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@Werner BTW, have you used (or do you use) kvoptions?
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda Is the bot online?
@Qrrbrbirlbel Nope, but I can start it. :)
@PauloCereda My latexdef does weird things …
@Qrrbrbirlbel :)
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Good night! I'm Psmith, the friendly TeX bot - the p in my name is silent, as in pshrimp. I'm here as a companion to our fellow users in the typographic land. As you probably noticed, I always reply under Paulo's account, but do not despair, I say, my replies are always preceded by my own name. Enjoy your stay at TeX.sx! If you need any help, just ask our chat residents. Cheerio!
@Qrrbrbirlbel: just replace latexdef by !!/texdef -t latex :)
@PauloCereda That's what I was looking up ...
!!/texdef -t latex tilde
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Here's the output from texdef:

macro:->\protect \mathaccentV {tilde}07E

\mathaccentV {tilde}07E:
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Here's the output from texdef:

macro:->\mathaccent "707E\relax
This one can be closed as duplicate (see OP's comments): tex.stackexchange.com/q/118756/3954
@AlanMunn Not at all...
3 hours later…
@Werner I added these hooks to the current development branch. Gonzola and I are testing the version. I hope that I can upload the new version in few weeks.
@MarcoDaniel Sweet! What's happening to the settings key?
@Werner Still there ;-). If I remove this key I will lost my backwards compatibility.
@MarcoDaniel Sure, and I didn't want to interfere with development. However, it seemed a natural addition to the interface.
@Werner No interruption -- it's inspiration.
1 hour later…
@NicolaTalbot, hi, the test-datagidx.tex worked fine, but test-glossaries.tex did compile to pdf, but without any list for index, gloss, acronym, id didf latex > makeindex >latex>latex, also didn't work, where could the problem be?
\usepackage[acronym]{glossaries} % the only exception, here after hyperref
Process started: makeindex.exe "NicolaTalbot_2".idx

This is makeindex.exe, version 2.15 [MiKTeX 2.9] (kpathsea + Thai support). Scanning input file NicolaTalbot_2.idx...done (0 entries accepted, 16 rejected). Nothing written in NicolaTalbot_2.ind. Transcript written in NicolaTalbot_2.ilg.

Process exited normally
3 hours later…
a quick question please, I could not find help on this. Is there a way to add more levels to TOC? Even with book style, I need more levels. Is it easy to add my own levels? For example between part and section, there is only 2 levels. I'd like to add 5 more. I am trying to build a very deep tree and need more levels.
\part \chapter \section \subsection \subsubsection are not enough.
I want something like \part \subpart \subsubpart \chapter \section etc....
So I can spread things. Otherwise, now what used to be a section has to become a \subparagraph and things are not working well.
if you think this should be asked on main board, please let me know. I was just looking for link or hint if it is possible first.
I'll read this for now tex.stackexchange.com/questions/60209/… seems to have some hints.
I do not understand why some are saying deep nesting is not recommended. What if one want to make TOC of the library of congress? It will have 30 levels may be. How else to do it without deep nesting.
@Nasser \setcounter{tocdepth}{5}
@DavidCarlisle thanks David, will look into this. I am now studying this whole subject, It is confusing to me since what I am trying to do is a little complicated and I do not know anything about TOC;s in Latex. So I need to spend time learning this part.
@Nasser the predefined levels in the standard classes are part chapter section subsection subsubsection paragraph subparagraph
@DavidCarlisle yes, I know. But I have a big mess. I am building a big tree using the standalone package. I allready have latex files that start at \section{} level. I find I need more levels between \part and \section to avoid having to edit all the lower level latex file and change each to make them fit. i.e. I need to add more levels between part and section somehow. I'll see if I figure it out, I wish there was a course on Latex at schools ;)
@Nasser I must be missing something, I have seen standalone package but I always thought of it as an interesting quirk for specialised, very rare, use, but people on site seem to use it on a regular basis, seems dangerous to me:-)
@DavidCarlisle As our resident picture mode expert, can you point to me where is this one's manual?
@kan no Leslie Lamport's
@DavidCarlisle Hmm, Frank's book?
@DavidCarlisle standalone is great package. It allows me to build a latex document on its own, in its own folder. But also allows me to include it in a parent document to make large book. I am using it now to make all my documents into one book. The problem, I started using after the fact, only recently, so all my child documents start with \section, and I need more levels above that so I do not have to edit things.
Does anyone know some example code or a library to draw Origami (paper folding) instructions with TikZ?
@kan or pict2e package (or my old pspicture) for extended versions with less constraint son slopes
An example of such a diagramm would be:
@Nasser we'd better stop discussing standalone @MartinScharrer just flew in:-)
But maybe with more 3D usage.
@DavidCarlisle Basically, the problem is how do I draw a straightline between two coordinates, without working out the direction vector?
@Nasser @DavidCarlisle The standalone class is not really intended to be used with sectioning elements or running text in general. I wrote it with diagrams and other boxed content in mind.
@kan in standard picture mode you can't as it can only do a limited set of slopes (well you do the arithmetic in tex but you have to round the tangent to a rational number with integer numerator and divisor < 6 but extended versions which use back end graphics primitives usally let you just specify the end points
@MartinScharrer That's what I thought, but then questions come up with using it with floats and deep toc levels and stuff and I get very confused about what people are actually doing:-)
@MartinScharrer I am not using your standalone class, only the standalone package.

