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12:50 AM
For my English document, I'd like to provide a translated table of contents.
I already found https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/98103/38074, but that answer's approach seems brittle (monkey-patching \tableofcontents of your document class). Any alternatives?
7 hours later…
7:30 AM
@TeXnician thanks for the info. Where can I report what I think it's a change of behavior for default module options? I think I found it between mkiv and the new context...
7:45 AM
@Rmano ntg- or dev- context list I guess: wiki.contextgarden.net/Mailing_Lists
8:11 AM
Fun. If I put the @DavidCarlisle suggested solution (Adding \usemodule[pgfrcs,pgfmat] before loading tikz) in the t-circuitikz.tex file instead of the main file, it doesn't work... grrr...
@Rmano that wasn't my suggestion came from muzimuzhi github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/issues/1248#issuecomment-1486235591
@DavidCarlisle ah ok. Seems something like magic, so it works or not... I am not able to reproduce the undefined problem in a simpler example, too, so that is also magic.
Anyway, shouldn't be a big problem, nobody protested yet and circuitikz is basically completely broken with context as per now...
1 hour later…
9:37 AM
I finally registered at the TUG 23 conference... Not that anybody is interested, I know ;-)
9:52 AM
@topskip :)
@topskip it will be nice to see you!
@UlrikeFischer Thanks!
1 hour later…
11:05 AM
@topskip yaaaaaaaay! Pat! <3
/happy quack
1 hour later…
12:28 PM
Can you suggest me a method to display a list of numbered equations (like itemize environment)?
I mainly want to display 3 itemized equations in a list having equation numbers at the right side.
I have found this: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/225100/114006
Do you guys have other suggestions?
12:59 PM
@raf isn't that what any display math environment does? align,gather, ...
@DavidCarlisle umm, but they are not itemized. Sorry, I forget to mention I want to show thee equations aligned left with bullet points.
@raf \begin{itemize} \item $\displaystyle 1=2$\hfill\refstepcounter{equation}(\theequation}) \item $\displaystyle 2=3$\hfill\refstepcounter{equation}(\theequation}) \end{itemize}
1:20 PM
@DavidCarlisle Thanks. By the way, the }s should be removed from the right side of the \theequation.
@raf oh that might help:-)
This is what I want.
I like to have a custom environment so that I don't to put \hfill\refstepcounter{equation}(\theequation) in each item.
@raf we do have a question and answer site where (I'm told) you can ask questions:-)
1:36 PM
Yes, I am gonna ask it there. Thank you. Actually, my initial target was not to ask questions today coz I felt maybe this type of question exist already.
3 hours later…
4:26 PM
TikZ wizards: can anyone suggest a way to add n nodes above a line so that they're evenly spaced for arbitrary (though sane) n?
5:00 PM
@AlanMunn Evenly spaced as in evenly distributed anchors (which means that visually the nodes have to be of similar size to be considered evenly spaced) or as in evenly spaced between the nodes (but the nodes varying in size, so anchors won't be at start + i / n * distance)?
5:31 PM
@TeXnician The former. In fact they don't have to be nodes per se, they could just be labels. So if I have e.g. \draw (A) -- (B); I'd like to have n Xs above the line equally spaced between A and B. So if n=1 it will be halfway etc.
6:08 PM
Fascinating question, it's about rabbits: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/681312/…
@Skillmon Their reproduction rate is a tale :D
@AlanMunn something like this?
    \draw (0,0) coordinate(A) -- (10,6) coordinate(B);
    \foreach \i in {1,...,\Ntot} {
        \path (A) -- node [sloped, above, pos=\pos]{$X_\i$} (B);
2 hours later…
8:18 PM
@AlanMunn Search for the example about "sequence number" in tikz.dev/library-decorations#sec-50.6, that could be another option.
@Rmano Perfect! That does exactly what I need. Thanks!
@TorbjørnT. Thanks. @Rmano 's solution works perfectly for me.
9:23 PM
@Skillmon That question is actually about 'reproduction' 🫣
@topskip Who cares? (joke) Shall I register? ;-) dunno
@StefanKottwitz While you are here: Any chance of updating texdoc.org to TL2023?
@TeXnician That will definitely happen, not super urgent and no pressure as the last update was 3 days ago (bottom line on the page)
@StefanKottwitz Nope, it was 13 days ago, when TL 2022 was frozen (see bottom line of the page ;)). But yeah, it's not super urgent. Just something I wanted to remind you of because last year the update was … late :D
@TeXnician LOL seems I can think and typeset math but not calculate :-D consider it modulo 10!

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