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ooh penguinese
@PauloCereda Learning a foreign language?
@JosephWright quack :)
@PauloCereda Indeed
@JosephWright did you watch this cartoon when you were younger? :)
@PauloCereda Not, I'm not quite the right age ... but I know of Pingu
@JosephWright ooh cool
ooh @TeXnician is here
@JosephWright Oh, there is no age limit for penguins... :)
(One person carried a BIG penguin to the BachoTeX meeting...)
@mickep :)
1 hour later…
@mickep ooh big penguins
2 hours later…
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At Kyoto there is a Sacred Shrine dedicated to rabbits.
Bär naturally visited it.
@Skillmon ^^^^
2 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer -- Oh, I love Kyoto, but we missed this shrine. (My bunny would have appreciated it.)
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer Any fun news from Japan?
@UlrikeFischer ooh
@mickep ooh I heard a ninja's favourite type of shoes is sneak-ers
@PauloCereda Ohhh
@mickep and that Japanese dogs greet you with Konnichihuahua
@PauloCereda You're really on a maki
@PauloCereda Oh noo
@AlanMunn lololol
@mickep oh no
@AlanMunn how are Cristina's relatives? Are they safe?
@PauloCereda Her sister is in Rio, so unaffected. Nobody else in PoA. Most of her friends are ok, but everyone's affected to some extent. The house of one of her friend's father is totally flooded. It will be months before things go back to 'normal' (whatever that is) for most people. There's still limited water and electricity in most areas.
@AlanMunn It's a tragedy indeed. I heard 85% of the RS cities are affected now.
@PauloCereda And at least in PoA made worse by bad administration. I don't think a flood of this magnitude could have been prevented, but it's clear that the flood protection system had not been properly maintained, not to mention the constant pressure from the politicians to scrap it entirely.
@AlanMunn indeed. History tends to repeat itself, and authorities don't learn. The same happened (and it will happen again, unfortunately) with Friburgo, Petrópolis and Teresópolis (RJ).
@PauloCereda And people are very bad at risk assessment, especially for long term risks. Although from what I understand, for some cities there have been three major floods this year alone.
@PauloCereda Although 'authorities' is probably not the right term: the engineers and people who manage the infrastructure usually do know the risks, it's the politicians who cut (or in the case of PoA refused) the funding to maintain it.
@AlanMunn yes, it's a recurring problem...
@AlanMunn ah yes, you are right...
ooh nice book written by Knuth and Knuth
@PauloCereda It is much more fun with collaborations.
@mickep ooh
Hello, is there any way using l3keys to implement a series={name} style key from the enumitem package, that saves in a \tl_gvar all the keys passed to an optional argument (without the name of the key) and then use them with \key_set:nV?
I have checked some answers in the forum, but I have some non-op keys that do not receive = sign (or value) and the proposed solutions fail me :(
Like this:
% keys
\keys_define:nn { mymodule }
    keya .cs_set_protected:Np = \__mymodule_keya:n #1,
    keya .initial:n = \fbox{#1},
    keya .value_required:n = true,
    keyb .tl_set:N = \l_mymodule_keyb_tl,
    keyc .tl_set:N = \l_mymodule_keyc_tl,
    keyd .meta:n   = { keyb=B, keyc=C },
    keyd .value_forbidden:n = true,
    %series => \tl_gvar
    %resume => Read \tl_gvar
% Environment
\NewDocumentEnvironment{test}{ o }
    \tl_if_novalue:nF {#1}
2 hours later…
@PabloGonzálezL Sorry, but your code and question don't really seem related. Can you elaborate what you intend to do? Also: Please note that chat is not well suited for such questions, better ask a question on the main site.
@mickep no fun in Japan, go back to work! ... Oh wait, that was Germany.
@Skillmon OK, I'll try to give some context, suppose I have \begin{test}[keya=\fbox{#1}, keyb=foo, series=seriesA] here seriesA would be a \tl_var=keya=\fbox{#1}, keyb=foo, then (later) I call the \begin{test}[resume=seriesA] environment again and it should act as \begin{test}[keya=\fbox{#1}, keyb=foo].
@Skillmon Oh no
@Skillmon The context is an implementation of (nested) list environments, and that key (which owns enumitem) is quite comfortable :D
@PabloGonzálezL now I got it. Wait a sec, have to help my daughter, then will write up some prototype code.
@Skillmon What TeX problem did your daughter have?
@mickep (un)fortunately none. The laptop got itself caught in a broken full-screen Netflix session and she didn't know how to get out of it to start her Harry Potter audio book.
@Skillmon Oh, Potter, good times!
@mickep I think they are on their hundredth hear-through...
@Skillmon Oh my. How old is she?
@mickep the oldest will be 10 tomorrow.
@Skillmon Oh, happy days!
% keys
\keys_define:nn { mymodule }
    keya .cs_set_protected:Np = \__mymodule_keya:n #1,
    keya .initial:n = \fbox{#1},
    keya .value_required:n = true,
    keyb .tl_set:N = \l_mymodule_keyb_tl,
    keyc .tl_set:N = \l_mymodule_keyc_tl,
    keyd .meta:n   = { keyb=B, keyc=C },
    keyd .value_forbidden:n = true,
    series .str_set:N = \l_mymodule_series_str,
    resume .code:n =
      \tl_if_exist:cTF { g__mymodule_series_ \tl_to_str:n {#1} _tl }
@PabloGonzálezL ^^^
@mickep my favourite Japanese word is "arubaito", which is derived from the German "Arbeit" (meaning work), but in Japanese it means part-time work. So for some reason, what we Germans consider work, is only half of it for the Japanese.
@Skillmon Hehe, maybe they work too hard. I think we in general consider Germans to be hard working.
@Skillmon Ohhh, give me a few minutes to digest the code :D
@Skillmon Digested, that is exactly what I was looking for, I think I will delete my attempts with clist and other oddities I had half written. This works like a charm...thank you very much.
@Skillmon Thinking restrictively, can I make “resume” and “series” disjoint?
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@UlrikeFischer ^^ oh no
@PauloCereda Good even-ing! Oh, mist akes...
@mickep oh no
@PabloGonzálezL ? what do you mean by that?
@Skillmon It is a theoretical question rather, that is, it could be prevented from happening [series=seriesA, resume=otherseries], it would be a user error, but :D
@Skillmon In this case, the series key absorbs everything
@PabloGonzálezL just add the resume key to the stuff filtered (currently only the series key gets filtered from the list)
@Skillmon Mmm...so is it possible to leave out a key when executing series, in this case resume=something?
@PabloGonzálezL the macro \__mymodule_filter_series_pair:nn does exactly that, filtering out any occurrence of series=<whatever>, you could just add resume there like so: \str_case:nnF {#1} { {series} {} {resume} {} } instead of \str_if_eq:nnF { series } {#1}.
@PabloGonzálezL for technical reasons we have to filter out series, because otherwise it'd become recursive and the second usage would break the third.
@JosephWright is this a useful addition for which I should open a PR or should I scrap the idea:

\NewDocumentCommand \myfoo { >{\SplitKeyval{a=foo,b=bar,c}} m } {\myfooAUX#1}
    a: #1\par
    b: #2\par
    \IfNoValueTF{#3}{no c}{c: #3}\par

@Skillmon Thanks, I was testing and couldn't find the right function :D
@Skillmon You know, while I was thinking about this, I tried something as described (tex.stackexchange.com/q/705769) ... which I can adapt, is it the best way, or can something more efficient be done?
@UlrikeFischer In my case, slides means "article" :-)

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