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@Nasser It's already quite a bit bigger than most textbook pages, so you don't have to print on all of it of you don't like the aspect ratio.
@DavidCarlisle, I am not following. I am just talking about long equations like (......) that can't be broken by default by latex since it has starting and closing (). When I change to 2 columns, these equations flow now into the right or left column, overflow. So I have to manually fix each one to make it fit. If the whole page was a little wider, then I do not have to do this.
Here is an example
The above is letter size, 10 pt, 2 columns.
With one column, this problem is not there ofcourse.
@Nasser yes you would, you'd just have bigger equations:-) Math typesetting is hard that's, If you want automatic breaking you should look at breqn package. Some math journals that use two column make heavy use of full with floating equations, so you treat an equation like a figure* and let it float to top of page, or you just out the work in to breaking them by hand (easier to do it as you enter than change your mind later,
But I learning now from a book how to break equations manually.
@DavidCarlisle thanks! Will look into this brenq package. if I do not have to edit all this by hand, that will be better. Will read on it tonight
@cmhughes Hi Chris! Actually no, I'll take a look. :)
@Nasser Sadly Michael (who did most of the ams... package work as well) died very young but breqn was/is still the state of the art with automatic breaking of display math.
@PauloCereda it's quite interesting- I tried to find a solution, but couldn't get arara to acknowledge a function... will be interested to know what's going on :)
@cmhughes Could you try something for me? Try prefixing your example with bash -i -c <function>
@PauloCereda ok, one sec...
@PauloCereda success :)
@cmhughes No arara question should be unanswered. :)
@PauloCereda totally- I have some code for you if you want to post it as an answer :)
@cmhughes Then go ahead and write the answer. :)
@PauloCereda well, you solved it :) I'm happy to post an answer, but would also be very happy to vote on an answer that you post :)
@cmhughes Don't worry, my friend. :) Post it and I'll upvote it. :)
@PauloCereda ok, if you're sure :) I'm happy to spread the wonderful word of arara :)
will write the answer soon- my niece is wanting to play 'Guess who'... I will return after my victory
2 hours later…
I am wondering if I am doing something silly here or I can post this as question. Just first time to use breqn. I took small example from what I have, and used \begin{dmath} and \end{dmath} but I get errors. Can someone please just have a quick look if I am doing something not supposed to do? I am following example shown here stackoverflow.com/questions/1578127/…
Here is my MWE

q^{\prime}\left(  t\right)   =\operatorname{Re}\left(  i\omega_{n}\left(q_{0}-i\frac{q_{0}^{\prime}}{\omega_{n}}\right)  e^{i\omega_{n}t}\right)
                             =\operatorname{Re}\left(  \left(  \omega_{n}q_{0}-e^{i\frac{\pi}{2}}%q_{0}^{\prime}\right)  e^{i\frac{\pi}{2}}e^{i\omega_{n}t}\right)
                             =\operatorname{Re}\left(  \left(  \omega_{n}q_{0}e^{i\frac{\pi}{2}}-e^{i\pi}q_{0}^{\prime}\r
the code is AUTO-generated. I just put dmath around it. Error I get is
! Double subscript.
<recently read> \mathsub

l.23 ...{i\frac{\pi}{2}}+q_{0}^{\prime}\right) }}
This is the original MWE, which compiles OK



