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@JosephWright but I'm sorry for wasting your time.
3 hours later…
Does anyone know how to enable a fallback font for babel's \babelfont command, I am wanting to have a font replace the missing glyphs of another font
i possibly want to enable ligatures for the font as well
2 hours later…
@cfr You never waste my time - all of your contributions are excellent
@StefanKottwitz, @werner Seen the mod-chat messages?
user image
1 hour later…
user image
Finalising LaTeX 2024-11-01
@JosephWright I first read it as being the final version. Good luck!
@mickep :)
@mickep Yes, finally LaTeX3 will come! :)
@DavidCarlisle ooh github.com/mame/quine-relay
@egreg I think this should be reopened: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/729840/… (and voted accordingly)
@PauloCereda no TeX :( but I think I used these: algol 68, asymptote, bash, bc, c, c++, c#, dc, emacs lisp, f#, fortran77, gap, gnuplot, gzip ??, java, javascript, ksh, lua, Make, ocaml, octave, pari/gp, pascal, perl5, php, postscript, python, r, scheme, sed, standard ml, visual basic, xslt, zsh,
@Skillmon Agreed, but it's a nonsense question…
@egreg agreed
Unfortunately the bfseries hook doesn't fire in \mathbf, or else it would be rather easy.
@DavidCarlisle notice the source code formatting in QR.rb
@Skillmon too much interior white space
There is an issue somewhere in my beamer template, so I get
`Overfull \hbox (1.28159pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active`
in the log. But I cannot figure out where it is coming from. I've tried with and without frametile title or footer, and they are still there. So it is coming from somewhere else.
I'd assume it is a sporious space (given the size).
@daleif tracing?
@daleif add \showoutput then you'll see the full box contents
@DavidCarlisle I wonder if we can blame context ...
@UlrikeFischer although it's a bit odd that xetex is loooking at the ttf prefered family name, and loading the font even though it doesn't claim to have that family name
@DavidCarlisle the font name of the real math font is \setmathfont{TeXGyreTermesMath-Regular} and that seems to work. But yes, I think it is odd that xetex looks at the prefered family name. But as we just decided ...
@UlrikeFischer yes but I think context can fix this, it doesn't need any xetex changes
@UlrikeFischer meanwhile, did you like my fraction?
@DavidCarlisle clearly very clear and much used math.
@UlrikeFischer \frac{9}{10} of my documents have such features
@UlrikeFischer I should write that as tex and see what tagging we generate via luamml.....
@UlrikeFischer that's the trouble of course, examples that you can fit in a half page email look silly, but a real example with a multiline aligned display with textual annotations with links and nested inline math and stuff looks too complicated to trace and scares people off
@DavidCarlisle Oh no.
@UlrikeFischer also i had to add style="display:inline" which was a bit of a surprise, firefox works without that but chrome/edge/opera/.. make mtext inline-block so you got a line break before the link
@mickep I think it is a bug in the font (although I haven't read the spec for that truetype table to see what the field is supposed to mean)
@Skillmon you're fast :)
@samcarter you're as well.
@DavidCarlisle I'm not sure it is a bug in the font. The family is texgyre termes math. I have a feeling xetex looks a the wrong thing. Just as for example texgyre termes italic has preferred family texgyre termes and not texgyre termes italic.
@mickep hmm I was hoping you'd say the prefered family should be texgyre termes math companion (as getting you/Hans to change the font sounds more likely than getting xetex changed) But I don't really know what that field is supposed to say, so I'm not arguing for that too strongly.
@UlrikeFischer @mickep oh no I read the documentation, i suspect the font is right and xetex is wrong developer.apple.com/fonts/TrueType-Reference-Manual/RM06/…
@samcarter faster again :*
@JosephWright Yes, I read your answer and had nothing to add. Possibly, they will continue their job just by walking to the next site.
@StefanKottwitz "just by walking to the next site" sounds like the powers that be had horrendous ideas again... :P
@Skillmon :) I'm getting closer, only 5 seconds difference this time
@samcarter but @CarLaTeX was 35 seconds faster than I with her close vote (I just searched for the duplicate and wanted to vote for it when her vote popped up)
@Skillmon :D
@Skillmon :P I had the same "problem"
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle But maybe the user shall not call the font like that. Better add Regular or to use font name, for example.
@mickep oh yes certainly the problem can be avoided, but question was whether the example as written should have worked.
@DavidCarlisle Well, in this case it goes all the way down in the font lookups. It misses the name since the Regular is missing, there is no hyphen, not ps name, so it goes to family name. Then, if there are more than one, look for this or that thingy set. Seems like a very fragile way to go down there...
@DavidCarlisle No I am not.
@mickep see link above
I assume not a coincidence
@DavidCarlisle I see. Well, well, I think you know how to answer that now. :P
@DavidCarlisle Maybe the gyre fonts became very popular this very day. For Halloween. Ohh ...
@DavidCarlisle Thanks!
@mickep what do the companion fonts do? only add some missing glyphs or do they also change existing ones?
Consider the following example
        \item test
The \fbox for illustrative purposes. Anyone know how to get rid of the tip spacing above the list in that box? It does not add it below and it is messing up my vertical alignmens.
I this case I would not mind just having a custom itemsize that has no spacing above and below.
@daleif probably something like this tex.stackexchange.com/a/75428/2388 with the additional complication of what columns are actually doing.
@UlrikeFischer I would assume these are c by default or by me. Will have a look when back at pc
@UlrikeFischer The gyre ones add missing glyphs. The latin modern one has more sizes for some delimiters.
@Rmano In light of the recent devastating floods that have impacted Valencia and surrounding areas, we want to express our heartfelt condolences and support to the people affected by this tragedy.
1 hour later…
@Sebastiano Thanks. A real disaster. It struck quite far from here, and fortunately, I have no friends or family involved, at least from what I know so far.
From reddit, haven't read it yet, but maybe somebody will find it interesting: blog.ppresume.com/posts/on-typesetting-engines
Is there a way to define a command in the first cell of a table row for use in another cell without using \global? I guess not ... This would mean you'd need to escape scoping in a controlled way which I can't really think of a way to do actually
@JasperHabicht probably cheating, but:


