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@Aurora0001 thanks for the report
unfortunately those messages can only be changed by CMs and I am still wondering if it's worth the hassle over this minor issue
@Aurora0001 it's dangerous in the sense that then people will find out how not-knowledgable we really are
but we could certainly put a chat event to good use (even more so with the people we already have) trying to wrap up all previous and ongoing discussions on the issue of on-/off-topicness - which should finally lead to a full outline here: iot.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic
(and there is my meta question w.r.t. this that could be reopened if we come to some kind of an agreement)
@Ghanima I have something I will like to ask you.
@Aurora0001 There are still a few posts...
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Hi again!
How are things?
I was going to say that! :D
I would have answered:
Starry! How about you?
Things = "IOT.SE"
print Things
Hi! :)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Seriously?
@anonymous2 What?
@HenryWHHackv2.0 That's your computer name?
@anonymous2 No.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Okay, I was going to say... :)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Don't forget...
Yank as many people in possible. :)
my computer name is: iot.se@stackexchange. ;)
Thank You! :)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 E-mail too?
Okay, here goes...
E-mail sent to [email protected]:
"Dear Henry WH Hack,
"Neat to see you have this new e-mail address!
"I will send all your promotions and social media here in the future.
"Yours truly,
Don't forget...
@HenryWHHackv2.0 Done.
Hey now, removing those messages doesn't look like a good way of yanking people in. :)
Don't know anything about weapons... will have to learn.
5 hours later…
what is it henry
Welcome @Edity to the IOT.SE chatroom! :)
It's the latest and greatest SE site! :)
How are things?
just got back from camp a few hours back
tired as fsck
how old are you?
why should I ask?
isn't that like, personal privacy at risk?
it took 3 hours drive.
noone needs to tell they're age in public, okay?
but it's true really! :)
@Walter-MSFT Welcome! :)
@HenryWHHackv2.0 sorry, I left after I tapped my last comment
How can I do moderation task on the site if there is nothing to moderate?
No Post to edit
nothing to flag?
number 2:
yeah, that's tricky, I noticed that too, that Allmighty Aurora and two others go about editing faster than anybody else so that the queues are always empty - but that is (on the other hand) a good thing so lets not worry about it too much
there is of course also the idea of providing guidance to new users to the ways of this particular site (e.g. comments) - but new users are rare too (as of now)
right now promoting this site, building its community, and finally defining its rules and scope are the most important things
Every time I link my post in a chat room someone up votes it Are there up voting it because it's a good post or are there up voting it to make me feel good?
that I do not know but I would assume that people vote based on the merits and quality of the post itself
I know! :)
You know we all make mistakes.
And we have to learn from our mistakes.
@HenryWHHackv2.0 though sometimes (e.g. during winterbash) I'd rather enjoy it if it where that easy on RPi.SE to get any votes ;)
How can I put this:
Well I made a big mistake on AU.
I didn't know really and when I found out I was like :O
But I can't turn back now.
I wonder why @Ghanima is not getting the messages?
@Ghanima not my fault - Helmar clears all the queues too quickly
Someone want to write the tag wiki?
Helmar has reviewed:
- 74 suggested edits
- 3 low quality posts
- 11 close votes
- 5 reopen votes
- 13 first posts
A total of 106 reviews
@anonymous2 any chance you could edit this with more details so it could be reopened?
Q: Lyric T5 does not respond to commands via Apple Homekit

bangI have a friend who has a Lyric T5 Wi-Fi thermostat which he was controlling from his iPhone via Apple Homekit. Recently, all commands from his phone stopped reaching his device, demonstrating that it they were no longer connecting to each other. Why would this be happening and how could he fix ...

Oh Allmighty, +2 well earned ;)
Indeed, such hard work for so little reward
@Aurora0001 A lot of them come from the time I was the only 500 user ;)
I wasn't even quick about it, I just had all the time in the world
abuse of powers ;)
That's true
@Ghanima Benevolent Dictatorship
Now the tables have turned, and the Almighty Aurora can now approve things without assistance
most benevolent
but then again, your tales reminds me of a Gandalf who is given the Ring of Power
I never know why anyone would want a turned table, it's utterly useless :P
Not turned upside down - more a 180 degree turn
Yeah, but the other makes for much funnier mental image ;)
So basically 2k is the ability to get a bit less regulations in deleting and no more reputation from tag edits. Amazing milestone :)
Well, you get to delete any answers with enough downvotes
And get to edit tag wikis without review
And you get closer to access to the analytics
Which are more useful at this point
Only about 400 rep to go
No reviews means my tag wikis don't help your badge counters anymore ;)
The site analytics would interest me though.
Tag wiki edits still count for badges don't they?
Yeah, but my unsupervised ones won't get your suggested edits up anymore.
Same vice-versa of course
Oh, right
That's actually where most my suggested edits come from
I'd guess 30-40 tag wikis at least
Well, I got over 50 rep from tag wiki edits a few days ago
so obviously quite a few edits
Probably made the queue a little bit too busy
We are five tag wiki reviewers, we can handle that :)
You guys burninated client and server, right?
@BenceKaulics destroyed the tag
Since he was the only user that used the tag
Also, someone obviously liked because they downvoted the burninate request
Community consensus is a W$&%%'!"!§* with so few meta voters
Apart from the Pro Tem Mod thread, which has more views than the most popular question on the main site
Accoring to:
Q: Essential questions #2: The IoT Tag Taxonomy

HelmarAccording to The Real Essential Questions of Every Beta one of the essential questions is to establish a good base for a taxonomy by using sensible tags. To help us keep the the taxonomy clean I'll aggregate some in this post and provide a blueprint suggestion for tag wikis in an answer. If this...

