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hello to all :)
@cmhughes Hello Chris! :)
@PauloCereda Hi Paulo, how are you? :)
@cmhughes Fine, thanks. :) And you?
@PauloCereda very well thanks :) having/had a nice day?
@cmhughes Working a lot, and some videogame later on. It was a good day. :)
And yours?
@PauloCereda pretty good thanks :) working on the manual for indent.pl. I'm finding that writing the manual is driving me to make more features- not sure if that's good or bad :o which video games? :)
@cmhughes Hi!
@MarioS.E. hello there! :)
@cmhughes arara was ready in September, but it took me at least three months later to write a proper manual. :) I decided to go nostalgic, so I played some Portal and Bayonetta later. :)
@PauloCereda ooh, they sound fun- which platform? :) The arara manual is brilliant, so your efforts paid off :)
@cmhughes Portal for Xbox360, Bayonetta for PS3. :)
@PauloCereda dang, that's quite the setup you've got :)
@cmhughes And a Wii, a N64, a Gamecube, a PS2, and a 3DS. :)
@PauloCereda which site do you trust the most for reviews? :)
@PauloCereda old school! very nice :)
@cmhughes Game reviews? :)
@PauloCereda yes ;)
@cmhughes ooh that's difficult. :) I'd go for Gamespot, IGN and I always watch Youtube videos on the game I want to play. :)
@cmhughes believe it or not, lately my friends and I have been playing Age of Empires
@PauloCereda yeah, that's pretty much the same order that I for too :) sometimes I still buy a game even if it doesn't get a great review- Mariokart for the Wii being my favourite example; gamespot only gave it 8/10 but I would give it 11/10
@cmhughes I have it too! Great game! :)
@MarioS.E. I'm not familiar with that one- which platform? :)
@cmhughes: You'd love the Mario Kart version for 3DS. :)
@PauloCereda I would say we should race, but I'm trying to detox away from it :)
Now I was thinking of Wii U for playing Super Mario. :)
@cmhughes It came out a long time ago (in the 90s--00s). It's by Microsoft and, of course, for Windows
@PauloCereda that does look like fun :)
@cmhughes Don't do that, please. :)
Wii U is not available in Brazil yet.
Don't worry, super Mario is right here!
@PauloCereda don't worry, it won't last! :) I used to have a Game Cube but I let my wife give it to one of her clients- the kid was over the moon :)
@MarioS.E. It's-a you, Mario! :)
@cmhughes Oh no! :)
@PauloCereda My little brother and I used to play like that: he would carry me like Mario and he'd be playing Yoshi's part
@PauloCereda it's all good- i thought I would be sad, but it made me very happy to know how much enjoyment the kid gets from it :)
@MarioS.E. haha cool! :)
I kind of wish I had a mustache :(
@cmhughes Some games were very nice. Luigi's Mansion was a masterpiece, IMHO. :)
I have it. :)
@PauloCereda I didn't play that one :( How about Zelda and the Twilight Princess? :)
@cmhughes Ah Zelda! It's an awesome game!
@MarioS.E. Friendly advice: I usually leave a comment first once i am confident on domain of Q (this should be done fast and need not be accurate) so it shows others that you are in queue planning to answer sort of tone. It helps others to wait a bit and they will. I like the community here, very professional and friendly which is very rare.
@PauloCereda Zelda is so dangerously additive though- days and weeks can pass on that game without me knowing :)
and then I confuse Zelda with reality
@cmhughes I know that feeling. :) One of my favourites was Majora's Mask.
@PauloCereda oooohhh, I've heard a lot of good things about that- I think I can download it on the Wii.... I've heard it's quite a different type of Zelda game, but very good
@cmhughes Perhaps for the virtual console?
@PauloCereda yep, that's the one :) I have Ocarina of time already, it's great fun :)
@texenthusiast Thanks, I appreciate the advice :)
I don't play online, since my broadband is not that broadband. :)
@cmhughes A classic! :)
@cmhughes: do you have any more consoles?
@PauloCereda yes indeed- I played it after having played Twilight Princess- loved the nostalga
@PauloCereda I have a PS3 too
@cmhughes Woohoo!
@PauloCereda my favourite ever game is Dragon Age: Origins... I have played it through 7 or 8 times, each play through is about 50 hours. Truly epic and enjoyable...
(that was before I discovered tex exchange)
@cmhughes: please try to get Rayman Raving Rabbids. It's deliciously nonsense, and very funny. :)
@PauloCereda oh yeah, I've seen it once or twice- I think I should give it a try :) I've been tempted to get the latest Zelda (Sky something?) although it only got 7.5/10 on gamespot...
@cmhughes Skyward Sword! :)
@PauloCereda yeah, that's the one- have you played it?
@cmhughes: I'll tell you two of my favourite games, easily included in my Top 5 of all times. :)
@cmhughes Sadly no, but I'm really curious about it.
@PauloCereda drum role ..... :)
@MarioS.E. you are welcome. Enjoy your stay here. Bye
@cmhughes Banjo-Kazooie, and its sequel, Banjo-Tooie, both for Nintendo 64. Great, great, great games. If they are available for the Virtual Console, think about them! :) Sadly, Microsoft bought Rare, then the Banjo franchise was twisted to another genre. The "third" one is Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bots for the Xbox360, is not as close as the Nintendo 64 masterpieces.
@PauloCereda cool, I'll look them up :)
@cmhughes I'm sure you'll love it. :)
Can someone put some sense into me about how to get rid of the dots in the reference? I am using enumitem package.
\begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*, ref=(\arabic*)]
  \item \label{samesign1} They are of the same sign.
\ref{samesign1} is bad.
Scratch that! I am sick.
Everything looks OK now.
Well, I'm going to bed now. Tomorrow is a long thesis day. Bye everyone
@MarioS.E. good night Mario :)
Are .fls files automatically regenerated from .fmt? So that I can safely remove the .fls files?
Hmm, I realise I am useless!
I want to draw an edge using tikz.
And, ...
\coordinate (first)  at (0,0);
\coordinate (second) at  (1,0);

