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Hello My Good People! :)
How are things?
Hi @HenryWHHackv2.0!
I noticed you've registered for the chat event, which is great
I am canceling my moderator noimation and waiting until the site is fully launched to become a mod. By then I should have enough knowledge to know what I am doing.
Fair enough, you can always just get most of the moderation privileges through rep
Still, we've got to actually get in to public beta first
My SE gold is to get a Marshal Badge on every SE site! :)
It's not all that hard on big sites like SO
Much harder on sites like IoT
I mean every SE site
all 161+ of them.
Yeah, I know, just saying it's easier to get it on some than others
How long have you been on SE?
About 6 months
Me 1 year 1 month
I only have Marshal on SO
And most of those flags were 'should be closed' flags
Which aren't really that useful
I am about to get one on Ask Ubuntu.
I flag spam most of the time.

Charcoal HQ

Where smoke is detected, diamonds are made, and we break thing...
Where every SE spam and abusive is reported!^
I hardly ever see much spam
Probably thanks to people like you
Marshal is a tough one on small sites
tough impossible
I doubt we'll get 500 flags in 3 months
e.g. it hasn't even been awarded on RPi.SE though the site is up for four years
It's my job to flag spam and abusive post! :)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 you can always artificially create some ;)
I have more than 300 flags there and I think that's much for the site (and I stopped flagging when becoming a mod - that's the deal)
(obviously joking, don't actually do it)
@Aurora0001 don't you dare
Well, someone has to keep the mods busy
Have anyone here been suspended?
I haven't
I highly doubt it given that there are no mods
I think @HenryWHHackv2.0 just means in general
Has anyone been suspended from any SE site
oh, that
Ok I have been suspended on AU.
What did you do?
Well I have a private message
from an AU mod.
@Ghanima May I?
may what?
show the private message.
I think they probably prefer that you don't, but I doubt you're actually forbidden
idk, I am not aware of any rules. If you're the addressee you should in theory be able to share it at your own discretion... whether that is preferable to SE or not is not for me to decide
Let's keep private in the private message OK! :)
You can always just say what it was about without sharing it, of course
As long as it's nothing private
obviously mods are not supposed to disclose such messages concerning third parties
@Ghanima indeed, but there's no arrangement the other way
Recipients never agree to keep it private
Because, after all, the privacy is mostly to stop users getting upset
Since you wouldn't like it if SE put you on a 'naughty list' publicly
That's it!^
Poor me! :'(
well, I think that mod messages are not intended to act as a badge of honor ;)
I think they had a point to make and I am sure that you got it
@Ghanima they're like battle scars - @HenryWHHackv2.0 battled against the mod, and came out alive
that's part of moderation, Aurora, leave a survivor now and then to tell the tale
So mods are more like cats then - play with their prey, let it go free, then catch it again shortly after
Questions seem to be going down again (boo!)
We're under 3 per day now
Which is concerning again
so you're up again
I think if we drop too low, people will get bored with the site and leave
Also, seems like people have slowly got bored with my questions :P
Also, anyone who wants something easy to do, why not write a couple of tag wiki excerpts
You can write a good one in under a minute
The proper tag wikis probably take a little longer
@Ghanima, edits should be approved
Anyone want to do the tag wiki?
I am a member of so many SE sites I can't keep track of them.
Hi @anonymous2
@Aurora0001 Hi!
Keeping busy through the Holidays?
A little, yeah, how about you?
Very much so.
Especially what with an ice storm.
Nice to see you still have time to join the chat though ;)
Ice storm?
@Aurora0001 Freezing rain.
When the temperature goes up just above freezing after a cold spell and rains, the rain freezes on everything it touches.
So you end up with trees that weigh twice as much as they ought to (good for breaking branches & trunks) and driveways that are ice-rinks...
Sounds fun
It is. Honestly.
It just creates a lot of work.
The best we get in the UK is a little bit of frost on the pavement
Just like the 1-2 feet of snow we're supposed to get today.
@Aurora0001 Yikes! Poor folks!
Indeed, it's just like (0.01 inches) of snow!
@Aurora0001 I guess you don't need a self-propelled snow-blower... ;)
I need one that creates snow :P
@Aurora0001 We do have those, actually.
We use them on ski slopes.
But they don't work much above freezing.
And above freezing, they have to have chemicals added to the water so that it will freeze.
Well, it's about 7 degrees, so no luck there then
Celsius of course, anyone who uses Fahrenheit is evil
Duh, of course.
Don't tell the Americans :P
@Aurora0001 Wouldn't have said it quite so strongly, but anyhow...
@Aurora0001 Americans = people from North or South America?
@Aurora0001 I thought you settled that one back in 1783.
Well, don't tell the inhabitants of the USA then
They don't like any unit of measurement that contains logic (especially metric)
@Aurora0001 United Statians.
Anyhow, see you around, I have approximately 1.8 decimeters of snow to remove.
Argh, why are people abusing inline code as text formatting?
@anonymous2 Enjoy
We all know you mean 1.8 x 10^-1 m of snow though
Also @anonymous2 when you get back, check if you'll be able to attend the Site Scope Chat Event - if it's a bad time for you I can always move it
@Aurora0001 there comes your hat for the first edit war on IoT
@Ghanima it's not an edit war! It's just... evolving
Anyway, it seems to be Meta.SE consensus that abusing code formatting is bad
yes, and it probably is
Hooray! Silver badge!
Most of all, it's ugly as hell
Congrats on the badge
Also, looks like @anonymous2 is really winning in the vote league table
@Aurora0001 ? cheater!
@Helmar thanks, I'm surprised you didn't get more answer badges honestly
@Ghanima nope
From now, the official address shall be His Madnificence Aurora0001, the Enlightened One.
His Madnificence, Aurora, First of his Name, Lord of IoT, the Enlightened One, Protector of the chat.
My stuff is collectively sitting at 8-9 votes apparently ;)
In other news, the downwards trend for traffic is continuing
The promotion at the SmartThings Community didn't have much effect
Well, it was officially expected
"Please note that with the anticipated slowdown in traffic during the end-of-year holidays, we will..."
yeah, but I was expecting it to rebound a little bit
Looks like it might be no cause for concern actually - looks like all SE sites had the same slowdown yesterday
We shall wait the new year, and publicness as "Eventually, 90% of a site's traffic should come from search engines.".
I am taking a risk by posting this:
Q: How to change the amazon echo wake word?

