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@AlanMunn The billion in US and UK used to be different until a few years ago. They now mean the same thing...
@cmhughes Yes. ;-)
2 hours later…
Hi there! What editor do you use for Latex?
@Costi TeXworks at present, before that WinEdt
@JasperLoy No one told me that. A billion is a million million, no more, no less.
@JosephWright My texmaker is acting strange today
@JosephWright it looks like TeXworks doesn't have as many functions as textmaker.
@AndrewStacey I'm afraid common usage is a thousand million
@Costi Depends one what you want: I don't like all of the menus, etc., that some editors use
@JosephWright No. Common usage is to say, "That's 3 billion. I mean, American billion."
@AndrewStacey Watch the BBC on finance, for example
@JosephWright Ah, I thought you said common usage.
@Costi sublime text 2
@Kurt I would say that a comment to the first answer is the cleanest way if you don't want to edit the answer. This way you allow the answerer to edit it himself.
Hello :)
Anyone wants to test LaTeX-generated ebooks? :-)
@Raphink Hello
@Raphink Hi! I would like to test them, the only problem is I don't have an e-reader ...
so I'm afraid I cannot help you...
whatever device you wish to test on (Kindle, Cybook, Kobo, Sony, iPhone, iPad, your other phone…)
well, my phone is a dumb-phone :-/
@PatrickGundlach what are the advantages?
@Raphink Absolutely!
@AndrewStacey: cc-translators.github.com. Screenshots/feedback welcome!
polices incluses = embedded fonts
just realized this page is a mix of English and French :S
@Raphink I can read enough French to be able to comment on the look, I reckon.
I believe that 11:0 votes shows that the tags should be linked: meta.tex.stackexchange.com/questions/2699/… Would any mod (@Jos ?) do it please?
@tohecz Done
@JosephWright Thankies Joseph :)
@Raphink My mom works in a drug-store, so I know how often she calls the doctor to ask what he has prescribed.
@Costi advantages over what? I mean, I just use ST2 and I am happy. There are probably better editors out there.
Can I write votes are free and superficial answer to this?
Q: Does GIS have a low voting problem?

Brett WhiteI work at Stack Exchange in the ol' community development department, and I would like to say both "hello" to the GIS community and inform you that we think GIS has shown a lot of potential for awesome, exponential growth. We want to focus some of our energy on the site. One suggestion I have fo...

@percusse Please do it! :)
@AndrewStacey which format will you test?
@Raphink Epub. It's what I'm most interested in.
there's also an epub with embedded fonts (some, not all fonts)
which should look more like the PDF
we should have and for MathJaX and GmailTeX and such. Five people would add these tags to their favourites and vote to close such tagged questions immediately.
@percusse Yes, you can I think :)
@PatrickGundlach Yeah, silly question, sorry.
@PauloCereda tex.stackexchange.com/users?tab=voters&filter=all Only the first row distributed 520k of reputation. We know where most of them went to but still quite weird. :)
Of course we also have this
@percusse Wow! :D
There're few strange things:
Tata Tarquino
790 votes
there's a user with 10 reputation and 790 votes this month?
and with only 160 total rep?
@tohecz Enjoys to hang out here apparently. I think it's quite common.
@percusse How do you make pictures to put in the questions? I've got a decent answer from the answers posted, but I don't know any easy way to get the image out, certainly not as fast as you did.
@percusse is the sorting wrong? @egreg is on the second row…
@percusse actually, the first thing that came to my mind was "serial upvoter" :p
@JackSchmidt I use the lightshot add-on firefox. Saves directly the screenshot to png and I upload it.
@Raphink That's a sorting on voting not rep maybe that's what you have assumed?
@percusse , right, just noticed.
I'm placed quite the same for rep and voting (middle of second page)
@Costi There are no silly questions!
@tohecz We don't accept new members that easily among us :)
maybe it would help to have keyboard shortcuts for voting
j/k => scroll between question and answers
+/- => up/downvote
@JackSchmidt Oh and I use QTikZ for the compilation which can also export to png
* => mark question as favorite or select answer
@percusse I would not say so, when I first said "Hello" here in Chat, I surely considered myself a new user, and I found that everybody is ok here :)
(where "ok" on TeX.SX means "loves to dig deep into @-ful LaTeX codes")
On the other hand, I became "Outspoken" just recently, 8 months after registration...
@tohecz Oops. That went wrong. I meant the serial voters club. :) of course the other meaning would be terrible. It's just a weird gag between me and Paulo.
@percusse LOL
@percusse so what is the entrance exam / ritual?
A random question now
I like very much the \ref system from \label
of course I use it with table and figure names, as well as with sections.
Is there a way to use it with items that I don't want to print in the main text?
@tohecz there is a question that noone knows, even lockstep didn't edited and @PauloCereda and me didn't voted and egreg didn't answered.... You have to find and upvote it. Here take this ergonomic mouse with you, it will show you the way.
@percusse There're many such questions, e.g. here: cstheory.stackexchange
@percusse <3
It's hard to phrase this, so forgive me, please. The example would be: I want to refer to a certain number of variables. At the moment I have 56 variables, so every time I talk about them, I have a regular text in the body of my paragraphs that say 'fifty-six'.
Suppose I am changing the number of variables later. There should be a way to automatize this.
@Costi You mean you want to create a \label that points to something non-existent that you want to specify?
@tohecz Exactly
That should be easy, gimme a sec
Add this to the preamble:
Then you can say \setcurrentlabel{FooBar}\label{fb} and since now, \ref{fb} will change to FooBar
sorry, there's a mistake
@tohecz I'll wait :)
I've fixed it already, there was one missing @
Thank you! I'll try this. I starred your answer
should I add \setcurrentlabel{FooBar}\label{fb} in the preamble?
@Costi I would better use it after \begin{document}, but the position does not matter. You just (obviously) cannot put it between \caption and its \label, \section and its \label etc.
@Costi See this question:
Q: Convert any number to corresponding word

