingual ;)
so who here is interested in languages in general?
@Jez Better to ask the negative form ;)
@Jez I think all of us are :)
would anyone be interested in following my French site propsal, then? :-)
French Language & Usage

Proposed Q&A site for students having questions about French, expert speakers of French wanting to discuss the finer points of the language and translation questions from any language to French. Questions may be asked in English or French.

Currently in definition.

Je ne parle pas französich.
@Jez: Je parle un très peu du francais, mais je pense que j n'ai pas le temps pour un deuxième commitment... I'll follow though ;)
I fear I wouldn't be able to fullfil my commitment if I did
@StefanoPalazzo: Now it's trilingual :D
The more the merrier :)
@OregonGhost @balpha One doesn't have to be competent, really
it's for beginners and advanced speakers together
that's the idea
Voulez-vous paar Gruweschuh?
The only thing I know in French is "oui".
Non, merci, isch han schon die.
the way i see it, it's not a great idea to limit language sites to translation, and 'usage'. it'd be like if they'd separated stackoverflow into Java, C++, VB, Python, etc.
@Jez Which is pretty much exactly what is happening. :P
which is happening?
Übrigends: deutsch.stackexchange.com ist vorhin auf meinem DNS Server angekommen :-)
@Jez Look how many satellite sites SO has spawned.
@OregonGhost @balpha @StefanoPalazzo @Gigili so you guys can follow it, right? :-)
@RegDwight but not on programming
on relatively broad topics
@Jez I will, but I can't promise to contribute anything useful :)
@Jez Look, simply following won't help you jack. You need people to vote on the on-topic/off-topic questions.
yeah but following's a start :-P
@Jez If they don't vote, then it isn't. :P
Though there's always meta, if you want to help but don't know the subject
it's the prerequisite
to voting
@Jez That much is true.
I'll give you that.
funny that this @ person notation has taken off.
the way i read it it sounds rude
'hey, im talking AT you, dude'
Je parle arrobase vous, monsieur!
@Jez You can shout out loudly instead ! ;) but I agree.
is that German?
L'arrobase, a commercial, arrobe, arobas, arrobas. L'arrobase est un logogramme formé d'un a écrit en minuscule dont la patte du coin bas-droit est prolongée jusqu'à faire le tour de la lettre en revenant au coin bas-droit : @. Origine Origine du nom Le nom arrobase vient du castillan arroba (portugais arroba, catalan arrova), qui désigne une unité de mesure de masse et de capacité en usage en Espagne et au Portugal, de grandeur variable selon les régions. Ce terme, attesté en Espagne depuis 1088, vient lui-même de l'arabe ' (ar-rubʿ), « le quart », un quart de quintal, soit . D'a...
Uh-oh. You're blowing your cover, dude.
Hey, I logged on in GL&U. How it would be? I don't have an area51 account.
Link or it didn't happen.
I don't see you.
Color me impressed.
Gigili is the One.
@Tim He didn't sit well with the IMDB community, though.
@RegDwight Why?
Hear that, Gigili? That's the sound of balpha complaining behind the scenes.
2.4 out of 10.
That's Gigli though.
I think it's in the bottom 100 or something.
@Tim No way!
A joke is a story with a humorous twist. It can be in many different forms, such as a question or short story. To achieve this end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punchline that will end the sentence to make it humorous. A practical joke or prank differs from a spoken one in that the major component of the humour is physical rather than verbal (for example placing salt in the sugar bowl). Purpose Jokes are typically for the entertainment of friends and onlookers. The desired response is generally laughter; when this does not happen t...