and now my HW2 is normal latex file:
\section{HW2, EGEE 518. CSUF, Fall 2008}
I just need to sort the TOC mess I have. I need more levels between part and section added since I have very deep tree. But your package is working very well. Thanks for the update, I am using your latest version .
@DavidCarlisle will your package allow?
(or epic?)
@kan pspicture will (I think) I have not looked at that for a long time but that is postscript specials so won't work with pdflatex (e)epic will as well but that's even older:-) Use pict2e package and \Line the capital L version allows you to specify end points
@DavidCarlisle Oh, wow!!!!
Will try out later...Bye!
Who is an economist here?
@ClickMe Not me, I only have a piggy bank. :) (Note to self: find out a ducky bank) :)
@PauloCereda: I have a question. It might be easy. :-)
Q: How and who updates the currency exchange rate?

Click MeI am a newbie in this field. We know that the currency exchange rate is continuously updated. My confusion is about who updates the currency exchange rate? how does she/he/it decide the rate? Based on what?

@ClickMe Oh my, I have no idea. :)
I bet @David can provide an emacs answer. :P
@PauloCereda No problem. :-)
@PauloCereda I was going to answer that you picked the rate
The demand and supply principle is understandable, but who is the moderator?
Analogous to an auction system, there should be a main auctioneer . Who is that?
@ClickMe isn't it just whoever's arranging the deal, there is no single rate. Even at a normal retail level you get different rates depending where you go.
do you say something like " A, B ,C and co." in English? I wan't so say A,B,C, and other things similar to them
Just checking if this ok question to ask on main board. I can;t figure how to do this. I need more levels inserted/added above the \chapter level . I do not know how to do it. Like this

\part(part ONE}
 \subpart{sub part}

i.e. I need to make some new levels either before \part or before \chapter. The reason is that I have many documents that start at \section level allready and do not want to change them. But I am trying to add more levels above, and there are not enough to spare.
@DavidCarlisle But I think there is a middle rate on which the various Sell/Buy rate is based. And this middle rate is obtained from other institution I think. I am still confused with this system.
I am trying to combine them all in one book.
@Nasser just use \chapter instead of subpart then have \let\paragraph\subparagraph \let\subsubsection\paragraph \let\subsection\subsubsection \let\section\subsection \let\chapter\section to move all the rest down
@ClickMe not my area at all but I think you have it backwards: there is no overall authority it is just a market with random forces at work, the "middle rate" is just the average of the buy and sell over some of the more important markets
@DavidCarlisle, thanks, will try. I been trying this answer tex.stackexchange.com/questions/30997/more-section-headings but I seem to be not doing it right, my TOC is a big mess now :(
@DavidCarlisle So how the transaction information is managed and propagated and who does such a job is still a mystery for me.
@ClickMe best to keep it a mystery: If you understand that stuff you'll stop hacking TeX and go and work in the city and earn billions of pounds a week and be miserable.
i gave up xindy installation on MikTex, can anybody here help to troubleshoot that?
@percusse Please, answer you. I'm engaged at the moment.
@egreg The floor is yours on this one. — percusse 49 mins ago
@doctorate install texlive then it is just there?
@DavidCarlisle, but I have windows, that keep xindy doors closed
why xindy is not there is a big question though
how to tame xindy to be in miktex farm?
it takes a reocket scientist to figure out if xindy is alive in windows box may be?
I need a workflow that address index/glossary/acronym in one-go so that I can start writing my phd finally
Q: How to mark up different entry types (index/glossary/acronym/notation) at the same time in datagidx package?

