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@WeiZhong So if I understand it correctly queries like this 1: $2xy\le x^2+y^2$, 2: $2xy\ge x^2+y^2$, 3: $2xy=x^2+y^2$, 4: $x^2+y^2\le2xy$,
5: $x^2+y^2\ge2xy$, 6: $x^2+y^2=2xy$ are supposed all to match the same posts (although maybe with different scores/different orderings of results).
10 hours later…
Oct 4 at 4:45, by Wei Zhong
And thank you! When you think Approach0 is stable and helpful enough (still some issue as we notice, but after some fine-tune in the future), please add links to these posts and let users know an alternative way to search MSE.
When I mention some relevant posts in a comment, mentioning how I find them might be useful information to the OP. (Whether it using Approach0 or any other method.)
3 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Thank you! Since last time I get negative feedback after trying to post approach0 links, I become less confidence on judging the mathematical relevance between results and query. I wish people whose math level is higher than mine can utilize approach0 results to help other users find what they want.
@WeiZhong Well, I think that main objection was that you have posted them as answers. (And I certainly agree with that objection.)
@MartinSleziak Right, even x^2 = 2xy + y^2 (x^2 and y^2 are not on the same side) has the similar results.
Flooding the site with comments about Approach0 would not be too good either. But posting them occasionally, in the case where they really help is - in my opinion - all right.
@MartinSleziak I understand, next time I definitely will post approach0 links as comment.
At least so far neither of us got suspended for posting such comments... I have no doubts that if mods or other users find this problematic, they will let us know.
haha, no worry, we are doing the right thing. The problem of mine was I did it in a wrong manner.
I am sorry, x^2 = 2xy + y^2 will not get similar results because their subpaths are different:
2xy in this case will have an "ADD" operator above its subtree.
My bad.
Also worth to mention, a + b + c = d + e + f has similar results with a + b = d + e + f + c. Because any variable in these equation has a subpath like: VAR/ADD/EQUAL
Although mathematically they are different equations, but approach0 will not differentiate them just because their subpaths set are idential. From this example I want to show that approach0 sacrifices some degree of math-relevance strictness for better efficiency.

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