« first day (944 days earlier)      last day (4288 days later) » 

@Nasser I've read the flexbox spec in some detail (it is the basis of the mathml implementation in webkit) but that makes it easier to specify certain dynamic layouts in css so really strengthens my point, the html/css layout needs to be flexible and the pdf layout needs to be fixed, they are just fundamentally different, If you use well structured latex you can generate both from the same source but they need not look the same.
@DavidCarlisle: have you ever seen this? destroyallsoftware.com/talks/wat :)
"Congratulations -- you are one of the top new User Experience Stack Exchange users for the month of May 2013!" -- and that for one silly answer:p
@tohecz Cool!
What does that mean? :)
@PauloCereda I can print the mail and use it as a wall paper :-/ :p
@tohecz LOL
@PauloCereda I have so many awards from different math and physical competitions that I really could use them as a wall paper ;) (just kidding, still I have quite a lot)
@tohecz :)
@PauloCereda anyways, I should \usepackage{bed, pillow, blanket} and \sleepmode
@tohecz What time is it now for you?
@PauloCereda 3.13am
@tohecz Oh my, what are you doing here?! <3
Go to bed! :)
@PauloCereda I go, yep
@tohecz :)
I got home from school at 11pm, had dinner, made some cake, played some piano, you see...
@tohecz ooh cake + piano. :)
@PauloCereda once I make some recording, I'll send you a link, but only if you promise you won't laugh :)
@tohecz I won't, I promise. :) I'll record a track too then. :)
@PauloCereda ok :) well, night!
@tohecz Good night, Tom! :)
9 hours later…
I hate silence
@tohecz Darn, only 9 hours. ;-)
@egreg As I said:
1 min ago, by tohecz
I hate silence
@tohecz Quiet day indeed. How's the weather in Prague?
@egreg Scottish
@tohecz Maybe better than Welsh. ;-)
!!/answer weather in Prague
@egreg Oh wait. :)
!!/answer weather in Prague
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode:

weather | Prague, Czech Republic
temperature | 11 °C  (wind chill: 9 °C)
conditions | rain, overcast
relative humidity | 94%  (dew point: 10 °C)
wind speed | 4.6 m/s
(37 minutes ago)
clear (early morning to late afternoon)  |  rain (late morning onward)  |  few clouds (late afternoon onward)
between 8 °C and 10 °C
rain (all night)  |  few clouds (all night)

  |  |   |
low: 5 °C
Sat, Jun 1, 1:00am | average high:  | 14 °C
average low:  | 8 °C | high: 18 °C
Let's hope it's better next Friday. We'll have a big match.
@PauloCereda You should fix the Unicode support: it's "Ruzyně"
@egreg New update, perhaps. :)
@egreg this :D
1 hour later…
Hello :-)
@NicolaTalbot Hi Nicola! :)
@PauloCereda How's your voice? Has it come back yet?
@NicolaTalbot Not completely. About 70%. :)
@PauloCereda More ice cream needed :-)
@NicolaTalbot Indeed. :)
Is there a recommended way of hyphenating newsgroup names? Like comp.text.tex -- can it be broken on one of the dots?
hi! anybody good at drawing figures that don't correspond with data or a specific equation, but rather, something more theoretical, as in economicshelp.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/…
i have some code that i think was put together using R? i'm not sure how the R-tikz synergy is possible . . . but i'd like to modify it
@NicolaTalbot Good question. :) I suspect it cannot be broken. :(
@NicolaTalbot I'd do it only in an emergency.
@egreg Like a "OMG it's a lion!" emergency? :)
@PauloCereda Something like that.
@egreg I think I'll have to put up with underfull hboxes. There are eight newsgroups listed in a single sentence. (I can't edit the text. I'm just the production editor.)
@PauloCereda Ooh! Quick, run away! :-)
@NicolaTalbot :)
@PauloCereda LOL :-)
@NicolaTalbot Maybe \url can help.
@egreg Yay, that looks a lot better! Thanks :-)
I wish authors would learn to use \label/\ref instead of just typing in the number.
@PauloCereda Psmith, the TeX bot: Here is your fortune: You will be hungry again in one hour.
Update from Paris: all ready to go, GUTenberg have their AGM to do then I'm on
Much bigger meeting that there would be in the UK
@JosephWright Any livestreams? :)
@PauloCereda No, but they are video recording. I'll do an audio grab myself too.
I'll get my audio + slides online later today if I can
@JosephWright Cool! :)
Depends on how my evening pans out!
Looks like this morning was very font focussed: two talks just called Les fontes!
While the AGM is happening I will be about here :-)
@JosephWright :)
Eduroam is very handy: no set up at all here in Paris :-)
@JosephWright Keep a chatroom tab opened during presentation, so we can interact. :P
@PauloCereda They are doing screen capture, so I'll be using a different PC
@JosephWright Oh no!
@PauloCereda Still hope to grab the audio
I don't know much about the tex syntax but im trying to draw a line with numbers. Above I need it to range from 0 to n and below it it needs to range from 0 to 1. but I don't know how to set the step size nor the line width ( it's extending beyond my page )
can anyone point me out to the right direction?
@JosephWright Mon Dieu!
@Sidar Sounds like a job for TikZ, although @DavidCarlisle can probably provide a picture mode solution
@JosephWright I am using tikz
and found some example code
but I have no clue on how to keep it within page bounds
@Sidar Can you show us what you have got at present?
want me to paste it here?
what I want is the first foreach to scale automatically from 0...n with the same stepsize as that from below
@Sidar Something like this?