q^{\prime}\left(  t\right)   &  =\operatorname{Re}\left(  i\omega_{n}\left(
q_{0}-i\frac{q_{0}^{\prime}}{\omega_{n}}\right)  e^{i\omega_{n}t}\right) \\
&  =\operatorname{Re}\left(  \left(  \omega_{n}q_{0}-e^{i\frac{\pi}{2}}%
q_{0}^{\prime}\right)  e^{i\frac{\pi}{2}}e^{i\omega_{n}t}\right) \\
&  =\operatorname{Re}\left(  \left(  \omega_{n}q_{0}e^{i\frac{\pi}{2}}%
So I just added breg and replace align* by dmath, and removed the & and removed the \\ at the end. Just like that answer did.
1 hour later…
FYI, please ignore the above. I just posted a question on this in main board.
2 hours later…
@PauloCereda, may be if you konw how to let the KAMEL (YAML) count form 1 to 60 seconds in clear rule, which won't harm anyone, but would IMHO, wait until Dropbox deamons finish their dancing on the carcase files, then clear comes in handy.
@PauloCereda, a few seconds pause before the delete commands in the clear rule might save the day.
@doctorate @Paulo This can be added as an optional parameter to the rule, like: clear { wait: 60 }
Why does Latex automatically stretch material to fill all the page before starting new section at the top of the next page, even though I never said \newpage at the end of the last section? Is there some automatic flushbuttom in effect? It makes the output look bad.
I can post this as question, but I assume it is just some setting that I do not know about.
@Nasser You can use \raggedbottom to avoid this...
When I add \newpage at the end of the last section, then it does NOT stretch the matrial. So no gaps are seen. But I do not mind new section starting on the same page.
@Werner I am NOT using \raggedbottom
@Nasser I'm suggesting you can use \raggedbottom to avoid this stretching...
@Nasser ...some people also use the needspace package. It provides \needspace{<space>} and issue a page break if there is less than <space> vertical space available on the page.
I added \raggedbottom to the preample, but it did not help.
See the needspace documentation for a short description.
Just added \usepackage{needspace} (but removed the \raggedbottom ) and compiled. Not much better. Still lots of gaps. Latex is trying to fill the page for some reason to the bottom, before starting new section on next page. Only solution is to add \newpage explicitly.
@Ethan hi.
how is life
The problem is that it can't start the new section where the first section ends, because the new section start with large image, which won't fit. So it wants to start new section on new column (which is next page). fine. But why it stretches the matrial is what I do not understand. I will look more into it.
@Nasser You need to include an explicit \needspace{<length>} for it to work effectively.
Moreover, there are differences in how document classes handle sectioning and the spacing around it. It's advisable to replace the problem for it to be adequately assessed.
@Ethan: This site (or chat room) is not MathJax friendly...
...since content here is based on the code, and not necessarily the rendering of it.
@Werner I do not know how needspace works. I did :
.... then in the problem area, at end of the section, I write...

but it still streches things. I do not understand what is this space I am asking for. I am starting to feel now like I am using Microsoft word where I have to tell it what to do on each part :(
I'll just add a \newpage, that works.
Good morning all! Werner! I've been playing around with your code. I was wondering if you'll have an idea how to approach this modification of your command: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/119163/… I've spend a good bit of time trying to get it sorted. I wish I knew how to create custom commands meself!
Is this the Christianity chat room
I was wondering what might cause \raggedbottom not do its job?

I would really like to know. I can ask this at main board, but having hard time making a MWE
I can put my whole latex file and all the images in a zip file on my site, so it is all self contained. but not sure if this would be accepted.
2 columns, article, lettersize. Latex insists in stretching text to the bottom of the second column because it can't start next section there.
and I am using \raggedbottom
When I add \newpage, this happens ....
But should not this happen automatically when I use \raggedbottom ??
without having to use \newpage explicitly ?
I can post this at main board if it is worth while...
may be it is the 2 column layout which is confusing \raggedbottom
I use

@Nasser When you want to test these things out, make a MWE. It's simple with lipsum. Fill the first column with dummy text and post a MWE. It can be happening due to many interacting packages or some directive forgotten somewhere in the preamble. Partial questions will make things worse for you.
@percusse I can't really make a MWE. This document has lots of pictures and things. If I spend time to reproduce this it will take me forever. I allready have an example in front of me. I can make it complete in a zip file. But I do not feel folks will accept that.
@Nasser Yes you can. Just use lipsum or kantlipsum packages.
@Nasser probably you want multicols* (unbalenced columns)
would anyone know where I can start with solved my bracket problem? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/119163/… I'm trying to figure out if its to do with dealing with the code here:\NewDocumentCommand{\dboxbrace}{s O{\{} O{\}} O{0.05\linewidth} m O{0.4\linewidth} m }{% \lrboxbrace[<lbrace>][<rbrace>][<lwidth>]{<ltext>}[<rwidth>]{<rtext>}
@DavidCarlisle, thanks, just tried it. did not fix the problem. I am trying to make a MWE, but so far, no success duplicating it. But I need to work more on it. This is my current example

But the above does NOT stretch....
I must have something else causing it to stretch in the other file, will keep looking
I think I got it !
Please see this

is this worh posting on main board, or I am just doing something silly?
This is even better example:
This is start of section two.