hey @RegDwight, wie sieht's mit 'nem zweiten Diamanten aus?
I'm sorry about that Balpha.
apparently for the promotional picture, they Photoshopped it to make Lopez's ass look smaller. why ruin the one asset they had?
@balpha Um. Muß man da nitt uff dem Meta-Dings so ein Thread-Dings starten?
@Gigili don't worry about it -- it's most certainly a bug, but you're in now :)
Isch tät misch schon zur Wahl stellen, so isses nitt.
@RegDwight Sorry, I'm too young to get those subtle nuances.
@Tim Me's talkin at balpha, him can handles it.
@RegDwight Geht mehr um "für den Anfang", also noch vor den pro-tems. Du hast schließlich schon gut Erfahrung mit ner Sprachenseite. Außerdem hab ich keine Lust ständig deine edit suggestions zu bestätigen :)
@balpha Oh noes! My preciousssss repssss!
@balpha Joh, also von mir aus. Wenn Du irgendwelche zwielichtigen Kanäle hast, die das einfach so einfädeln können... more power to you!
By which I mean, more power to me!
ick hab nen "mach 'n mod draus" knöpfke
Mind = blown
In Soviet Russia, mod becomes you!
So Leute, heißt euren neuen Moderator-Übergraf willkommen! Ab jetzt weht hier ein anderer Wind!
Aber sowas von!
@balpha wie viele pro-tem Moderatoren hat eine beta Seite normalerweise?
so um die zwei, glaub ich
hängt auch davon ab wie viele gebraucht werden
Mist, jetzt muß ich aber wirklich was sinnvolleres posten als Tag-Wiki-Copypasta...
Also ich hab' bisher nicht den Eindruck, dass wir mehr als zwei brauchen
Ach so, iwwerischens: Danke @balpha. Du mir Anschrift, isch Dir Kischde Bia. Osä.
(wäre aber durchaus für die Position zu haben) ;-)
@StefanoPalazzo Ich glaub auch, dass es bisher noch reicht. Bin aber mal gespannt, wie das in 4 Tagen aussieht, wenn die beta öffentlich geht..
Bier für Moderator-Posten? Klingt nach ner guten Geschäftsidee...
if your propsal gets to commitment stage, they start spamming it down the side of existing SE sites
i think that's how i found out about one of the language proposals
@StefanoPalazzo close-parenthesis, bitte.
@Gigili there you are :)
@StefanoPalazzo Kennst du mich?
@StefanoPalazzo should I add a closing parenthesis to your pinned post, as a courtesy to future visitors? :P
@Gigili Ich denke nicht, wie kommst du darauf?
There. Knock yourself out.
Ja, anwesend?!
@balpha I am, as you have probably noticed, very nervous about this.
@Gigili Just rename yourself into Gigili). Problem solved once and forever.
@RegDwight Gigili)))) is better, I'm afraid I'll have the same problems in the future.
Mehr ist mehr!
Does anyone know how you invite someone to a particular chat room?
@Jez just click their user name (if they're in a room with you) or go through their profile
note you have to be in the room you're inviting to
@Jez "could you please come and join us?"
@Jez Haha. Ich sehe doppelt.
i dont see how one goes through their profile
where's the link in their profile?
well it's there in the chat-specific one.
they already have to be in chat to invite them :-)
sooo... @RegDwight my original point does stand :-)
You'd be surprised how many people are.
yeah but you can't tell from their normal profile
Well, I never said you would have zero leg work.
so you have to do quite a lot of work to check their name, then spend a while search chat to see if you can find them
@StefanoPalazzo Du wirst bald kennen zu lernen.
@Jez Well, if the choice is between that and turning SE into FB2, I'm not going with the latter...