    \foreach \x [evaluate=\x as \xx using \x/\NN] in {0,1,...,\NN} {
        (\x,0pt)node[below] {\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed,precision=2]{\xx}} --
        (\x,3pt) node[above] {\x};
@TorbjørnT. ill have to test it later. Currently doing other stuff but thanks anyways.
@Sidar The result is
@Sidar OK, this is a little more flexible, I think:

    \foreach \x [evaluate=\x as \xx using \x/\NN,count=\i from 0] in {0,3,...,\NN} {
        (\i,0pt)node[below] {\pgfmathprintnumber[fixed,precision=2]{\xx}} --
        (\i,3pt) node[above] {\x};
1 hour later…
Guys, how bad is this:
\usepackage{etoolbox}                                                                                                \BeforeBeginEnvironment{verse}{\itshape}
@PauloCereda \AtBeginEnvironemnt{verse}{\itshape}
@PauloCereda Why would that be bad? I would just try \AfterBeginEnvironment{verse}{\itshape} and get away with the \AfterEndEnvironment, assuming those exists
@Marco @PauloCereda \AtBeginEnvironment it is :)
@PauloCereda If you are using a different font before verse, you will change this.
@Xavier Are you writing your documentation ;-)
@Marco Mrghbll...
@Xavier, @MarcoDaniel: Ah thanks. :)
@Xavier What does it mean?
@MarcoDaniel It means yes, but slower than I would have liked ;)
@Xavier Good things need time ;-)
Live from Paris, France: @JosephWright! :)
@PauloCereda Hello
@JosephWright Bonjour! :)
@PauloCereda Working on video
@JosephWright Yay! :)
Anything we can do to help?
Le duck.
ooh fluent French.
@PauloCereda Not really, I need to sort the timing out of the slides relative to the audio
I've got about 30 mins of audio to do, and it is time to eat soon!
@JosephWright Ah. :)
@JosephWright ooh ratatouille? :)
@PauloCereda Not sure yet :-)
@JosephWright I bet @MarcoDaniel can deliver you some British tea with his BMW in like 15 minutes. :)
@egreg how about colors in a commutative diagram ?
@Marco's car speedometer is measured in scientific notation due to the amount of digits. :)
@PauloCereda LOL. Unfortunately tomorrow I must write my next exam.
@MarcoDaniel Oh no.
Don't drive in the wrong side of the road. :)
Why does this give me an error? (If I push through the end result is actually right.
\foreach \x in {textsc,textsf,textit}
You can fix it by saying `\foreach \x in {textsc,textsf,textit}
{\def\fmt##1{\csname\x\endcsname{##1}}`, but I guess you actually want to know *why* it's not working, right?
@Jake Yes. Why do I need ##1 instead of #1? I guess it's because the \def is itself inside another \def or something.
!!/texdef -t latex -p pgffor pgffor@normal@list
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Here's the output from texdef:

macro:#1->\def \pgffor@values {#1, \pgffor@stop ,}\ifx \pgffor@values \pgffor@emptyvalues \def \pgffor@values {\pgffor@stop ,}\fi \let \pgffor@body =\pgfutil@empty \global \pgffor@continuetrue \pgffor@collectbody
@AlanMunn The body of the for loop is in the definition of \pgffor@values
What does ##1 mean? I've seen it popping up from time to time in place of #1, but never took the time to understand the (I guess) TeX reason for it...
@Xavier It's a parameter obtained from an outer scope, I guess. :)
@Xavier If you define a command inside the definition of another command you need to be able to identify which parameters belong to which command.
@NicolaTalbot Thanks. I see. There's no mention of this issue in the PGF documentation, since the examples are fairly simple.
@AlanMunn If the code breaks when you define a command with parameters inside the argument of another command, then it's a good chance that's what the problem is. (Unless it's an expansion issue.)
@NicolaTalbot Very nicely stated. I wonder if we have a question about this on the site. There is the UK-FAQ question.
@AlanMunn Can we answer this question by posting the lyrics of Us and them from Pink Floyd? :)
@PauloCereda :-)
@AlanMunn The search thingy doesn't like ##1 as the search term.
I'm not sure of a good keyword search for that.
@NicolaTalbot Yes, I should have thought of that. And in fact if you run the code with the error and actually ask for help on the error it helpfully says "You meant to type ## instead of # right?" I should have tried that earlier.
@AlanMunn One of TeX's more helpful messages :-)
@DominicMichaelis Use tikz-cd
@egreg I mean if it is a no go to use colors in commutative diagramms
@NicolaTalbot I searched for #1 and found an answer by @Jake but it's not intended to be a general answer. tex.stackexchange.com/q/79705/2693
@DominicMichaelis Not necessarily; perhaps in a presentation they might be useful.
It is for a presentation
@NicolaTalbot So ##1 is a kind of "global #1" inside a local command definition?
Here's nice question that addresses exactly my issue, in fact:
Q: Why do paramaters of \renewcommand need to double up the # within a \foreach

Peter GrillIntroduction: When you use \renewcommand within another macro or environment, one needs to double up the ## to access the parameters of the inner macro. This serves as a way to distinguish the inner macros ##1 with the outer macros #1 (even if the outer macro does not have any parameters, it pr...

@NicolaTalbot @AlanMunn Got it. After reading the link, I see it's the opposite of what I just wrote :)
@Xavier Yes, the single # refers to the outer command arguments, and the double ## refers to the inner command arguments:


  \def\foo##1{#1: ##1}%

\tmp{Wibble}% does \def\foo#1{Wibble: #1}

@Xavier Just think of TeX substituting #1 with the actual argument, and ## with # when the macro is used.
@Xavier Thus, in Nicola's example, \tmp{X} will expand to \def\foo#1{X: #1}
@NicolaTalbot @AlanMunn @egreg Thanks! One more TeX mystery solved :)
BTW, is there nobody here that can provide some answer to this question: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/115273?
I am sure it must be possible to modify TeX's output routine to get some of it done, but it's way above my skills :(
@Xavier Modifying the output routine is the Black Art of Black Arts. :)
@AlanMunn :)
@AlanMunn: Thanks... a quick late-night type caused that.
I'll get there some day. But I understood it takes some emacs mastery first to get a good teacher :D
@Werner You're welcome. Fixing your typo spawned the discussion above, since I was lazily using pgffor to generate all four samples in one document.
Great, one of my laptops' wireless cards died. :(
I notice that there are some questions that have ANSWERED or SOLVED appended to their titles. If the OP finds a solution, isn't it better for them to put it as an answer rather that in a comment or the question? Are there any site guidelines on that?
@PauloCereda Oh no! :-(
I've finally cleared all the books on my production editing list! Yay, time to play :-)
@NicolaTalbot Xbox360, Wii, PS3? :)
@PauloCereda I was debating whether to read or go back to editing my novel :-)
@NicolaTalbot Oh. :)
@PauloCereda I must be turning into a boring old codger ;-) I've only got 1 and a bit days left of being 42, which is a shame as 42 is a nice round number. 43 isn't a particularly interesting number.
@NicolaTalbot Yes, I think that is the better solution. Sometimes the issues are really trivial and it's probably better to be closed as too localized. I don't know if there's a meta question on that.
@NicolaTalbot ooh we will have birthday cake? :)
@AlanMunn I think one of them is now closed. Maybe the other one will get closed in tonight's answer the unanswered session.
@NicolaTalbot It's a twin prime with 41.
@PauloCereda Oh definitely. And jelly and ice cream :-)
@NicolaTalbot woohoo!
@AlanMunn Ooh! In which case I'll put up with being 43 :-)
@NicolaTalbot And your next twin prime birthdays won't be until you're 59 and 61.
(Being a mathematician I ought to have known that, but I seem to have drifted away from my maths roots.)
@AlanMunn I'll be patient and not being in a hurry for that :-)
@AlanMunn Hey, that's far away even for me!
@AlanMunn Hey, that was very anaphoric. :)
Q: I accidentally just chmod 000'd /bin

jettAnd now I am unable to chmod it back.. or use any of my other system programs. Luckily this is on a VM I've been toying with, but is there any way to resolve this? The system is Ubuntu Server 12.10. I have attempted to restart into recovery mode, unfortunately now I am unable to boot into the s...

what have he done ?
@DominicMichaelis chmod 000 simply denies rwx permissions (read, write and execute) to yourself, the group you belong to, and everybody in your universe. :)
That sounds a bit like democracy :D
@PauloCereda chmod -R 000 / is even better
@NicolaTalbot 43 is prime!
@Xavier prove it :D
@PauloCereda Lock and throw away the key. ;-)
@egreg Psmith, the TeX bot: The current score is egreg 275 vs. 180 David. So far, egreg is winning.
@egreg ooh a jewel! :)
@egreg Exactly. :)
That's how every show must end. :)
That's why I wanna be English. <3
@DominicMichaelis If I had an elegant solution, I would apply for the Fields :)
@PauloCereda Turns out play involved playing with LaTeX. I've done some modifications. What do you think? (Needs Adobe Reader):
% arara: pdflatex



   \draw[fill=yellow] (60, 130) .. controls (70, 100) and (90, 80) .. (110, 80)
    .. controls (137, 83) and (153, 107) .. (160, 130)
    .. controls (160, 160) and (170, 190) .. (180, 200)
    -- (280, 230)
    .. controls (300, 230) and (320, 210) .. (340, 190)
    .. controls (310, 240) and (300, 330) .. (196.25, 321.25)
    .. controls (167.5, 317.5) and (140, 310) .. (100, 190)
@NicolaTalbot Awesome! :)
@PauloCereda I ought to get the legs to move as well.
@NicolaTalbot Version 3. :)
@PauloCereda :-) I need to work out the co-ordinates for a different set of legs and feet.
@NicolaTalbot It's the Drop of (Another) Hat.
@AlanMunn :-)
@PauloCereda Okay, here comes version 3 :-)
% arara: pdflatex



