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room topic changed to The Woods of Lurking: A place where it's very calm. Home of zyabin101, who tames downgaots in here. (no tags)
Thanks, feed bot. sob
zyabin101 has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
@StackExchange Now piping TNB stars here!
wot iz dis
Ah, Tux is back!
you think i am back but in reality i am not
Ahh, feed bot, when the chat stars come..
in The Nineteenth Byte, 12 mins ago, by Geobits
I agree, so I starred.
in The Nineteenth Byte, 1 min ago, by betseg
It literally means "Turkeyland" in Turkish.
Aaaaagh, I hate my inability to move messages on mobile.
1 message moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
I finally did it, but it was a pain.
💩→ 3 messages about keeping perfect discourse in TNB moved to Trash
Feed Bot of TNB, if you continue as such, I'll remove the feed from the room.
in The Nineteenth Byte, 32 mins ago, by Geobits
@DJMcMayhem téxt
in The Nineteenth Byte, 14 mins ago, by Beta Decay
You don't need to mow the lawn. Keep it natural
in The Nineteenth Byte, 1 min ago, by Dennis
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice — Jeremy French Jul 24 '11 at 10:11
Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice — Jeremy French Jul 24 '11 at 10:11
The right word from the mod.
2 hours later…
in The Nineteenth Byte, 1 hour ago, by Ton Hospel
After this conversation soon there will be
1 message moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
💩→ 2 💀, 1 other message about keeping normality on main - 3 messages moved to trash
Nice. A 💀 counts as tree messages.
Because the Feed Bot of TNB has been hateful somehow, his c went over n and a few seconds later, this bot will be dismantled.
It won't return for 7 days.
zyabin101 has stopped a feed from being posted into this room
The feed bot I just removed said 10 conv. units of message that had to be trashed.
As such, the period widens to 10 days.
(also I think I did a mistake in calculations, but now's too late)

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