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Could anybody answer here: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/617656/…? The user accepted my answer too quickly
@AlanMunn when float is loaded in a memoir document, memor disabled its own \newfloat (should probably save it under another name). So you're here using the \newfloat from the float package. Guess if they have have same number of possible arguments. Nope, memoer's \newfloat supports an optional arg, float's version does not
@DavidCarlisle ooh a secrety secret
@PauloCereda probably after breakfast, it won't matter
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@UlrikeFischer I should have stuck to \let
@DavidCarlisle who needs all these modern stuff ;-)
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
Git questiion. When you guys are working on branches and others are reviewing our code before merging into main. Exactly what do you do then to add your changes to the merge? Just perform them on the branch and do a new merge request or how to that work? (I really need to do some more work in Git)
@daleif If you are using e.g. GitHub, commits to a merge that's a PR will automatically add into the PR until you merge it
@daleif for a github merge request (pull request) if you commit to the branch then the PR is automatically updated you don't need to explicitly make another request.
oh @JosephWright just said that:-)
@DavidCarlisle ducks are fast
@PauloCereda not when coo...
@DavidCarlisle oh no
Thanks, I have some php code under review (in gitlab) and since I don't use git that much I just needed to know what to do.
@daleif I think gitlab is the same that it will update the PR although I haven't used gitlab so much. @PauloCereda is a GL user:-)
@DavidCarlisle quack
@PauloCereda git status dinner
@DavidCarlisle git quack oh no
@barbarabeeton @samcarter @UlrikeFischer awww twitter.com/AnimalsBeingB/status/1444246204548747269
@StefanKottwitz they don't track texlive.net, should we be offended?
@DavidCarlisle that's because it doesn't have downtimes
I bet it's AWS. Our Akamai services work.
@PauloCereda ohh, let's also ping @Plergux for the sheep :)
@samcarter ooh
@daleif Thanks. That compounds the problem (at least for me) in two ways. When float sets up the \listof... the format doesn't match the memoir format. And since I instruct my users how to set up new lists, I use the memoir methods. Not quite sure what I should do about that.
@daleif For the algorithm case in particular, the package only sets a formatting macro; the rest is just setting up the floats, so it's simpler in principle not to load it and just use the class methods.
You can probably run the package emulator memoir has, run it before algorithm is loaded then float will not be loaded as the emulator already marked it as having been loaded. Or you can save the memoir macro before algorithm is loaded
@Plergux ^^ ooh
@StefanKottwitz Overleaf relies on AWS for some services and we don't have issues.
@PauloCereda our river is Vltava, so 3 syllables :)
@yo' ooh :)
@PauloCereda Milan does not have a river, but we have the Navigli
@CarLaTeX ooh :)
@PauloCereda And the pigeon are mainly near the Cathedral
@CarLaTeX :)
@yo' 2nd thought is DNS issue. Their domain names cannot be resolved.
@yo' When our corp website has a problem, we are like 10 people in an ongoing tech call. How's their call, 200 people in a session? :-)
I'm trying to read this.
It's hours, it gets interesting.
@StefanKottwitz I read somewhere that it's a DNS issue indeed...
@PauloCereda OMG I did a shutdown on in my kitchen server rack that I sold as DNS to Cloudflare. Hold my beer.
@StefanKottwitz ooh
@PauloCereda I told them I'm on call 24/7 via WhatsApp. oh, wait...
@StefanKottwitz oh no
@PauloCereda Drinking game here. Somebody has to run "nslookup facebook.com" and if it fails, he/she has to take a drink. Getting serious now.
@PauloCereda Now you run nslookup facebook.com
@StefanKottwitz ooh
@PauloCereda What did you get?
paulo in ~ at ravenna
➜ nslookup facebook.com
zsh: command not found: nslookup
Do I get a beer? :)
@PauloCereda 2nd try, do a ping
@PauloCereda You can try ping (Their first DNS server)
@PauloCereda You won the book "Linux for dummies" for not having nslookup. Paper version, as they said such guys may not have a PDF reader.
@MarcelKrüger ooh
@StefanKottwitz oh no
@PauloCereda do you know that zsh command? sudo bash
⏚ [marcel:~] % sudo bash
sudo: bash: command not found
⏚ [marcel:~] 1 %
@MarcelKrüger hm, that's what the facebook/whatsapp engineers said too ;-)
worldwide failures of DNS or CDNs or BGP have usually been resolved within an hour, I'm really curious what this is now
@StefanKottwitz I'm curious too what's going on (BGP isn't the issue here, my routes look fine).
@MarcelKrüger It's now the pilot episode of "The Walking Dead - Next Generation"
@AlanMunn at a PC after all the command I mentioned was \EmulatedPackage{float} and then hope no users need the H specifier
4 hours later…
@daleif Thanks. I'll play around to see if that will do what I need.

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