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00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

, is pickup
get darted fox!1!!11!eleven
It's okay to attack it normally
Fair enough
I should use those myself
if I wasn't going to throw darts, why would I be tourist?
Did you get a corpse? I didn't see
Ah fair enough
how to drink pls
figured it out
What was it?
cool draught
from fountain
refreshing, not poison or something
I mean what was the drink command?
Noted, thanks
ooh, another fountain
Jeez louise
Come back when you're XP level 5 and go #dipping for Excalibur
Go back to the dead end and type 10s or 50s to search
That's search for 10 turns or 50 turns
so that's how all those levels I played were possible
You may turn up secret passages or secret doors. But sometimes it's just a dead end
dead end
what do now
That is really weird
@DJM Do you see this?
maybe somewhere else
Trying search on one of the other paths
Kill the zombie, do not eat it
For what I hope are obvious reasons
why would I eat it?
@Sherlock9 no, I'm watching a movie so I wasn't paying attention to nethack.
Just making sure
now I want to eat it
Ah ok DJ. We're on level 1 and there are dead ends everywhere
As the old story goes: The little boy's mother was off to market. She worried about her boy, who was always up to some mischief. She sternly admonished him, "Be good. Don't get into trouble. Don't eat all the chocolate. Don't spill all the milk. Don't throw stones at the cow. Don't fall down the well." The boy had done all of these things on other market days. Hoping to head off new trouble, she added, "And don't stuff beans up your nose!" This was a new idea for the boy, who promptly tried it out. In our zeal to head off others' unwise action, we may put forth ideas they have not entertained...
relevat wikpedia
excuse me, I have a zombie to eat
oh wait, is the corpse gone
Alright fair enough
there it is somehow
now I have a corpse to eat!
Sorry about the preemptive warning
Well now you're deathly sick
Ah well haha
well, I'm gonna leave
I'll go to the hospital now
Shift-S to save your game and exit
oh wait, I died before I could escape
also I meant my character was leaving
Ah haha
I'm still here
well, shortest game I ever played
Well shall I play now or shall you?
I have a game on Level 2 at the moment
hmm, I think I should try and get past the first floor
From quartata's advice: Dwarven Valkyries are good for first timers
But do whatever you like
Ooh human Samurai
the only reason I died was that that floor hated me
I have to set options again ._.
best room ever
wait why am i down here
why is it teleporting me?
what is this lag
also how am I lagging on a roguelike?
something about cursetesting stuff?
curse testing?
Hang on
am i doing it right
Yeah, your pet stepped on the object
So it should be fine
Do you know how to move diagonally?
13 gp it is an omen...111!!!
Okay just checking
Ah ok
upon looking up statues in the wiki Hm I didn't know I could break open statues
how to open a chest?
oh wait, I think I might know
Ah, yes
lemme equip a dagger
fuck it was cursed
y it do dis ;_;
well, I think I'm done for now
let me just read this scroll
Don't #quit
Shift-s (S) saves the game for later
I don't want to save though
Ah okay
ok, that explains the random appearances on map, i had ESP amulet
See you later, DW
You said oh
I was waiting for the follow-up
it was slight disappointment that you were going, but you don't seem to be, and also now I'm confused
I thought you were leaving hahaha
Ok I started my game up
I'm Sherlock9
its laggin
better now
How do you break open a statue I wonder
Oh wait
Statues before level 4 don't contain anything
dang it
I just realised I had something to do ._.
No prob
Shite, I'm dead
7 hours later…
You can only #dip for Excalibur if you're lawful and have a long sword by the way
There's a better artifact weapon for Tourists
1 hour later…
@Sherlock9 y picks a random character for you and asks you to approve, a doesn't ask for final approval. It just makes it up and spits you into the game.
Also, don't pick tourist or monk. THey are both hard.
9 hours later…
God damn cycles.
Oh, the mimic can't move?
OK, so I guess that didn't quite work the way I thought it would
@DJMcMayhem It can but very very slowly.
Back out a bit
OK, move down left and attack up left
Or do that
Shit, I was doing so well...
I should have just left
Did you have a dagger? Probably should have Elbereth'd
I thought you might be able to get it fairly easily with hit and run but didn't quite work out
@quartata I do not understand that word
Imma try a different role now
@DJMcMayhem When you Engrave the word Elbereth on a tile, all intelligent creatures that are not blind will try to stay away from it
On the bright side, small mimics are the 6th most common cause of death
Huh. What's the first?
Soldier ants.
I'm not sure what to try, but I want to try something new. how about caveman/cavewoman?
Try a ranger or samurai perhaps.
How about tourist? hahah
Tourist is my favorite role
But it's very tough.
You have to be really careful.
Haha, the language adapts to the role
Yeah, the names of some items actually change too.
Oh, Hachi is my dog.
Food rations are gunyoki.
I thought that was a jackal ._.
Nah. Pets have a highlight
you lucky sod
I'm missing something
What is that?
Did you start a new game?
Yeah, I did
Stethoscope lets you see the status of any creature.
:/ how do I get out of your death screen
@ConorO'Brien q
@quartata what do you mean status?
@quartata I see
Also you can use it on secret doors
I can only go up?
OK, so I should start looking for secret doors
BUC test the cape
It might be a cloak of somethin good
Remind me what BUC means?
pet test?
So I know it's not cursed
Did it step on it?
OK, put it on. It's probably something good then.
Cloaks can go on top of armor
Cloak of protection. That sure sounds good
Hell yeah.
Hit i and see what it is
Oh. Well, still good.
It gives AC3 iirc
So I'd say you lucked out
OK, start using the stethoscope on the walls
Frigging connection dropped...
@quartata you appear to be a nethack master
On phone now
@ConorO'Brien I'm really bad actually. Never ascended.
Doorknob's the only person here who's any good
isn't that hard to do though?
Does that mean I lost all my progress?
Uh, depends...
Phew, still there
00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 00:00

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