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12:04 AM
I'd try to work on the grass one but i have no idea what they're doing here
12:14 AM
me in a nutshell
oh wait
blue.sky.or.jp/grass under intuitive explanation
there are preinitialized variables
each run of W and w is one function application, ws at the start and after v are argument counts, W is the function index from top of stack, w is argument index
12:30 AM
wv														: id
wwWWwWWWwv												: \ f x -> f (f x)
Wwwww													: + 2
WWw														: + 4
WWWw													: + 8
WWWWw													: + 16
WWWWWw													: + 32
WWWWWWw													: + 64
WWWWWWWw												: + 128
Wwwwwwwwwwwww											: du + 128
WWWWw													: du + 160
WWWWWWWw												: du + 168
WWWWWWWWWWWWWWw											: du + 169 = SP
WWWWWWWWWWWww											: du + 170 = !
WWWWWWWWWWww											: du + 177
WWWWWWWWWWWWw											: du + 181 = ,
WWWWWWWWWWww											: du + 209 = H
@Dennis grass
unsurprisingly, I got sidetracked making an esolang
@ConorO'Brien haha
1:20 AM
@ASCII-only All live. Thanks!
Error: ConorOBrien.programming.language.esoteric.created.length has overflowed
ConorOBrien.programming.language.esoteric.created = realloc(ConorOBrien.programming.language.esoteric.created, 100000)
(but it's really cool it's like a lisp thing that'll compile to parenthetic)
the hello world button is new, right?
@betseg yeah
I could do the HBCHT one but it would take too much rearranging :(
1:43 AM
@Dennis layout is kinda borked on mobile
You clearly need a bigger phone.
Btw thats 5.1 inch and full hd
:| exact same for me i thought my phone was better than that
Currently in the middle of something. I'll fix it after that.
@ConorO'Brien That's what I suggested too lol
1:49 AM
oh lol
my phone is tiny, not gonna bother checking :P
2:09 AM
non golfed proper hello world
@Cowsquack I've split sed into version 4.2.2 and the latest stable version now. Old permalinks should once again work without errors.
2:29 AM
@betseg Could you try again?
@Phoenix Could you check if that still happens?
@ConorO'Brien Nice! Any particular reason for the layout?
oh no that was just aesthetic
whitespace is not important
@Dennis It's fixed now!
Neat. That should do until I have time to overhaul the page structure.
@ConorO'Brien Live now. Thanks again!
no problem!
3:13 AM
@Phoenix Thanks. Maybe it's not the right time to try to add PostScript. My interpreter also needs more security features like -dSAFER for disabling file operators before it would be appropriate for this use.
@luserdroog You shouldn't need security features, TIO can safely handle running Bash, C, and ELF files, so it's extremely doubtful your language can cause any harm.
Hm. I see. Well, then maybe it is worthwhile. Graphics is the primary use of ps, but it does work with just text i/o by using the null graphics device. I haven't tested on Fedora exactly. But it compiles and runs on Linux, Solaris, Cygwin, Mingw, and has VC solutions. BSD licence. github.com/luser-dr00g/xpost
@Dennis I think ^ is a language request.
3:33 AM
@luserdroog The language is PostScript and the implementation is xpost. Is that correct?
Alright, I'll take a look later.
Awesome. I'll stay logged in here, but also
You can't delete a message after five minutes, so I removed it. I can read deleted messages anyway.
Awesome. Thanks.
3:37 AM
@luserdroog on this I just managed to glitch the ball to stay on the top how could you do this D:
Wow. I forgot all about that. Got to load Flash to pull it up....
fun fact: i almost started cs50x a few years back
@luserdroog How would I print Hello World?
i was working on the scratch thing for way too long but then i lost the project >_>
echo (Hello World) = | xpost -dev null
Oops. missing quotes.
echo "(hello world) =" | xpost -dev null
3:48 AM
@Phoenix It worked. tio.run/##SypKzMxLys/…
@Dennis D: oh no compiler warnings
I thought I fixed that already.
Forgot to git add. >_<
Should be gone in 2 minutes.
@luserdroog Do I run that from the shell? Is there a way to take the code form a file?
Yes. Just mention files on the command-line.
-dev null should be first to suppress the graphics window.
4:06 AM
@luserdroog That didn't work, but --device=null did. Is there a way to avoid the PS> prompt at the end?
Ah, exit.
Good question. Hmm. It wlll only try to prompt if isatty(stdin).
quit. exit will terminate but may print an error.
exit is for breaking out of loops.
Ah, that explains the 128 KiB or debugging information.
Dang. I left a lot of warts showing. :)
There is extra error and internal logging which should be suppressed unless enabled in the configure script. But I or Vincent may have left it on while working on it.
Wow. Good work!
4:20 AM
@luserdroog I suggest something similar for STDERR. INF looks a bit weird outside a terminal.
I'm actually still compiling it on this new laptop. Turns out I didn't have libtool.
@Dennis Good idea.
2 hours later…
6:49 AM
@Dennis Thanks!
3 hours later…
9:20 AM
@Dennis :D
2 hours later…
11:47 AM
@Dennis Can you pull Charcoal? Thanks
2 hours later…
1:34 PM
In Hexagony I'm supposed to be able to pass the program argument -g that takes an integer which will not run any code and instead print an empty source file with the given side length. I'm not sure this works currently on TIO unless I'm doing something wrong. Try it online!