doctorateI came across datagidx package, which is part of the datatool bundle, the killing feature of this package is that you can use it independently, not relying on external indexing applications, e.g., xindy or makeidx. One more feature, is that you can use it to address index, glossary (definitions),...

this one was with some hope, but then it was not complete, so died in-utero (in womb)
to mods: spam bot warning (tex.stackexchange.com/users/32123/…) cheers ;)
@doctorate texlive works on windows (two version native or cygwin) I don't know how hard it is to get xindy working with miktex (can't be that hard surely??) I have never used miktex but it is included in the default texlive distribution so that is always an option
but then I will be bereaved from all advantages of MikTex friendliness with windows as recommended by LaTeXers
just like sacrificing your car for a toy car
@DavidCarlisle, do you have windows?
what are the issues of texlive that are not a problem in miktex, if you convince I will be converted to TexLive finally
@David, if I am not the only retro here, there must be a debate what to use miktex or texlive in windows right?
@doctorate I'm in a permanent state of denial but yes
@DavidCarlisle, welcome to the chamber of confession, what bugs have you suffered from because of texlive in windows box?
@doctorate as I say I have never used miktex but I have used texlive (and before that tetex and its windows port fptex) since the beginning, so I can't give a comparison. People who use miktex generally seem to like it so I do not mean to say you should switch, it was just an observation that xindy is included in texlive so you get it without having to think about anything.
@doctorate the existence of windows is the main one
@DavidCarlisle, let me put it in a diff words, what packaegs you dreamed of and you couldn't find it there already in texlinve?
@doctorate I can't say I've ever really thought about it. I don't really use TeX apart from answering questions here for the fun of it, the only things I've had to download to do that that I remember have been publisher-specific class files and some fonts
@DavidCarlisle, do you floatflt pakcage already insalled in texlive distribution?
@doctorate looks like it yes
@DavidCarlisle I have not hacked TeX yet. I am just a plain, regular user. :D
@DavidCarlisle: Thank you for responding. It is time to work. Sayounara!
@DavidCarlisle, I am decided to go for texlive and converted
i will do unistall right now and go for texlive
but then i would need a wrokflow for xindy indexing/glossary/acronym
@doctorate you probably don't need to uninstall
just found out a tex4ht tag at stackoverflow stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/tex4ht it has only 2 questions since 2010.
wow, look at this article "HTML5, The Future — And Now — of Publishing" digitalbookworld.com/2013/… I think Latex better watch out :)
I do not know what to make of all this is. Is it all bluff like always, or there is some truth to it. Time will tell.
@michal.h21, I saw you come in. Can I please ask you a quick question on htlatex?
@Nasser sure
I am trying to make a web page. on the first page, I want to show TOC just showing chapter1, chapter2, chapter3. Then when clicking on chapter1 link, the TOC for chapter1 will show up on that page only. Not on the front page. So I do this now, but the TOC for chapter1 shows on BOTH the front page, and on the chapter1 page for some reason. Will be easy to ask this on the main web site so I can explain better
in my .cfg I have this:

Then I do this:

make4ht $< "nma.cfg,htm,3" " -cunihtf -utf8"
This works well, except as I said, the TOC shows in both places. Will make a screen shot
@Nasser \TocAt has weird syntax, first item is section level to configure , and then is list of section levels to print in the toc, I think
tocAt is here tug.org/applications/tex4ht/mn14.html (I am making screen shot)
@Nasser there is also article of the future, see articleofthefuture.com/S0956566308004417 for example, I think it is interesting and should be posiible to support with tex4ht
here it is
You see, the top one is the main page. I click on one link and see the same TOC in both places. I tried so many things, and can't figure it out.
try just \TocAt{part,chapter}
My setup is too complicated I think. I am also using standalone package and import package. But I do not think this makes any difference. Will try to make a small MWE
@michal.h21 ok, will try that now
I have to go, I am little bit in hurry with school this week
also see cvr.cc/?p=323 there are some examples
@michal.h21 tried it. no difference. thanks any way :)
@Nasser, im not really familiar with tex4ht but from the documentation it looks like you should use \TocAt-{section,subsection} somehow. There is an example of using the hyphen in the link provided by @michal.h21.
Hi does anyone have a quick way to use pdftk to burst a 20 page PDF file into 10 2 page files? (every two pages?) I know how to do it into separate pages.
@AlanMunn I know ranges are something along the lines of pdftk A=document.pdf cat A1-8 output newdocument.pdf
Actually aliases are not needed.
@PauloCereda Right, so I guess I could write script to do that, but that's probably not worth the effort.
@Mythio thanks will look at that again. The problem with htlatex is that only 2-3 experts know it well, and the documentation is very hard for newbies to understand and follow. So many configurations and sub configurations, one can get lost quickly with it. But what else to use to convert latex to HTML?
Just look at this page alone: tug.org/applications/tex4ht/mn14.html For example, I tried \CutAt and that does not work. and no place to ask. sometimes I think I should just use HTML5 and forget about all this. At least with HTML5, there are 1000 places to ask and find information when stuck :)
@AlanMunn: Deliciously untested:

if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
  echo "I need a PDF!"
  exit 1

pages=`pdfinfo "$1" | grep Pages | sed 's/[^0-9]*//'`

if [ $((pages % 2)) != 0 ]; then
    echo "Run, run, run! The PDF has an odd number of pages!"
    exit 1

for (( i = 1 ; i < $pages ; i=i+2 ))
    echo "Duck."
    pdftk A="$1" cat A$i-$((i+1)) output "$filename-$i-$((i+1)).pdf"
echo "Goose."
after being converted from miktex to texlive, all for the sake of xindy, i don't know how to get it working
i have window box, texstudio editor, anybody can help here?
how to know that xindy is called in indexing and not the makeindex?
@doctorate never used it. Did you try the mailing list for it? xindy.sourceforge.net/mailing-list.html good luck
does anybody know how to use xindy, texstudio, texlive, windows?
no a good idea
@Nasser Thanks.
@doctorate What exactly is the problem?
i have texlive now, texstudio, windows, and I want to use xindy for indexing
first how to configure xindy in texstudio?
@TorbjørnT., so you have the same editor?
@doctorate I've used it a little, but not much. Do you have the latest version? (2.5)
@TorbjørnT., yes 2.5.2 even
@TorbjørnT., do i need to tweak the editor to make xindy work?
@doctorate Ok. You can add user commands (e.g. custom compilation commands) in the preferences: Options --> Configure TeXstudio --> Build. Here you can add the xindy command that you need.
ok, what to enter there?
i couldn't find any post for configuration of texstudio 2.5 to work with xindy, I just cannot believe it!
@doctorate Haven't used xindy for a long time, so I don't remember the syntax I'm afraid.
@doctorate You could ask it ...
ok, i will, thanks anyway
@TorbjørnT., I posted the question, but I feel like a retro, is texindy the same as xindy, what do you use for indexing then, let's say for 500 entries+?
what is the difference between texindy and xindy tex2indy?
@doctorate tex2xindy is filter which translates LaTeX commands to something xindy understand, texindy is tool which call xindy on output of tex2xindy and xindy is indexing processor itself, it doesn't know TeX, so you really should use texindy
@michal.h21, ok, but xindy should be installed to get texindy work right?
@michal.h21, what is the indication to use tex2xindy?
@doctorate in texlive are included both of them
@doctorate you don't have to use tex2xindy directly, it is called by texindy on background
@michal.h21, yea, that's why I crossed the borders from miktex to texlive, ok good,
@michal.h21, I have texlive, texstudio 2.5.2, windows7, I want to do indexing wiht xindy, can you help me figure this out?
@michal.h21, sorry i mean texindy in this case
I don't know texstudio, I use VIM. but see the answer I posted, you don't have to call texindy manually, it can run automatically with imakeidx package
ok tried this mwe:
Hello world
i got this error:
Argument of \UTFviii@three@octets has an extra } \index{kirjakieltä}
Paragraph ended before \UTFviii@three@octets was complete \index{kirjakieltä}
No file texindytest.aux.
No file texindytest.ind.
Remember to run xelatex again after calling(imakeidx) `texindy texindytest.idx'.
@michal.h21, once i removed the accented letters compiled normally
@doctorate are you sure the file is saved in utf8 encoding? if not, either save it in utf-8, or change \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} to \usepackage[usedencoding]{inputenc}
@michal.h21, i don't need accented letters, I did latex three times and the index doesn't show up
pdf with one page was hello world but no index
you need to use -shell-escape command line option with pdflatex call
i use xelatex though
@doctorate you can't use xelatex and inputenc
so i have to remove inputenc, then
@doctorate well that would be necessary with xetex (whether or not you have an index)
but still i get one page pdf no index, from the above mwe
@DavidCarlisle, thanks for your input
@egreg: tomorrow is a big day: St. Anthony! :)
@doctorate vvvv
@doctorate xelatex -shell-escape ... your-file...
i get this error:
Process started: texindy.exe