\node at (first) {$\circ$};
\node at (second) {$\circ$};

\node [below] at (first) {$s_1$};
\node [below] at (second) {$s_2$};

edge [-] (first)
edge [-] (second);
Can someone tell me what is wrong ? I want an edge between the nodes (first) and (second).
@KannappanSampath You need a path. From where to where should that edge go?
@Qrrbrbirlbel first to second [ (0,0) -- (1,0) ]
@Qrrbrbirlbel How do you choose b/n the two?
(edge and path I mean)
@KannappanSampath \path (first) edge (second); as always.
By the way you could write \coordinate[label=below:$s_1$] (first) at (0,0);
Why do use \circ? Do you want a little dot there?
@Qrrbrbirlbel Hah, I had the wrong syntax!
@Qrrbrbirlbel I want to draw a Dynkin Diagram, you know... that is, there is an edge between two \circs (so the edge does not cut the circ but only touches it...)
@Qrrbrbirlbel Thanks for that!
It saves a lot of time.
@KannappanSampath Use nodes! Nodes!
\tikzset{dots/.style={shape=circle,draw,inner sep=1pt}}
\node[dots, label=below:$s_1$] (first)   at (0,0) {};
\node[dots, label=below:$s_2$] (second)  at (1,0) {};
\path (first) edge (second);
@Qrrbrbirlbel Amazing!!
You know what! I am pretty stupid.
Nodes are (if you do not mess around with outer sep) untouchable. ;)
You could also include the label in the dots style, and use dots=below:$s_1$.
(if you nearly always label those things)
@Qrrbrbirlbel the labels are varying for every node (so that could not be a style) no?
@KannappanSampath Hm? You can say: \tikzset{dots/.style={shape=circle,draw,inner sep=1pt,label=#1}} and use it as \node[dots=below:$s_1$] ….
Oh look at that:
Q: How can I replicate affine Dynkin diagrams in Kac's textbook?

YujiI'm sorry for asking a similar question to this tex.SE question, but my motivation is different. I'd like to replicate the affine Dynkin diagrams as in Kac's textbook, see pp. 53, 54 and 55 of the third edition. Here are links to the pages in Google Books: p. 53, p. 54 and p. 55. Judging from ...