Count ZeroThis is a wild one: can anyone write a code that converts a number into the corresponding word? e.g.: 4 -> 'four' 31 -> 'thirty-one' and so on. Obviously, it is not enough to build an array in which you can store the numbers and the word associated with it and then just print instead of ...

@tohecz it returns an error: ! Paragraph ended before \T@ref was complete.
do you use hyperref or other command that manipulates \ref?
@Costi Then say \newcommand\mynumberofvariables{56}. I'm not sure why you want to use \ref for this.
@AndrewStacey Thank you! My problem is when I change the number, not with the spelling
@Costi Yes, so you use \newcommand\mynumberofvariables{56} in the preamble and then \numberstringnum{\mynumberofvariables} in the text.
@AndrewStacey I want to use \ref because my dissertation has 400 pages now and I keep correcting my variable number
@AndrewStacey @Costi Yes, it seems you can avoid using the \label-\ref system at all
@AndrewStacey that sounds good
@Costi How do you currently specify the variable number?
@AndrewStacey manually: regular text.
! Undefined control sequence again
@Costi Right, so there's no need to use the \label-\ref system with this. Try the fmtcount package.
even worse with fmtcount. I have many errors now
! Missing number, treated as zero
! Missing = inserted for \ifnum.
! Package fmtcount Error: Out of range
@Costi Sounds like you should try it first with a small test document.
@AndrewStacey @Costi Yes, like this one:




lowercase: \varcnt

caps: \VarCnt

@AndrewStacey Pity that \numberstringnum is not fully expandable...
@tohecz it surely works this way
but what's wrong in my real document?
there must be some other package that I am loading and that conflicts with this
@tohecz also, there is no space after \varcnt is printed.
@Costi That's standard: \macro something always swallows the space. You can avoid it manually by \macro{} something or \macro\ something. If you want \macro to put the space in itself you need the xspace package.
@tohecz Yes. That's why I ended up with a different solution when I recently needed something similar to this.
@Costi Add them back in one by one to build up to the preamble in your real document.
Bounties work:
A: Rounded corners in TikZ trees.

Sašo ŽivanovićAs already mentioned, the only real solution is to define a new shape, with correct border anchors. So, here it is: rectangle with rounded corners. The radius of the corner is controllable by /pgf/rectangle corner radius. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{intersections} ...

