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@UlrikeFischer @JasperHabicht this. plus if I have a closing brace at the end of the line, either the indentation on the next line is wrong or the indentation on that line is wrong for everything except the closing brace.
@DavidCarlisle thanks. so I guess it it cross-platform enough, even if there are some places it doesn't work.
4 hours later…
@cfr of course
@UlrikeFischer I can see that. Well, maybe one day I will reformat my packages :) But for now, what is more important is the correct syntax abd coding style (except for whitespace which is ignored in expl3 anyways)
Thanks for your input everyone!
@egreg This is package shaming! :D
@CarLaTeX I already had a bad feeling when I uploaded updates to my package several times within one week recently … :D
@JasperHabicht Indeed! :D
@JasperHabicht I think this is not so uncommon, actually. only most people don't do it every week. (at least, not with the same package.)
@DavidCarlisle do you happen to know where popen isn't available?
@cfr it (should be) more or less subject to --shell-escape so if calling from a Lua script texlua like l3build it should always be available, and if calling from tex (\directlua) it depends on current options.
@DavidCarlisle thanks. I really meant what the lua ref says that it's not available on all platforms.
@cfr Oh I think it's available on all platforms that tex has. if you are running Lua as the configuration language inside minecraft then possibly not.
@cfr that is systems embedding Lua might always or in some configurations have something like no-shell-escape that disables popen and os.exec and friends
3 hours later…
@CarLaTeX I'm used to it for commath and physics. ;-)
@egreg :D
@egreg but you should be proud of pronunciation.sty : 21097 lines ending in a % the code looks as if you wrote it yourself.
@DavidCarlisle With a funny \hspace{-0.28zw} instruction!
@DavidCarlisle And redefining \@for!
@egreg 日本人は自分だけの空間を必要としている
@egreg I have mailed the author.....
@DavidCarlisle Turns out that zw is legal in pTeX, but…
@egreg and notice the date format
@egreg Yeah :(
@egreg well the zw isn't a problem as the date format means the package stops while loading (and you can't load any later package) so you never get that far
4 hours later…
@DavidCarlisle ah, that makes sense. thanks. (I was thinking android or something before.)
1 hour later…
Hello everyone, I need to draw a horizontal line at a specific y value inside \begin{axis} \end{axis}. Something like this
I would like to demonstrate the threshold of a p-value (i.e., 0.05).
I can draw the line like this
\draw [red, dashed, very thick] (rel axis cs: 0,0.05) -- node[above,xshift=-6cm]{a} (rel axis cs: 1,0.05);
However, shifting the node will not be effective as it disappears.
Never mind. I solve it with "extra y ticks"
@CroCo Asking such questions in chat makes them essentially useless for future users with the same problem. Please consider a proper question on a Q&A site instead.
@samcarter Yes, I do agree. However, I sometimes feel it isn’t worth posting a question about such minor details as this.
@CroCo There is surely already a similar Q&A on the main site ...
I thought latex would warn me if I did \begin{abc} ... \end{ac}, but apparently not?
@cfr it is an error not a warning (unless you prevent that somehow)
@DavidCarlisle well, an error would be even better.
@DavidCarlisle but I actually just meant 'would tell me' :-).
@CroCo that doesn't make sense to me. if it bothers you enough to want to know, why think other people might not want to know, too?
@cfr It should err with LaTeX Error: \begin{abc} on input line xxx ended by \end{ac}.
@JasperHabicht well, it didn't.
@cfr ! LaTeX Error: \begin{cfr} on input line 5 ended by \end{cr}.


@DavidCarlisle I don't disbelieve you. but it still didn't.
@cfr well this one doesn't either:

@DavidCarlisle yes, but that isn't used. but, anyway, thinking about it, I don't think I should've expected it to error.
@DavidCarlisle ??
@cfr why shouldn't you expect an error for a mis-matched environment?
@DavidCarlisle I know, but I don't know how to say it correctly and then half a dozen people will tell me why I'm wrong.
@DavidCarlisle because I know perfectly well that tex is Xing but not Ying the contents of the environment.
but I don't know what X and Y are called.
Sounds philosophic. It is expanding (or replacing), not ... executing?
@cfr so something essentially equivalent to my \def example (basically anything other than executing the begin and end in order.
@JasperHabicht that is the trouble with philosophers
@DavidCarlisle no.
@JasperHabicht thanks. I did solve it, though.
@JasperHabicht I don't think 'expanding' or 'replacing' is right either.
@DavidCarlisle I'm grateful people tell me I'm wrong when I don't know. I'm just frustrated when I do know but I can't say it.
@JasperHabicht can it be 'verbatim' if it isn't being typeset?
@CroCo I saw that. I just wanted to say that your question in fact already exists on the main site. But asking again never hurts. I had to google a few times to find a Q&A that fit your concrete issue ...
@cfr i suspect the answer is "yes" not "no" but truth of "essentially equivalent" is somewhat relative, you might have to think like tex, to think things are equivalent. But if the tokens are being scanned they are being saved, or being executed (or are verbatim and not the tokens expected)
@cfr yes
@cfr sometimes I turn to the chat for quick solutions or suggestions. I engage in this practice not due to laziness but rather because I occasionally do not have sufficient time to conduct thorough research owing to time constraints. Inquiring without due diligence evidently violates the website's policies; however, this does not pertain to the chat functionality.
@JasperHabicht I agree and thank you for the tip.
@DavidCarlisle well, something other than executing them in order is what happens, but something other than executing them in order is not what was supposed to happen.
@CroCo You are right. And it is fine to do that. The question just appeared to be well fitted for the main site. Some questions are maybe too niche or too broad ...
@DavidCarlisle so maybe 'verbatim'? not prepared to commit ....
@CroCo it wasn't a criticism of asking here. it was just the way you explained it. I just meant: I think questions about minor details are often good questions for the main site and other people are likely to find them useful.
@DavidCarlisle no.
@cfr well yes if it is verbatin then \begin{abc} isn't the token \begin it's the characters \ b e g i n so naturally there is no environment and no enviornemnt related errors.
@cfr "no" as in "philosphers don't sound philosophic" ?
@DavidCarlisle well, yes. but the problem was more than \ e n d are characters. there was no \ b e g i n and no \end.
@DavidCarlisle 'no' as in 'that is not a trouble with philosophers'.
@cfr ah:-)
@DavidCarlisle so I had \begin ... \ e n d. and I know why that doesn't trigger the error. but I don't really know how to say why.
@cfr any human reading of tex fragments assumes a standard catcode regime, and so if you just put in chat it's not really easy to say anything about it. A more extreme example would be LAKK7172F71l7271PAXX71FVLnOSeL which taken out of context is not really easy to say anything about although some here may recognise it as a fragment of a Christmas carol.
Oh, a new ConTeXt upload. @DavidCarlisle, I'm sure you have already updated.
Goal: More uplloads than easybook.
@DavidCarlisle Of course, the famous alliterative verse in line 6!
@mickep so \dimexperimental is now less experimental? ;-)
@UlrikeFischer It is available for testing, but probably a bit less experimental, indeed.
(One cannot complain about that name!) :)
@mickep like expl3 it'll still be called experimental 20 years later when it's part of the main build?:-)
@DavidCarlisle I think it was added to try out an alternative to \dimexpression at some point while experimenting with different solutions. Also good to be able to try out possible speed differences with different techniques.
@DavidCarlisle (I did not know that exp in expl3 stand for experimental!)
@mickep it once stood for experimental latex 3 but it's no longer experimental and there's no longer plans to have latex3, apart from that, it's a brilliant name
I think there is just a T missing from eXperimental ...
@DavidCarlisle Oh, so you will jump directly to latex4.
@mickep latex 2099 ME sounds like a catchy versioning scheme
@DavidCarlisle A bit like Windows ME?
@mickep exactly or "how to squeeze in another version when you have already used the next number for an existing product"
@mickep welsh?
@cfr Welsh?
@mickep lllllllllllllll
@DavidCarlisle Huh, now I'm even more confused :)
@mickep I'm guessing cfr was alluding to your double l in uplllllload, a typical welsh feature (mainly designed to trick English speakers into mis-pronunciation)
@DavidCarlisle Or just sticky keyboard from all potato crisps...

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