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12:21 AM
@Dennis Oh, alright. I probably should've tested it myself before asking anyway...
@Dennis Doesn't seem to work, this code should produce 'hello': tio.run/##JYxBCoAgFAX3nuLt0kUt2tcZuoLItwT1h1/…
$ cat > tio.coffee
test = ->
  new Promise (res) -> res 'hello'

main = -> console.log await test()


$ coffee tio.coffee
Because the token error occurs on the token after await, function in this case, I think this is still using CS 1.
12:44 AM
@mınxomaτ CS 1 says ReferenceError: await is not defined.
Hm. I'm not able to repro the error I get on TIO with CS 2. I don't have CS 1.
I guess the double install borked references to other libs. Usually cs1 and cs2 cannot coexist.
@Dennis I'm using nvm to pin node to 8.4.0 here.
What's the TIO version?
Yep, that's it.
@mınxomaτ TIO has two Node versions: the system package (6.12 LTS), and a manual install in /opt (8.5.0). I added the latter to PATH and it prints hello now.
Maybe you could integrate nvm, and an UI option to switch between versions.
12:49 AM
I'll look into that.
1:05 AM
@Downgoat Done. I installed babel-preset-env instead of babel-preset-esXXXX, because that's what npm told me to do.
@Downgoat I avoid adding extra flags whenever I can. I've enabled command-line options for Babel Node though, so you can add whatever flags are pertinent.
5 hours later…
5:50 AM
@Dennis I can't get the Clean TIO to do anything with the header. What filename is it being given?
1 hour later…
7:02 AM
@Dennis also, the Clean compiler doesn't seem to have permissions on its own libraries: tio.run/##S85JTcz7/z83P6U0J1UhNzEzjysztyC/…
1 hour later…
8:20 AM
@Dennis Could you pull Actually when you get a chance? Thanks in advance!
12:35 PM
@Mego Done.
@Οurous Header, Code, and Footer get joined into a single file.
@Dennis Thanks again!
12:53 PM
@Οurous Looks like Clean tries to build the libraries on first use. That's not possible, as the sandboxed compiler cannot make changes outside the home directory. I'll try to compile them during the installation process.
1:41 PM
@Dennis Could you pull Alumin?
2:36 PM
@ConorO'Brien Done.
2:54 PM
@Dennis Hm, that doesn't work. It still tries to compile stuff in /opt at runtime...
3:04 PM
@Dennis Could you set up a chroot for the compiler and then move the libraries to the real /opt?
The issue is that clm tries to recreate/modify the abc files, even if they already exist. One solution would be to copy everything from /opt/clean into the home directory, but I'd like to avoid that.
OK, compiling everything in /opt/clean/lib once doesn't make a difference (can't create abc files), compiling twice changes the error (can't create object files), but compiling thrice appears to make it work. I have no idea why though.
3:23 PM
When in doubt, repeat until it works? :P
Good thing I'm insane.
Certainly you didn't think you'd get away with saying that and not having it end up on the starboard :P
I always think I'll get away with it, but I never do...
3:52 PM
@Dennis Thanks!
3 hours later…
7:12 PM
@Dennis thanks again! It needs three runs because it first compiles each file to .abc, then links each module into a full .abc file, then produces the .o files.
7:41 PM
@Dennis could you please pull Chip when you get a chance?
8:04 PM
@Phlarx Done.
1 hour later…
9:24 PM
@Dennis Thanks much!
9:47 PM
@Dennis could you add the Platform library to the Clean install? Latest build is under ftp.cs.ru.nl/Clean/builds/linux-x64
10:31 PM
@Dennis Oh, actually, it looks like TIO isn't using the iTasks environment for Clean, could you install clean-bundle-complete-linux-x64-latest as a replacement for the current install?
11:03 PM
@Οurous That's a nightly build. Is there a reason the stable one won't work for TIO?
11:16 PM
The executable from the nightly build hangs after clm: can't start the clean compiler: No such file or directory.
@Dennis The Nightly build is the only release with iTasks, which fixes a lot of bugs with fusion optimisation, has extended import syntax, and allows actually working world-state observation. It hangs because the entire bundle needs to go under the same directory. (Then set to CLEAN_HOME, as per the readme file)

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