3 hours later…
Jan 20 '20 at 20:19, by Bill Dubuque
@WeiZhong Is there any way to exclude AoPS matches (they are unwanted noise when searching for dupes for math.SE; they slow down my dupe search process by a significant factor).
Jan 22 '20 at 18:11, by Bill Dubuque
@WeiZhong That's unfortunate. It means that Approach0 is no longer useful to me any more. If this is ever fixed could you please let me know. Thanks.
@BillDubuque You asked to be notified when A0 has possibility to restrict the result to some domain. There were also some other changes, which are listed here: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/46148/2021/6/7
I will admit that I do not have some very straightforward way to enter a query restricted to one site, but I suppose the software will evolve in the future. (And also I will get more acquainted with the freatures over time.)
Here is an example - searching for $(a^2+b^2+c^2)(b^2+c^2+d^2)=(ab+bc+cd)^2$ without any restriction.
@MartinSleziak Thanks a million Martin. That is great news. The problem I often have is that the MSE search results list isn't lomg enough enough because too many entries are allotted to AoPS matches. Now restricting it to MSE I may find more and better MSE matches since the list of MSE matches may now be 2-3x longer in those cases. Further, I don't have to waste time visually filtering AoPS matches (which have no relevance for dupe targets).
1 hour later…
@BillDubuque Sorry I did not recall your previous message and forget to inform you about this. Basically approach0 is implemented almost from scratch, so it takes time to involve. Due to some speicial things in Math search, it is tricy to actually implement this fitler, although it does look simple even to me at first... and it about implement it in an efficient way.
i have not written any official documentation about how to use the filter yet, currently i am in a travel mode (leaving China in a few days) and there is a paper due in
a few days. I will probably update user guide later, for now, you may refer to previous examples in this room for more information on the new query format.
a few days. I will probably update user guide later, for now, you may refer to previous examples in this room for more information on the new query format.
@BillDubuque refer to these examples for now: https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/58259823#58259823
For UI, a canonicalized form of input would be: Enter boolean filter such as AND, OR or NOT in capitals, following a space, then enter FIELD:keyword where keyword should be wrapped with dollar if it is a math keyword, and FIELD is a field name, now it can be: tags, site or title.
For UI, a canonicalized form of input would be: Enter boolean filter such as AND, OR or NOT in capitals, following a space, then enter FIELD:keyword where keyword should be wrapped with dollar if it is a math keyword, and FIELD is a field name, now it can be: tags, site or title.
1 hour later…
Since now the new changes are also on the "official" version, I will copy-paste the examples from here chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/46148/2021/6/7 - with the updated link.
Jun 7 at 11:29, by Wei Zhong
(1) \exact specifier for symbols: https://approach0.me/search/?q=OR%20content%3A%24%5Csin%5Cleft(%5Comega%20%5Cexact%20t%20%5Cright)%24&p=1
Jun 7 at 11:33, by Wei Zhong
(2) to search for posts of some tags: https://approach0.me/search/?q=OR%20content%3A%24%5Csin%5Cleft(%5Comega%20t%20%5Cright)%24%2C%20AND%20tags%3Aordinary-differential-equations&p=1
Jun 7 at 11:34, by Wei Zhong
(3) to search certain keywords in only title field: https://approach0.me/search/?q=OR%20content%3A%24%5Csin%5Cleft(%5Comega%20t%20%5Cright)%24%2C%20AND%20title%3Asolving&p=1
Jun 7 at 11:36, by Wei Zhong
(4) to limit data source to MSE: https://approach0.me/search/?q=OR%20content%3A%24%5Csin%5Cleft(%5Comega%20t%20%5Cright)%24%2C%20AND%20site%3Amath.stackexchange.com&p=1 and limit data source to AoPS https://approach0.me/search/?q=OR%20content%3A%24%5Csin%5Cleft(%5Comega%20t%20%5Cright)%24%2C%20AND%20site%3Aartofproblemsolving.com&p=1
(4) to limit data source to MSE: approach0.xyz/search/… and limit data source to AoPS approach0.xyz/search/…
Jun 7 at 11:40, by Wei Zhong
(5) to use NOT clause to filter things: https://approach0.me/search/?q=AND%20title%3Aeigen%2C%20NOT%20title%3Avectors&p=1
5 hours later…
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Jun '2124
In the search of a question
When you are looking for a specific question (using Approach0 ...