usage: texindy.pl [-V?h] [-qv] [-iglr] [-d magic] [-o outfile.ind] [-t log] \ [-L lang] [-C codepage] [-M module] [-I input] [idx0 idx1 ...] GNU-STYLE LONG OPTIONS FOR SHORT OPTIONS: -V / --version -? / -h / --help -q / --quiet -v / --verbose -i / --stdin -g / --german -l / --letter-ordering -r / --no-ranges -d / --debug (multiple times) (supported: script, keep_tmpfiles, markup, level=n) -o / --out-file -t / --log-file -L / --language -C / --codepage -M / --module (multiple times) -I / --input-markup (supported: latex, omega) C:\texlive\2012\bin\win32\runscrip
@doctorate interesting the internal call to perl failed. Sorry got to go, home time. But your file worked for me:-)
yea, but how to set shell escape in texstudio, that would be my question now
@DavidCarlisle, tahnks and have a nice evening
@doctorate just type it on the command line until you are sure it works or not, easier to debug that way
@DavidCarlisle, ok thanks
Would any one give a hint on this error:
--- empty picture --- index.idv[1] ---
for some reason, now htlatex generates lots of them, and I have no idea why and what I have changed.
I say htlatex foo.tex "htm" and it insist on making a .html file, not .htm file
@PauloCereda There's a city procession this evening: from Arcella (the place outside the city walls where St. Anthony died) to the Basilica. They'll pass under my windows at nine or so.
I think I have smething strange:
1 file index.html
file index.tmp
--- warning --- Ignoring \special{t4ht.htm}
file index.css
@egreg How nice! :)
@egreg: I think I read somewhere that a civil war almost started because people from Arcella wanted St. Anthony to be buried in there. Is this true?
@PauloCereda He was in a monastery near Padova, at Camposampiero, and asked to be brought to Padova; at Arcella there was another monastery (and still the church is managed by Franciscans). So it's a very ancient tradition to walk that road on June 12. He was buried at Arcella, but when the Basilica was built, he was transferred there. And, yes, some turbulence arose.
@egreg Oh! I really want to visit Padova and Assissi some day. :)
OMG ! I found the problem. Any one wants to know why htlatex suddently stopped working right? Or should I keep this a secret? :)
it took me only 2 hrs to find the problem.
I have a problem but I'm not sure how I can turn it into a question that's answerable and potentially useful for others.
It's about some PDFs that behave strangely under very special circumstances.
And of course without one of these PDFs the question is difficult to answer.
Should I just upload one of the PDFs somewhere and link to it in the question?
@Nasser don't keep it secret :)
Is this kind of problem appropriate for this site at all?
@Christian probably not. It is a problem that shows up when using htlatex with pdf. Very subtle to find, but not really related to latex itself, only when using htlatex. So not appropriate I would say. But it took me over 2 hrs to find.
@Nasser Heh, no, egocentric me was actually still talking about my problem but actually I am curious what yours was so let's hear :)
oh, I use the same latex file to generate HTML and pdf. but when I added the line


then htlatex went all crzy with HTML generation. even though I have not used the package yet (for pdflatex). Simply loading it caused it to go very strange. HTML looks all corrupted, and math all over the place. very strange. When I removed this line, all things back to normal.
so now my include file for latex has this in it:

\if\texforht\else %MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT USE THIS WITH htlatex
@Nasser Has it something to do with tex.stackexchange.com/a/53943/4427 ? ;-)
@egreg, please can you help me with imakeidx package, some questions, what is the difference between texindy and truexindy in options?
@egreg, when is indicated to use truexindy?
@doctorate With texindy you run the "easier" interface texindy (a script that calls internally Xindy), with truexindy you use directly the Xindy engine and the command line options are more complicated.
i have texstudio, texlive distrib, wind, and when I put truexindy it gives thsi error:
'truexindy' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
@egreg, so basically texindy is enough, right?
@egreg I use your macro \if\texforht\ all the time as conditional for htlatex. But this time I included the pdfpages package without this condition. I did not know it will break htlatex. Then I remembered I included this package and that is how I found the problem.
@doctorate Unless you want to do complicated things with Xindy, yes.
@Nasser I hope you upvoted the answer, then. ;-) It's just one vote short of a "Nice answer" badge.
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 275 vs. 215 David. So far, egreg is winning.
@PauloCereda No game. ;-)
@egreg, I want to do index, glossary, acronym, some entries can be glossary, and index, some acronyms and index, some just index, what is the package used to address this thing, and how can I do it with one command at a time?
@egreg David is lazy these days. :)
@egreg tried to upvote it again, but it wont let me.
@doctorate glossaries
@Nasser :)
@egreg, when I use glossaries, \usepackage[acronym,xindy]{glossaries} % the only exception, here after hyperref, it doesn't recognize texindy like when I use imakeidx, any idea why? i mean imakeidx runs vey well with texindy, but glossaries doesn't, do you know why?
@doctorate We have to ask @NicolaTalbot for this. But I think it can use Xindy in some way or the other.
@egreg, this issue can run by some but doesn't work by some, so if I use Texstudio, i used this settings to make texindy work as default, please see this for info:
Q: How to configure TexStudio editor to use Xindy?

