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Q: Italics usage in a particular foreign language

McGafterFor a lack of knowledge over where to ask this critically important question, I'm going to post it here. (...And since the TeX guys generally have a sense of humor.) If an Italian wants to emphasise something he says, does he speak it in Italics or still in Italian? Or could it be called Italia...

Should I create a WTF tag?
@AlanMunn May I suggest something similar to WTF? :)
@PauloCereda Yes, that's a good one. It may even be linguistically interesting, but we need more data.
@AlanMunn :)
2 hours later…
@PeterGrill Hi are you actually around?
@AlanMunn Hello. Yep am here...
Do you know much about pgfplots?
@AlanMunn Somewhat. I can try, but haven't done much plotting lately.
Do you have a MWE with a problem or concept question?
@PeterGrill It's a MWE I think. Hang on.
ActG	4.354545455
Cond	4.333333333
EmbD	4.539393939
Agr	1.622895623
Det	1.336363636
HPerf 	4.375757576
LPerf	3.884848485
HPass	3.812121212
LPass	3.775757576
ActG	4.557575758
Cond	4.321212121
EmbD	4.633333333
Agr	1.646464646
Det	1.406060606
HPerf 	3.375757576
LPerf	3.636363636
HPass	1.987878788
LPass	2.339393939
The problem is I have 9 rows rows of data in each file, but I'm only getting 8 pairs of bars in my plot.
Oh, maybe it thinks the first row is a header...
@PeterGrill Yes that was it. Just explaining the problem to someone made me see the solution.
Crisis averted. :)
@AlanMunn Yep that seems to be it. Glad I could help. :-)
@PeterGrill One more question: I've set font=\sffamily and that makes the xtick labels and other text sans, but not the numeric ytick labels. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
And yet another crisis averted. mathspec to the rescue. This chat room is amazing.
@AlanMunn Oh you figured it out already?
so what was the solution? I was surprised that y tick label/.style={font=\sffamily} did not fix it.
@PeterGrill Yes, sorry I forgot to ping you. The problem is that all the numbers are rendered as math, and there's no sans math, generally. But since I'm using XeLaTeX, I can use the mathspec package to use the regular sans font for the math digits, and now everything works.
@AlanMunn Great. No way I would have figured that out... But, again, glad to help :-)
@PeterGrill Clearly it's time for bed, now that my graph looks pretty. Good night. Thanks for listening.
@AlanMunn Good night...
4 hours later…
Time zones lead to strange effects. Sitting at my work desk staring at the words "Good night" makes me sleepy even in the morning ;-)
Can I vote for a flat earth somewhere?
1 hour later…
@StephanLehmke Ask the "Flat Earth Society": theflatearthsociety.org/cms
@egreg you a member?
@DavidCarlisle We could meet at the next conference.
@egreg at the south pole perhaps
@StephanLehmke You don't need a flat earth, you just need sidereal time.
@egreg Hmm. They seem to hold the belief that the earth is already flat, which wouldn't help with time zones at all :-(
@StephanLehmke We should convince Californians that they are wrong in considering what's day and what's night.
@DavidCarlisle :-) I alternated between Sun sparc and Acorn Archimedes when I was doing my PhD.
I found something strange. When typing \LaTeX in tilte, the space between it and next word is lost ! so next word is stuck to the X
@Nasser TeX always ignores spaces following control sequence names. See tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=xspace for more details.
@NicolaTalbot but I only have ONE control sequence, \LaTeX , the word next to it is plain text. Please see screen shot
So you are saying I need to force space after \LaTeX all the time?
Will try the xspace package in the link you have given and see if it helps. thanks
@NicolaTalbot it worked ! I used \xspace now it looks much better. I have to remember to add \xspace from now on after this. Will add another yellow stick-it to my monitor for this one so I do not forget.
@Nasser You're better off just putting a backslash space after the command rather than using \xspace. (It's shorter to do \LaTeX\ animate than \LaTeX\xspace animate for a start.)
@Nasser There's also more information in this section on commands.
@Nasser xspace is (possibly) of some use when defining a macro but there is no point at all in using it explicitly within a document.
@Nasser Commands such as \LaTeX that give spacing problems are quite rare. Just remember to type \LaTeX{} is or \LaTeX\ is. If it's followed by punctuation, there's no space to be left; however \LaTeX{}; will work the same as \LaTeX;.
1 hour later…
Does the example here work for you? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/117737/…
@MarcoDaniel Ze code vorkz for me. :)
@Rico With the old version of Tikz it seems to work. Strange.
@MarcoDaniel thats strange, I remember LaTeX' goal being to create the same output even with old machines...
@Rico Ah the new version is more sensitive. With the provided answer of Jake it works.
2 hours later…
@PauloCereda .- .... --- .---
@tohecz .
Yay, I've got TeX on my android!
@NicolaTalbot nice which app are you using
@NicolaTalbot Yay! :)
@Rico TeXPortal for the TeX stuff and jota for the text editor, but I think I need to see if I can get a more TeX-aware editor. It takes three key presses to get a backslash with jota.
@NicolaTalbot JOTA!?
@tohecz Yeah, like I said I need a better editor :-)
I ought to have a look to see if there's a vi clone for android.
@NicolaTalbot for me, JOTA is Jamboree on the Air ;)
@tohecz Oh, that sounds fun :-)