@Qrrbrbirlbel Yeah!! There is a small difference in that, I am OK with stick-and-ball type, while the Dynkin is traditionally "disconnected"...
	dots/.style={shape=circle,draw,inner sep=1pt,label=#1},
	dynkin/.style={shorten >=6\pgflinewidth,shorten <=6\pgflinewidth}
\node[dots=below:$s_1$] (first)   at (0,0) {};
\node[dots=below:$s_2$] (second)  at (1,0) {};
\path[dynkin] (first) edge (second);
You can also apply the style dynkin to the TikZ picture or a scope.
Great!! Fantastic!!
Thank you @Qrrbrbirlbel.
I am gonna use this room for learning TeX.
and Tikz.
@KannappanSampath As I said, nodes and styles and thousands of PGF manual pages help a lot.
@Speravir Thanks for editing the question and adding the MWE there! I was going to do it, after finishing the edit to my answer, but you saved me the work.
@GonzaloMedina No problem. Hopefully, the OP adds this him-/herself in the future.
@Qrrbrbirlbel so you work with Dynkin diagrams? Representations of algebras?
Ah, now that I read a little bit above I see that it was someone else askink about the diagrams.
@GonzaloMedina No, I don't. I don't even know what Dynkin diagrams are. I have actually used more TikZ on this site than in my documents. ;)
@StefanKottwitz @MartinScharrer @JosephWright What do you think about this: tex.stackexchange.com/a/106955/9237 Judging from the content it is Vafa K. Not with an already registered account, but as a new user with a presumtuous (?) user name.
1 hour later…
Oh my ghost, I just knew that \newpage\newpage\newpage equal to a single \newpage.
2 hours later…
@Qrrbrbirlbel Thanks for the diff. You saved me a lot of time. Usually I do that manually.
@Qrrbrbirlbel And for the Dynkin outer sep=2pt might be a better design choice if you are going to bend those connections or put arrows on top of them ;)
That also avoids using edges with [dynkin]
@MarcoDaniel why should this be a bug? You should realize when the grid will be drawn!
@percusse What do edges have to do with that? (Yes, outer sep is an option but that pushed the labels, too (which may be a good thing.) But tell @KannappanSampath this (ping). :)
@percusse I used Notepad++ and its Compare feature (every change on own screen):
@Qrrbrbirlbel I meant
	dots/.style={shape=circle,draw,inner sep=1pt,label=#1,outer sep=2pt},
\node[dots=below:$s_1$] (first)   at (0,0) {};
\node[dots=below:$s_2$] (second)  at (1,0) {};
\draw (first) -- (second);
No edge is necessary and in fact it is kind of asking for trouble because shorten affects the arrow head placement etc.
@Qrrbrbirlbel Aha, notepad++ diffs.... Great to know
The change has apparently fixed something that was marked as to be fixed.
@percusse Yes, that is the code I assumed you meant. edge is better for having to conect (first) to many other nodes. Otherwise it is just the same like -- (in this simple two-node path).
@Qrrbrbirlbel TikZ would probably need a stress test file soon. It's incredible how they still can maintain this code.
@percusse Well, of course the arrow will be placed different, at the shorten line-end. This will also happen with outer sep. The picture is exactly the same, minus the differences in the length between the border and the line.
@percusse You are probably right. There are so many levels (TikZ-syntax, TikZ-code, PGF and how it is done on the PDF level).
This is what I meant in the shorten thingy
	dots/.style={shape=circle,draw,inner sep=1pt,label=#1,outer sep=2pt},
    dynkin/.style={shorten >=6\pgflinewidth,shorten <=6\pgflinewidth}
\node[dots=below:$s_1$] (first)   at (0,0) {};
\node[dots=below:$s_2$] (second)  at (1,0) {};
\path (first) edge[ultra thick,<->,bend left] (second);
\path (first) edge[ultra thick,dynkin,<->,bend right] (second);
I think label placement is less painful than path creation
@percusse Well, then don't use a line-width dependent shorten length. This is the same as using outer sep=9.6pt.
Has nothing to do with arrows really. The path is just ridiculous short.
@Qrrbrbirlbel It's an example, you can come up with other cases where it would fail. Shorten modifies the path not in an innocent way. It's better leave the path alone.
@percusse Yes, sadly, it shortens the path's end perpendicular to the angle where it ends and not along the path.
@Qrrbrbirlbel Precisely. I suffered a lot from that with a picture before for my thesis without knowing that. It took some time before I understand the reason :)
@percusse: What headaches? I have had my share of headaches but am pretty sure it was not due to \usepackage[dvipsnames]{xcolor}. :-)
@PeterGrill You might not know what package is trying to load xcolor if you have other packages :)
or the dependent packages, It's good for debugging not the regular usage
@percusse Ok, good point. Is there a question on this site about that issue? I don't recall seeing one.
@PeterGrill Let me check
@PeterGrill This seems like a similar one but in Herbert's cryptic style heheh
Q: Loading package twice with \RequirePackage causes "option clash"