   \draw[fill=yellow] (60, 130) .. controls (70, 100) and (90, 80) .. (110, 80)
    .. controls (137, 83) and (153, 107) .. (160, 130)
    .. controls (160, 160) and (170, 190) .. (180, 200)
    -- (280, 230)
    .. controls (300, 230) and (320, 210) .. (340, 190)
    .. controls (310, 240) and (300, 330) .. (196.25, 321.25)
    .. controls (167.5, 317.5) and (140, 310) .. (100, 190)
@NicolaTalbot ooh! :)
@NicolaTalbot No animation for me with Preview (OSX). Does it work with evince on Linux, or do you need Acrobat?
@Xavier I think it only works with Adobe Reader or Acrobat unfortunately.
(I've got it running under wine as there's no 64bit version for Linux.)
@NicolaTalbot If it's just the reader, maybe I can convert it to an animated gif :)
@Xavier That would be cool :-)
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda I have the video just about ready: need to upload it, which may need a while as I'm on a slow connection at the moment
@JosephWright any good questions from your talk?
@DavidCarlisle I think in the enumitem question, the OP is doing things the wrong way, so your fix works, but isn't how his aim should be achieved.
@AlanMunn probably not (I never really looked what features enumitem has) but enumitem could have been written not to require 8 # in any case:-)
@JosephWright Cool! :)
thebes just died. :( I even performed an autopsy. :)
@DavidCarlisle Probably, but I don't think that's what the before option was designed for really.
I've added an answer. Maybe I'll get the Populist badge. ;-)
Did we start the session?
@egreg Oh my, I forgot!
Wlceom ot teh Anwser eth Unwansrede sesison!
We start with ___ unanswered questions.
I'm lost. :)
Me haz spellchequer.
@AlanMunn +1 (I'm going for unsung hero:-)
"ends in 25 minutes" ?
@AlanMunn I'm sad that one of my machines died a horrible death. :)
1,302 in unanswerable tab?
@PauloCereda Did it boot up in Windows 8?
This is unreproducible: TL
Q: Memory settings with MacTeX 2012

meep.meepUntil now I had TeXLive 2011 installed and could successfully modify my memory settings using this solution with the TextWrangler approach to the question Memory settings with MacTeX - Which texmf.cnf to modify. After switching to MacTeX 2012 this doesn't work for me anymore. I already tried comp...

@DavidCarlisle Let's hope they're not unanswerable.
@AlanMunn Heavens no. :)
I think this should be closed as a duplicate. The OP hasn't responded to my comment. If he does and wants something else we can always reopen.
Q: How to get ligatures in beamer?

SarinKostasWhile this \documentclass{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \begin{document} fi 10\% \end{document} produces ligatures, this: \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \begin{document} \begin{frame} fi 10\% \end{frame} \end{document} does no...

This could be closed TL (Martin says it's on his todo lis, so it's a package (missing)feature) tex.stackexchange.com/questions/116015/…
One vote here, to close it.
Q: Contextual Substitution with LuaLateX

WakiMikoContextual substition doesn't seem to work with LuaLateX, while it works fine with XeLateX. Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Linux Libertine O} \begin{document} \textvbaraccent{i} fä f? \end{document} XeLaTeX LuaLaTeX ...

TL (OP solved it with updating tex distrib)
Q: Infinite Loop in Babel with Rotating Sidewaystable

Amiri BarksdaleI don't know whether this is a babel or a rotating bug, and I have filed a report with Debian (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=710031), but perhaps someone knows a workaround. The following code results in an infinite loop: \documentclass[12pt,twoside,openany]{book} \usepackage[...

@egreg let it be so recorded; I voted for one of egreg's answers
@DavidCarlisle It was a CW, by the way. :)
@egreg Of course, I wouldn't have voted for you otherwise:-)
Good evening =)
May I ask a pgfplots question?
@PauloCereda Info:There is Knoppix which has standalone TeXLive(2012 now) and USB bootable.
I had forgotten to answer this one; a vote, please. I'm already rep capped, if someone is suspicious. ;-)
Q: Differences between .ist and .mst files in the index personalization

FormlessCloudAre there some differences between .ist and .mst files in the index personalization? For example if I put an .ist file in the project folder and if I execute MakeIndex with this option: makeindex -s istfilename I have the personalization of the index, but also if I put an .mst file into the p...

