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@mickep -- I've received a fairly extensive answer, but sadly no explicit term. This is too long to post here, but I'll happily send it on to you by email if you'll send me your address. (Mail to me at bnb at tug.org.)
By the way... do we "really" don't want opinion-based questions here, or just "because the site inherit the kill button from SE"?
*do the research*
Okay I find [Are "Is this good typography?" questions on topic? - TeX - LaTeX Meta Stack Exchange](https://tex.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/6647/are-is-this-good-typography-questions-on-topic) [Are questions for best practices on-topic? - TeX - LaTeX Meta Stack Exchange](https://tex.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/4369/are-questions-for-best-practices-on-topic) and I think the explanation there are good – opinion-based questions that *is n
2 hours later…
(Research a bit more there are comments there for the closure, so never mind)
@JosephWright (old message but) for this one I said "implementable in TeX" so the user base wouldn't be a huge issue. (basically scan through the whole document, parse the whole thing and replace \verb with \texttt and similar catcode-independent things, then scantokens the whole thing)
(And again, before I reimplement the wheel, did anyone already implement that)
1 hour later…
@barbarabeeton Oh, nice. You got mail.
1 hour later…
ooh email
@user202729 Won't work: you've already lost things like comments
@user202729 We have always been more flexible
@JosephWright ... should definitely work, right? Don't grab the whole thing at once, grab tokens one by one
Even if grab the whole thing at once can still work somewhat, by setting verbatim everything and process as string
But have to reimplement TeX eyes, harder
1 hour later…
@user202729 not possible in general without executing/typesetting, there is no way to just parse
Yes I know
What I mean is...
Instead of parsing TeX in the normal way, make a separate parsing rule, pre-parse the whole thing, then execute it normally.
That way you can "easily" have verbatim and other special-structures work within argument
@user202729 I don't see how you can get anything close to that while being compatible with current tex syntax
"text syntax"
Well, not strictly compatible...
But after all it seems that there are just a few "special-syntax" things (verbatim-like environments, \verb-like commands)
Plus maybe \ExplSyntaxOn and \makeatletter
Of course not 100% compatible, but not like that the user have to learn a completely new system either
@user202729 and tikz matrix & and any number of babel language shorthands like "- and ...
@user202729 but perhaps I don't understand your idea. You presumably are still not expecting to support \newenvironment{foo}{\begin{verbatim}}{\end{verbatim}} ... \begin{foo} \whatever\end{foo} ? Just support literal \begin{verbatim} appearing inside the argument of a command in the document?
Obviously that one one is almost-impossible to support. For that one I'm thinking of letting the user define custom preparser rules for that particular environment
Originally it comes from that every time I want characters with special catcode in expl3 code I have to construct token list → regex replace → execute
Would be nicer to have "put character with catcode X charcode Y right here"
@user202729 \Ucharcat
@user202729 or its l3 name if you prefer
No, not that one
There's already char_generate:nn
@user202729 yep that
It doesn't support having characters with special catcode within commands to be executed without elaborate regex replace and what else
@user202729 in luatex it sounds like you want catcodetables (or an emulation of them in the others)
Hm? Not sure I want that either, but I'll take a look
What I mean is to write code like in tex.stackexchange.com/a/622505/250119 without putting the strings in a completely different section / auxiliary macros etc.
Even e.g. \newline_with_other_catcode is not as good as e.g. \cO\^^J of regex, and you have to \unexpanded the rest selectively
By the way the best way to process something preserve spaces for now is to regex replace spaces with something else, process, replace back, right? (or token cycle)
@user202729 ? "for listings there's \lstinline." that changes catcodes same as teh enviornment form
No, lstinline has the experimental feature that can be used in argument without cprotect
Although still of course need to escape spaces and what else
@user202729 well you don't need the macro of course, you could use \char_generate{13}{12} inline if you prefer
Hm right this case is simpler
But there are complex cases
Like passing a complex constructed token list to a function that takes n-type argument
"can't be that uncommon" right?
Anyway maybe I'll figure out something next time I need it
UD's DefineVerbatimToScantokens is good enough (I think? I use my own macro but this one looks similar) in this case
@user202729 possibly although nested verbatim questions far more likely to appear on a tex geek forum like here than in real documents. The whole thing is a non-issue for real documents that hardly ever use verbatim at all and use verbatim nested in a command even less
3 hours later…
@CarLaTeX es fehlt nur die Ananas, dann wäre es gut.
@DavidCarlisle Ich stimme nicht zu
@CarLaTeX are pineapples out of bound in pasta too?
@CarLaTeX Du bist Italiener, von dir kann nicht erwartet werden, dass du Pasta und Pizza verstehst
@UlrikeFischer Yes, no pineapple on pasta
@UlrikeFischer better call a medic for @CarLaTeX
May I ask that are there any existing extensions/packages that bring pgfkeys' "style key" to keyval?

