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Idea: can we somehow relay this rooms chat to TF2?
Yes, in theory
if you're a developer, anything is possible
The real question is how abominably difficult it is
i tried to make SE chat node module but never bother to start since this seem hard
SE chat use websocket right?
Getting the messages out of SE chat won't be the difficult part, that's been done before and it's dead easy
Getting the messages into TF2 might be slightly harder, given that it's ancient, has no real API, and requires you to interface with Steam which may or may not require two-factor.
though I have access to server so I can just write sourcemod plugin :P
@ArtOfCode wait wat really
Does SourceMod have a chat API?
@Downgoat Yeah. SourceMod plugins are Python, right? So we can use ChatExchange
Python framework for interfacing with SE chat
not familiar with it but ok :P
@quartata perhaps you can halp with this?
I'm... only too familiar with it. Developed a bot framework based on it which at last count was being used in about 10 bots around the network; SmokeDetector runs on it; I've contributed directly to it
:| oh
i can barely python however >_>
Someone else will probably have to do the TF2 end, but I can get you data out of SE easy enough
do i need to like use chatgoat or does ChatExchange not need an account for reading messages?
Um. Good question
You probably need an account to get the websockets
I know how to make a chat relay yes. You want it both ways?
...just be careful of the positive feedback loops
also beware: if you're relaying tf2 chat to here, either the bot needs to self-censor, or the tf2 chat needs to be held to SE standards
Yeah there's a trick for that on the Source side and I'll ignore messages from the bot on the SE side
@ArtOfCode We haven't had any problems with that on the Minecraft server so
True, but I imagine mc chat is slightly more peaceful than tf2...
just one to be aware of
By the way Sourcemod plugins are not Python. Sourcemod plugins are written in Pawn
Source.Python plugins are written in Python but the two are entirely different layers over the internal DLL API
1 hour later…
@quartata :O that is possible
@Downgoat Sure.
(assuming you are referring to SE -> TF2)
Do you want it to be bidirectional? @Downgoat
@quartata that would be very cool :D
15 hours later…
@Downgoat How would you like me to handle team-only messages?
Send them to SE anyways?
Maybe send 'em here with a [Team: RED] prefix?
and messages from here with a [Team: RED] prefix could be sent to the reds in TF2?
Bad idea IMO
Someone in the enemy team could read the chat relay for team messages
Yeah but who cares
2 hours later…
Name: PPCG Server
Mod: Team Fortress/tf (440)
Map: ctf_2fort
Players: 0/16 (0 bots)
@ArtOfCode Out of curiosity, how were you displaying the messages at the center of the screen earlier? I don't know of way to do that with vanilla console commands (not counting tv_msg or spawning a game_text)
@quartata To quote you, magic ;)
All right I'll tell you how I do something if you tell me how you do this
A fair trade right?
One secret for another
It's for the common good
I don't actually remember the command... gimme a few minutes to log on
1 hour later…
Name: PPCG Server
Mod: Team Fortress/tf (440)
Map: plr_nightfall_final
Players: 0/16 (0 bots)
Name: PPCG Server
Mod: Team Fortress/tf (440)
Map: plr_nightfall_final
Players: 0/16 (0 bots)
Name: PPCG Server
Mod: Team Fortress/tf (440)
Map: plr_nightfall_final
Players: 0/16 (0 bots)

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