toheczI thought that loading a package twice with the same options cannot lead to option clash, still I get a clash in the following simple example: \documentclass{article} \RequirePackage[patch]{kvoptions} \RequirePackage[patch]{kvoptions} \begin{document} Hello World! \end{document} This is a MnWE...

Still not the one I'm looking for though
@PeterGrill I have added a MWE in the trapezium question.
@Qrrbrbirlbel Yeah, his explanations are a bit lacking, but he knows his stuff..
@Qrrbrbirlbel Why??? Why would you do that to me? Now I have to go and look at it!!! :-)
@Qrrbrbirlbel So, the OP want to control the height, width AND angles? Doesn't specifying two of them mandate what the third must be?
@PeterGrill No. Not if you define the width as the length of the base line. (This is true for the shape.)
Is this what he wants?
\tikzstyle{every node}=[trapezium, draw]
\tikzset{every trapezium node/.append style={minimum width=3cm,trapezium left angle=120, trapezium right angle=60}}

\node[trapezium stretches body] at (0,0) {A};
\node[rotate=-30] at (0,1.5) {A rotate $-30^\circ$};

\node[minimum height=1cm] at (3,0) {B};

\node[minimum height=1cm,rotate=-30] at (3,1.8) {B rotate $-30^\circ$};
By the way, needs two votes, duplicate of the same question asked an hour before:
Q: Missing $ inserted Error

MaxI am trying to use the CRPS formula in Latex and I am very new to it. I am getting a Missing $ inserted error from the equation below. I know it's a common problem, but I haven't been able to solve it. Please help! CRPS = \int_{-\infty }^{\infty }\left [ F_{y\right}\left (y \right )-1\left ( y \...

Eww, that is some weird shape. I'm going to bed, now. Bye.
2 hours later…
@JosephWright: I tried @egreg's solution here: tex.stackexchange.com/a/106919/5239 -- Why doesn't the following work? \regex_match:nnF { \Z (\.|\,) } { #1 } { \hspace{0.4em} }
@MarcoDaniel \Z is the end of the string, equivalent to $, so there is nothing to look at after it
You need a . or , immediately before the end
@JosephWright I thought: \Z represents the last token and will be compared with (\.|\,). So I thought the order isn't relevant.
@MarcoDaniel No, it's the standard regex $ idea, which means the end of the list not the last token
@JosephWright Thanks.
@egreg: fantastic answer using l3regex. :)
@PauloCereda Indeed.
@MarcoDaniel: What is the equivalent of starred version? The second or the third in the following example?