I have retagged to
I wonder why nobody picks this up
8 hours ago, by Ghanima
but we could certainly put a chat event to good use (even more so with the people we already have) trying to wrap up all previous and ongoing discussions on the issue of on-/off-topicness - which should finally lead to a full outline here: http://iot.stackexchange.com/help/on-topic
@BenceKaulics Nice, that's two letters, take that pluralization filter!
@BenceKaulics want to copy the tag wiki from to ?
You may as well get the edit rep for it
But the wiki is not my credit.
But the scores are not updated
So while I have 10 score in which is now
@Helmar, you wrote that tag wiki didn't you?
I cannot suggest the synoynm.
No, you did
You definitely did the excerpt though
History says Bence did first version ;)
I can't remember writing that
Oh, sleep-tag-wiki-editing
In that case, you can copy the tag wiki guilt-free @BenceKaulics
Yes I wrote first.
It's not like you're stealing my rep - I can't get rep from tag wikis now
But that was an initial attempt.
Yeah, and Aurora gets two reviews :D
So, you do make the original creator happy ;)
In other news, looks like flags aren't being monitored very much
I've had one sitting around for over 24 hours
huh, there was something flag-worthy?
Yeah, it was on that question that got heavily downvoted and deleted after the user left
21 hours ago, by Doc
before i could ask though
You'll have to read the context of that chat
Edit done.
Approved, 3 reviews until I get Robert :)
Was the flag handled?
Maybe it won't because it's in deleted content
@Helmar nope, not handled
It's just because there's no-one there who can handle it
Well, I'd guess if Robert is on holiday there isn't anyone watching
Are comment flags automatically handled if enough people support the flag?
I think they are but not sure
I think it depends on the category
But I'd have to look it up
I know spam and rude/offensive flags need 6 flaggers to nuke it
But that's for posts, not comments
@Ghanima also I think that's probably a good idea
We do need to decide more firmly on scope before public beta
And time is running out to be honest
@Aurora0001 of course it is ;)
@Ghanima of course it is... because it's based on His Madnificence's idea ;)
as is everything
oh Madnificent
When should we have the 'scope chat' event?
at your not-so earliest convenience
I think we should probably leave a bit of time so we can properly announce it on Meta
that's the not-so early part of the deal
Yeah, I'd usually say 48 hours, but that's New Years Eve
well, begin/middle of next week or so
Monday maybe?
I could make Monday
monday works for me
Also, what time (specify in GMT)?
The chat seems to be most active between 12:00 and 20:00 GMT
I can accomodate, lets fetch a few more opinions today from those who check in and post a specific date later today
Any time works well for me (it's a public holiday in the UK)
are you not busy making the UK great again?
I mean, you should be
Well, all we have to do is build some engines, stick them on the cliffs of Dover and drive the whole country towards America
Then Brexit will be complete
not sure that they really want you but yeah, sounds like a plan
It's alright, Donald Trump and Nigel Farage are both pretty much the same
They'd get along nicely
How do you want to go about a "scope chat" practically?
Without any prepared agenda that will be chaos
Yeah, we should draw something up
Well, perhaps we need to draw up a list of what we think is on/off-topic so far
However, first I'm off for some lunch. I'll be back in an hour or so.
it could be creative chaos ;)
@Aurora0001 yep, that's they way to go
we have a few meta discussions to start with and the rest is "what we think" and thus open for debate
@Helmar more important (imho) is to have the meeting moderated properly, that should be done by one guy and not three... ;)
any of you guys have a strong preference?
well I suggest that His Madnificence goes for it, I am pretty sure he'll like that
1 hour later…
@Ghanima Yeah, although chat moderation is not easy
We don't have any of the usual functionalities for moderated chat discussions (raise hand et cetera)
Hm, just realized, that I have to get the highest star-hat to get the all hats hat
@Ghanima I doubt a lot of moderation will be needed
Oh dear, someone seems to dislike this:
Q: How delayed can IFTTT triggers be?

Aurora0001I've been using IFTTT for various tasks, and it works relatively well, but for the triggers I've been using (RSS feed updates) the update time is quite slow (up to 15 minutes of delay after the feed is updated. For high-frequency feeds, 15 minutes is a severe delay, but in my use case this is man...

