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@IsaacMoses Well, good thing I have a beginner’s eye. (Shavuah tov!)
9 hours later…
Parshas Lech Lecha by any other name would be as sweet (but much harder to find).
3 hours later…
@GeminiMan I feel like this is a joke, but I can't figure it out...
@Daniel The mods will (hopefully) understand it.
2 hours later…
@GeminiMan I don't see the problem; do you still? :-) (And thanks.)
@MonicaCellio Now there's Vayera up there too.
@Scimonster oh. I failed to notice that by default events are announced in advance. Fixed now.
2 hours later…
@MonicaCellio OK I came too late to see the original - what was the joke?
@YEZ he was pointing out the absence of this week's parsha tag in the community bulletin. Then I managed to overshoot and include this week's and next, now fixed.
@MonicaCellio Ahh it was absent altogether. I had gathered that there was some name that he didn't like currently posted.
@YEZ no, we'd just run through the queue without noticing. We have to schedule these individually, but can do so into the future, so usually what happens is one of us (usually not me :-) ) will notice we're running out and add more.
2 hours later…
To whom it may concern: moderators can't move comments from one post to another, nor can we respond to comment flags with custom messages the way we can respond to flags on posts. Our only choices are to delete the comment or decline the flag.
@IsaacMoses you are dominating the starred comment area currently.
1 year suspension?
that seems like a long time for the first time, no?
I guess I don't know what caused it
@Daniel I was surprised about that too.
I was like "Oct. 24th passed, why is he still suspended?" and then saw the year.
We've been far more tolerant of far more disruptive users on here in the past
I don't get why judaism.stackexchange.com/posts/47693/revisions was closed as psak and don't get the ensuing edits.
@YEZ When you ask such a specific question like that, it becomes clear that you are looking for a practical ruling
And it's not a general question that is likely to be useful to future users
The edits (at least my edit) are intended to make that question more applicable to a greater number of people
According to this, I should have received the socratic badge by now
Maybe I just have too many deleted questions
@Daniel I don't see very many deleted questions. Does that query tell you how many days it thinks you have toward the badge, or only yes/no?
@MonicaCellio It tells me I have 106 days toward the badge
out of 100
@MonicaCellio btw while you're here... judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/6881/…
@Daniel ok. I guess I can tell you how many deleted questions you have if you ask me to.
note the last answer
@MonicaCellio sure
@Daniel bleh. Thanks; I last checked flags a couple hours ago so hadn't seen yet. Gone now.
@MonicaCellio no problem. That one wasn't really hurting anybody
@Daniel I had the badge according to the query about 11 questions before I got the badge.
@Daniel I see four deleted questions.
@MonicaCellio hmm weird. all on different days?
I didn't even realize that I was close to that
@Daniel yes. You have some 0-score and downvoted questions too and I think that factors in, but I haven't refreshed my memory on exactly how that badge works (nor inspected the query).
But anyway, it looks like you're close!
Must go tend to dinner. TTYL.
@MonicaCellio Yeah I'm not that concerned about racking up badges, but it will be cool to get my first gold here
I've already got one on SO despite my lower rep there
where is the query for my comment score distribution?
not the one that tells me how many comments I have with x score. The one that ranks my comments by score.
@Daniel I'm curious, too, but don't expect to ever learn why. The mods can't say.
@IsaacMoses I wouldn't expect them to even if they could
@IsaacMoses @Daniel but lashon hara is sooooo fun!
@Daniel toda raba
@YEZ de nada
@Daniel how do I locate a comment based on the ID?
shalom for now.
@YEZ The ID there is the post ID rather than the comment id
so you can do judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/id
It works, even if the post is an answer
Looking through my top voted comments, it is interesting what kinds of comments get lots of upvotes
It's mostly jokes and comments that are very rational when one could imagine a more spiritual-seeming response
When I see an answer like this for some reason, I have absolutely no desire to read it
even though I could read the Hebrew
Even though there are a lot of people who can read Hebrew quite easily on this site, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that nobody has actually read that answer
@DoubleAA The ID in question is the post ID

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