@egreg done:-)
I'll make that a proper question.
OT I think (editor crash)
Q: TeXstudio runtime error when adding a new figure

ElodieI am new to LaTeX, I use TeXstudio version 2.5.1 on Windows 7 to write my dissertation. Up to now all went perfectly well. Today I simply added a new figure in .pdf format, size is 4MB, and got a C++ runtime error and was asked to close the program. If I remove the figure, all is fine again. If ...

@DavidCarlisle You can vote also for this one.
A: Missing $ inserted although I have $

egregThe missing $ is probably caused by ≈. While it may be convenient to use direct Unicode input, not all symbols are defined, so you may incur in problems. For instance, there's no definition for ≈ with the utf8 option for inputenc, while there is (as a math symbol) with the utf8x option (that I ...

@egreg so I can
No reaction since early January, TL
Q: Missing texmf.cnf

user24186I installed TeXLive 2012 for Windows yesterday (replacing a 2003 version I had), and there is no texmf.cnf file. (The error message I get when I try anything, such as running pdflatex or updating filename database, is Warning: kpathsea: configuration file texmf.cnf not found And when I sea...

TL I think, not reproducible and OP not responded
Q: Pictures not inserting

BrianI am trying to insert a picture using \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}. I have that in my preamble, and then I'm attempting to insert a picture on a title page. I use the \includegraphics command. I have the picture saved as a PNG in the file the .tex file is saved in. however, when I try to com...

The same: no reaction since December, TL
Q: TeXShop is not compiling

user28921I installed MAC OS X 10.6.8 some weeks ago. Whenever I compile .tex file the following message turns up: "Can't find required tool. usr/textbin/pdflatex/simpdftex does not exist. Perhaps TeXLive was not installed or was removed during a system upgrade. If so, go to the TeXShop web site ...

I've turned a comment into an answer; just needs a vote.
Q: Conflict between babel and university style sheet

ToddAOI am a Linguistics PhD student at U.Florida, writing my dissertation. The LaTeX class from our editorial office conflicts with babel (among other packages). Is there a way to override the style sheet temporarily in order to use babel? The template can be downloaded from http://helpdesk.ufl.edu/w...

TL (fixed via package update after @JosephWright broke everything)
Q: flexisym incompatible with AMS classes since last expl3 update

Ari BrodskyIt seems that since the last expl3 update (March 14, 2013), the flexisym package (used by breqn) is no longer compatible with the AMS document classes. Here is a minimal failing example: \documentclass{amsart} \usepackage{flexisym} \begin{document} \end{document} This gives two Undefined cont...

TL latex floats float, but OP happy with [H]
Q: knitr : Figure are not appearing at the correct place

Darknight670I'm trying to use knitr while learning LaTeX but all my figures are placed at a seemingly random place. It's driving me insane. Any ideas? Example Input PDF Output I tried reinstalling TeX Live and R but nothing changed EDIT : Ok, I solved more or less the problem by wrapping all chunk in \b...

Is this question answerable? or effectively TL?
Q: How I put \sqrt in arial with unicode-math?

João ApelI need to write an document with Arial. And have some math. I almost do this in entire document with this: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mathspec} \setmathsfont(Digits)[Numbers={Lining,Proportional}]{Arial} \setmathsfont(Latin)[Numbers={Lining,Pr...

@AlanMunn I put a cw (non) answer there.
@AlanMunn A (horrible) workaround exists. But since the whole document is horrible anyway…
TL, see edit by OP
Q: How to tell which package is defining \ifpdf?

Ben CrowellI'm experiencing a problem similar to this one: Package ifpdf Error After upgrading to a more recent version of TeX Live, my pre-existing documents stopped compiling, with complaints that \ifpdf was already defined. My project is large and pulls in a lot of packages, so I don't know which one is...