% starred

% dimen=middle

% linewidth=0
They are all visually similar.
@Karl'sstudents Why do you ask me? @Herbert is online here ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Because I know that he will be offline soon. :-)
@Karl'sstudents If you use the star-version of a command the following definition is used:
Now you see what's equal.
@MarcoDaniel OK. Thank you very very much.
So it does an unnecessary thing, either \pslinewidth=\z@ or \def\pslinestyle{none} should be enough.
woohoo @egreg is here! :)
@Karl'sstudents Unfortunately it isn't equal. I can remember some tests with my package mdframed where linestyle=none leaded to the correct output and linewidth=0pt didn't.
@MarcoDaniel You are correct. I misread the code.
I meant \pslinewidth=0 has the same effect as setting dimen=middle because the boundary of a filled region is its middle line of the stroke.
@MarcoDaniel: do you know the reason why linestyle and fillstyle have different macro name convention: \pslinestyle (without @) and \psk@fillstyle (with psk@)?
@PauloCereda Just arrived at the office after the talk.
@egreg How was it? :)
@Karl'sstudents Based on the definition: \pslinewidth is a length and fillstyle is defined as an option via \define@key[psset]{pstricks}{fillstyle}. Inside the definition of the option the command \psk@fillstyle is defined.
@PauloCereda The students seemed very interested.
@Karl'sstudents no it is enough!
For my songbook, I'll probably use KOMA and thought of using \DeclareNewTOC to define a listing of songs. Does this seem to be a good option?
@Herbert Yes. it is enough. But why didn't you choose dimen=middle instead of linewidth=0?
@MarcoDaniel why did you compare it with \pslinewidth instead of \pslinestyle?
@Karl'sstudents you should read the PostScript manual before you give such statements! linewidth=0 and dimen=middle are completely different things.
@Karl'sstudents I read linewidth instead of linestyle
@Herbert But the boundary of a filled region is the middle of the stroke, setting dimen=middle has no difference compared to setting linewidth=0. :-)
linewidth=0 is the thinnest line which the PostScript printer/viewer will be able to print/show. linestyle=none is no line
let's synchronize.... what I am talking about is when we fill a region, either \psframe*(1,1) or \psframe[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=black,linestyle=none,linewidth=0] or \psframe[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=black,linestyle=none,dimen=middle] are equal visually.
In the following...
the starred uses linewidth=0 instead of dimen=middle.
Now... what is the reason of choosing linewidth=0 instead of dimen=middle? :-)
In my investigation the boundary of a filled region is the middle line of the stroke. That is why linewidth=0 has the same effect as setting dimen=middle. (note that I am talking when linestyle=none)
@FrankMittelbach: Happy Birthday.
@MarcoDaniel oooh! :)
@Frank: Happy birthday! :)
How do you know that today is Frank's birthday?
@Karl'sstudents I read his contact information at Google+
@MarcoDaniel Oh.. I see.
@Karl'sstudents TeX sense tingling. :) And when running pdftex today, I got \happybirthday: macro:->\gdef \@happybirthday {Frank Mittelbach} in the .log file. :)
@PauloCereda I cannot reproduce this log file.
@Karl'sstudents I was kidding. :)
But it would be awesome. :P
@PauloCereda Oh...
@Karl'sstudents there are some more examples in the last 22 years which must be run with the setting.
@Herbert Oh. it is always about historical reason. :-)
@PauloCereda I am sure some nice gimmicks were hidden by Frank and David ;-)
@Karl'sstudents No, I didn't wrote that




\int_new:N \fm_counter_int

\NewDocumentCommand{\happybirthday} { } {
	\int_set:Nn \fm_counter_int { 1 }
	\fp_do_until:nn { \fm_counter_int = 5} {
		Zum ~ Geburtstag \int_compare:nNnTF \fm_counter_int = 3 {  , ~ liebe ~ Frank } { ~ viel ~ Glück } ! \par
		\int_incr:N \fm_counter_int




@Herbert OK. Thank you by the way.
I'm starting to get the grip of this LaTeX3 thingy. :)
@MarcoDaniel: ^^
@PauloCereda write "lieber" instead of "liebe" ;-)
@MarcoDaniel Oh no, too late for editing it. :(
@PauloCereda Sorry. I was too slow.
@MarcoDaniel Not in the Autobahn. :P
@PauloCereda :-)
Corrected version:




\int_new:N \fm_counter_int

\NewDocumentCommand{\happybirthday} { } {
	\int_set:Nn \fm_counter_int { 1 }
	\fp_do_until:nn { \fm_counter_int = 5} {
		Zum ~ Geburtstag \int_compare:nNnTF \fm_counter_int = 3
		{ , ~ lieber ~ Frank }
		{ ~ viel ~ Glück }
		! \par
		\int_incr:N \fm_counter_int




@PauloCereda \fp_do_until:nn? :)
\NewDocumentCommand{\happybirthday} { }
  \int_step_inline:nnnn { 1 } { 1 } { 4 }
    Zum ~ Geburtstag
     \int_compare:nTF { ##1 = 3 }
      { , ~ liebe ~ Frank }
      { ~ viel ~ Gl\"uck }
    ! \par



