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I prefer butter smeared, not spread. Take that.
I would've expected as much from you... I bet you prefer it on bread over toast too, like some sort of savage.
I. I. Don't, don't take my bread from me, alright, Alconja? That's where I draw the line, alright?
All I want is my bread and butter. Take the toaster. Take the microwave. Take it all. But not. My. Untoased bread.
*shakes head* ...just wait until i'm elected. First job will be to build a wall. ...of toasters. To keep bread-lovers like you out of here.
This reminds me of John Oliver's plan to save money by sending every citizen in America a waffle iron. Which would be cheaper than a wall.
And, so he posits, provide more enjoyment to the average American.
Oh man, I can't be the only anxious one. Two hours to go! Aaaaaaaaaaaa.
@Emrakul I'm not sure why you're anxious. I'm pretty sure you're a shoo-in.
We'll see! Hope I get it, but who knows.
I'm sitting here at work being like, "Wait, how long's it been? REFRESH!"
"Election closes in 1 hour." Eeee!
45 minutes!
Are results announced immediately? And is assumption of power immediate?
Does it not end at 20:00 UTC like the other phases?
@BusinessCat Looks like someone just realized that, and added an hour to the clock...
It ends at 20:00 UTC, and the results aren't immediately announced, but voting ends immediately and the ballot file is released, so anyone can run it.
D'oh! I was wondering how @Emrakul was getting 45 minutes unless he just calculated it...
The display still showed 1 hour for me. :(
I'll be so surprised if Emrakul is elected
said no one ever
@Emrakul I'm really anxious too!
(Also, I see you're a fan of Last Week Tonight - I just started watching it a few days ago and it's fantastic.)
(It's real good. I'm a huge fan of what John Oliver does.)
(My favorite stunt he's pulled was opening Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption.)
(Still disappointed that they had to close it.)
(Yeah! All Hail Mega-Reverend CEO John Oliver.)
(Oh man, one of my favorites was his segment on Puerto Rico, mostly because Lin-Manuel Miranda came and actually wrote a (small) song for it.)
(John Oliver came through here about 5 years ago, and it was hands down the funniest standup show I've ever been to. Just killed it.)
(Why are we whispering? Whis)pers louder.
I just jumped back to the beginning of the room and was surprised to see myself as one of the top ten editors this year!
I still think it's funny how Emrakul and I have really low upvote percentages compared to the others
Jul 19 at 15:22, by Lord of dark
Let's look at some funny statistics about our candidates :
Yeah, I saw that too
Like jeez you've spent more points downvoting than I could ever hope to earn XD
I have really high standards for puzzles, and apparently so does @Emrakul.
My percentage would probably be lower if I didn't consciously try to upvote more (what, no, nothing to do with earning a badge....)
got the champagne cracked open and standing by?
I'm talking to you @emrakul and @deusovi :-)
@Ben: Hey, we don't know who's gonna win. (Also, Emrakul and I are both underage.)
(So... that's an issue.)
@Deusovi Yeah, definitely! Hardly expect perfection, but some questions, y'know. Also, mods generally see much more of the low-quality stuff, just because, that's sort of how it's supposed to work.
.....non-alcoholic (raspberry flavored) champagne
@Deusovi Only in some countries.
Go to your local grocery and find the kosher section. They've got some excellent grape juice and sparkling apple cider.
Please, who doesn't live in America? Maybe, what, 10, 20 people worldwide?
There are other countries?
Egad! You, sir, are getting my downvote. Wot wot! Where's my cuppa tea? Quick before it's too late
Hey, I like tea, too! In the harbokay that's a bad joke.
Okay, we're back down to minutes!
You guys think a single cryptic clue is enough for its own question, or is it too little?
I wrote one yesterday that I thought was particularly clever
@Deusovi This is probably too old to still be meaningful, but: meta.puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/213/…
@DanRussell Yeah, that's from back before "posting your own puzzles" was a thing you could do here.
I've got nothing against it. I've certainly seen several of them pop up.
funny that answer says we had too few word questions, and now we have so many riddles that almost my entire front-page is greyed out (I ignored the riddle tag in options)
I agree with Dan, if it's an exceptional clue, why not
(I ignore riddles because they usually need you to be fluent in English to answer, so I have no chance :/ )
@Deusovi You have my vote, too. Go ahead and post it.
I've ignored the riddle tag too - I just really don't like them.
It's kind of funny, I thought the election would end an hour earlier than it did, so I've got a lunch scheduled just as the results come out. WHOOPS.
Any idea why it's almost always riddles in the HNQ? My sense is that other SE users see those, click on them, think "I can do that", and then riddles beget more riddles.
@DanRussell Guesses to riddles are easier to come up with than guesses to logic puzzles, and HNQ is blind to correctness.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. Riddles are quick, they're easily digestible, and they require almost no thought.
So what does the formula for HNQs take into account?
Number of answers?
Number of answers, answer score, and question score, in order of priority.
They also age out with exponential decay.
That does sounds like a recipe for all riddles, all the time in the HNQ. Too bad.
Yeah, it really gives people a bad impression of Puzzling.SE.
It's also the downside of the +10 per question upvote proposal, in my opinion.
You see a good puzzle, and you're like, "man, that person deserves more credit for such an amazing puzzle"!
But then you'd also tend to see crappy Qs getting some upvotes and be like "Wow, that person deserves less credit for that."
Unintended consequences...
Yeah, I wish the upvote/downvote rep ratio was closer to 1.
(Well, -1, but you know what I mean.)
I wish there was some good way to discourage riddles :/
My problem with riddles isn't that they're on the site or that they're popular, it's that they take attention away from some of the other really inventive and interesting stuff here.
Fine with me if they continue to exist, but I wish we could promote the other stuff better.
Yeah, exactly. There should be more puzzles like f'''s image maze, BMyGuest's hypermodern art, and... well, anything that Alconja makes.