If I'm not doing something wrong my guess is that you're not supposed to pass a source code file to the interpreter when using this feature?
@MartinEnder Do you have more information regarding my comment
the issue is just that the interpreter is stupid and can't take these arguments at the end of the invocation (where TIO puts them) but only if they are in front of the source file name
i also seem to have left stuff in the input box which probably didn't help
I thought Dennis had hardcoded the -d flag at some point, but maybe I'm misremembering that
either way the best way to write and debug hexagony code is timwi's esoIDE
gotta learn to crawl before i can walk, bud
let me know in the esolangs room if you have any questions about the language (chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/27364/…)
1:42 PM
okay thanks
1 hour later…
2:50 PM
@Dennis Could you install V? It requires the parsec haskell package.
3:22 PM
@ASCII-only Done.
@WheatWizard Sure. Just have to figure out what to call it. >_>
@Dennis how about V (FMota)?
That doesn't follow TIO's naming convention, which uses Language (implementation) for everything else.
3:43 PM
@Dennis \/ maybe
Considered that. Kinda hurts searchability though.
Then you probably have to rename it to something like Braintree or something
That's even worse. \/ hurts searchability because the language's name is V.
Hmm then maybe special syntax? e.g. V [Vim] vs V [Brainfuck]
3:59 PM
If your going to introduce a new convention V [Fmota] is probably better
V [Brainfuck] seems just confusing to me
Oh dear...
That's gonna be a headache
And it's all your fault. :P
Why can't it be Francisco Mota's fault?
I was going to say because his V is from 2007. But he isn't here and can't defend himself, so let's go with his fault. :P
I'm ok with that haha
Silently replace the known V with an entirely unrelated language? Sure, that's not going to create any confusion at all. >_>
Solution: make an interpreter that heuristically determines which language it is and then interprets the code in that language.
Hey, that could save a lot of space in the language selector!
@Dennis let's ask francisco to change the language name to add it to tio ;)
Is TIO case sensitive?
I see it is not
4:22 PM
@WheatWizard It was, but @DJMcMayhem made me change that.
.oO(It really is all his fault.)
How did you solve this problem for ><> and fish?
I see you just appended -shell to fish
how about V-trees
Yes, so ><> is fish, while Fish is fish-shell, because that totally makes sense. >_>
and urls are supposed to make much sense
Every time I want to use fish I end up at ><> and become very confused.
Sadly, changing the IDs is impossible without breaking all existing permalinks.
Eh, I'll just call it \/. Unlike the IDs, the names can be changed later without too much hassle.
@WheatWizard Do you happen to have a Hello World?
4:34 PM
No I don't
I can make one
That would be great.
but I can't actually run V locally at the moment
I might be able to do so in about 6 hours. But thats in 6 hours and there is still a good chance I won't be able to anyway
as long as we're throwing out confusion "javascript" doesn't exist because it's javascript-node :P
4:36 PM
I'm afraid I don't follow.
@ConorO'Brien you can add "java" to the list
Ah. Well, the IDs need to be descriptive for the backend.
@Dennis I don't have access to a computer that can compile the V at the moment. I have another computer at home that might be able to do so, but I won't be home for 6 hours, and even then I might not be able to get it to work because that computer has some pretty serious hardware issues.
is it on github?
4:39 PM
@WheatWizard Alright, I'll try with the translation table from Esolangs.
@ConorO'Brien No, here
I can test it. just compile it?
You need the parsec library but other than that yes
should it compile without it? because it did lol
I certainly doesn't compile on my machine without it
Perhaps you have it installed for some other reason
4:42 PM
how do I use it?
Pass it the name of a file
any particular file?
it should contain your code ideally
what can I run to make sure it works? :P
I don't know. I have not written much in the language
4:46 PM
There is a brainf → V converter at the bottom of this page: esolangs.org/wiki/V_(FMota)
if that helps
oh I thought it was your language lol
@Cowsquack Afaict that doesn't work.
sorry, my ghc is broken :/
I can only get it to loop infinitely.
hm. I'll play with it when I get home. Until then don't worry about it
4:54 PM
@MartinEnder I can enable command-line options (which go before the file name) for Hexagony. Should I do the same for other languages of yours.
@Cowsquack Now I'd love to see a brainfuck to V (vim) converter :P
5:22 PM
@Dennis Hexagony and Labyrinth I guess. I think Alice and SKS don't have the same problem. I don't know about B&C to be honest.
OK, I'll add it for those two.
@MartinEnder I removed that for Nexus iirc since you can no longer "turn off" debugging output.
ah right
well those -d flags only print stuff if you also include debug commands in the source code so they should be fine
Ah, I didn't realize that.
2 hours later…
7:06 PM
@Dennis It look like it works, so long as you don't wrap around to the left (translated, mostly not golfed from the non-wrapping variety in the brainfuck Hello World answer): \/>>>\/\\/>\/\\/>\/\\>\>\\>\[/\/>>>>\[/\/\>>>\[/\/\>>>>\\/>>\/\>>>/\//\//>\/\]/\//>\‌​/\]/\//\/>>>\]/\/\\\\./\/\\/>>\/\\/>\/\./\/\\./\/\./\/>\>>>>\>>>\./\/>\\/>>\/\\[/\/\\/>\/\‌​./\//\//\/\]/\/
3 hours later…
9:43 PM
@Dennis, could you pull Chip when you get a chance?

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