doctorateI am using TexStudio editor for LaTeXing, I want to use Xindy engine though for indexing, in the commands of TexStudio, I found there is a default command for texdindy as in the image below. But how to use xindy then? Do I have to use xindy explicitly in texstudio or texindy will do the job? is t...

but if Nicola doesn't use this texteditor, how can we debug that?
@egreg, can we by one command set a word to index and glossary, or to index and acronym in the text flow of latex? that would spare much marking up for each data entry type?
@NicolaTalbot, please I couldn't call the texindy from glossaries package, but I did succeeded to do so with imakeidx package, can you help me debugging this thing?
Has anybody got any advice on my problem above?
@PauloCereda I saw that remark.
@Christian I thought you were going to state what the problem is "behaving strangely" diesn't give much to comment on:-)
@DavidCarlisle Not unless anybody showed some interest, classic deadlock I guess ;)
@Christian you can always ask, we can ignore it if not interested, but if you don't say then we're definitely not interested. Psmith will be interested anyway.
So the PDF in question renders just fine, no viewer has anything to complain about. This doesn't change if I optimise it with gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/default (this will be relevant later).
If I include it using \includegraphics and compile the document using pdflatex, the resulting PDF is still just fine.
But if I now optimise it using the command line above, gs complains massively and the resulting PDF is badly corrupted and some PDF viewers complain about an invalid document.
@DavidCarlisle Ok, there you go. I hope this sparked your interest :) Or Psmith's for that matter.
@Christian presumably if gs takes a good pdf and optimises it to a bad one that's a gs bug in principle, you could try reporting it... (Psmith appears to be sleeping) why the gs post process by the way? I can't say I have ever done that to pdflatex output.
Because the PDF I'm producing is huge and gs decreases the size significantly.
gs claims it's a bug in pdftex BTW.
I can paste something large here and it will be abbreviated automatically, right?
Page 2
   **** Warning: Tf refers to an unknown resource name: R11 Assuming it's a font name.
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/9.05/Resource/Font/R11.
Can't find (or can't open) font file R11.
Querying operating system for font files...
**** Warning: glyf overlaps cmap, truncating.
Can't find (or can't open) font file /usr/share/ghostscript/9.05/Resource/Font/R11.
Can't find (or can't open) font file R11.
Didn't find this font on the system!
Substituting font Courier for R11.
That's the gs output
The last lines are where gs blames pdftex.
This is all very puzzling to me since I don't imagine \includegraphics does much to the PDF when including it in pdftex, does it?
So where does the corruption occur?
Should I turn this into a question so that Psmith sees it when he wakes up?
@Christian well it has to make a pdf object out of it and merge some of the tables and things as (as far as I understand it, it's been a while since I read the spec) any fonts and objects have to be in the global table at the end of the outer pdf. It's not like including an EPS in postscript where you basically just stick it in the stream. So it looks like however the font names got mangled when it was compressed is confusing further compression. But which (if any) system is at fault I dont know
@DavidCarlisle I see, so to be sure I should report it to both projects if I wanted to pursue this further?
@Christian but pdftex itself is more or less frozen I think with the activity moved to luatex (it might be worth trying luatex) so how small is the result compared to not compressing teh pdf you include and then compressing the whole thing (or just increasing \pdfcompressslevel)
I didn't know \pdfcompresslevel, I'm going to try that. So far it's about half the size after the gs processing.
and gs has the advantage that it has further options to resize the images for a web version of the document etc. so it'd be really nice if it just worked :/
@PauloCereda The bells are ringing just now for the procession passing in front of my church.
BTW, lualatexproduces the same result.
@DavidCarlisle So even with \pdfcompresslevel=9 it's 33 MB vs. 16 MB
I also used \pdfobjcompresslevel=2 although I have no idea what it does.
I am trying to compare output from HTML with latex. in html is say "40px" how do I convert that to something latex knows? like \setlength{\columnseprule}{0.4pt} or something?
I did not understand this stackoverflow.com/questions/3616611/… :)
OK, those compression options don't make much of a difference at all.
@NicolaTalbot, can you please have a look at my question here:
Q: How to configure TexStudio editor to use glossaries package with makeglossaries and xindy?