I think good riddles are great, and contribute positively to the site. The problem is that less than 10% are what I would consider good.
Well, of course. (Also, I think even 10% is a huge overestimate.)
Your "You've Probably Seen Me Naked" was one of my favorites.
(puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/28201/…, for those who haven't seen it)
We have to "teach" people to use more the downvote button
Thanks, @Deusovi! I think the problem, like you said, is that anyone who sees a riddle thinks, "I could do that!", while someone seeing one of Alconja's puzzles probably just thinks, "Wow!" and doesn't even try to emulate it. (I am a huge fan of Alconja's puzzles.)
BUt I don't use it enough myself
@Lordofdark I think people are scared of downvoting because downvoting answers costs rep. Downvoting questions doesn't though.
woh I only have 48 downvotes for 1200 upvotes :o
12 minutes until the results come out!
how do you see this stat?
@Lordofdark Get out there and start downvoting!
Yes. Highlighting good riddles is definitely part of the overall highlighting good puzzles that should happen.
Maybe someone should write a good answer to the question, "What makes a good riddle?".
Back and have to thank @Deusovi for reminding me that I've had a single cryptic floating around in my head for months and had dismissed it until I could come up with more in the same vein...
225 up, 50 down, I thought I was harsher than this
But based on what Emrakul just said about HNQ, it's probably the lower-quality riddles (that will have many possible interpretations and thus many answers) that will appear in the HNQ feed.
@GentlePurpleRain I coul serial downvote you and get 31new downvotes
@Lordofdark: SE has countermeasures for that. You might get banned temporarily.
@Lordofdark True, and then be flagged and reverted by Community
"more answers" being a criterion for HNQ just doesn't make a lot of sense to me
Definitely not on Puzzling.
@Deusovi Yeah I know a random guy id this to me a few days ago and it has been reverted
@ffao: It's "hot network questions", not "high-quality network questions".
Even on other sites, you'd think you want one good answer as opposed to many.
One of Alconja's queries provided a votes-to-views ratio. It'd be sweet to use that for our HNQ.
Good to know about the serial downvoting thing because I've done a spurt of downvotes on a single user before because I noticed them posting several low-quality puzzles over the span of a few days and clicked into their profile to see if they had any good ones.
Ok let's take some realistic goal : I have to reach 68 downvote before end of Friday
@DanRussell That might be too simplistic, but we definitely need different criteria.
that is 0 downvotes
Guess enough of mine were natural that it didn't flag me :|
Dan, I'm pretty sure it's built into the SE network policy.
@feelinferrety: I've done that too.
I guess why we want to highlight hot questions as opposed to high-quality questions is the real question
Because it's easier for the SE programmers, I guess.
"High quality" is subjective and hard to measure.
Election closes in 7 minutes.
@Deusovi Well, once you (knock on wood) get your mod keycard, just Tom Cruise into the "mainframe" and drop a "Trojan" in there to change it.
To be honest I think it's because they are potentially "fun" : when you code is compilling you go on the HNQ and read some fun things
What if we just had a "nominate for HNQ" checkbox on every question. If enough rep-worth of users (add their rep together) nominates a question, it appears on HNQ.
@GentlePurpleRain Hah, watch anything from Gamow and Deusovi be auto-accepted.
@feelinferrety Shhh. What kind of chat room do you think this is? We're talking about HNQ here!
Hey, f'''s still above me in rep.
417 votes so far
It would have to be much higher than any individual's rep.
@Deusovi Eh, too lazy to go check sitewide stats, just used screenshot from beginning of room I already knew existed.
@GPR: Or maybe it could also take into account number of people who vote for it (e.g. at least 3 people with at least 50k total rep)
@Lordofdark I don't think badges are awarded in real time. If people voted recently, they might not have a badge yet.
@Deusovi Sounds good to me. Let's do it. :P
3 minutes!
Oh man I really have to pee but the countdown is too low
I don't remember which HNQ brought me here
@feelinferrety: NO PEEING ALLOWED
If results aren't immediately available, what exactly are we counting down to?
I got my badge pretty soon after I voted
The point where we can no longer vote?
GPR, we're counting down to score release
@GentlePurpleRain I think the data link is released
They'll release all the votes, but won't run the algorithm for... some period of time
So who's got there software ready to run the algorithm, then? ;)
*their (can't believe I did that)
@GentlePurpleRain slow clap
Welp, time to retract my vote for GPR
happens to the best of us, GPR :P
Thank you, thank you...
@Deusovi Phew, just in time!
still got 1 minute to change
@ffao No it doesn't! I've never made a tpyo in my life!
38 seconds!
It's over!
LOL: "Election closes just now."
Oh rip me, I don't have OpenSTV installed on this laptop
I'm installing it now
Hey f''!
@Deusovi I'll let you do the honors, then :P
We're now awaiting @Deusovi to do the ol' plug-and-chug
all hail our new diamond overlords
Emrakul, me, and GPR!
@GentlePurpleRain It looks like badges were awarded in real time ;)
@Deusovi Congrats! :D
congratulations ^-^
Congrats guys
Just so you know, @Emrakul and @Deusovi were elected on the first round. It took 21 rounds before I pulled off third place... :)
there's a ballot in there that has emrakul as third choice and no first or second choice
Looks like it was super close between you and @Alconja, GPR. Congrats.
Oh man, whoa! Election results!
Yeah! :D
'grats, @Deusovi, @GentlePurpleRain! I'm seriously happy with this election. You guys will be great.
Thank you! I'm excited to do... whatever it is mods do. I think there's some sort of ritual sacrifice involved?
Can you post any interesting stats or insights? I do NOT have admin control on my machine. :(
@feelinferrety Here are the results!
In detail.
user image
Here are your diamonds with your picture on it
The ballots are surprisingly different from one another
How does "transferring votes" work??
I scrolled through some 70, and I think I only saw some 3 repetitions of the most frequent triple of Emrakul, Deusovi, GPR
Q: How are moderator election votes counted, in plain English?