I have \raggedbottom
@Nasser \raggedcolumns
Example again, has small thing not right. But still show the problem.
This is start of section two.



@DavidCarlisle OMG !!! That was it. YOU ARE AMAZING. I really should post this on main board so you can answer it. I had no idea there is even such a thing. Should I post it, I think it will be useful.
\raggedcolumns % !!!!!
@Nasser it's not hard you go texdoc multicol and then C-f ragged and see what it says. It's not as if I actually remember all this stuff.
@DavidCarlisle but this assumes one knows the problem is there to even know where to look ;)
@Nasser well it's like looking up a spelling in a dictionary, it's easier if you know how to spell the word.
@Nasser this is of course the reason why a journal would always insist that figures go in a float so you don't have this problem with bad page breaks.
It is like saying the meal did not taste good , and then trying to determine which ingredient was the cause. There are so many. but thanks again for your help :)
I thought the figures are float by default? the figure at the start of the new section was just too long to fit. I do not use [h!] or [ht] or any of this.
@Nasser You haven't used a figure you have just put \includegraphics in the main stream so that doesn't float it is postioned teh same way as a letter is positioned, it's just bigger
start of section...

\section{Problem 3}%
@Nasser exactly That's why you got a bad page break.
So, you saying one should put images inside figure all the time so they float?
@Nasser the whole reason for having floating environments is to allow the system to float the large insert away from the page break.
@Nasser It depends on priorities, sometimes the material is such that you really want the figures inline, but for that kind of lumpy content you have to accept bad white space (adding \ragged... just moves the bad space to the botton)
@DavidCarlisle, you are right, just tried it with

and without using \ragged anything. and now the problem went away. But the figure went very far away from where I wanted to be. So floating figures do not really do it. I like the \raggedcolumn more, since now the image is where I want it and also no stretch
i'm trying an alternative to the braceket thing, but defing two bracket command and merely attempting to use them together, but I cannot get them to be on one line together. How can I do that? Should I post this to my original thread?
% Page Layout
\usepackage[margin=1in, paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{xparse}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xparse
\usepackage{varwidth}% http://ctan.org/pkg/varwidth
\usepackage{perpage} %the perpage package
\MakePerPage{footnote} %the perpage package command: it resets footer counter every page

% Dual Convo Command:
% Dual Left Command:
\NewDocumentCommand{\ldboxbrace}{s O{\{} O{\}} O{0.05\linewidth} m O{0.4\linewidth} m}{% \lrboxbrace[<lbrace>][<rbrace>
@Nasser yes if you float the figure you have to caption it and arrange the text to refer to the figure rather than assume it is just there. But getting less bad space at page breaks is why there is a floating system (whether or not you use it in this case)
@DavidCarlisle sure. I understand about the \ref and tags. But I really like the image to be where I want it, I do not like to have to flip a page or 2 to see an image, then go back. Nice to have it where the discussion about is, right there at that spot. For me, any way.
@Grey You are missing
and then if you put the line in an mbox you see why it was breaking:

\mbox{\ldboxbrace {abc}{abc}\rdboxbrace {abc}{abc}}

puts it all on one line as mbox never breaks but TeX says:
Overfull \hbox (21.12148pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 46--47
@Grey So you need to make the target widths of your boxes a bit smaller
thanks David, I'll play around here now
3 hours later…
I've added an mbox; and the surrounding tex seems displaced by the mbox.
How can I prevent it from causing so much huge gaps between the paragraphs?
I've tried adding a \vspace but it caused a massive destruction in the whole document. How can I sort out this issue?
@Grey probably you need to add an example to the q (mbox shouldn't affect the vertical space, other than stopping a line break between th eboxes)
% Page Layout
\usepackage[margin=1in, paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{xparse}% http://ctan.org/pkg/xparse
\usepackage{varwidth}% http://ctan.org/pkg/varwidth
\usepackage{perpage} %the perpage package
\MakePerPage{footnote} %the perpage package command: it resets footer counter every page
% Footer help: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Footnotes_and_Margin_Notes
@Grey You probably want \raggedbottom
@Grey don't do this at the end of the mbox
it puts a word-space at the end of the box stopping you go up to the right margin. You also have a word space and a \par (blank line) between the two boxes the \par is ignored in an mbox but it would be clearer not to have it (then probably you wouldn't need the mbox at all as the two boxes would be naturally on the same line.
1 hour later…
i have problem with \makeindex[program=texindy], when i introduce \index{word|textbf} this word doesn't show up in the index file: arara log file errror: WARNING: unknown cross-reference-class `hyperindexformat'! (ignored), while when texindy option is removed, then makeindex will take over indexing, and it works, anybody knows why?
A: Xindy: Encapsulations for Index

Marco DanielYou must use a separate style file for xindy. The following example results in: As always I used imakeidx to simplify the process. However you have to compile with shell-escape. The trick is to allow hyperref to provide a every feature for the index but the writing to the idx-file must be don...

@MarcoDaniel, thanks I will give it a try, but this will solve only formatting, or sub entries, seealso, see, and others in index?
@MarcoDaniel, in this case I need a full style file for xindy that address all of these classical options of theh \index command.
@MarcoDaniel, thanks a lot that solved all the issues, and the index is more elegant now because of the dots, one more question, where can I find documentation about making index styles for xindy??
On no I was getting a nice run of palindromes for 1xx,xx1 but someone just downvoted me (without saying why:-) so now I have a 4 at the end so need to get 300000 rep more:( I blame @PauloCereda he uses vim, what can you expect. Ah If I reach rep cap today I suppose I can restore parity. Hmmm
@PauloCereda, Hi again, thnks for your response regarding arara and dropbox, but I still believe that you can do it.
I mean clearing files after compilation, cleaning the messy folder, finally, one can discover what other files were written and forgotten!
@doctorate Hello. :) I'm deeply sorry, but having an "automatic" way of cleaning files seems to defeat the purpose behind arara. The default directives are shipped with some principles in mind (one of them is the KISS one, where simplicity should be a key goal in design and unnecessary complexity should be avoided), and I'm not inclined to include that layer of complexity. Of course, users are invited to write their own rules when arara's default ones don't seem to fit the bill.
@DavidCarlisle Hey I upvoted a lot of your answers. :)
@PauloCereda I know thanks (not all my comments in chat are true, but you do admit to using vim, don't you?:-)
@DavidCarlisle Guilty as charged. :)
@PauloCereda You can tell us all about it when you do your interview
@DavidCarlisle Oh no!
@PauloCereda, sorry if kissing rule would be broken, that was not the intention, but for a noob like me an optional argument in the clear rule like [wait : 60] would be a black vodoo magic in arara wonderful land.
@PauloCereda This is almost a year old :(
Jul 16 '12 at 22:20, by David Carlisle
user image
@doctorate Don't worry. :) My advice is then for you to extend the clean rule to your own needs. Can't remember if Windows has some sleep command; if it does, write a new clean directive with a list of commands and add both the removal and sleeping commands in the list (a list of commands is described in the manual). :)
@DavidCarlisle ooh! :)
@PauloCereda, in windows may be this: powershell -command "Start-Sleep -s 60"
Back from the tour! What did I lose?
@PauloCereda, can I post this as questions so that you can answer it the time you want?
I mean extending the clear rule to wait
@doctorate I don't know why but at the moment xindy isn't such popular. Questions/answers are rarely. However the documentation of xindy should be your first adress.
@PauloCereda: How familiar do you be with perl?
@MarcoDaniel I can learn it. :)
@doctorate Sadly (woohoo!) I don't have Windows around (I'm a Mac/Linux fanboy), so I cannot provide a rule that works for you, but the idea is quite simple: replace command: xxx by a list of commands: and add the proper Windows timer as first element of this list. :)
@egreg Confederations Cup!
@PauloCereda You got mail ;-)
@MarcoDaniel, it is a pity that xindy out of the spotlight, one issue I found with the style you refrred to in ecapsulation,the location of indexed words in more than two pages won't show up, how to fix that, so that all locations can be shown?
@MarcoDaniel Oh no! :)
@doctorate I can reproduce this issue.