Henry WH Hack v2.0Is it possible to change the amazon's echo wake word form "Alexa" to something else? If so how can I do that?

We need to take risks in life!
I think.
Good question, I had considered posting that
You see taking risk is good as long is it is not dangerous!
@Aurora0001 ;)
Wham! Answer complete.
I always feel guilty when my answer is mostly quoting, but why rewrite what's already written by someone else?
With attribution, of course ;)
That question is not included in this
Not sure if I made the best categories though
we need more of the Hm questions
@Helmar was that manual then?
Is there any way you can download a dump of all the questions - if so I might do some machine learning magic to see if I can find anything interesting
Oh yeah, that was the mobility-connectivity question about malaysia
@Aurora0001 Yeah, I'm in a train and my book ended an hour ago ;)
So that's not tags or something, that's a totally subjective categorization :)
This is a shame - doesn't look like the question dumps are public yet
Looks like I can get a goldmine of data from the API
Time to put my Python skills to good use
Why is scikit-learn 200MB to install?
"Incidentally, Internet companies do use user-retention models that look a heck of a lot like epidemic models" - so, in effect, companies like SE want to infect us with their disease
I'm vaccinated.
Yeah, that's a better clustering
So, unsurprisingly, IoT is mostly about... the Internet (and protocols)
Third category is a bit fuzzy though and will be hard to define properly
Let's see if I can set up a clustering algorithm and see if that agrees with you @Helmar
The other categories however could be quite easily defined
I must admit I've never (successfully) done text clustering before
That'd be interesting, especially because I did it completely by hand.
I guess some of the MQTT questions could wander off to other categories
Hehe, MQTT questions are on the lead.
Another interesting thing I could try: can I create an algorithm to predict the percentage upvotes you'll get?
Phew, that's gotta have a lot of parameters xD
Also, prepare yourself for some awesome XKCD-style graphs
Because matplotlib allows you to create them!
Anonymous is at 294 votes
And you say I voted on 101% of things
Nice, XKCD plots
Well, he switched gears ;)
matplotlib FTW!
All 130 questions are now safely downloaded using Python
Oooh, Python f-strings now work
Now I've written a script to strip away the HTML
Only about 5 more scripts to go before I get some useful output!
The road is the interesting and not the destination. :D
It'd be just my luck for it to say '1 cluster found'
A: Let's discuss the site scope in chat!

HelmarPreliminary, manual question category analysis I made a quick analysis of the questions on site so far. I grouped them into seven categories. Category descriptions follow below.1 Categories How to do X? (End User IoT Questions) Generally speaking, those questions include everything about re...