Back on the topic of the event, here are some points we should perhaps discuss:
- Is the name 'Internet of Things' appropriate for the site, or is it perhaps unclear? How can we make it clearer?
- Which topics have been asked about that are clearly off-topic?
- Which topics are clearly on-topic here?
MQTT clearly on IMO. :D
Not related to the event, but what does everyone think about the tag?
It seems to be a bit of a catch-all for any IoT in a domestic setting
Not a problem if we have more, sub-tags to narrow the topic.
is pretty subscribable.
Might it be better to have , which is a bit less of a buzzword?
@BenceKaulics That's true, perhaps it is useful
Hmm, smart home is not necessarly automated.
Fair point, yeah - I suppose sensors can make a smart home too
It is like on SO, pretty broad alone but gives a first direction.
But worth a meta question maybe.
That's true, but everyone can agree on what's classed as and what's not
'Smart home' is a bit less clear
Fair enough.
But maybe we can get rid of .
Anyway @BenceKaulics, have you got any other ideas for what to discuss in the scope event?
Final call for opinions about the event time
@BenceKaulics, @Ghanima, @Helmar, @anonymous2
Anyone else who intends to come
I am interested but busy right now.
What time on January 2nd is best?
That's the date I suggested earlier, and it seems to be the best
Or earlier/later than that
6 might be better for US participants
Judging by the traffic 2PM is the most active time for users
Yeah, but we are very Europe-centric with our chat participants right now, aren't we?
Btw, I think your new question is a bit broad. It's kinda a vendor and prior situation dependent thing. Can you put some assumptions in there? Number of bulbs? The kind of bulbs used before, something like that?
@Helmar can do
give me a few minutes
@Helmar done
Aurora0001 has added an event to this room's schedule.
Please register for the event if you're interested!
Q: Let's discuss the site scope in chat!

Aurora0001After a discussion in the chat, it seems like it might be a good idea to have a discussion event about what we consider on/off-topic so that the site is more prepared for public beta. The event will be held in the Chat of Things room (the site's main chat room), and you can register your interes...

Make sure you review my suggested agenda
@Aurora0001 call it chairman of the event
More like Cat Herder
The almighty Helmar seems to have been beaten by another user to answering my question
and keep nagging my meta post
it's not supposed to discuss, it's supposed to distill the final result into a template that is then posted to the FAQ
@Aurora0001 make that a hat
@Ghanima might have to be for AuroraHats 2017 now
I don't think I'll add any more hats for now; since I'm retiring it soon
@Ghanima added a bit at the end saying about 'distilling' the ideas
Also, someone seems to have downvoted the chat event - weird
yea, that's strange indeed
If only people would leave comments...
that would be nice
I don't know how many people hate me though for commenting on a recently downvoted q/a when I actually was not the one to downvote ;)
2 hours later…
Looks like someone really dislikes me
how so
Got a downvote for my mod nomination along with my other mysterious downvotes
so that you know it wasn't me ;)
I wouldn't mind if it was ;)
good, then you don't have to check whether I photoshopped that or not :-D
in either case I doubt that the selection committee will place much emphasis on those votes
Well, sticks and stones may break my bones but downvotes will never hurt me will hurt me even more
What do you think of the following questionling?

I have a wireless sensor board, it has a GSM/GPRS module with TCP/IP stack. Now my server (MQTT ofc) will be hosted on my laptop which is behind my router, so I cannot access it directly. I know that I can listen on a specific port, and forward all incoming data to my server by the router. There are a lot of resource on the web about it, but few are complete enough and opening a port behind my router is risky. So with some research work as well, can I ask about the steps of this setup?
Or I should post on Super User or Security.SE instead?
There's probably something similar on Super User, but I think it'd be useful to have anyway
It would be good if I could apply somekind of filter to forward only MQTT packets.
So the sensor board is outside your network?
Yes, [GPRS module] ---> [Cellular network] ---> [My Router] ---X---> [Server].
Might be worth taking the advice here
This page was already opened in my broswer, just did not have time to read it all.
I will read it and reconsider then.
You should still ask the question though - I'm sure it'd be useful to others
Yep. Though I will do some more detailed search on other SE sites as well.
Good idea - it's good to lead by example for the level of research we expect in questions
1 hour later…
I am interested in how much of us will get [badge:Enthusiast] on next week.
@BenceKaulics I'm set to get it on Wednesday
Also, it's a shame badge syntax doesn't work
Not all that useful though I suppsoe
What's your progress towards it?
Not quite
Wednesday it is for me too.
Seems impossible to turn a tag into a link
Also, does anyone think it's strange that the Pro Tem Nomination question has double the amount of upvotes that the highest answer has?
Question votes can be distributed among the answers.
Not everyone as diplomatic to vote on all nominees.
That's very true
And the nominations thread has now hit 300 views
We have 592 users.
To be fair, a lot of people probably check frequently
Like me for example.
And me
Yes, probably all nominees.
Although I doubt there's much point checking frequently - it won't change the result
Hehe, yes it won't.
Hmm there are 3 clicks on EE.SE ad. One was, you one me that is sure. Maybe @Ghanima tired it out too?
Though I have never seen it while I was browsing on EE.SE.
Very annoying, as we have 8 upvote now. :D
2 hours later…
@BenceKaulics no, I dare not skew the stats
and I don't see the ads over there
@Aurora0001 no, not really
it means that people like the idea of having pro tems, but not the idea that any of us should be it ;)

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