\makeindex[program=texindy,options=-M mystyle.xdy]

;;; xindy style file
(markup-locclass-list :open "\dotfill" :sep "")

(define-attributes (( "textbf" "default" )) )
(markup-locref   :attr  "textbf"     :open "\textbf{\hyperpage{" :close "}}")
(markup-locref   :attr  "textit"     :open "\textit{\hyperpage{" :close "}}")
@MarcoDaniel I'll reply in a minute.
@PauloCereda no rush
@MarcoDaniel, now it works when I write words, that was my mistake, i was just doing \index{word} after clearpages commands and not the word, sorry my bad
@PauloCereda, what for you is a toy car, for me is an AirBus driving in a stormy day. Can you send me the code that works on unix, leave a space for the command in windows and I would try it on my box, deal?
@MarcoDaniel, the style you wrote is really more than enough for me, I wonder what other things we miss in Xindy undiscovered lands.
@doctorate xindy is more powerful than makeindex. However there are some drawbacks: no hyperref support, only controllable via external style files.
# requires arara 3.0+
identifier: clean
name: NewCleaningTool
- <arara> COMMAND HERE @{wait}
- <arara> @{remove}
- identifier: remove
  default: <arara> @{isFalse(file == getOriginalFile(), isWindows("cmd /c del", "rm -f").concat(' "').concat(file).concat('"'))}
- identifier: wait
  flag: <arara> @{parameters.wait}
  default: 5
@PauloCereda There's also the semifinal of Euro-U21. First half, Italy-Netherlands 0:0
@egreg ooh! :)
@PauloCereda, this was the error:
Running NewCleaningTool...

Start-Sleep : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument '5'.
At line:1 char:12
+ Start-Sleep <<<< -s 10 5
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Start-Sleep], ParameterBin
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell

Error: Command crashed: arara -v -l "phdmain"

Process exited with error(s)
@doctorate I'm sorry, this is now Windows-specific.
<arara> powershell -command "Start-Sleep -s 10" @{wait}
@PauloCereda, the command here should be run from command line right?
I tested this command in CLI and was successful
@PauloCereda, now i used another sleep equivelant in windows called: timeout 10
errro: Running NewCleaningTool...

ERROR: Invalid syntax. Default option is not allowed more than '1' time(s).
Type "TIMEOUT /?" for usage.
@PauloCereda, can I remove the default line, or suppress it?
the last line, can I omit it
@PauloCereda: I dropped an e-mail to the maintainer of xindy ;-)
@PauloCereda, Hmm, i think was my mistake, not using the argument wait
so is this the directive:
% arara: clean: {wait:10, files: [phdmain.aux,
@doctorate brackets are missing
@Marco, i know that was just to show how to use now files parameter and another new parameter called wait in the arara directive, just truncated one
arara rule now is like this:
# requires arara 3.0+
identifier: clean
name: NewCleaningTool
- <arara> timeout @{wait}
- <arara> @{remove}
- identifier: remove
default: <arara> @{isFalse(file == getOriginalFile(), isWindows("cmd /c del", "rm -f").concat(' "').concat(file).concat('"'))}
- identifier: wait
flag: <arara> @{parameters.wait}
default: 10
i am using windows, the sleep command, AFIK, is timeout
the same from Paulo, except i replaced the command (for windows) and 10 as default instead of 5
the directive I used is this:
% arara: clean: {wait: 15, files: [phdmain.aux, phdmain.idx, phdmain.glg, phdmain.ind, phdmain.log, phdmain.gls, phdmain.glo, phdmain.bcf, phdmain.blg]}
so i think, timeout shoud be TIMEOUT, but another error pops up:
Running NewCleaningTool...