 French Language and Usage

General discussion for French Language and Usage - PLEASE USE ...
more like it
I wonder why it's on the SO server.
I've changed it to use Area51 as the Parent site
by default it uses the creator's parent site (which is SO in Jez' case), and he didn't change the default
i've been having all sorts of problem with chat
couldnt login to it so i had to use the 'ghetto' login
i think it's a bug somewhere in the SE code
There were some... glitches as of lately.
I got this error : "Area 51 requires cookies for authentication -- are your browser cookies enabled for this domain?" , I said "yes" but it didn't work.
@RegDwight i doubt that's it; i submitted the problem ages ago
A: Why can't I login to chat.stackexchange.com?

Marc GravellIf you try Jeff's link above, and everything reports OK but it still doesn't work, please let me know. In the interim, there is a ghetto login route: http://{some site}/users/chat-stackexchange-login for example: http://stackoverflow.com/users/chat-stackexchange-login

Ah okay. No, I'm talking about how chat would randomly log people off all the time in the last three days or something.
Seems to be stable again today.
ah right
@RegDwight uhm what?
I haven't heard about that
well it refuses to acknowledge that i've logged into another SE site recently, for me.
@balpha I never bothered to complain.
in English Language and Usage, May 23 at 11:37, by Robusto
Every time I post something in chat, it logs me in again. WTF?
That's what Cerberus and myself experienced, too.
And probably a few more people, I don't remember.
Anyhows, ich bin auf dem Sprung. TTYL.
Do we have any Italians in the room?
oh nice :-)
@Gigili Can you explain what this latest Popular Referendum is about?
I've just got notice to vote, but I've no idea what I'm voting on
@StefanoPalazzo I'm not Italian.
Oh I see :-)
Well then, democracy fails once more
@StefanoPalazzo =) , You remember me now?
@Gigili Afraid I don't know what you mean. Where would I know you from?
Oh cool, I get to vote on whether Italy should build nuclear power plants
@StefanoPalazzo I prefer to wait "until you guess".
Can you give me a hint?
I wanted, but I regret cause any hints will lead you to the answer easily.
Well, All I have is your display name, and I'm afraid it doesn't ring a bell
@StefanoPalazzo [speechless].
You're not confusing me with someone else, are you? I don't have the most unique name
@StefanoPalazzo No, You're the one. How many @StefanoPalazzo are there in SE?
I'm not getting any closer :)
Not important. But don't forget, pay your creditors when you get.
My whatnow? :O
Creditors! yes, creditors.
I like a good riddle, but this one is far above my head
It's related to this question:
Q: What is a word for a question that has no answer because it is seemingly invalid

user15075A friend of mine posted a riddle on Facebook involving adding money and then subtracting money. It ended with a question asking where $1 went, but the trick was that there was no discrepancy, so the $1 didn't exist. The question: Three guys walk into a hotel, and they're going to split the ...

