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4 hours later…
8:36 AM
@Deadcode 0/10, no warnings or strict
8:56 AM
I only made it for myself, wasn't planning on posting it. But then there was a TIO link that wouldn't load properly. Used my script on it and was able to read its contents; recompressed it, and saw that the poster had typo'ed the pasted link by adding an extra character at the end. So, spur of the moment decision, decided it could be useful to other people and pasted it here.
@Pavel Could you be more specific about what your suggestions would be to make it better?
I really have no idea what you mean by "no warnings or strict".
Wrote it in the first place because I was worried about @Dennis being unresponsive. Theoretically TIO could go down completely, and then the only way to recover the contents of links would be a something like this.
And used Perl because it was the first Google result I found for a way to do raw inflate without downloading dependencies I didn't have.
9:33 AM
(I might have been inclined to look into what warnings and strict are, had you not said that so incredibly rudely.)
11 hours later…
8:09 PM
@Deadcode It means use strict; use warnings; at the start
Like this: tio.run/…
1 hour later…
9:15 PM
Fine, but I don't see the point of using "my " when there's only one scope.
Had to remove all the comments for this chat to allow me to paste the link.
Code is at a premium when pasting lines here, so I left out the use strict; use warnings; as well. But with them in, it didn't give any warnings/errors.
The fact that you would give me a 0 for not using warnings and strict makes me happy that you were never one of my teachers.
@Deadcode 10/10 for being able to decompress it's own source
But take 1 off for not being able to handle input
No wait, I see it prints the input below the program
Put that 1 mark back on
11/10 for being able to output flags as well
I wanted to embed a message that you'd get when giving its own output to itself a few times in a row, but this silly chat didn't even let me use an URL long enough to encode one iteration.
9:31 PM
Use a link shortening service then
10:08 PM
@Deadcode 0/10 is just a meme
Any minor fault in something you do? Instantly 0/10.
At the same time, if you ever come across a Perl guide that doesn't towards the very beginning tell you to never ever omit strict and warnings, you probably should find a different resource
Why do you directly call rawinflate from the package instead of importing it?

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