@egreg ooh! :) That's not fair, I have to find stuff in the manual, you know it by heart. :P
@Qrrbrbirlbel Sorry, I completely missed your highlight several days ago :S. Are you still having trouble with the Type 1 Libertine fonts?
@egreg I'm curious. I'd also use a macro, but why do you recommend not using your solution with xesearch?
@GonzaloMedina Various reasons, the main one is that xesearch is currently unmaintained.
@egreg I see. And could I ask you what some of the other reasons are?
@GonzaloMedina Relying on automatic procedures is always risky: if I have a choice, I prefer explicit mark up. And xesearch is resource hungry.
@egreg Thanks. I think it would be a good idea for you to add these comments to your answer.
Hi folks, why do two or more consecutive \newpage equal to a single \newpage while more than one \newline do not equal to a single \newline?
@Karl'sstudents I'm not sure I agree with your reasoning, you are comparing two different things. :)
!!/texdef -t latex newpage newline
Psmith, the TeX bot, in fixed font mode: Here's the output from texdef:

macro:->\if@noskipsec \ifx \@nodocument \relax \leavevmode \global \@noskipsecfalse \fi \fi \if@inlabel \leavevmode \global \@inlabelfalse \fi \if@nobreak \@nobreakfalse \everypar {}\fi \par \vfil \penalty -\@M

macro:->\protect \newline

\newline :
\long macro:->\@normalcr \relax
@PauloCereda It is just the implementation. :D
@Karl'sstudents <3
more than one space equals to a single space, more than one blank line equals to a single blank line, more than one newpage equals to a single newpage, then for the sake of continuity (or sometimes called as parallelism), more than one newline should be equal to a single newline. :D
@JosephWright Just curious: Did you get a notification on chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/8824636#8824636?
Claudio's answer here deserves huge voting- truly heroic: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/106988/…
Q: Package for drawing RDF graphs

Angelo SeverinIs there some package to draw nice RDF graphs, such as the one below (taken from there)? Can such a graph (with the same style) be produced in TikZ?