Mh. I can't be the friend on facebook, because I don't have a facebook account
I could've played this trick on you, because I knew the fallacy - but I'm pretty sure I don't do that kind of thing (:
@StefanoPalazzo The problem is not that hard. Sometimes we forget to open our eyes.
What is this discussion actually about btw?
@poke I'm trying to find out who @Gigili is
@StefanoPalazzo Oh, I see...
it says on this question: "my friend pointed out that every question is valid to ask.". That is most certainly not me
Nothing is impossible.
is this you @Gigili?
@StefanoPalazzo No, just two more chances left.
Maybe @Tim can help you.
@Tim can you?
So. Feierabend. Wochenende. Tschüss.
Ciao @OregonGhost
@OregonGhost Tschau, machs gut.
I don't think I'll get it
was that correct?
Du bist Klug.
well how in the world could I have guessed that from just your username!
amazing, yesterday I thought you were a Spam Robot :D
I'm not spam, even though I'm smart.
That was my motivation to answer some questions to be able to log in here and talk.
1 hour later…
Something really strange just happened. I logged in to GL&U with my iPhone, and it was as if I'd never been there: The messages about associating your SE accounts, and back to 101 rep, and I can't edit my own answers directly... Now, from my PC, I'm still there with my primary account, but there is a second OregonGhost account on GL&U (see Users)...
@OregonGhost let @RegDwight know, he can merge the two (or just delete the newer one)
@StefanoPalazzo: Thanks. There seems to be something going on though, several things on SE profiles are not available currently (including account associations). By the way, is there a chat room on SE for technical problems like that? I just looked, but couldn't find one
@OregonGhost the reason for this is that your temporary anonymous account (Unregistered User) is just a cookie in your browser - logging in is effectively converting it to a real account
@OregonGhost There isn't - you'd have to talk to any moderator or make a post on the site's meta, or mso
Which, now that I look at your global reputation, you probably know already :P
@StefanoPalazzo: Yes, I'm not actually new to SE ;) Just never had technical problems. Still strange that the anonymous => real account conversion did find my other SE profiles, yet resulted in a duplicate account... However.
Well, I don't know anything about how private beta sites work technically. Ask Ubuntu was already a full site with it's own domain when I joined
Plus the login system can be really tricky
@OregonGhost, accounts merged.
@RebeccaChernoff: Thank you. It's still kind of strange though. Looking at my GL&U profile, there is no SE network profile and no associated account. Looking at my other SE accounts (StackOverflow etc.), I can see the network profile and all associated accounts - except for the GL&U account...
... though obviously Stefano Palazzo could see my other accounts from my GL&U account :)
@OregonGhost you wouldn't see your GL&U account there while the site is in private beta
@StefanoPalazzo: Thanks, one mystery solved :)
Seems to be fine then. In this chat, I also see my global reputation, so the associations seem to work.
Mir fällt ein Stein vom Herzen ;)
Is there a convention on how inline quotes are done on EL&U?
I can't decide which one of code, italics and quotation marks looks best
and I'm too lazy to use real, German quotation marks.
"This is a longer phrase or idiom", this is just one word.
@Tim Use code when you need a fixed font (for some reason)
@StefanoPalazzo ... which should be basically never.
And quotes when you're actually quoting, use italics when you're making things up
That's the only use case.
@Tim: Automatic, localized quotation marks is another feature SE should implement, shouldn't it? ;)
Thanks, I'll go with that.
@OregonGhost Indeed, but it's also nice that they post what I type. It's hard to discuss regular quotation marks otherwise.
Hm, come to think of it, they already convert them.
you should have them on your keyboard if you use Linux or Mac OS X, they're at AltGr+V and AltGr+B (add Shift to get ‚ and ‘)
@StefanoPalazzo I'd love to, but I'm stuck on Windows until I move back to Sweden or someone solves this question:
Q: How to diagnose a reliably unreliable connection?

Tim NordenfurWhere I'm living now, the internet connection (wired) shows the following weird symptoms. They seem to be independent of whether I use host names or IP addresses. Pinging works Skype works Wget connects, but never receives a response. (Keeps waiting at "HTTP Request sent, awaiting response" unt...