@NicolaTalbot well, currently it's moreorless deprecated to JOTI (Jamboree over the Internet)
@NicolaTalbot I've got emacs on my android tablet
@DavidCarlisle Well, if I can't find vi for it, maybe I might give emacs a try, but I'm not defecting on my main computer ;-)
@NicolaTalbot o.O
@PauloCereda Don't worry, I've just found one. Phew!
@NicolaTalbot make sure you have a keyboard with esc on it or you will be stuck forever (serve you right for using vi of course:-)
@tohecz Ah, I thought we'd got onto the topic of scouts. I had a strange image of scouts doing their jamboree on air.
@NicolaTalbot Air = Radio ;)
@DavidCarlisle Hopefully they've done it like the Angband port that allows the back button to be used as Esc, but it would certainly be entertaining to have a vi port that didn't have an escape key!
@tohecz D'oh! I think I've finally caught up! :-)
@NicolaTalbot it used to be popular: a LW frequency set was given, and a specified time, and people could use their radios to speak accross the world. I think that even the illegal scouts in Czechoslovakia in 70s and 80s used to participate.
@tohecz Oh cool! :-) I suppose that's why Air's been replaced by Internet.
@DavidCarlisle Not to worry. There's a nice easy to reach Esc button. :-)
@NicolaTalbot yes, but remember that nobody knew what "internet" is back then ;)
Yay, it's even got syntax highlighting. Slightly different colour scheme, but excellent all the same.
@tohecz :-)
Out of curiosity, is it possible to have two listings side by side?
@PauloCereda inside of two minipages probably?
@cgnieder ooh sounds like a plan! :)
@NicolaTalbot the emacs I had just said to plug in a real keyboard, I don't think they quite got the mobile idea:-), but the "hackers keyboard" (free from android play) seems to work quite well and has ctrl and esc
@DavidCarlisle Does that mean you can tuck the tablet into a pocket and hoist the keyboard around in a backpack? :-)
That's the result of writing code:
Thank you! However, it is much code to get a length. I was wondering, that it is so difficult to calculate this length. I took your proposed veclen and create another solution. I post it in this thread. — Dirk 6 mins ago
does MikTex uses the same source code (i.e. packages, etc...) as TexLive? i.e. the same packages in CTAN? Was just wondering about this. I read this tex.stackexchange.com/questions/20036/… but still confused. I simply wanted to know from where does MikTex gets the Latex packages, is it also from CTAN? Which is I assume where TeXlive gets the packages from. Thanks,
@Nasser there's (basically) no other source of packages than CTAN. However, the selection procedure differs
I see. thanks, that is what I wanted to know.
i laughed really hard...
@topskip There is a neat google easter egg: search for recursion. :)
@kan a nice one :)
There is also an easter egg when you google "kerning"
@topskip you can even google such things as "do a barrel roll"
@topskip so, is it the awkward spacing, or I am hallucinating?
@kan right, it's the spacing in the search results on the word kerning
@topskip ooh! how intelligent! :)
@dıʞsdoʇ Are you notified even if the name is not upside down?
@egreg only when it is not upside down
(changed my nick name yesterday (?))
@topskip So I have to refresh this window.
@topskip Now I see you in upright position. :)
@egreg actually I am sitting in front of the notebook :) .. head up
Mathematicians, can I ask a very silly question? /blushes
@PauloCereda I bet you can ;-))
@topskip <3
@PauloCereda 42
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@PauloCereda NaN
@topskip NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Batman. :)
Dec 15 '12 at 18:21, by Paulo Cereda
ans = NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN Batman!
@PauloCereda great!
@DavidCarlisle Such good memories. :)
@Nasser The main difference between TeX Live and MikTeX with respect to package choice is that TeX Live is very strict about only allowing free licensed software so if a package has any sort of non-free license or the licence is in question (including e.g. packages with no license), it will not be included in TeX Live. MikTeX has no such requirement. Functionally, the one big difference between TeXLive and MikTeX is that MikTeX has on-the-fly package downloading and TeXLive doesn't.
There are some other differences too, but these are the two big ones.
Do you guys think this sentence is ok? with slope = \SI{2.4239e1}
I'm not sure what to do with the = sign.
@AlanMunn other major one in some contexts is that miktex is windows only and texlive is linux and mac as well so if you need to support a mixed network and have tex be the same (can even hare formats over a shared file space) then texlive has some advantages.
Hm perhaps slope~=~\SI{2.4239e1} is better.
@AlanMunn thanks for the info
@PauloCereda is it part of a mathematical expression or a sentence? (You could replace it by is if the latter)
@PauloCereda \(\text{slope} = \SI{2.42932408235u023420384ue2}\)
@David, @Andrew: Thanks, guys! :)
The other day, an expert here said they do not use GUI to write Latex math code. I use Scientific word, which generates Latex. There is no way at all I could write the same Latex code by hand. Here is a random screen shot from one HW showing the equation on the screen, and the corresponding Latex code. I would never have been able to write this code in a million years
@DavidCarlisle True. I was assuming just Windows for comparison, but that's certainly another concern.