Hey guys. Hotschke added a question to my solution to this question: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/106512 Should there be a problem with the missing .pdf/.eps - .gnu dependency?
I mean, I'm not really into make, I just made a solution that works. The question could've easily been: Is it a problem not having an implicit or explicit 1:1-dependency between files?
@cmhughes I'll summon the Voting Squad. :) @percusse: sir, we have another target, get the guns. :)
@PauloCereda lol, brilliant ;) having a nice day?
@cmhughes A rainy day. :) Lots of things to do, I don't even know how to start. :) And yours?
@PauloCereda not too bad so far thanks :) rain has been promised, but no sign of it so far... the to do list should be manageable hopefully :)
@cmhughes :)
@PauloCereda how was your video games session yesterday?
@cmhughes Yesterday I didn't have time to play, unfortunately. :( I'm still stuck with installing TeX Live on my Wii. :)
@PauloCereda cool, that sounds like quite a project!
@Speravir Yes, noted
@cmhughes I need an outdated TL though. glibc is evil.
@JosephWright: this should be England's anthem: youtube.com/watch?v=EdY1Y5XNJBY :)
1 hour later…
@JosephWright OK.
@texenthusiast In TexMaker + Sumatra PDF Forward search a non-answer by the OP is converted now into a comment to the question, and so your comment was moved, too. How about writing an answer, as you suggest, to Configure forward search with Texmaker + SumatraPDF by enhancing both last comments? (cont.)
@texenthusiast When you’ve done this, you could announce it here. So others with a bit more rep could vote as duplicate then.
@Speravir Hi I think first Q answers itself are detailed, for the second Q i cannot add any extra value than my comment.
@DavidCarlisle: where are you? We miss you! <3
@texenthusiast Hmm, at least the accepted answer must be updated? %.pdf to #.pdf?
@Speravir The correct one is given by matt. % is used for any filename without extension. But in case of forward-inverse interaction # takes over the precedence. Both might work along as # is used for "#.tex".
@texenthusiast So, in your eyes it is already now a duplicate, am I right? So I would vote. But the OP said, he/she had problems with the answers … (Sorry for the edit.)
@Speravir Absolutely :)
@Speravir the OP finally converged to answer by matt. the issue tracker is always right, matt created the thread there.
@texenthusiast But he (?) said he had to write #.pdf instead of %.pdf. That’s what I meant with updating.
@Speravir yes may be there are two command lines. % worked for me thats sure. may be # works as "#.tex" is present. The OP made this mistake as per his Q command line arg. So you can edit the answer by matt and give two options based on OP experience.
@Karl'sstudents just re-read one of your comments- thought it was brilliant: Even though your question does not conform to my answer, I didn't downvote yours
@Silex No, it's fixed now. Had nothing to do with Libertine anyway; just your usual messed-up font installation. :)
@texenthusiast I’m confused: In code.google.com/p/texmaker/issues/detail?id=420#c11 the same command line is recommended like matth did. Could it be, that the P made another error? Is there in Texmaker soemthing like “Compile this file” vs. “Compile project”?
@Qrrbrbirlbel Ugh, I hate those :S
@Speravir nothing like compile project and compile file, there is a master file that has to set manually and when compiled on included child files it will compile the whole main.tex
@texenthusiast And I guess the OP made here an error. Perhaps you write a short answer in this way, since obviously no one other noticed his issue. I do not want to write, because I do not know Texmaker well enough.
@Speravir Sure i will add my two cents with some redirection to matt answer. I will do it 1-2 hrs, i hope its ok. food bath etc..:)
@texenthusiast All well.
Hah, I had forgotten the trick to align negative numbers in the case environment... any reminders or help?
@KannappanSampath `\hphantom{-}?
@Qrrbrbirlbel Works, but, something automatic, instead of me having to add this in everytime...
@Silex It helped to do initexmf --mkmaps; all font issues went away.
Public announcement: is anybody interested in creating some fortune cookies based on the transcript of our chatroom?
I think you guys know what fortune I'm talking about. :)
For those who aren't: /usr/bin/fortune
@PauloCereda I'd be glad to! But, I am low on technical foo, but I can learn as I go. :)
@KannappanSampath If it were tabular/array you could use the siunitx pacakge, but for align I think it would depend on your particular case for an automated solution in terms of which is less work. There is also the possibility of using a \makebox[r] solution.
@PeterGrill I'll look around, and ask a question if need be...
@PeterGrill You can use siunitx even in align environments, just not the S column but the \tablenum macro.
@KannappanSampath Can you make an example of one of these cases environments you need to create?
@KannappanSampath The specs are quite easy to follow.
@cmhughes Oh... Thank you. :-)
@PauloCereda I see. :) Any prerequisites?
@Qrrbrbirlbel simplest would be two cases with, -1 and 0. I was trying to align the commas for so that it "looks" good. But, I am not sure if that's typographically right.
@PauloCereda Not known on my system. For users like me this link:
fortune is a simple program that displays a pseudorandom message from a database of quotations that first appeared in Version 7 Unix. The most common version on modern systems is the BSD fortune, originally written by Ken Arnold. Distributions of fortune are usually bundled with a collection of themed files, containing sayings like those found on fortune cookies (hence the name), quotations from famous people, jokes, or poetry. fortune is predominantly found on Unix-like systems, but clients for other platforms also exist. Often, users on text-mode Unix terminals will place this command i...
@KannappanSampath You can also define a macro for \hphantom{-}0, so that you only need to type \Zero and it also adds the -. Or you could use the array environment (on which cases is built) with special columns (yes, even siunitx) or you could patch the cases environment itself (or a fork of it) because the spacing is different to the default array environment.
@Speravir @PauloCereda Very funny obviously also the linked cowsay.
@Qrrbrbirlbel I see...
@Qrrbrbirlbel Yout are correct. I should have specified that I was referring to the column alignment feature only, and not siunitx in general.
@KannappanSampath Hm, I have something here, but I get Missing $ inserted and Bad math environment delimiter here, weird.
Probably something with siunitx in math-mode
@Qrrbrbirlbel I haven't used siunitx at all. (I do math; little do we worry about units...)
So, I am sorry, I cannot really help.
@KannappanSampath In what range are your numbers? Are they integers?
@Qrrbrbirlbel yes, integers. Typically, belonging to {0, ±1}.
@KannappanSampath Well, then screw siunitx and just use r. Though I still get these errors ...
@Qrrbrbirlbel Yeah! I was worried mainly because it occurs OFTEN.
@Speravir Done.
@texenthusiast And upvoted. Nice!
@KannappanSampath This works fine for \( and \) but not for \[ or any of amsmaths environments; don't know what's wrong with it.
		 0 & \text{if something} \\
		-1 & \text{otherwise}
@Qrrbrbirlbel Good enough for my purposes!! :)
Thank you so much!!!
@Speravir Thanks, Bye :)
@KannappanSampath Oh my, it was standalone all along. :( You could also redefine the cases environment to take one optional argument that specifies the alignment of the first column ...
Hello again @JosephWright How happens such thing: In TexMaker - “File not found” when viewing as pdf “protected by Community”?
@Speravir Series of deleted answers
@Qrrbrbirlbel Hah! Good catch! :)
@JosephWright And then this is done by a robot?
Am I missing the purpose in this one ?
Q: Arcing arrow and keeping proper arrow head orientation

