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@barbarabeeton ^^ :)
3 hours later…
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2 hours later…
This answer would make a great stained glass window:
A: Macro for circular representations of integer partitions

matexmaticsThe answer below uses the wheelchart package, which I wrote. Two commands are defined: \partitionA and \partitionB. These commands take 2 arguments. The first argument is the partition. The second argument is a list of colors. \documentclass[border=6pt]{standalone} \usepackage{wheelchart} \ExplSy...

@DavidCarlisle I thought it may be a good idea to expand upon my question in here regarding multicols and minipage yesterday by making a question dedicated to that usage here. Feel free to answer, if you have some insight you think is worth mentioning in there
anyone of you may contribute to that question if you have something to say, by the way. Just thought it might be of particular interest for David since we discussed it in here yesterday. @cfr you were also present, so perhaps you'd also be extra interested?
@Atex I see Ulrike has basically already answered along the lines I would have said had I answerd that at all.
@DavidCarlisle Whaaaat, I even gave you a headstart by tagging, yet you were still beaten to the answer?;) Just kidding, nice to know that there's at least consensus between 2 experts regarding 1 caveat of using multicols like that:)
@PauloCereda in case you haven't discovered them already
@Atex but as I said originally here, I don't think the question as asked really makes sense: you are asking people to compare things that really have nothing in common.
Is tabularray supported with \DocumentMetadata{testphase={phase-III, table}?
@EmanueleNardi cool, thanks!
@UlrikeFischer Thank you!
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle Indeed, but I mistakenly made the association initially, and so others may, too (I think far from everyone knows as much as you). That's why I specified my question to when they're used for a similar approach. So that people know to distinguish, and that just because you can use multicols for that, doesn't mean you should, because its essence differs, resulting in a wrong output under certain circumstances as illustrated by @UlrikeFischer
@barbarabeeton you could get a similar effect with many fonts, I guess most don't have an absolutely circular dot.
@Atex perhaps but I still think it's a weird question, you are asking people to compare apples and racing cars, they are different but it's not so easy to give a concise answer listing the differences. Note that if you are using multicols and want to avoid the bad split that Ulirike showed, the natural thing to do is wrap the minted in a minipage to stop it breaking, you wouldn't stop using multicols, the two things are just unrelated.
@Skillmon -- True, but most "o"s are not completely filled in. One of my "toys" is a pretty pewter super-egg, but that comic sans o is not tempting me to paint it red. On the other hand, I also have a rhombic triacontahedron in almost that color, and it's much more elegant. (I used to have two of the latter, one a lightweight shell used as a Christmas tree ornament; it disappeared when we moved from an apartment to a house many years ago. The remaining one is 30 magnetic pieces, quite heavy.)
@barbarabeeton so you need a sturdier tree these days? :)
@Skillmon -- That's one possibility. Or I could make a new set of polyhedra. I still know where to find the patterns, and have some good oak tag to build them out of. And a family across the street with two young children who would most likely enjoy them.

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