@AndrewStacey I have problems with displaying the site. Looks like a simple html site
@boothby81 Take a look at the rounded rectangles question: there's an answer that at first sight looks good. Try it out and let me know if it works for you (so I can assess whether or not to award it the bounty).
@MarcoDaniel Errr ... not sure what you're referring to there. Did you mean that to be a reply to me and to that particular comment?
@AndrewStacey I have problems with displaying the site. You referenced a question and I thought "Does Andrea have the same problems?". I know it was out of the contents. Sorry.
@MarcoDaniel You mean the main site, then? Sorry, that's the bit that wasn't clear to me. It looks fine to me. Sounds like the CSS file isn't getting applied.
@AndrewStacey The main site and every question. Maybe I must restart.
@AndrewStacey I know that LuaTeX is not a re-implementation. That makes it even worse in some sense: It uses the good tex-3.141592 core and still it has problems.
@MarcoDaniel I had the same problem last night on my iPad
... it looked like a mobile site
@tohecz There are reasons: what LuaTeX does is very complex
@JosephWright Yes I know there are reasons. This is nothing against LuaTeX, it is just an explanation why TeX written in JS is something "unpossible"
@tohecz Why? I mean, people do everythign in JS nowadays
@PatrickGundlach Ditto. Looks alright now on iPad and laptop
@tohecz I'd say as big (if not bigger) issue are the fact that people expect browser content to reflow (issues with breaks, etc.) and the amount of stuff needed to run an arbitrary LaTeX document (packages plus fonts)
@tohecz There is a PC emulator in JavaScript, you can run TeX on top of it
@PatrickGundlach ok, speak about efficiency
@PatrickGundlach The real problem with doing it in JS is that it separates authorship of the code from rendering of the content. With TeX, we're in the mindset of knowing exactly what the output will look like. That's not possible with a browser-based implementation.
@JosephWright traffic is not the problem IMHO. If you allowed large cache for it, the traffic would be close to zero with your second document using Latin Modern
@tohecz Depends on the situation: on a slow connection downloading fonts/packages would be much worse than getting the PDF. But the reflow part is what really worries me, as @AndrewStacey says.
@JosephWright There're too many worrying things for it to run smooth and correct. There's an un-measureable gap between MathJaX and such implementation
Heiko's summed it up pretty well.
So Knuth has really made computer programming into an art form. The masterpiece resists being plagiarized ;-)
@AndrewStacey but where did I use \macro?
@AndrewStacey I added \macro{\varcnt} but now I get ! Paragraph ended before \T@ref was complete.
@Costi You used \varcnt
The \macro was only an example. Every macro does it
! LaTeX Error: Command \macro already defined.
You have to write I used \LaTeX{} to produce this document (notice the braces)
@tohecz sorry, I don't know what a macro is
Similarly you have to write I have \varcnt{} variables.
every macro "eats" spaces, so you have to put there empty braces so that the macro stops eating spaces
@tohecz thank you for the explanation. Everything I try to add to fix this, though, returns more errors.




The present work is intended to offer an outline of the





The present work is intended to offer an outline of the
\varcnt\ variables.

