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Those are missing from CentOs comparing to our Fedora install: gist.github.com/AndrewSav/ff787a2b7d7191bc62326c4a9c6dff65
5 hours later…
@AndrewSavinykh Most of these are not missing, they are just in different repos. E.g. to enable haskell-platform, you need the EPEL repo: support.rackspace.com/how-to/…
After that the package becomes available.
Heh, I rust setup a new CentOS box and got a few dozen brute force attempts in the first few minutes on SSH alone.
@Dennis can you do an RProgN 2 pull please?
2 hours later…
@AndrewSavinykh This is how far I got: gist.github.com/turbo/68a5f46c5ff5e24e5a8fa9f98c5f4267
@mınxomaτ thank you
I think Dennis wants to get away from installing haskell-platform from a repo as it's lags behind too much, so it most likely will be a download
EPEL is just used to align CentOS to Fedora, it's not specific to haskell. It's still required for most of the other packages.
and of course both octave and julia are expected to work ;) but I think we will work through these in time. Installing julia from a download should not be difficult
Yeah. Rebuilding allegro also works.
allegro is used by emojicode
dash has to be pulled from a pre-7 rpm, because it's deprecated
Also if you build julia from source, you don't need to install dnf. The stable dnf doesn't support copr (hence the added repo for *EL7 dnf).
1 hour later…
@Dennis Can you please pull Brachylog?
1 hour later…
@mınxomaτ python3 is in IUS
I wrote unknown because I didn't have time to test it. You can leave a comment and we can track this on the gist.
Or somewhere more appropriate.
Yeah, I'm experimenting on the centos7 branch
1 hour later…
octave too old :(
need octave 4
repo has 3
@AndrewSavinykh Repo is ancient. Octave says compile from source for CentOS: wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_Red_Hat_Linux_systems#CentOS
it take age to compile stuff from sources
so when there is another option, I'd opt for it ;)
There is. Package the new version :P
1 hour later…
@ATaco Done.
@Fatalize Done.
@AndrewSavinykh The Julia from the repo is only used by Beeswax. I don't think switching to the Julia 5 executable in /opt would break anything.
6 hours later…
Hey @Dennis beeswax programs don't seem to work on TIO, I get this error

WARNING: readbytes is deprecated, use read instead.
in depwarn(::String, ::Symbol) at ./deprecated.jl:64
in readbytes(::IOStream, ::Vararg{IOStream,N}) at ./deprecated.jl:30
in open(::Base.#readbytes, ::String) at ./iostream.jl:113
in include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:488
in process_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:262
in _start() at ./client.jl:318
while loading /opt/beeswax/bin/beeswax, in expression starting on line 4
@Okx Should work now. Make sure you disable the cache when you try again.
Thanks @Dennis, I just managed to win Hack into a Lottery using Beeswax in 3 bytes ;)
@Dennis You don't realize the complex pun you just made.
You're right, I don't.
That would have taken some time without the hint... ;)
2 hours later…
@Dennis Is this a good fit for Tio? It intrepets a bunch of BF derivitives. Somone used one in the big Polyglot, so it'sd be nice if add to the Tio test harness. gitlab.com/PoroCYon/bfc/tree/master

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