That is why I use SW. Out of all the apps I use, SW is the most valuable one. Without it, I am completely lost.
@Nasser but you can easily learn to write the latex markup at the bottom whereas the view at the top looks prettier but it would take months of randomly clicking around to find out how to produce it.
@egreg Although your answer to the unsort question is correct, it surely is bad advice, don't you think?
@DavidCarlisle, I do not know if you used SW or not, but it is really easy. Actually, I do not even use paper and pencil much any more. I manipulate equations on the screen directly. any way. I like it because it generates Latex, and then I use tex4ht to compile the latex to PDF and HTML.
I just use SW for editing. Not compiling or anything like this. I use command line to do all that.
@Nasser I have never managed to use any wysywig editor. All the ones I have tried fail the "is it emacs" test.
@Nasser SW is actually quite good (at least it was when we were in contact with them at the beginning in the early 90's) but you should not look at the tex code generated by any such application as an example of what you would have to write by hand. Generated code is almost always more verbose than you would hand write and also rather importantly it is harder to control. When egreg tells you off for over-using \left\right it is much easier to delete them if you are editing the markup
@DavidCarlisle SW have been working on version 6.0 for long time. They are doing a complete re-write but it is taking too long. I know what you mean. Hand coding will not look as scary as the above code does. But still, it would take an average person much longer time to produce the same code by hand, vs. using a GUI. It might not be as good as hand coding, but the time saved can be worth it I think. So many HW's and so little time.
So I've finally figured out why I don't really like Beamer: the markup to content ratio is much too high. So the LaTeX mantra "focus on the content" gets lost in all that markup.
@Nasser The key is to view it as a collection of smaller parts rather than looking at the entire code all in one lump. Have a look at this example which illustrates that sort of thing.
@Nasser it is clearly true that "the average" person would rather edit in that kind of system but then the average person uses Word. SW's problem is that they have to target people who want typographic output of latex but who don't want to obsess over controlling the exact markup. I'm not sure that there are so many people like that. You clearly, and that's fine but if I am going to produce a latex document I want to know where every \ is going.
@AlanMunn only if you get seduced into adding all that markup, if each frame just consists of an itemize with four \item it's not so bad:-)
@NicolaTalbot, thanks. But it is much more than just writing the equation in small parts. In the example you showed, if it was on the screen, I can using the mouse select the exponential term in one part and may be move it from the denominator to the numerator, or select another subpart and copy it somewhere else. Just like one would do on paper. It is impossible to do that looking at raw Latex code, since one does not see the big picture.
@DavidCarlisle But it's just so seductive. :) But even all though itemizes are kind of annoying.
@AlanMunn Really? Depends on your slides, I guess
    \frametitle{Some preliminary judgement data}
    	\begin{block}{Spoken acceptability judgement task}
    		\item Compare acceptability of levelled vs. unlevelled participles with grammatical and ungrammatical controls
    		\item Between subjects variable
    			\item levelled vs. unlevelled
    		\item Within subjects variables
    			\item Modal+Perfect Participle vs. Passive Participle
    			\item Grammatical vs. Ungrammatical controls
@Nasser there are many systems that allow you to synchronise the display with the markup editor (I never really used them much and don't know the current state) but going back from the typeset view to the code markup is basically covered by the synctex system.
@AlanMunn Ah, I see: 'too much text'
@AlanMunn Unless of course these are lecture notes
@Nasser I can yank and paste the LaTeX code in vim. Personally I don't like using the mouse. It causes cramp, especially my index finger joint, so I'd much rather type the code. It's not impossible to see what the whole thing looks like from the code. It just depends on what you're used to. I wouldn't be able to interpret Morse code on the fly, but skilled radio operators can do it without a problem.
@AlanMunn The thing is, of course, that presentations are more about appearance: same thing for posters. That's why you find some LaTeX users don't use LaTeX for those tasks.
@PauloCereda: Do you have an idea? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/117727/…
@MarcoDaniel I'll take a look.
@AlanMunn Probably. I'll add a caveat.
@MarcoDaniel: I have no Windows machine around here (woohoo!), but I suspect somehow Windows' convert is being used instead of ImageMagick's convert.
I've been asked for a transcript of my Paris talk: it's a painful task!
@PauloCereda Eeek!
@JosephWright Mon Dieu! :)
@PauloCereda Quite: they want to do subtitles, but that requires a script
@JosephWright Bad windows. :)
Hoping that I can find some way to automate the task
@JosephWright Subtitles? I can think of something. :)
@PauloCereda Maybe. Without a Windows machine it's difficult to test ;-)
Can I ask, if this is the correct way to include all content at top of report:

@MarcoDaniel Exactly. :) We can see by Command: convert -delay 10 -loop 0 -density 200 "117309.pdf" "117309.gif" that arara did its job correctly. The problem is being the execution.
@Nasser If you're using a report-style class you don't need all those \clearpage commands.
@PauloCereda Did you expect a flaw with arara?
@NicolaTalbot I use

@MarcoDaniel: I used my dad's PC for a moment and my suspicion is right: the wrong convert is being called.
@MarcoDaniel Heavens no, I have the best tester of the universe. :) <3
Will try without the \clearpages. thanks
@Nasser I would've thought a report-style class would be better than article for a report.
@PauloCereda But how can this be happened?
@PauloCereda use arara to reformat your disk:-)
@DavidCarlisle woohoo!
Ok, will try that too. I just use article all the time. not sure why. I am afraid to change it.
It is for HW's
@MarcoDaniel I'm not sure. Maybe IM is set just in user path, not system path. I'm not sure which one arara uses.
A possible workaround is to provide the full path to the convert tool.
@PauloCereda This can be the answer ;-)
@MarcoDaniel add a comment asking Ignasi to add the full path. Then we can write an answer later. :)
@JosephWright I don't really see that as too much text. It's a slide that summarizes an experimental design. Hard to cut down in reality.
@DavidCarlisle % arara: checksystem, where the checksystem directive does del C: if Win is scanned.
@PauloCereda Martin Scharrer had a similar problem with standalone
@egreg Ah standalone uses convert under the hood too!
may be someone can give me a hint on this. I spend many hrs on it, and cant figure it out. I edit my .tex file, and then do pdflatex foo.tex then I get this error

TeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) has bee
n already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again>
l.41 \clearpage
[1] (./HW4_solution.lof [2]) [3] (./HW4_solution.lot) [4]
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ...tring :autoref\endcsname {\@captype
Why is deleting .aux file makes the error go away?
@Nasser make an MWE
@tohecz I wish I know how. I do not even know where the error is coming from. It says duplicate record. it is 1200 lines tex file. For now, I delete the .aux file each time before I run pdflatex.
@Nasser then disable hyperref and check for warning without that. I suspect you misuse \label and \ref
(but that's only a blind shot, without a MWE)
@tohecz, thanks, will check on these.
@Nasser @Werner Yes, this looks like a hyperref issue. See tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=hyperdupdest
@AlanMunn thanks!
@Nasser And also:
Q: pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (nam e{page.1}) has been already used, duplicate ignored

N.N.I get the following warning pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (nam e{page.1}) has been already used, duplicate ignored when compiling the following document: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{hyperref} \title{[Title]} \author{N.N.}...

Just like on the X-Files, "the truth is out there". :)
problem solved !! I simply moved \usepackage{hyperref} to the bottom of the packages included. Now the error went away. thank you everyone for your help.
@Nasser article is okay for a short document, but it's better to use a report-like class for a longer document. As a sketchy rule of thumb, if your table of contents is longer than three-quarters of a page, it's long enough to be a report-style. (But there are other factors as well.)
those people try to flood germany...
@Rico That's Dresden!
@egreg That's right!
… and hello!
@egreg right :)
@Rico I've been there twice; the first time that church wasn't there.
@AlanMunn I tend toward very 'traditional' slides: just a figure or two per slide with the only text in the header
@Nasser Speaking of hyperref and loading order: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/1863/…
@AlanMunn As I say, lecture note slides might be different
@egreg sad thing, it bured down totally
@JosephWright But not everything can be explained with figures. Especially if the stuff you're studying is language.
@TorbjørnT. thanks for the link.
@AlanMunn I'm sure: as I said, LaTeX is perhaps not so good at presentations
@NicolaTalbot only thing with report is that I have to use \chapter. If I just use \section, section numbers will all have 0.1, 0.2 numbers to them which do not look good. And \Chapter is too much heavy weight for most of my school reports. one day, when I write a book (once I know something well enough) I will try report or even the book class.
@Nasser Okay. If you decide to later, I suggest you use scrreprt or scrbook or memoir instead of report or book.
@NicolaTalbot thanks, will check them out.
Can anyone think of a simple way to skip a chunk of a document without just commenting out the code. Another issue with beamer is that it's quite slow to compile, so it would be useful to have a "compile from this point onwards" or something. includeonly isn't practical, because I want to do this on a per-frame basis potentially.


Hello world in Java.

Hello world in C#.

\caption{My code}

@AlanMunn comment environment from comment package, just moving the \end{comment} around? Also, though perhaps not so relevant for this specific case, have you seen Andrew's solution for compiling lecture slides? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/52900/entire-course-with-beamer/…
What am I doing wrong? I was expecting codes side by side. :(
@AlanMunn \iffalse ... \fi as long as interframe code is not ignored.
@PauloCereda You have a blank line between them.
@AlanMunn OMG
@Rico I know the sad story of Dresden. I consider a miracle that now the town is again splendid and dream about how it was before.
@AlanMunn: Thanks, I feel stupid.
@egreg Thanks. I'm not sure what you mean by the qualification (as long as...)
@PauloCereda Last time you said that you got a bunch of stars in chat. :)
@AlanMunn There's an option in beamer to ignore text between frames.
@AlanMunn :)
@egreg Ok. I wasn't aware of that. So since I'm not using it, your trick works perfectly for me.
@TorbjørnT. Thanks. I had thought that comment was more about commenting out particular environments, but this will work just as well as egreg's solution.
@PauloCereda and if you remove the blank line you need a % after each \end{minipage}
@DavidCarlisle Ah thanks. :)
@PauloCereda or use \hfill there and make the widths a bit less than .5\textwidth
Well, that hyperref error is coming back :( Here it is again.
<bridge2.png, id=96, 476.53032pt x 228.855pt> <use bridge2.png> [1{/var/lib/tex
mf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map} <./bridge2.png>] (./HW4_solution.toc)pdf
TeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) has bee
n already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again>
l.40 \clearpage
[1] (./HW4_solution.lof [2]) [3] (./HW4_solution.lot) [4]
./HW4_solution.tex:109: Undefined control sequence.
Here is my include file, where I include all the packages. You can see hyperref is at the end


