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@El'endiaStarman Hmm, lichess is saying 3. c4 is an inaccuracy … but it's at the same time a not that uncommon opening…
or 3... Nf6
I'm not sure about why 6... Bf5 was that inaccurate … but uh … that's computer analysis…
@bwoebi Perhaps people do statistically worse with that move?
@El'endiaStarman dunno, the opening databases I've found seem to contradict
I think that computer analysis is primarily weird in that it cannot properly take potential mistakes into account.
I've seen a couple situations where a local Stockfish analysis got stuck in some local extrema so it couldn't suggest anything outside a particular small set of moves.
I don't know how exactly the heuristics work… but yeah, might happen
(which is why we ultimately have opening databases and have the computers do middle game analysis)
Right now I'm reading up on "universal opening systems" AKA chess openings that have a minimal dependence on what the other player is doing.
@PhiNotPi g3, Nf3, Bg2, O-O usually is pretty independent
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