@egreg we should print those off and save them to put them on your tombstone:-)
@DavidCarlisle Ah, ah. :)
TL, no MWE in four months
Q: Error in loading font

user25195I have MiKTeX 2.9 and TeXstudio 2.5.2 installed on a Windows 7 64bit OS. I have downloaded a latex template from http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=tetn20&page=instructions. I was given the error "Font U/bbold/m/n/12=nullfont not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not found...

@egreg don#t wory we wouldn't really, anyway there will be no space after we've had the mason carve a descriptrion of ooalign
I've added a comment, but the question is quite old. I'm not sure if I should make it into an answer. I'm a bit leery of doing so since I don't know anything about Myanmar typesetting.
Q: Myanmar (Burmese) line breaking with XeLaTeX

Ben SharonI am having trouble getting Myanmar text to break at the end of lines properly. The previous question How do I wrap text that doesn't use SPACE character to segment word would appear to solve my problem. However, it is not working for me. I am on Linux Mint. XeTeX version is 0.9995. Here is wha...

Duplicate, see comments
Q: How to get proper kerning with XeTeX and special characters?

Martin BetzI would love to switch to XeTeX to make use of my professional Adobe fonts that were shipped with Creative Suite 6. I use MikTeX on a Win 8 machine, and TeXniXcenter + XeTeX. However, kerning seems to an issue, especially with special characters, in my case German Umlaute. Spacing seems wrong,...

Another CW for settling the question.
Q: Diffuse russian text

EdvardI use some russian text in my file and when I compile it to pdf text becomes diffuse and transparent. How can I fix it? (To compile source file I use latex + dvipdfm, MikTex version 2.9) This is my code: \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[russian,english]{babel} \usepackage[landscape, ...

No reaction in months, TL
Q: pdflatex cannot be found

David D.I have read the many posts on this topic already, but I have had zero success with all of the solutions. Just purchased a macbook (OSX 10.8.2) and used the mactex package to run the standard install. TeXShop opens up, but when I try to typeset a document, I get the error message : "/usr/texb...

TL, see last comment from OP.
Q: I can't find format file latex.fmt

SisseI recently removed (most of) my installation of latex due to problems with the hyperref package. I reinstalled texlive using sudo apt-get texlive texlive-latex-extra which gave these messages (among other things): Running mktexlsr. This may take some time... done. Running updmap-sys. This may...

One spare vote here, please.
Q: Incompatibility between amsrefs and memoir?

MTSI am having trouble trying to use amsrefs together with the memoir class. Here is a minimal example: \documentclass{memoir} \usepackage{amsrefs} \begin{document} Some text. \end{document} LaTeX gives me the error LaTeX Error: Command \bibsection already defined. Googling around, I found o...

@egreg Done.
No reaction after two months, TL
Q: Problems in customizing Memoir page size

M MateusI have followed the suggestions proposed in: Customizing Page Size in Memoir to customize Memoir page size, and although the page size changes, the text block doesn't fit the page. It seems that the text keeps fixed in the A4 format.

Do this for me: NARQ
Q: Template for Journal of Computational biology

BelI was trying to submit a manuscript at Journal of Computational Biology but they don't provide a latex template in their website. I would like to know how to define Title, authors and addresses, bibliography style and the class document.

NARQ: the OP doesn't make clear what's the real problem
Q: A strange error with plain TeX and makeindex

Jean BaldraqueI'm typesetting a document with XeTeX and makeindex. The commands are: xetex adoc.tex makeindex -s dnd.ist -o adoc.dnd adoc.ddx makeindex -s und.ist -o adoc.und adoc.udx makeindex -s chn.ist -o adoc.chn adoc.chk xetex adoc.tex Everything is fine until I add, to the end of the document, a comma...

Close as duplicate of the normal symbol-question?
Q: \lesssim (and some others) not working

EchowsI'm writing a latex document and trying to use \lesssim (listed for example in here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Displaying_a_formula#Relations ) in the text like this: $a \lesssim b$. However, after rendering the document with pdflatex, the symbol does not show up. I have included the amsm...

@TorbjørnT. Yes.

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