\usepackage{array}% http://ctan.org/pkg/array
I do not know what happend before when I said it worked. Must have been a lucky moment.
Here is the bit of the code, where it complain about . Line 109. Any one sees something wrong with it? When I delete the .aux file, it compiles OK
and searched \verb|Joint Coordinates|
\item Figure~\ref{fig:showingaddedjoint} shows
part of the joints coordinates table after completing the
above steps.
\caption{Adding missing joints to bridge database}
I do Figure~\ref{fig:showingaddedjoint} and below I do \label{fig:showingaddedjoint}
And latex blows up here:

<argument> ...tring :autoref\endcsname {\@captype
l.109 \item Figure~\ref{fig:showingaddedjoint}
I think I will just remove the whole line from the .tex file and be done with it.
Well, it is not working. I removed the first instance at line 109, not it blows up at the second one, line 168, same thing:

eX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) has bee
n already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again>
l.40 \clearpage
[1] (./HW4_solution.lof [2]) [3] (./HW4_solution.lot) [4]
<showing_added_joints.png, id=251, 677.53125pt x 425.33907pt>
<use showing_added_joints.png> [5]
./HW4_solution.tex:168: Undefined control sequence.
I need to spend time on this. If I find solution, will report back.
This is amazing. I also tried the solution given here tex.stackexchange.com/questions/18924/… and now use \usepackage[pdfpagelabels]{hyperref} but I still get the error eX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1})
@PauloCereda: Are working on your Mac at the moment?
I run the latex file few times by pdflatex and I still get "LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references." Is there an easy way to find where these undefined references are please?
@MarcoDaniel Linux.
i.e. which one of these files I should look in?

-rwxrwxrwx 1 me me 15117 Jun 5 13:33 HW4_solution.aux
-rwxrwxrwx 1 me me 1627 Jun 5 13:33 HW4_solution.out
-rwxrwxrwx 1 me me 2026 Jun 5 13:33 HW4_solution.toc
-rwxrwxrwx 1 me me 5202 Jun 5 13:33 HW4_solution.lof
-rwxrwxrwx 1 me me 478 Jun 5 13:33 HW4_solution.lot
-rwxrwxrwx 1 me me 2503354 Jun 5 13:33 HW4_solution.pdf
-rwxrwxrwx 1 me me 42640 Jun 5 13:33 HW4_solution.log
all what pdflatex says "(see the transcript file for additional information)" but it does not say which file !
@MarcoDaniel: anything I can help?
@PauloCereda Are you working with perlbrew?
which is the "transcript file"?
@MarcoDaniel perlbrew? Only brew.
@PauloCereda Yes perlbrew perlbrew.pl
Take the following example
% arara: pdflatex: { shell: true }
\immediate\write18{which perl > tmp.txt}

\immediate\write18{ perl -v > tmp.txt}
If I run the example out of my editor TeXWorks I get:
@MarcoDaniel Cool! I use brew, but it's different. :)
This is perl 5, version 12, subversion 4 (v5.12.4) built for
If I compile from the terminal I get
This is perl 5, version 19, subversion 0 (v5.19.0) built for darwin-2level
I don't know what's going wrong.
try running echo $PATH.
Let's see the path for both executions.
@PauloCereda Seems to be Ok.
@MarcoDaniel I meant the same way you ran which perl in the code. :)
@PauloCereda :-)
Than I get:
@MarcoDaniel For both?
@PauloCereda No. Only from the editor.
@MarcoDaniel You might need to export your user PATH it seems. :(
@PauloCereda But how? In the terminal my export works ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Dunno. :P
@PauloCereda Must go for few minutes.
@MarcoDaniel nooooooooooo.
where can I see which version of pgfplots I'm currently running?
@Rico Add \listfiles before \documentclass, and a list of all packages with their versions is written near the end of the .log-file
@Nasser yiu get an undefined reference error on each one one that says the name, then the undefined references error at the end is just a reminder.
@DavidCarlisle. Thanks. I gave up on this. I just have to remember to delete the .aux file each time. The thing is, I have makefiles that build my tree, and in the makefile, I do not delete these files before new build. So I need to add that. Now I only delete the pdf and html files.
when I delete the .aux file before pdflatex, the error do not show up.
@Nasser if you delete the aux file cross references citations and lots of other things will never work
I mean, I delete .aux before new build.
@Nasser what do you mean by "new"
I run new build, by cleaning things first, (remove html and pdf files) then I run pdflatex 3 times, then run htlatex (which it also runs latex 3 times!).
@Nasser are you starting new documents but giving them the same filename?
No. In the current folder, I have only index.tex and HW.tex, each folder have the same setup. It is only in this folder I have this problem, since I am using lots of \ref and \label as I showed: Figure~\ref{fig:showingaddedjoint} followed by \label{fig:showingaddedjoint}
I made sure I have this last \usepackage[pdfpagelabels]{hyperref} in the package loading part
may be the problem is coming from htlatex, I do not know.
@Nasser well if you can run pdflatex 3 (or 4 times) withoiut error but a "new build" gives errors then something you do in between is changing the aux files. perhaps htlatex. It is easy enough to save the aux file after pdflatex run htlatex and see if it has changed
This is my Makefile bit that build the report:

pdflatex --file-line-error $<
pdflatex --file-line-error $<
pdflatex --file-line-error $<
htlatex $< "nma.cfg,htm" " -cunihtf" -d${LATEX_REPORT}
So you see, I run pdflatex 3 times, then call htlatex to make the HTML file
@DavidCarlisle , ok , good idea. Will add a line after last call to pdflatex above to delete the .aux file and see if that fixes it. thanks,
as I say it is worth copying the aux file to a tempory file after the pdflatex then diff it against the aux file after htlatex, probably you find it has changed which means don't do that. (pdflatex 3 times is slow if you don't need that many and might not be enough, it is better just to pdflatex as many times as needed
Acutally, the error comes from just doing `pdflatex foo.tex` without even using htlatex at all. i.e. without running the makefile.
1. touch foo.tex
2. pdflatex foo.tex ---->Error
3. rm foo.aux
4. pdflatex foo.tex --->NO error
5. touch foo.tex
6. pdflatex foo.tex ---> Error
7. rm foo.aux
8. pdflatex foo.tex ---> NO error
any way. please do not worry about it. I'll just add something in the Makefile to delete .aux file. and then it works.
I think you are right. I think .aux from htlatex is messing up pdflatex run
@Nasser oh hang on that is just normal behaviour, the references are not defined until the second run as that is the whole point of the aux file, it's not an error it is just a warning to re-run latex
@DavidCarlisle it is an error; please see
TeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) has bee
n already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again>
l.40 \clearpage
[1] (./HW4_solution.lof [2]) [3] (./HW4_solution.lot) [4]
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ...tring :autoref\endcsname {\@captype
l.109 \item Figure~\ref{fig:showingaddedjoint}
@Nasser hang on you changed the rules you said it was the "undefined references"
@DavidCarlisle, sorry, that was another question I had.
@Nasser oddly enough, not all errors have the same cause:-)
I asked before on this error. Then later asked about how to find the undefined references. Separate question.
OK., I just verified that this error ONLY happens after I run htlatex, followed by pdflatex
@Nasser most likely cause of the errors there are \caption being used in the wrong place
Here are the steps:
1. run the makefile (which runs htlatex last)
2. edit the foo.tex
3. pdflatex foo.tex ----> ERROR
4. delete .aux
5. pdflatex foo.tex ---> NO ERROR
So, it is ONLY when I run htlatex followed by PDFlatex. what I wrote before was not correct. So htlatex generates something strange .aux file that confuses pdflatex.
@DavidCarlisle, I have ONE caption in the file! Will comment it out now and try
%\caption{Displacements at joints S15L and S07L}
@Nasser I think it's easiest to either build up or hack down a minimal example. Here's a starting point:



Reference to Figure~\ref{fig:sample}.


This works fine with pdflatex and htlatex.
@DavidCarlisle, I commented out the \caption, and run htlatex, followed by pdflatex, and still get the same error TeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) has bee
@Nasser yes but presumably not the undefined command \@captype error
@NicolaTalbot, thanks for the example. WIll run it now by my Makefile in separate folder and see if I get same error or not.
@Nasser Okay. I've got to go now. Good luck with it.
good news! Used Nicola example, and was able to reproduce the error on this small example.




