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08:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Q: What, exactly, makes SPECK and SIMON particularly suitable for IoT devices?

Aurora0001For some IoT devices, the data that needs to be sent is confidential, and hence sending it in plain text is not acceptable. Therefore, I've been considering how to encrypt data sent between IoT devices. An article on the RFID Journal mentions the NSA-developed SPECK and SIMON algorithms as partic...

There arguably is overlap with Cryptography SE but I think since the question is mostly about why I should pick it for an IoT device, it should be OK.
... and the rush begins
if NSA gives them away at no cost does that imply they can break it?
@Ghanima the more suspicious side of me says, "of course!"
@Ghanima look at the reference code: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speck_%28cipher%29
not exactly a complex algorithm
Probably about 10 SLOC
Also if you're late answering @Ghanima, this might seem relevant to you
this talk has an Enigma figure in it, who could resist a cypher that references Enigma?
@Ghanima ★
it's probably not enough for an answer though
since I can't give you an actual star
@Aurora0001 discount star?
@Ghanima very much a poor man's star
@Aurora0001 Questions can be on-topic on two SEs. In my opinion it's a fine IoT question.
@Helmar indeed, I often think of it too much as a mutually exclusive thing
And I'm pretty sure that will make a useful reference to an IoT dev if someone answers it well
Also, I'm apparently the top voter (seems a shock to me)
Followed closely by @Helmar
@Aurora0001 Locked race on edits :)
@Helmar you have an advantage though
of having the edit privileges
@Aurora0001 Two actually, I could reject yours too :D
Not that it matters because then the SE guys still have the deciding vote
@Helmar or you could reject and edit and kill my suggested edit completely
@Aurora0001 Oh you are a suggested edit queue ninja ;)
@Aurora0001 yes, he could
Anyways, gotta go for now
@Helmar see you later!
We have our second 500+ user (Sean Houlihane) now
@Aurora0001 Congrats, @Sean!
Hooray, all the edits got approved
Apparently they only need 2 users to approve
@Aurora0001 yepp edits are two approvals
and editing was my plan!
@Helmar the executive summary is pretty strong bullshit-bingo from ressource efficiency to work-life-balance. Industry 4.0 is going to cover all of it
I wonder if we can hit 10 questions today (we're on 8 now, if you count today as being since midnight GMT)
@Aurora0001 10 questions on the third day is pretty slow for a private beta
and it's even worse if you discount the large proportion of bad questions
Do not let this site get close! Please!
@Gilles yepp, less than 10 is considered weak area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/94224/internet-of-things
visits per day is also pretty low
I prefered [embedded.se]. That had even less traffic, but what little we had was good
@Gilles that didn't make it to public beta?
@Ghanima yes, twice, because there wasn't enough traffic
1,500 visits per day is good, 500 visits per day needs some work. A great site benefits people outside the community. Eventually, 90% of a site's traffic should come from search engines.
given that we might reconsider our notion of "simple" questions with answers that are easily researchable using other sources
such Q's could attract visitors to the site
@Ghanima but we are still in private beta, so those figures aren't totally relevant
@Aurora0001 I was just saying what Area51 reads, but yeah during private beta I would not expect too many additional visitors
Are the stats for other private betas accessible on SEDE?
If so it might be interesting to compare and see how IoT is looking
even if so, I doubt that the DE lists the failed proposals
@Ghanima Just done a query on Robotics.SE
They had 28 questions on day 3
24 on day 4
but they're still alive, aren't they
Failed ones don't seem to be queryable
that's what I thought, but somehow it should be possible to download the full datadumps
put your right hand into the box!
Something for all of you to consider on your site
Q: scope and audience

NullarborFirst (and possibly last) impressions: the scope is unclear, hence a lot of questions downvoted and put on hold - possibly due to people like me, those who just have a curiousity of this type of technology or perhaps even, amateurs. Who is the audience - from initial impressions, it seems to ...

@Aurora0001 you can't - I was just an 'enthusiast'
@Ghanima not really, it is clear I just don't get it with regards to this site's scope (still not clear on that one)
good luck with your site
@Nullarbor I am sorry to hear. To my understanding the issue of "audience" hasn't been discussed yet and most StackExchange sites explicitely address amateurs and enthusiasts as well as professionals (ok security.stackexchange.com focuses on professionals)
as IoT is going to be a part of every-day life, e.g. as in SmartHome, I would guess that this community should be open to non-professionals
and dba
but again, that is up to the community decide and afaik has not been so far
your meta post certainly triggers that discussion
Yes, SE sites do advertise 'and enthusiasts', but like with most advertising, it is not always tthe truth
our IoT specialist in our team actually laughed when I suggested this site
well this site is two days old, what did your specialist expect :) give it time to develop
I say, give it a chance, help it to develop in a way that you consider beneficial
he laughed abot SE in general too
i was the only one on the team testing out SO/SE
so he made up his mind without even testing SO out?
he read over the site for quite a while
SE is certainly not perfect but I've seen much worse on the internet
but then again each must find out for oneself which sites to use and how and when and why
nothing is perfect - not even enthusiasts; but yes, he has found a couple of forums that are, in his words, more useful, far friendlier and collegial
I put my observations as an answer to the meta post - am sure it will be downvoted and 'snark' will likely to ensue
@Nullarbor I am sorry that your experience at this site has not been to your liking. Unfortunately it is hard for me to tell what happend but I am sure that any differences between you and any other users can be resolved
Q: scope and audience

NullarborFirst (and possibly last) impressions: the scope is unclear, hence a lot of questions downvoted and put on hold - possibly due to people like me, those who just have a curiousity of this type of technology or perhaps even, amateurs. Who is the audience - from initial impressions, it seems to ...

nah, it would seem that I am just an idiot asking a stupid question
well I have wasted enough of your and my time on this - we are testing our remote medicine app today (ironically with IoT involved), as well as testing our field-sensing gadgets
Good luck with the site, I sincerely do hope it works for you all
@Nullarbor thank you for that and all the best for your project too
08:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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