@DavidCarlisle yes, at least in our cases. People could embedded files with other methods and we wouldn't catch that. The main question is if the message looks ok.
Package pdf Warning: PDF standard validation failure.
(pdf) Embedded non-PDF files detected.
(pdf) Switching standard from PDF/A-4 to PDF/A-4F
@UlrikeFischer ^^ that looks good but I'm confused about something else but it's been a long day, I'll look again in the morning
@UlrikeFischer I wasn't expecting AF from \tagpdfsetup{math/mathml/structelem, math/mathml/AF=false, math/tex/AF=false} it seems I need \tagpdfsetup{math/mathml/structelem, math/mathml/AF=false, math/tex/AF=false, math/mathml/sources=} to stop adding the AF ?
@DavidCarlisle yes the AF-keys avoid that files are attached to the structure but the mathml is still read in if it exists. We perhaps need a meta key math/onlystructelem. Any suggestion for a name?
@DavidCarlisle the AF is a local key, you can enable/disable it for every formula, but the mathml file is read in globally at the begin and the fragment are embedded to the PDF directly. We would have to keep everything in memory if we wait until use.
@DavidCarlisle but perhaps we should try that, it shouldn't put excessive stress an memory and would allow to adapt the fragment on the fly.
@UlrikeFischer ah yes I see, but maybe even if we don't go the hold in memory root a single /math/allmathml/AF=false or something to disable would be good I think. using sources= to prevent the sources feels natural enough in the original version without luamml, because if you supply no mathml you get no mathml, but with luamml generating mathml on the fly just a single key that says don't use mathml AF would be good I think. But I'll add sources= to the examples in the md file for now:-)
@DavidCarlisle I prefer maintaining the Italian flavour using Cattenan's bananas instead of pineapple. A bit more expensive, but you now... cooking is art.
@DavidCarlisle I'm now testing the pdfmanagement in latex and if everything goes well will sent it to ctan. Then we can merge the latestkey-latex branch and then I can add the new keys to my luamml-math branch.
(For certain applications, Typst is definitely better than LaTeX. I'm thinking of building a webshop CMS which needs to generate a PDF invoice from variables passed to a template. You can do that kind of thing in TeX, but why would you? I've previously used TCPDF for it, but I think I could make something look nicer with Typst.)
(And of course TeX and friends aren't good at that kind of thing, because they were never designed to be. This is no bash on them.)
@samcarter I'm going to go for a walk before I run out of daylight, but when I come back I may just do that. It might be good for me to dust off my LaTeX again. (I was never great at it, but I did know some things.)
(I've only done one complicated document in Typst, and of course I ended up needing to use a feature that it's admittedly not very good at yet: text wrapping. The result worked, but I suspect LaTeX could have done it nicer.)
@TRiG I use a LaTeX template for my invoices for years. I use a database that I can access via a local server and PHP and this way I replace placeholders in the TeX file and run LaTeX. Works like a charm