Reference to Figure~\ref{fig:sample}.


This is the error

(./report.out) (./report.out)

Package hyperref Warning: Empty destination name,
(hyperref) using `UNDEFINED' on input line 8.

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ...tring :autoref\endcsname {\@captype
l.8 Reference to Figure~\ref{fig:sample}
Should I post this in the main web page now, since there is a minimal working example?
@PauloCereda back
I just confirmed it is something to do with running htlatex followed by pdflatex
Will make a post on the main web page now on this to make it easy to see.
since there is a very small example now that shows the problem.
@MarcoDaniel <3
@PauloCereda Fixed it by replacing the executable perl in /usr/bib/perl by a symlink to my new installation path.
Hi, everybody!
@GonzaloMedina Hi Gonzalo!
Hi, Paulo and Marco!
Do you know how can I reproduce the settings for the page layout used in the Springer's collection "Graduate Texts in Mathematics"?
@Nasser pdflatex writes the reference to the aux file as \newlabel{fig:sample}{{1}{1}{Sample}{figure.1}{}} htlatex writes it as \newlabel{fig:sample}{{\rEfLiNK{x1-21}{\csname :autoref\endcsname{figure}1}}{\rEfLiNK{x1-21}{\csname :autoref\endcsname{figure}3}}{\rEfLiNK{x1-21}{\csname :autoref\endcsname{figure}Sample}}{figure.1}{}} which is different :-)
@GonzaloMedina Hm perhaps something along the lines of the llncs?
@DavidCarlisle I just posted this as question on the main board, was this ok?
@Nasser yes of course
@GonzaloMedina The standard class of springer uses the following setting
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Setup type area
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
\setlength{\topmargin}{-1in + 12mm - 14dd}% don't know why
\advance\textheight by -\topskip
\divide\textheight by \baselineskip
\multiply\textheight by \baselineskip
\advance\textheight by \topskip
@Nasser well no you tricked me:( I deleted my answer, you don't get an error doing pdflatex after htlatex on that example
I have the documentclass "lehrbuch17x24.cls".
@DavidCarlisle sorry, I do not understand. what do you mean I do not get an error?
@MarcoDaniel WHAT?!
@MarcoDaniel Thanks!
@Nasser on that example you can run pdflatex htlatex in any order without error, as Heiko commented it does not generate the aux file you show
@PauloCereda Why what? I am working as a freelance for Springer/Spektrum -- (really sometimes)
but that is what it generated? I copied the aux file and pasted it? I do not understand what you mean by it does not generate the aux file you show?
@MarcoDaniel I meant the class name. :)
@PauloCereda Was not my decision ;-)
@Nasser sorry ignore the aux file comment but I get no error from pdflatex htlatex pdflatex
@Nasser I too get no error.
@DavidCarlisle it must be different versions then. I posted the version number I am using. I am using debian texlive 2012.
@Nasser I am tl2012 with random updates from time to time
@DavidCarlisle no updates here. I just use whatever texlive 2012 was on the system. Do not even know how to update TL :)
Lets see if someone can reproduce it. otherwise, will just wait for TL 2013 and hopefully the problem will go away.
@Nasser with a vanilla texlive you just go tlmgr update and it updates but most linux distro versions stop that so that it fits in with the linux apt-get or yum or whatever
@DavidCarlisle, yes I know. I can't use tlmgr, using debian package. Will try to see if I can update texlive using apt-get, never tried it. But will research it and see.
@DavidCarlisle We had the same idea at the same time, it seems.
Q: toc not build correctly when using include

FictionalI have a project with lots of large files that is not working correctly. It is to large to bugfix here, but perhaps I would know were to look If I learn the cause of some odd behavior in a simpler piece of code. I have two files, a.tex and b.tex b.tex gets included in a.tex but the \clearpage is...

@egreg yes saw your comment as I hit post:-)
@egreg but I made it an answer so will get all the ticks and rep and accolades. Yours is just a comment.
@DavidCarlisle I even upvoted it.
@egreg you probably checked I'm rep cap first:-)
@DavidCarlisle Are you? Incredible.
Does anyone know in which part of hyperref is the pdfTeX warning "destination with same identifier..." is issued?
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