By the way, there was a question on quotation marks in German on GL&U. In German books, always »Guillemets« are used. What is used in English books?
If someone solves the question, you won't move back?
Mh I'm surprised windows doesn't have that too these days
ı ħa„€ Æłł ſø¶ŧſ ø𠳀→¶ð ©ħæ¶æ¢ŧ€¶ſ on my keyboard :P
@StefanoPalazzo: I guess that's because Word does it automatically, and most people use just Word anyway
@StefanoPalazzo: Yes. Before your fantastic 7-star line, I had to run perl -E "say chr ..." to get an ß.
By the way. @StefanoPalazzo: Should I now be very careful when logging in to GL&U from my phone? Not that it just happens again :)
@OregonGhost you could delete your stack exchange cookie
@OregonGhost Angel quotes?
@StefanoPalazzo: I'll have a look. Never tried on Mobile Safari :X
@Gigili I'll probably move anyway, but it won't be as urgent.
but even if it happens again, merging an account is quick and easy, don't worry about bothering the moderators
that's what they're there for :P
@Gigili: Is an angel quote when you quote an angel?
@Gigili By the way, this is nicer than your old avatar. It was a little scary.
@Tim Old Avatar?
@OregonGhost You're being deliberately obtuse.
@OregonGhost You can even quote a devil with angel quote
@Tim: Yes. Sorry. Happens from time to time.
@OregonGhost I was expecting something with acute. I had even prepared to reply "Yeah, right."
Actually, it's not more than 4-5 hours I registered here and as far as I remember , I only set one avatar til now
@StefanoPalazzo: Yay. Now logged in with the real account from the phone. But it also showed that the account has been merged, now with 7, rather than 6 as the last time, other accounts...
Ok @Gigili, perhaps you reminded me of someone.
@Tim That cannot happen
@Tim: Now I just lost you. What were we talking about? ;)
@OregonGhost: Sorry. I'm a little tired and trying to pun on angle.
Ah , Got it , you remember me .
@Tim Surely the best pun on angle is calling a language English.
@RegDwight Nice, but is it a pun if it is the actual etymology?
Well, I would ask around, but those jokers are long dead.
Woho, ich habe splattne unserer erste Mod gemacht.
*Modwerkzeug Benutzer
Wie sagt man "woho" auf Deutsch?
@Tim eher nicht
"Hurra" oder "Hey", oder - wenn man etwas kindisch und aufgedreht ist - "Juchee"!
@Tim Also hier sagen alle "Juchu!", ob jung oder alt.
Spricht man ch dieser Wörter wie in machen aus?
Also "Juchu!" heißt in der Region hier eher "Juhu!"
You'll completely forget why you wanted to say woho.
@Tim: Ja, ch wie in machen.
Ok, ich mag "Juchu!" sehr.
Wo sagt man so?
Heureka wäre (leicht veraltet) auch noch möglich ;)
@OregonGhost Auch wenn man nichts entdeckt?
@Tim: Umgangssprachlich kein Problem. Es ist aber halt veraltet; daher ist die alte Bedeutung auch etwas untergegangen
Hier im Norden ist es übrigens auch eher juhu als juchu. Wobei unsere hübsche Bachelorandin gerne jippi sagt. Allerdings macht sie das auch betont kindisch.
A: Ways to prepare your mind before coding?

OregonGhostI refer to the following citation, which is hanging on my office wall at work: Mostly, when you see programmers, they aren't doing anything. One of the attractive things about programmers is that you cannot tell whether or not they are working simply by looking at them. Very often they're sit...

Ja, das ist von mir
Am Rande: das Wörterbuch von leo.org hat haufenweise Hörbeispiele
(Lautsprechersymbol rechts neben dem Wort)
@OregonGhost eine tolle Antwort , bist du programmierer von beruf?
@balpha: irgendwie peile ich das mit den Tag-Wikis nicht. Die sind alle leer. Ich sehe, daß Du ein paar abgewiesen hast, dat is okay, aber selbst bei denen, die Du angenomen hast, sehe ich nix.
@StefanoPalazzo: Ja. dict.cc auch. Ich mag es von der Bedienung (als Englisch-Wörterbuch) lieber als leo. dict.cc hat auch immer eine Flagge neben den Audiobeispielen für regionale Unterschiede
@Gigili: Ja. Software-Entwickler im Bereich Gebäudeautomation. ;)
Weder dict.cc noch leo.org haben aber juchu oder juchee.
@Tim: dict.cc hat auf jeden Fall Juhu, gerade ausprobiert :)
@OregonGhost zwinkernd
@Tim Versuch's halt mit juhu, mir ist alles recht.
LEO hat sogar eine Forumsdiskussion zu Juchhu!
Stimmt, juhu geht bei dict.cc.
"Juchhu!: Used as an exclamation of pleasure"
@Gigili: zwinkernd?
@OregonGhost Smile-zwinkernd? ich weiss es nicht, was es auf deutsch heisst. wink?
Ach so. Ja, zwinkernd (oder Zwinkern) passt dann schon als Beschreibung

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