@AndrewStacey I think that does it.
the problem is still that I can't run it in my original document
@Costi What packages are you loading in your original document?
\markright {{% %%% original \MakeUppercase
\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne
\@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ %
@Costi Works for me with the basic text from the snippet above. What error message are you getting in the full document?
wait: maybe I fixed it
@AndrewStacey This is GREAT!!
How can I say thank you with some stars or similar?
@Costi I take it from that that it is now working.
@AndrewStacey there's a tricky thing
when \varcnt\ is inside the chapter title
@Costi Ok, give me a minute, I'll make it work even inside chapter titles
If you have problems making it work
@tohecz Thanks!
@Costi Replace \newcommand with \DeclareRobustCommand
Hi @Herbert! :) Would you like to be our next interviewee? It's an honour for all of us to interview you for our community blog. :)
@AndrewStacey damn why's there a standard way for everything errrrr
anyways, this is the manual way:
\defcsname varcnt \endcsname{\numberstringnum{\xvarcnt}}
\defcsname VarCnt \endcsname{\Numberstringnum{\xvarcnt}}
\begingroup\catcode`\ 11\relax
\gdef\varcnt{\protect\varcnt }
\gdef\VarCnt{\protect\VarCnt }
@PauloCereda You scared him off!
It took me quite a lot of time to understand how this \protect trick works
@AndrewStacey Oh no!
Actually, it was one of the first things @egreg has taught me :)
@tohecz \defcsname = \@namedef
@tohecz Anyway, would be easier with \expandafter\protected\expandafter\def\csname :-)
@JosephWright requires @-syntax, but it would be one global def less
@JosephWright Ok, now I need to get to know what \protected does
@tohecz Yes, I know, but you could save the memory with \expandafter\let\expandafter\defcsname\csname @namedef\endcsname
@JosephWright or save lots of \xp by \makeat(letter|other)
@tohecz e-TeX mechanism. \protected macros do not expand inside \edef, \write, etc.
@JosephWright So I can simply do \protected\def\varcnt{\foo{bar}} ?
@tohecz Yes
... and no need for having \varcnt and \varcnt<space> ?
@tohecz Exactly
nice :)
but well, to be honest, many tricks in TeX are dirty, but this one with the space is a good candidate for the dirtiest one
e-TeX protected macros are 'better behaved' than LaTeX2e robust ones as they are protected by the engine itself. That's why we've decided all non-expandable macros have to be protected for LaTeX3
@tohecz I think the one based around \edef\foo{\iffalse}\fi is much trickier :-)
@JosephWright Is it the one that makes \foo expand to a closing bracket?
@tohecz It's a way to 'string together' things that would otherwise not work. @BrunoLeFloch is a big fan: several LaTeX3 internals use it for performance reasons.
@AndrewStacey that's only for the chapter names, right?
@tohecz See for example \seq_remove_all:Nn
@Costi using \DeclareRobustCommand makes the commands work inside chapter titles, captions etc.
@JosephWright I have an old TL with no trace of L3 at all :-(
so I know really nothing about Expl_Syntax either
@tohecz now it goes: ! Missing control sequence inserted.
@tohecz Oh well: which TL? Which pdfTeX version?
@Costi Need a bit more context. Paste the new definition lines.
@Costi Did you put it like this? \DeclareRobustCommand{\varcnt}{\numberstringnum{\xvarcnt}}
pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6)
texlive.i686 2007-48
@tohecz OK, so if you wanted you could do a local install of LaTeX3 (we only require pdfTeX 1.30)
well, I guess I can wait for a new PC and then install the new clean smooth TL2012 :)
@tohecz One of the design requirements is to work with older pdfTeXs (1.30 is around 2005, so we should be okay)
@JosephWright nice. Still, I found I'm not able to easily configure tlmgr so I don't have package updates. Even a documentclass I build needs to files I had to manually download from CTAN... :-/
@tohecz That's what I meant by a local install: CTAN has l3kernel.tds.zip and l3packages.tds.zip which you can unzip inside ~/texmf and be good-to-go
@JosephWright well, as I said, I'll get a new PC soon (I hope) and I'll be happy.
@PauloCereda thanks Paulo. But that makes no real sense because there is already one at tug.org/interviews/voss.html
@Herbert Our interviews are a bit different :-)
@JosephWright indeed :)
@PatrickGundlach Indeed. I restart helped
@Herbert Ah, I see. :) As Joseph said, our interviews usually take a different route than the ones done by David Walden; so I'd say our interview would complement TUG's interview. :) Anyway, it's always an honour and a privilege to have you here with us in the main site, and now in the main chatroom. :)
100 years old package will be opened soon.
@MarcoDaniel awww <3
@PauloCereda Did you read the nice compliment about the manual
@MarcoDaniel "kudos also for its tremendously readable manual. I wish many others could be so good — biblatex manual authors are you listening!??" ROFL
@tohecz Yes this one ;-)
@MarcoDaniel I don't want to hurt anybody, but been there (with biblatex).
@tohecz Ehehe. A detail : biblatex has no manual but a reference document, so we should only criticize the absence of a manual not the quality. It's a tremendous task to write a reference manual like that.
@PauloCereda: Why don't you or @MarcoDaniel or @Brent add an answer to that question using arara? Or is it difficult to do that with arara?
@percusse Ok, whatever. (with no mean to harm you) I tried to make a biblatex style that would come out the same as my makebst-made bibtex style, I opened the only supporting material I found on ctan, and I gave up.
@percusse Agreed. The biblatex reference manual is a masterpiece. :)
@HarishKumar Good question. I think this question should be answered by the author
bubkatex LOL typo fail.
@PauloCereda I thought a new TeX distribution ;-)
@percusse I think it's wrong that with BibTeX you have to write a code of some postfix language, so I'm glad that an alternative is being developed, but so far I failed in using it.
@PauloCereda: Paulo want to give a try?
@HarishKumar Sadly, I still don't have a plan on how to check for updates on files from arara, so my answer would be that arara can't help with the compilation process, although the automation part is easy.