There are calls for this feature from time to time, among which the latest one is https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/629489
@muzimuzhiZ it depends what you mean by pgfkeys style, l3keys is perhaps the closest to that, plan to converge more on l3keys going forward
@muzimuzhiZ ah just read the post you meant a key like pgfkeys key style, not a generic "keys in the style of pgfkeys" although actually my answer covers that as well:-)
@DavidCarlisle :)
The main aim is to extend `keyval` so that packages based on it can define key styles. Seems this does the trick
\NewDocumentCommand{\define@key@style}{ m m o m }{%
\define@key{#1}{#2}{\KV@do #4,\relax,}
\define@key{#1}{#2}[{#3}]{\KV@do #4,\relax,}
@muzimuzhiZ Why not just use pgfkeys?
I'm not familiar with keyval.
@muzimuzhiZ we won't be extending keyval (@Skillmon tells me it's already perfect) but will be helping people ease over to l3keys at some point.
@FaheemMitha you are not? You have never used graphicx, or hyperref for example?
@DavidCarlisle Occasionally, for both. But I've never used keyval directly.
@FaheemMitha Cause there're plenty packages using keyval and users might want to have "key style".
@DavidCarlisle I understand. It is not a feature request to keyval, only casual/personal attempts.
The situation is, pkgA uses keyval, users use pkgA. For me it's easier to patch keyval than to change the key-val package that pkgA is based on. though it's not the ideal way.
@FaheemMitha well, keyval.sty is short enough
@muzimuzhiZ Oh, I thought you meant for your use.
I've only used pgfkeys. It seems to work for what I've used it for. And the documentation is a bit hard to grasp, but good by prevailing standards.
I had to read it a bunch of times, and then experiment a bit.
@muzimuzhiZ Just \define@key the right key name ...
@muzimuzhiZ You don't need to patch anything, just define the key appropriately
@JosephWright Why the "key name"? It seems to me what needed is to replace the user-specified key value #1 with \KV@do#1,\relax,.
@muzimuzhiZ I mean all you need to to have \setkeys{...}{...} as the 'payload'
You mean sth like
\define@key{fam}{mystyle}{\setkeys{fam}{<key-val>}} ?
I slightly dislike this way because the family is read and set twice. The pro is it uses only the two public macros \define@key and \setkeys.
BTW, in the keyval package manual,

% A declaration of the form:\\
% |\define@key{family}{key}{...}|\\
% Defines a macro |\KV@prefix@key| with one argument. When used in a

It the `\KV@prefix@key` a typo? To me it should be `\KV@family@key`
@muzimuzhiZ most of the code uses prefix rather than family see \csname\KV@prefix\@tempa\endcsname and similar lines. I think I changed to use family in the documentation as it's less obviously a "prefix" when used as a separate argument. But it's all a long time ago...
The following lines explaining the `[default]` uses `family` consistently,

% A declaration of the form:\\
% |\define@key{family}{key}[default]{...}|\\
% Defines a macro |\KV@family@key| as above, however it also defines the
% macro |\KV@family@key@default| as a macro with no arguments, and
% definition\\
% |\KV@family@key{default}|.
@muzimuzhiZ yes the user doc part should use family as you say. I was just explaining it's not so much a typo as a remnant of the original naming
got it
(hey, you guys' chat box area in the footer has transparency? when did you get that feature?)
@bertieb ?
@DavidCarlisle if you scroll back in chat history, you can see chat (ie messages' text) behind the footer- at least that's how its rendering here!
Quick Q about question formulation- I have a Q along the lines of "repeat until a page is filled" (eg tex.stackexchange.com/questions/6608/…, tex.stackexchange.com/questions/217861/…), except it's about a single-page table. I'm having a bit of trouble with my MWE as I'm not that au fait with tables- how much will I anger the local deities if I also sneak in a query about adjusting the table I'm trying to(1/)
repeat (2/)
@bertieb not here tried firefox and chrome
...there's a certain delicious irony in SE chat making me break my message at the final word in the LaTeX room
ah I thought you meant the text box itself was transparent, I think messages have always shown behind the coloured band of the footer
oh right apologies for not being clear! I don't recall it (tho have not been in here often) and RA doesn't get transparency in its footer
@bertieb basically there's a couple of things that I have yet to figure out how to make a table do (give a column width despite no content; and span a table to the width of a page); neither of which are terribly difficult but I haven't set found the right QA on the site to explain it to my tired brain
@mickep -- mail sent.
@barbarabeeton Well received. Thank you very much! I was very happy to read the extensive answer. I liked in particular the quote by Mark Twain and the discussion on aperture vs. gap, where I agree that aperture sounds nicer. Again, thanks for asking your friends.
@bertieb so I'm here to check if saying "is there a way to make this nearly-contentless table repeat (so I can print a nice empty table to fill in); oh and also how would I make it look better by adjusting the column width and the table width?"
@UlrikeFischer Oh no!
@DavidCarlisle I need them
@UlrikeFischer ugh, first time I see this. On the other hand, my mother used pineapple in her pot-roasted pork --- the pineapple has a very powerful tenderizer for dry meats, and the result was really nice. (Sorry @CarLaTeX, I hope you can survive this... ;-))
@Rmano Mia mamma una specie di arrosto ripieno di prugne. Considerando che sono lombarda, non c'è Natale senza mostarda di frutta (col lesso)
@CarLaTeX :-) hmmm, mostarda. yummy. (although lately, the one I buy in Italy is less and less spicy ...)
@Rmano The best is Sperlari, if you don't have a gastronomia di fiducia :)
@CarLaTeX yes, that is the one I have. But I remember it hotter (in the sense of "piccante") when I was younger... (maybe it's my taste that evolved ...)
@Rmano Maybe you're right, but I'm getting older, too. Comunque il mandarino non riesco a mangiarlo :D
@DavidCarlisle Thanks
Also: Thanks everyone. SOrry for the taking ages to reply, I got sick right after my defence and am just getting back to work on comments
I decided I needed a break after that, since I'd missed the sememster change deadline anyway
2 hours later…
@JosephWright no, \setkeys isn't nestable (well, technically here it doesn't hurt as the set will be the same set, but still...)
(better formulated: yes, fine as long as the nested \setkeys uses the same family, else havoc!)
@samcarter sorry, it took me way too long :) In my defence I travelled a lot this weekend!
2 hours later…
@Skillmon I'll better consult your travel schedule before making a joke again :)

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