 \SetRow{cmd={\def\duck{quack}}} a & \duck\\

(link above was not really worth clicking on... sorry)
@samcarter Nice, yes. But this only works due to the way tabularray works ... for the basic tabular environment there is no such a "hook" or is there?
@DavidCarlisle Oh, a new thread on the texlive list. What is going on? Why all these things now?
I also thought about using \& instead of &, then first expand the said command and \& only in the end ...
@JasperHabicht yes, cheating, as I said :)
@mickep new thread, but I just gave the same answer
@DavidCarlisle Many thanks.
(I do not feel like subscribing, not that the traffic is too heavy, but...)
@mickep no idea why it came up now, those fonts have been breaking xetex since at least June it seems, when were they released?
@DavidCarlisle Yes, at least one or two years ago, but maybe added to texlive only this year. I don't remember. It seems to me that font loading in xetex can be improved. Loading by file name is of course the safest, though, but all users do not seem to like that.
@mickep lots of things in xetex could be improved except it's running on autopilot and with a flat battery so getting improvements is tricky
@DavidCarlisle Nobody is "in charge"?
@JasperHabicht What type of macro are you trying to define? Does it need any specific information from the first cell?
@mickep super secret email
@DavidCarlisle just a somewhat secret reply
@JasperHabicht in any column or a specific one?
(one could add such hook into column code using array)
:66541981 Well ... I am trying to enhace my `jsonparse` package to allow typesetting values as tabular. So, the solution should allow for any tabular environment to work.

I thought of a solution simiar to the `csvsimple` package, where the user can type `\JSONParseArrayValueII` for example, to type a specific value in a specfic cell. The user should be able to define a table row with `\JSONParseArrayValueI & \JSONParseArrayValueII \\` for example ...
Okay, pinging two people together does not work, nor do I know why the code formatting did not work ... nevermind =)
Maybe I should not think too much about this. Setting the commands gloablly will probably solve a lot of problems and when I document this, it should be okay-ish ...
@JasperHabicht so presumable you could repeat this in every row. In this case @Skillmon's suggestion to add this to the first column sounds the easiest.
has something changed which would affect output using ly1 recently?
@cfr no?
@DavidCarlisle something I did then ...
@JosephWright are these tricks or treats? ctan.org/incoming
@DavidCarlisle seeing latex-lab with the ctan halloween skin gives mad scientists vibes :)
@DavidCarlisle :)
@mickep Khaled say's it's your fault, and I'd put money on him being more right than me about font internals:-)
@DavidCarlisle You should believe in yourself.
@DavidCarlisle I'm not surprised he has that point of view.
@mickep well I think he is right. The companion font sets Preferred family: TeX Gyre Termes Math and Preferred subfamily: Regular and these values are identical to the one for tex gyre termes math. Shouldn't that be Preferred subfamily: Companion or Preferred subfamily: Companion Regular?

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