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@egreg Sorry, I'm back from mass. :)
@PauloCereda And I'm going to bed. Ciao.
@egreg Buonanotte! :)
2 hours later…
In algebraic geometry, a lemniscate may refer to any of several figure-eight or ∞-shaped curves. or alternatively may refer to the wool from which the ribbons were made. Although the name "lemniscate" dates to the late 17th century, the consideration of curves with a figure eight shape can be traced back to Proclus, a Greek Neoplatonist philosopher and mathematician who lived in the 5th century AD. Proclus considered the cross-sections of a torus by a plane parallel to the axis of the torus. As he observed, for most such sections the cross section consists of either one or two ovals; howe...
Oh my.
5 hours later…
I see the unanswered session went OK: as I'm still in Paris it was too late for me
4 hours later…
@PauloCereda: This is a pickup line plus.google.com/… -- I guess
@MarcoDaniel hm?
@MarcoDaniel: wrong link, apparently. :)
If you want to have a feeling of Berlin's underground, you can watch this video ;-)
@MarcoDaniel LOL
@MarcoDaniel on the london underground you are lucky if you have enough room to breath, let alone dance:-)
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@David, @Marco: I won't even comment about the São Paulo underground. :)
Oh my, I'm at 25k+ votes. :)
@PauloCereda We need a new badge
@MarcoDaniel "robot duck". :)
@Paulo but robot does implies you make upvotes automatically
@DominicMichaelis 25000 votes can only be reached by robot ;-)
honestly I believe that nearly nobody in this chat is human
Well maybe I am mixing up stupid with human again, this is sometimes really hard to distinguish
@DominicMichaelis I'm sure Psmith is human. Not sure about the rest.
Hmm, needed 350 points to cover up a -120 reversal for serial voting. :(
@egreg Oh my!
!!/eightball Are you human?
Oh wait.
Let robot Paulo call Psmith to work.
@egreg beep. :)
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 230 vs. 215 David. So far, egreg is winning.
!!/eightball Are you human?
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The great 8-ball says: talk to my lawyer.
Yeah he is human
@PauloCereda I'm at 19430 votes. I'll be 20K votes before being 200K rep.
@egreg woohoo! :)
This is TL (outdated version problem)
Q: Smartdiagram error when compile

bojeI want to use the smartdiagram but by some reason a get a error: ! Undefined control sequence. \smartdiagram code #1#2->\StrCut {#1}{:}\diagramtype \option \IfNoValueTF {#... l.6 ...ram] {Initiation,Planning,Execution,Closure} The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error messa...

@egreg Voted. :)
2 hours later…
Uploading video to Vimeo: using the UK-TUG account. Link coming up, here and in my blog, once the upload is sorted.
(Give it a while to get converted)
@egreg You around?
@egreg Hi, btw =)
@Holene I'm here.
Could you please help me out here, I'm delivering my master thesis today, but I have one massive problem:
Q: Rectangular spy in pgfplots without scaling

HoleneI'm trying to copy the behaviour of this question: Using tikzlibrary spy without magnifying line width and/or mark size. I would like to change the shape of the spy to rectangle, but I'm failing at the scope (which I have to admin that I don't really understand why works in the original question)...

@Holene Sorry, but TikZ is not my field.
Anyone here that's tikz-y? =)
@Holene Doesn't Jake's answer help?
Yeah, it does. Or it did.
Long story short, I have for some reason managed to install two tex distributions, one via macports and one via MacTeX. Sublimetext is compiling with one of them and Temrinal with the other. Sublimetext manages to compile Jakes answer just nicely, but now I'm in that "out of tex memory" problem, which for some reason Terminal doesnt have
So I can compile my document in Terminal (macports installation), but it appearantly misses some packages or something
@Jake ! Could you please help me out with an answer you gave to this question: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/116637/…
@Holene I can try, but that sounds pretty tricky (I don't have a Mac). Have you checked the .log files to see if both distributions are using the same versions of TikZ?
Good question
It might be easiest if you compile the document with the working distribution and externalise the problematic pictures. Then you can just include them in the document when compiling with the other distribution.
As in includegraphics
dude, you're an angel.
@Holene Yeah
@MarcoDaniel ps2pdf13 should be present in a MacTeX distribution. It is in mine and I didn't do anything special.
@AlanMunn I seem to remember that MacTeX used to allow a "Custom Install" where one could disable installation of ImageMagick, Ghostscript and TeX Gyre fonts.
@egreg Yes, you can, but the default is to install both ImageMagic and Ghostscript (but not the fonts).
I checked and in MacTeX2011 there was this feature. My suspect is that Ghostscript hasn't been installed
@egreg Yes, and it's still there in 2012. If gs etc. hasn't been installed it's a simple enough task to rerun the installer and choose a custom install to do that.
There're serious floods in Czech Republic :(
@egreg I only have to cope with barbara down-voting me, I wonder f the system will automatically revert that vote:-)
@DavidCarlisle As long as she only down votes you, and doesn't Down Vote you. :)
@AlanMunn ooh that would be interesting, official reprimand from the AMS (good job I'm not a member:-)
Is it obnoxious to ask if someone searched the site before posting their question? A search for "draw stack" yields the question percusse linked to. (Since I gave the answer, maybe me asking about searching is obnoxious.)
Q: Easiest way of drawing a graph in LaTeX

JoseTomasTocinoSo, I'm looking for the easiest way of drawing something like this. It's a simple diagram. Is the picture environment the most appropiate one?