AlanHI have \draw[draw=black!80,solid, -triangle 90,fill=black!80] (2.6, 4) -- (3.3, 4); I'd like the endpoints to be where they are, but I need it to arc. How do I do this? Edit: I'm looking for something like this: \draw [->] (0,0) arc (180:30:10pt); Something like the curved arrow, except...

@Speravir I guess so
@JosephWright OK, thanks.
@percusse A stochastic process strikes again.
@PauloCereda More like the chat with an expert ...
@percusse Damn bots. :)
Apr 1 at 21:23, by percusse
i think we have come to an agreement
@percusse :P
Check out the screenshot above that... wrong link
@PauloCereda Instead of cowsay we could use a lionsay
@PeterGrill I couldn't even finish reading the question man :) Great!
though i don't quite understand why we are plotting instead of circles or nodes
@percusse You actually read the question? :-) I certainly don't. Yeah, thought about commenting on that, but decided not to as the main thrust of the question was the looping.
@PeterGrill Racing with the wizards made you one of them ....
@percusse Nah, not quite. Am still more of a hack as of now...
@KannappanSampath Here is the redefinition of cases to use an optional argument for the left column. By the way, do you know the mathtools package? There are a few additional cases environments defined.
		 0 & \text{if something} \\
		-1 & \text{otherwise}
	\end{cases} = \begin{cases}[r]
		 0 & \text{if something} \\
		-1 & \text{otherwise}
	\end{cases} \]
@Qrrbrbirlbel Thanks a bunch, you know!! What is the option convert=false for? And, yes, I know mathtools package/
@KannappanSampath The convert=false option is a left-over of using standalone, I have edited it out already.
@Qrrbrbirlbel Or just \begin{cases}\hfill 0 & \text{if a}\\ \hfill -1 & \text{if b}\end{cases}
@egreg Yes, but @KannappanSampath wants to avoid that if I understood him correctly.
@Qrrbrbirlbel hah! Great!
@Qrrbrbirlbel Yeah, right! I'd get tired by the time I am done, then.
Q: Changing line thickness of arrow

AlanH\documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[draw=black,solid, -triangle 90,fill=black] (2.6, 4) -- (3.3, 4); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} I've tried changing this arrow with ultra thick and double, but the arrow head size ch...

That's a new one. Thicker line but smaller arrow. Usually it is the other way around.
1 hour later…
@PauloCereda sorry I abandoned you to visit my mum
@DavidCarlisle Good time of the day, David! Welcome! Hope your mother is healthy and all!
@DavidCarlisle We miss you! :)
Is there a problem with the server of SE? Reviewing is extrem slow, loading of pages is extrem slow ...
@PauloCereda so is Psmith any better at horse racing than rowing?
The Grand National is a National Hunt horse race held annually at Aintree Racecourse near Liverpool, England. First run in 1839, it is a handicap steeplechase over 4 miles 3½ furlongs (7,200m) with horses jumping 30 fences over two circuits. The next Grand National will be held on 6 April 2013. The Grand National is the most valuable jump race in Europe, with a prize fund of £975,000 in 2013. It is popular amongst many people who do not normally watch or bet on horse racing at other times of the year. The racecourse is triangular in shape with 16 fences, all jumped twice except The Cha...
@PauloCereda ^^^^
@DavidCarlisle The # in \foo still acts as the macro parameter character (according to its current catcode)?
@Qrrbrbirlbel Yes. TeX never changes category codes once the token has entered the mouth (\scantokens is a different thing: it emulates rereading tokens from an external file)

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