@HarishKumar I'm not sure, I need to think of an epic solution. :)
@tohecz No problem, I have the same problem occasionally about IEEE but one should see that this is a big deal. Not just, here biblatex use it. I've thought also that it would be easy but if you think about the number of exceptions, it wouldn't be any easier with a manual. So I think the perception is adding on top of the disappointment.
@PauloCereda Next to this limitation I think you should write an answer. By the way: The limitation will be fixed in the next release ;-)
@PauloCereda: You will do, ofcourse. BTW, I could not figure out how I can update arara. (I am very lazy to download and copy things to their respective folders) Is there a shortcut or easy way? If not, is there any plan to do it?
@HarishKumar Depends on your system. Do you use Unix?
@MarcoDaniel: ;)
@PauloCereda: The great windows 7
@HarishKumar For the next version, hopefully a simple tlmgr update arara will suffice. :) For now, download arara.jar and replace the old file by the new one. :)
Sorry it was to @MarcoDaniel
@percusse Honestly, I must claim that with BibTeX, I tried to do some large configurations. Then ended up finding makebst. But in the end, I had to change the automade bst file, because I wanted some really fine-tuning
@HarishKumar For unix I have a small script
Anyway thanks @PauloCereda
@MarcoDaniel: Windows????
@HarishKumar My pleasure. :) I'm thinking of promoting @MarcoDaniel to arara manager. :D
@PauloCereda: What about rules then? and I use MikTeX
@PauloCereda LOL
@percusse (The fine-tuning was e.g. make all citation in [Sur00] style, but have [www1] for web links and especially [wiki1] for Wikipaedia references)
@HarishKumar Rules are compatible, don't worry. :)
@tohecz Sigh. The biblatex manual is a manual: I really don't know what people want.
@PauloCereda: I mean newly added rules (for e.g., as those added by Brent)
@MarcoDaniel: Do you have anything for windows?
@HarishKumar They are not in the official installer. Probably they'll make for the next release. :)
@HarishKumar MiKTeX is pretty-much cross-compatible with TeX Live in terms of command-line syntax
@JosephWright Unbelievably, you can write 10 manuals for the same thing, and they are 1) completely different in concept and 2) completely different in readability and being easy-to-use
@tohecz :-)
@PauloCereda: Wow. Hopefully miktex will also be aware of arara and update!
@JosephWright My own bad experience made me laugh about that sentence, as I said, it is no offense towards its authors, because biblatex is quite a large project and moreover still in progress
@JosephWright I'm really sorry to have my humble tool associated to some misconception of manuals/quickstarts/tutorials. biblatex is the most complete manual I ever seen in my TeX life, and I can find everything in there. :)
@JosephWright: A lazy fellow like me would love to hate command line :P
Now I really have to go, see ya in some 2 hours maybe :)
@HarishKumar I'll always release an installer, even when arara gets incorporated into TL. :) So MiKTeX users can use it too. :)
@PauloCereda: Thanks and that settles it.
@PauloCereda I suspect people want a 'how to customise' guide, but that's simply not realistic
@tohecz Yes, I did something very similar to IEEE style. reading the ieeetran.bst and replicating with biblatex. Maybe I should say it like this. bibtex offers 10 choices but biblatex has 1200. so you have to know the crucial ones to get a feeling which is important which is not in the short term. Hence the difficulty. It's a ridiculously rich tool so using it is equally difficult. I don't think you can get a TikZ manual out of biblatex.
numbers are arbitrary
Also I'm not about to rewrite all of PL's work
@JosephWright Yes, that's true. People expect a \chapter{A five-minute tutorial about \texttt{biblatex}}. :)
@percusse still, you have makebst that does like 80% of your work even if you need some fine-tuning. And then, if you understand the code at least a bit, you're able to do this fine-tuning by yourself.
@PauloCereda Quite. I have enough trouble with siunitx, where choosing what to cover at the start is tricky
Good night friends. See you in about 6hrs.
@HarishKumar Good night, Harish! :)
@JosephWright One thing I love: commenting code. One thing I hate: writing manuals. :)
@PauloCereda I think the manual of biblatex is written for high level (or middle level) users. In some parts the normal user can't understand the whole functionality.
@MarcoDaniel The aim, I think, was that 'users' would read only the \usepackage{biblatex} part, and that most of the material is for experienced LaTeX programmers to create new styles
@tohecz Same problem, you can make a makebst for bibtex but biblatex counterpart of it would be, just like the manual, like an A380 cockpit.
@MarcoDaniel That's the price you pay for sophisticated code. :) I see nobody complaining about lipsum's manual. :)
@PauloCereda LOL --- but completely right
@tohecz You really made my skin creep with your advice of turning a PDF into a bitmap just to make it monochrome. Please delete that comment, I already feel a big black hole opening to suck in all the document quality in the universe!
Yay! TeX Gyre Pagella Math - another opentype maths font.
@AndrewStacey ????
How did you come across that?
(If anyone was wondering: it's a story from Norway. A sealed package was given to a Norwegian town by its first mayor in 1927. The package is dated 1912, and on it is written "can be opened 2012". It'll be opened in about 17 minutes.)
@AndrewStacey Joseph Wright mentioned this a while ago.
@TorbjørnT. Well, UK-TUG did put some money up for the project (before I joined the committee)
@TorbjørnT. As you know, everything comes later to Norway. Oh, wait. I'm not there at the moment. Errr ...
@TorbjørnT. I'm good at obscure stuff :)
Why do I think the package has some joke? :)
@PauloCereda Sorry all the horse shit jokes are taken. :)
@percusse Apparently.
@percusse LOL
ooooh maybe there's cake!
@PauloCereda I hope not ...
Q: Using \lstinline[] changes all text colour in editor after use