(Not to mention if you want to draw a stack, why not say so in your question...)
Video all sorted now: those of you interested can see what I mumbled about yesterday
@JosephWright looking now...
Good turnout at GUTenberg's meeting: about 40 people!
@JosephWright 12 minutes in and no one heckled yet?
@DavidCarlisle Well, you weren't there.
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@DavidCarlisle It was very polite: I suspect I got the level slightly wrong as I was not speaking in the native language of the audience
@JosephWright Were you speaking French? :P
If you heard about the Turkish riots, here are some image collections...
Ridiculous stuff is going on there now... Gotta jet now.
2 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle, @JosephWright: GOOAAAAAAAL! :)
Damn, England scored. :)
I just saw that besides Bohemia, the floods expanded to German Saxony, too. Please keep all the victims and all the effected places in mind!
At minute 25 of Joseph's talk there's my code! :)
@egreg sigh nice
@egreg Yes that way, if the audience complained that it looked horrible, he could blame you.
@tohecz My family lives there, in Saxony in a threatened area, they suffered already in the floods 2002, let's hope it won't be so bad
@StefanKottwitz The news from Prague are that it won't be as bad. Currently, I'm 2 km from a flooded area
@egreg Who's Enrico? :)
@tohecz I'm below water level.
@StefanKottwitz Well, I keep you in my prayers!
@tohecz ... I'm in the crew bar of a cruise ship, deck 2 at engine level, so below the water line
have to work there
@StefanKottwitz oh, I guess I lost you :)
well, not in the bar ;-) but some days here, supervising some tech works
@tohecz I hope you and your family stay clear of the water.
@StefanKottwitz Yeah, I think I get it. Gladly, my house is far from being "below the water line"
@DavidCarlisle we're ok and all my friends too as well, AFAIK. But many people are not
The house of my dad is near to the water, was deep in the water 2002. The one of my mum and grandma is a bit higher, wasn' affected 2002. I just can hope the best from far - travelling on sea as so often
@StefanKottwitz I see
Brazil 2 vs 2 England.
@tohecz, @Stefan: I once faced a flood in São Paulo, it was one of the scariest moments I've ever been through. :(
I'm save. However, there're 3-5 victims in Bohemia :( The public transport in Prague is very complicated and hundreds to thousands of people in Prague have to leave their houses :(
@PauloCereda My girlfriend had scary moments when I was in Brazil, in Rio, she let the embassy search for me (they sad: Rio, Sao Paulo? Things can happen.). But I just missed the flight home for some days and faced the carnival.
@StefanKottwitz Rio has some terrible floods, but carnaval is very famous. :)
The ways to change things around in biblatex are endless!!!
@PauloCereda Perhaps I should go to the reception and complain. There's a kerning problem (between T and a) on my cabin TV.
@StefanKottwitz Oh no!
And it's German!
@StefanKottwitz in the restaurant I went to , the menu was using 5 different fonts in a single page
and not even consistently
@StefanKottwitz My wife and I are planning our next holiday. Can you recommend such a tour?
@ach menus are some of the strangest things in typesetting
@MarcoDaniel Visit David. :)
@StefanKottwitz I wouldn't have noticed a few years ago, but after working with LaTeX for a while
I couldn't help noticing it
@PauloCereda Yeah but I can't speak English and I would prefer a region where I can buy a coffee ;-)
Maybe America ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Yes, I can. I travelled 13 years with ships, and still like it. Of course, it depends on what you expect.
The only bad thing is that Internet is slow via satellite on the ocean
@AlanMunn: @Stefan mentioned that menus have the strangest things in typesetting. I once saw one of those "bilingual" menus and they translated sirloin (contra-filé) as against-fillet. :)
@StefanKottwitz Oh no!
@MarcoDaniel Come visit me!
@PauloCereda Next year I am planning a big holiday. At the moment I want to fill 3 month. ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Go visit David. :)
@MarcoDaniel Get a baby ;-)
@StefanKottwitz 3 month not 18 years ;-)
@MarcoDaniel 35 years if they want to study :-)
@MarcoDaniel That's Ok so long as you can play with lego
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@PauloCereda Eu não sou contra-filé, sou pro-filé. :)
@AlanMunn hahaha at least it's better than the inevitable pavê joke. :)
@PauloCereda Since it's inevitable, you'd better tell it.
@AlanMunn You don't know it? :)
@PauloCereda I don't think so.
@AlanMunn That's how it works: someone offers you pavê. Then you say, "é pavê ou pacomê?" :)
It's one of the most annoying jokes that I know, even worse than "Quem senta na ponta paga a conta." :)
@PauloCereda My Portuguese isn't good enough to get this.
let's see if this works
!!/translate pr to en "é pavê ou pacomê?"
@AlanMunn You need to understand it phonetically: "É para ver ou para comer?" :)
!!/translate pt to en "Quem senta na ponta paga a conta."
Psmith sleeping.
@PauloCereda Ok, I kind of guessed that for the second word, but that's a lot of reduction of the 'para' which is what threw me. And you're right, it's pretty annoying. :)
@egreg Probably out celebrating England not losing
@AlanMunn There's always one. :) Try this experiment when in Brazil next time: get a pavê and wait for it. :)
@PauloCereda sounds like there should be a tongue twister that sounds like that
@ach Quite. :)
In Italian, "sopra la panca la capra campa, sotto la panca la capra crepa" :)
@ach Cool! :)
@ach Say it three times in a row.
@egreg that usually goes wrong
@AlanMunn: I love the accent from Minas Gerais. If you think reduction in my example is strong, wait for a mineiro to talk to you. :)
1 hour later…
Q: Which Pokémon "types" are the most well-rounded?

ScootalooI've always been more of a casual Pokémon player, but lately I've been trying to experiment more. I'm looking to find what Pokémon "types" generally counter the other "types" best. According to Bulbapedia there are seventeen types of Pokemon: Normal Fire Fighting Water Flying Grass Poison Elec...

Why do they have a tag and we don't? :)
@PauloCereda clearly an oversight

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