@JosephWright Yes, well, there were no opentype math fonts in that time. But I'm sure it would have worked. In fact, wasn't the math fonts project triggered by ConTeXt?
@mickep someone posted that some apple font application similarly got confused, so it is apparaently not just xetex that uses the peferred family field in preference. (I'm still not convinced they should but I haven't read the full specs...)
@DavidCarlisle Indeed, and that is the wrong approach that could/should be solved (mentioned at github...). I assume you are clear in the fontspec manual that people should not rely on family names.
@mickep well for xetex by default names don't work by default at all, only if you locally configure fontconfig to search the texlive tree. thing is it is just a lot more natural to use the names, if they want TeX Gyre Termes Math it's just a lot easier to ask for that than to find out what the file name is and use that (people are scared by the file system) especially for windows system fonts working out what the filename is for a given name isn't so friendly
How can a user know if it is TeX Gyre or TG or TeXGyre or anything else, and is it case sensitive? And what about if there is also a bold math, shall it take Regular or Bold?
@mickep but what if i only y want the math font, or if I want to use whatever font firefox says it is using for some random Indic script example question posted on a site, most tools give the internal font names
@mickep it is but as I say not always the friendliest interace and it's not surprising people use other names, especially children who seem not to find it strange to use spaces in names
@DavidCarlisle I did read the spec, and it says 17 Typographic Subfamily name. This allows font designers to specify a subfamily name within the typographic family grouping. This string must be unique within a particular typographic family, and this is not the case here.
@mickep It would be good if the general rule that any change breaks something wasn't true, but sadly the TeX ecosystem is sufficiently fragile that it is true more often than not.
@mickep jejej, this pkg it's like enumitem+tasks but only with numbered lists and of course, compatible with tagged PDF :D
Jokes aside, I am very grateful to everyone here in the chat and on the forum, without the comments and answers you have given me I would not have made it.