doctorateXindy is an efficient indexing tool, it is an external perl-based application that ships readily with TexLive distribution but not with MikTeX, for the latter one you need to install it manually, this thread can be of help. For configuration of xindy in TexStudio editor, I had success with imakei...

Q: How to configure TexStudio editor to use glossaries package with makeglossaries and xindy?

doctorateXindy is an efficient indexing tool, it is an external perl-based application that ships readily with TexLive distribution but not with MikTeX, for the latter one you need to install it manually, this thread can be of help. For configuration of xindy in TexStudio editor, I had success with imakei...

@doctorate The answer is simple: Use arara.
@MarcoDaniel, do you mean arara with texstudio? can you please answer with snapshots in texstudio so that to get what you want, I heard about arara but never used it? can you please answer with details?
@doctorate Do you use texlive?
@MarcoDaniel, you may want to put your answer there in the post, then.
I did this, 3 column layout to compare latex with HTML5 new 3 col CSS. But may be I need to work on the font to make sure they are the same. But latex looks much better. Here it is 12000.org/my_notes/HTML_compare_to_latex/note.jpg
@MarcoDaniel, yeas just today I was converted to texalive to stay alive, and abandoned teh miktex.
@doctorate Ok than it's simple.
@MarcoDaniel, do you have also texstudio editor?
same text. Tried to match them as well as I can.
@doctorate No, but I can install it ;-)
Here is a pdf file also of the above 12000.org/my_notes/HTML_compare_to_latex/note.pdf
@MarcoDaniel, do I need to set automated process by configuring texstudio or just by using arara?
noticed that HTML5 does not add the "-" marker when it breaks a word
@MarcoDaniel, would you answer this question in the post?
@Nasser 40px is a variable size depending on screen resolution, if you take a nominal 76 dpi then it's 40/76 on 1in.
@DavidCarlisle thanks! Will add that to my cheat sheet for Latex.
@Christian well it turns out it defaults to 9 so you can only have less compression sorry:-)
@Nasser most html renderers do not break a word ever, You can load a js library that inplements quite good justification hmm hyphenate.js? I'll look it up
@MarcoDaniel, I need to set all these things in action, texstudio, glossaries, imakeidx, xindy, makeglossaries.
@Nasser code.google.com/p/hyphenator (not sure if that;s the one I saw before)
@MarcoDaniel, after that I would like to know how one can set a work into index and glossary or acronym with one command at a time in the tex flow of latex, that is my ultimate plan.
@DavidCarlisle I was trying to use the direct 3 col layout with CSS3 and compare to Latex. I used style="text-align:justify;" just to see how it looks like.
@MarcoDaniel, like doing,\somecommand{someword}, then after compilation, this someword will appear in glossary and in index, depending on its availability in the corresponding database.
@Nasser yes but justification doesn't break words does it? see this by Tim Bray (XML spec editor) on using css justification with hyphenator.js
@DavidCarlisle, you are right, it does not. May be that is why latex looks better in the above. Since it was able to break the word while HTML could not.
I need to try this package you mentioned for HTML and then it will be more fair to compare?
@DavidCarlisle Heh, ok.
@DavidCarlisle here it is again, using the hyphenator.googlecode.com JS from google. it looks little better. But latex still looks much better I think
But it is getting close :)
@Nasser it's only taken them 33 years
@DavidCarlisle, well, as I read, HTML5 will actually be officially here in 2022 or so.
@Nasser not really 5.0 will go to CR this year and probably rec the following but of course the browsers (apart from IE) tend to follow Ian Hickson's whatwg un-numbered spec which is never done it is whatever it is on the day you look.
@Nasser but the features used in your image are not html5 anyway, they are css and javascript.
it is really funny all this HTML5 thing. I read the same exact things about it now, as what I read when Java was just starting 15 years ago. About how it will make one free from platform, and all that. Same exact thing was said about Java in its days.
@Nasser I don't know about the Google hyphenator but the usual hyphenator.js script actually uses the hyphenation algorithm from TeX
as does LibreOffice AFAIK
That doesn't mean you get the same justification algorithm of course
@Christian I used the google one. Code in pdf is here if you like to take closer look 12000.org/my_notes/HTML_compare_to_latex/note.pdf
Again, I don't know about Google but the only thing that hyphenator.js does is to insert soft hyphens
that actually render badly in Opera BTW
So it's up to the browser to do the actual justification