Rob DBen using \lstinline today from the listings package... and every time I use it, it seems to change the colour of all text following it in texmaker to light brown... which is very annoying when trying to separate what is what in the text. Anyone know why? and a fix? This is how I'm using it... ...

I'll send a package to TUG to be opened only in next year's TUG Conference. :)
Q: (La)TeX Web browser

user1004847I had an idea this morning and would like to share and to know if someone has already developed it somewhere! A Mozilla group is currently building a JavaScript Application able to transform any PDF code into HTML5, so you don't need any plugin to external PDF reader (Adobe, Evince, Xpdf,...). I...

Buzzword detected: cloud.
TeX in the cloud: rainy days and mondays always let me down.
@PauloCereda It'll be fresh lutefisk
@AndrewStacey ooh!
Why is there a piano there?!
No, please, don't tell me Céline Dion will sing.
@PauloCereda He gave it with the package It didn't fit...
@percusse LOL
Why 100 years, why not 143 or 91? I blame the mathematicians.
The crown has shrunk.
Is it a regular postal ceremony for all envelopes?
@percusse That's about how long post takes for Norway, so yes.
@AndrewStacey :)
@AndrewStacey Ode to another successful postal delivery
I have no idea of what's happening now.
I think they have double booked the hall.
It would be so awesome if the package had some sort of archaic version of snake nut can.
It would be awesome if they can just open it and then talk :P
@percusse :)
@percusse: no drums, but a bagpipe! :)
Now, the bagpipes. :)
I really want to look at the frequency spectrum of bagpipe sound (as I know it as tulum). It's truly driving me crazy and I wonder why
gotta love the production though... just for a package.
@percusse CTAN announcements for packages should follow those lines. :)
Bring the bagpipe!
and all updates
oops, she almost kicked the piano.
my second favorite : modern dance.... fall down like you're shot, get up like a zombie
@percusse LOL
Where's @DavidCarlisle? :)
I suppose they x-rayed it beforehand so they know what's in it. Airport scanners are pretty accurate :-)
@StephanLehmke I thought the same. :) I'd love to see a snake in the nut can though. :)
first our local ikea tables .....
Zoom it, camera guy!
@PatrickGundlach: quick, go here: vgtv.no/#!id=55544 :)
It's another package saying "open in 2112" ;-)
@StephanLehmke It would be awesome. :)
I don't understand a single word. It didn't even help turning on the loudspeaker :)
@JosephWright With the example of \seq_remove_all:Nn you picked one of the most complicated ones :). \seq_get_right:NN is probably simpler @tohecz.
Hi guys, anyone knows MikTeX a little bit? (Mostly, does it install stuff under both Program Files and Users, or did the user emailing me make a mess of his install?)
@BrunoLeFloch That was rather the point :-)
@BrunoLeFloch Installation for MiKTeX has main tree inside Program Files, with various bits and pieces inside %APPDATA%
Hi guys, good to you all
@azetina Hello
@azetina 'ello. :)
@JosephWright Right, so it's probably an old installation he/she did in "\Users\<user name>\Roaming\MikTeX\2.9\...". I've sent her/him an email.
@azetina Hello
@BrunoLeFloch That happens if you don't have admin rights
Just corrected a shocking omission on my computer: which arara no longer reports arara not found.
@AndrewStacey awwww <3
@JosephWright Ah, good point. I'll investigate.
@Andrew: hopefully the new version will hit CTAN, so updating TL will be enough. :)
@PauloCereda That's where I first looked for it. I just like that big friendly "SUCCESS" at the end. Bit like HH2G.
@AndrewStacey :) I'm still working in the new version, but I hope to have it ready for CTAN on the middle of September. :)
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