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1:45 PM
@noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ LDC isn't working for me, at least not for D-to-WASM conversion.
The LDC from Fedora's repos seems to be incapable of it. Maybe I have to install some extra package.
Error: unable to get target for 'wasm32-unknown-unknown-wasm', see -version and -mtriple.
The LDC from the install script prints a lot of errors I do not understand. I cannot install directly to ~/dlang (it doesn't exist outside the sandbox), so I'll have to check if I'm making a mistake somewhere.
Trying to convert a simple Hello World shows these errors.
/opt/d-ldc/dlang/ldc-1.17.0/bin/../import/std/stdio.d(16): Error: module `core.stdc.stddef` import `wchar_t` not found
/opt/d-ldc/dlang/ldc-1.17.0/bin/../import/core/stdc/time.d(151): Error: undefined identifier `time_t`, did you mean function `time`?
/opt/d-ldc/dlang/ldc-1.17.0/bin/../import/core/stdc/time.d(151): Error: undefined identifier `time_t`, did you mean function `time`?
/opt/d-ldc/dlang/ldc-1.17.0/bin/../import/core/stdc/time.d(153): Error: undefined identifier `time_t`, did you mean function `time`?
7 hours later…
9:15 PM
@Dennis Hey, blast from the past, but could you add Simplex to TIO? Finally got around to fleshing out the second implementation
node simplex.js <file_name>
10:07 PM
Would using Docker be acceptable?
Have you considered chrooting LDC or restricting it to a nobody user with custom permissions?
@Dennis WASM doesn't provide the C standard library, and your error shows using the C standard library. Have you tried the program in this link? wiki.dlang.org/…
There's github.com/ldc-developers/ldc/releases for official binaries

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