I understand. But that is the only one I knew about it. David pointed it to me to use, as the first attempt., using only text-justify looked even worst/
oh, it's only hosted on Google Code AFAICS
"relies on Franklin M. Liangs hyphenation algorithm (PDF) commonly known from LaTeX and OpenOffice"
@Christian I think it is the usual one isn't it it was the top link in a search for hyphenator.js, it's just hosted at google code reprository
@DavidCarlisle Yup, just realised that.
So the hyphenation is done with the same algorithm as LaTeX's but the justification is probably no better than in MS Word
I had to use both. Justify AND hyphenation , else it will look terrible.
the great thing about TeX is that it optimises justification on a paragraph-level, not line by line
I would be more than surprised if any browser did more than fill up a line, break a word where it's allowed to, stretches the interword spacing to justify the line and then fills up the next line
which will result in the terrible typesetting we are used from like 99% of texts these days
But with text-align:justify and using hyphernator, it is not too bad actually. Ofcourse Latex still looks better. may be if I play with the font a little, it might get even better?
and no, you don't have to justify yourself (no pun intended), my own website uses justification and hyphenator.js
No, it's not too bad as long as the lines are long enough and the words are short enough
the unbreakable parts of the words that is
@Christian so great for German on a mobile phone?
didn't try actually
and the site's in English
One problem with hyphenator is that it can be reeeally slow
some examples on different languages are here vicenteocana.com/… using hyphentator
because the hyphenation is done client-sided and each and every time the page is visited
there's no caching no nothing
server-side hyphenation would be much more elegant actually
English words are much shorter than German words. So this will work better for English. One more reason everyone should use English :)
@Christian good point. But computers and browsers and javascript is getting very fast these days.
@DavidCarlisle On my phone the site crashes and burns actually but I'm not sure the hyphenator is to blame :(
@Nasser Sure. As I said, I'm using it too, since it's just the best solution I'm aware of.
sorry to interrupt:
It just could be much better
need first-aid, again
in TOC,
currently, the chapter title is on one page, whereas all its (sub-)sections are on the next page
doesn't look good / seem "right"
how to prevent ?
(you know / understand what I mean?)
I read firefox new Javascript engine is now only 50% as slow compared to C. This is good for Javascript. OdinMonkey I think it is called.
I guess I could "fake it" somehow, e.g. by using \vspace
(which would be "good enough" at the final pre-printing stage)
@Nasser Wow, yeah that's pretty impressive for an interpreted language.
((but less than ideal, if things are still "moving around" / "alive"))
Although I somehow doubt the numbers
@Christian actually it can get even better. Check this table here julialang.org except for random matrix multiplication JS did realy well. amzing actually. this is old page also. not sure on the date, but it been up for at least 1 year
@Nasser Hehe, I like how Python is practically the inverse of JS
didn't know it was that slow in comparison though
@nuttyaboutnatty what class? in book it uses:
  \ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
    \vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@
      \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
      \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
      \leavevmode \bfseries
      \hskip -\leftskip
      #1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par
@nuttyaboutnatty which ends with @highpenalty to stringly discourage page breaking at that point
1 hour later…
@egreg Oh my! :)
@DavidCarlisle <3
@David: BTW, I love your xedni answer. :)
I'm starting to hate PDFs, I really do.
@PauloCereda @egreg is going to love the mathematical typesetting refinement of my last answer:-)
One would think that among the many tools to work with them at least the quite costly Adobe Acrobat Pro would produce good results but it just adds another way to mess up your PDFs.
@DavidCarlisle I'm a bit afraid. ;-)
pdfcrop seems to produce broken output sometimes, Briss can't open PDFs that are too large ... man.
PDF has become bloated crap and there doesn't seem to be something on the horizon to replace it.
sorry for the rant
@egreg by the way how come you've stopped using ooalign answers and started using my trick of posting tftopl output?
@Christian I didn't use pdf for my thesis, avoided all that sort of problem.
doesn't M-x narrow-to-region work in TeXShop?
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