Well, I got some sort of result
The computer thinks these topics exist:
- iot devices device internet things power classifies network data
That's topic number 1
Hold on, I'll pastebin it - probably easier
So #1 is products
#8 seems to be 'gas meters'
#9 is basically just 'ifttt'
#2 is mqtt
#7 geo-tagging
#3 is Echo
#5 is Thread
#4 is 'building devices' I think
#6 is best practices
#6 is update best practices, I guess
#4 includes the fireplace safety question for sure, that wasn't about building, iirc
I'll see if I can get it to 'justify' why it created each topic
In prose please xD
If only it was that smart...
I've told it to find 5 topics now - seems a little bit more useful
client messages server application clients connection accepts unsubscribe subscriptions subscribes
hm, uhm
so clients doing clientsy stuff subribing and unsubscribing it is
Well, I can safely say that a computer is not very good at topic extraction.
lets, uhm, use helmar for that
from helmar import TopicExtractor
pip install helmar
Also, that program is now called topic-extractify.py
My train is back online :)
"device fantastic press confusion"
Fantastic indeed
More confusion :P
This worked a lot better
I would draw you a pretty graph, but unfortunately this is in about 5000 dimensions
It considers wi and fi different words
Yeah, that's a bit off
Arkansas is supoenaing Amazon
They want Echo data
Found it in English
I'll read that in a sec
It seems like my predictor is working
Let's see if I can count how popular each category is now
The clusterer works nicely, and it now sorts each post into the category that it thinks it's in
There are a few oddities with it though
And it seems to be a bit non-deterministic
Too many tunnels
So what's the most popular category?
let me show you what I've done so far - it's quite interesting actually
People really seem to hate Google Home/Raspberry Pi questions
I think it's heavily distorted by these posts though:
Q: How to Enhance the Voice Recognition on Raspberry Pi controlling Smart Home Devices

WayToDoorI have a Raspberry Pi running Jarvis, a personal IA that I can use with my voice to control my smart home devices. However, the voice recognition is far from perfect. They have a list of speech-to-text (STT) services that I could use. Should I be worried about privacy if a choose a better servi...

Q: Can't have a reliable connection between my mobile devices and my TV both through Chromecast and Apple TV

RubénI have a Chromecast and Apple TV connected to a Phillips TV through the HDMI ports. The Wi-Fi router is on another room on the same floor. The devices are Android phone and iPad Mini. I was able to setup the Chromecast but can't broadcast anything. The Apple TV is able to connect to the iPad but...

Q: Are there any IoT devices with fully open source hardware?

gaviotoRaspberry Pi is broadly used for IoT and there is a lot of software for it. But I would like to know about any completely open source design, including software and hardware (PCB, not components). I heard about Banana Pi but I'm not sure if it's completely open source or if other alternatives ex...

Can you exclude closed questions?
Give me a sec
@Aurora0001 as it is said: what is the meaning of this?
@Ghanima Which bit do you need me to explain?
Damn shame that programm didn't create a fruit category with all those apples, raspberries and bananas xD
@Helmar that probably means it's broken
completely undeterministic (and not just a little as the Oh Allmighty tries to put it)
@Helmar, this one excludes closed questions: pastebin.com/wUJ91UQE
Cluster #7 is the 'worst' one
@Helmar you have an interesting definition of seven: meta.iot.stackexchange.com/questions/163/…
Holy shit, no idea what I counted there
And your cluster 7 is terrible 91% approval
Looks like everyone loves MQTT - 100% upvoting
It's very technical, I guess it's either ignore or upvote
Going to add a metric which factors in views next
I'll check back later, train is arriving :)
This next metric is based on (upvotes - downvotes) / (views)
So in theory it should be a 'compellingness' measurement
So, it seems that between 1 in 5 and 1 in 10 actually vote
Which is pretty normal, to be honest
10% would fit quite well for the 90-9-1 rule
Question #28 from me is now published.
Oh dear, views have dropped below 70
If anyone wants to share the site somewhere, you could always try here:
They might like to know about the site
2 hours later…
Q: IOT controller for Raspberry Pi

JamesI am new to the IoT world and would like to do a simple prototype to understand it better. My use case is to connect a IoT device to my existing Application. I am looking at the following communication scenario: Raspberry Pi <---> Server (which will run the IoT Controller) <---> websocket to m...

That's definitely off-topic for SO
"Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. "
Yep. But how would we handle it here?
Not sure to be honest, resource recommendations don't work that well here
This is a resource recommendation though and it's not closed:
Q: Is there a fully open source platform for IoT presentation and visualization?

SeanJI had decided to use the AWS IoT communications platform in order to talk with our sensors. However, when it comes to visualization, I was hoping it wouldn't be necessary to reinvent the wheel. As you can see in the above picture, the IoT framework connects to an application server. My previo...

Yes that part should be edited out. But the question can be interpreted as "What IoT controllers are suitable to connect RaspPi with an application that uses websocket"
Little bit broad maybe.
Would be helpful if they specified their use case
Only 250 rep until I get the site analytics access, which will be really useful
But I probably won't get to 2500 before the privileges go up, sadly
Community has more hats than me.
2 hours later…
@Aurora0001 that's only half as bad as Mr Robillard having more than I

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