PopsThe election pages' sidebars state that Stack Exchange elections use the Meek STV vote-counting method: After m days, the final voting results will be freely downloadable from this page forever, and we will calculate the n winners using OpenSTV with the Meek STV method. How does that work? ...

congrats again everyone :)
it's too late here, gud night ^_^
night! c:
Those darn gerrymandering monkeys!
Congratulations @GentlePurpleRain @Deusovi @Emrakul
@feelinferrety Put naively, whatever fraction of your vote isn't need to elect your first choice gets transferred to your second choice, and so on down the line. If your first choice is eliminated, your entire vote goes to your second choice.
@Deusovi That was both adorable and informative.
Yeah! CGP Grey's videos are always really well-made.
Next question, though, is who's considered surplus?
@feelinferrety Everyone. Proportionally, every vote that goes into it counts as a fraction of surplus.
Gotcha. :)
If 200 people vote for someone and they only need 100 votes, then half of each vote is redistributed as surplus.
(It's not quite that straightforward, because some people might have fractions of votes in it, but that's the core of it.)
Q: 2016 Community Moderator Election Results

Jon EricsonPuzzling's first moderator election has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the 3 new moderators are: They'll be installed as the moderator team shortly — please thank them for volunteering, and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! I personally ...

That also explains why Emrakul and Deusovi kept swapping votes lol
Also, as a quick note, I haven't said much about the candidates this election, because as a mod pro tem, I felt it would be a conflict of interest. This outcome, though, is one I am wholeheartedly happy with. I'm confident in the results our election, and I'm genuinely excited to see how things go from here, honestly!
Congrats to all!
And a hearty fare-thee-well to @Doorknob
Thank you for your service. <3
Thanks! :)
Whoa, it's so weird seeing a diamond next to my name
This is gonna be hard to get used to
I'm so excited for you new mods!
Time to update that profile blurb to say "don't mess with me I AM A MOD" :p
When I have a child I'll put a diamond at the end of his name so every body will think he is a real life moderator
Congrats guys. All very much worthy of the position.
I wish I could have voted for more of you. I've met some awesome people in the short time I've been here.
unlucky @Alconja, you would have been a worthy mod IMO
Thanks, Alconja! Wish you could've been up here with us.
yeah, I kinda wish we could have 4 mods
Can't say I was unhappy having to choose between GPR and Alconja
it's one of those choices you can't really go wrong with either way
Thanks guys. Just means I have to put my time into puzzles instead of policing. :)
If we ever need another hand, you'll be my first choice c:
@Alconja Sounds good to me. I'm sure your policing would be solid, but your puzzles are excellent.
Them's sum tru wordz ^
It's funny seeing multiple diamonds in some of the VTC lists now heh
It's still so weird to see a diamond by my name
I keep having to do a double-take
'gratz again to all. What an exciting day. I get to leave work now and go do some work. :)

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