ERROR: Input redirection is not supported, exiting the process immediately.
@PauloCereda Well, rep cap also today; the nine hour tour didn't do any harm. ;-)
Is there a way to stop \section from making huge spacing between mboxs on the first page? It seems the only way for me to get around this is by placing a \newpage straight after the \section. Thanks
@egreg :)
@PauloCereda, I found the right command, but I need your help: the command should be like this:
powershell -command "Start-Sleep -s 5"
@egreg: I'm afraid of Brazil hosting the confederations cup. There was a big riot outside the stadium a few minutes before the game. Uruguay doesn't have a field to practice, and Spain has a muddy place to stay in Recife.
@doctorate And?
- <arara> powershell -command "Start-Sleep -s @{wait}"
but the problem, when you write the command without the 5 seconds, it will take the default, BUT without the important and second quotation mark, can you just fix this thing?
waw, thanks
@Grey Can you give an example?
it hangs there, Running NewCleaningTool...
directive is: % arara: clean: {wait: 10, files: [phdmain.aux, phdmain.idx, phdmain.glg, phdmain.ind, phdmain.log, phdmain.gls, phdmain.glo, phdmain.bcf, phdmain.blg]}
I give up
@egreg Thanks for the comments. So if the issue is that it is a user error, and I am just not using the package as intended, I can delete my question.
I did not read all the fine print for the package before starting to use it :)
@PauloCereda This is the main place I visited. The plain you see is at 1800m, where Passo del Tonale is (the road is visible). The photo is taken from the mountain at the West of the pass; the big mountain you see is called Adamello.
@egreg Amazing landscape! How was the weather? :)
@Nasser Don't use breqn, that's all. ;-)
@doctorate Sorry, I can't deploy Windows commands. :(
@egreg ah don't worry. a \raggedbottom fixed it !
@PauloCereda Quite good. Some clouds up there, no rain. No traffic either, except on the motorway for the first leg.
@PauloCereda, thanks anyway
@tohecz, do you have windows platform, to hack arara clean rule to circumvent the dropbox?
@egreg Hello
It prints
! Undefined control sequence.
l.5 \NewDocumentCommand
{\newfpvar}{m}{\fp_new:N #1}
and it uses it, but I am still missing something
I installed the new expl3 into ~//texmf/tex/latex/l3kernel
@user4035 Did you load xparse? Probably I forgot to add it. I'll check
@egreg Yeah, with xparse it works
@user4035 Yes, I forgot to tell, sorry. Added to my answer.
@doctorate not really, I'm a linux guy
It's so quite here
@tohecz Probably @PauloCereda is out to celebrate the big win.
@egreg shame @PauloCereda's not here as you were probably wanting to run !!/battle?
@DavidCarlisle I'm at a poor 215.
@egreg Too long driving around the mountains?
@DavidCarlisle Yes. As funny as being here.
@egreg Of course I'd be the same if I hadn't had a slight boost.
@DavidCarlisle Interesting answer, of course; but I'm asking if really that kind of input has merits over the usual one.
@egreg No, the hardest part in debugging it was I could never work out what the input was supposed to mean:-)
@DavidCarlisle I'm only 45 points behind for the month. The 500 bounty will not let you win. ;-)
@egreg maybe I'd better find some more bounties
@egreg actually the interesting part of the discussion on that table question is moving the tabular preamble spec to multicolumn entries. I'm less interested in the \>8 stuff but it would be nice to have a good answer for a default cell format for a multicolumn that spans something like |lp{2cm}l|
@DavidCarlisle Usual two (or more) pass problem; the width of an l column can't be known until the \halign is finalized.
@egreg yes but two pass is a possibility especially as pdfsavepos makes it easy to measure without having to take the box apart
@DavidCarlisle Or \tikzmark.
@egreg I nearly said that but couldn't bring myself:-)
@egreg What win?
@tohecz Football, of course: Brazil-Japan 3:0
@egreg Oh ok, whatever. Good night
@tohecz Good night!

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