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Q: How does Skopos Labs (cited by govtrack.us) predict the probability of legislation passing? What is their track record & is it the first of its kind?

uhohThis answer to Progress moving US oil and gas pipeline cybersecurity regulation and oversight from the TSA to the DOE? (HR 370) begins: H.R.370 died in the last Congress. The new bill for the 117th Congress is H.R.3078 - Pipeline and LNG Facility Cybersecurity Preparedness Act and was reported J...

This is in Politics SE but since "The Skopos team created a machine learning and natural language processing platform" it's possible someone here may be able to shed some light on how it works if enough information is available.
8 hours later…
Unfortunately, we're getting a lot of spam and some poor questions recently :(
This and this are known spammers. They are coming back with a newly created or another alternative account. I think their accounts were previously deleted (in addition to being suspended first) in attempt to solve the problem, but no.

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