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I am trying to use \put command to put labels beside figures
but am not able to guess proper coordinates where to put it
how to know which coordinatews to start with
can i get coordinates of the start of figure caption after compiling a tex file?
7 hours later…
I'm puzzled that writing out a file using filecontents apparently does not need -shell-escape.
@FaheemMitha Neither does writing the aux-file…
@FaheemMitha TeX can write files :)
@TeXnician I thought that one had special dispensation.
@JosephWright I thought only certain files were allowed.
@FaheemMitha No, any files subject to restrictions on the locations (usually 'within the current directory')
@JosephWright OK. Thank you for the clarification.
1 hour later…
This might be a bug in the Python library Pandas.
@FaheemMitha Had to run python separately, but other than that I get an ! Undefined control sequence.<argument> \string \@writefile {\ext@table error, not the warning mentioned. Using e.g. the article class instead of scrlttr2 solves that problem. I do not get the warning you mention after changing class.
@TorbjørnT. Did you use Pandas 1.3?
@TorbjørnT. It's odd you got that error. I don't. Any idea why?
I get the same error for both article and scrartcl (not scrlttr2).
@FaheemMitha Yes.
@FaheemMitha Because letter classes aren't set up for captioned tables, I guess.
@TorbjørnT. OK, then I guess it's been fixed.
@TorbjørnT. My example uses scrartcl, so I'm not sure where you got scrlttr2 from.
@FaheemMitha No it doesn't. Click the link you posted above.
@TorbjørnT. You're right, it doesn't. But I still don't see your error.
Changing to scrartcl now.
Sorry about that. I certainly meant to use scrartcl.
@FaheemMitha I get the error with the code below with a fairly up do date TeX Live 2021, but not on Overleaf's TL2020, so perhaps something changed in the class.
   1 &   51
@TorbjørnT. I don't know why this would give an error, because it's not spread over two pages. What does the error look like?
No error here, with TeX Live 2020.
@FaheemMitha I told you earlier what the error was. (It doesn't have anything to with splitting across pages.)
@FaheemMitha Roughly the same versionas on Overleaf then.
@TorbjørnT. Oh, the undefined control sequence one? And that only happens with scrlttr2?
@FaheemMitha Yes.
@TorbjørnT. Hmm. So, should it be reported?
@FaheemMitha Possibly, I don't know if it's by design or a mistake.
@TorbjørnT. OK. Well, maybe ask someone.
I can't reproduce it currently, so I won't be asking anyone about that.
@TorbjørnT. OK, so this one looks like it was fixed in 2020. github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/34360
4 hours later…
Hello my friends in the U.S. and the Anglo-Saxon language areas;
I have a language question.

Can I say: "to overdrive someone (with a car)"?
@cis -- "overdrive" is a term referring to the gear ratio of the car. If I understand correctly what you're asking, i.e., does this refer to an unfortunate accident, what you want to say is "to run over someone (with a car)".
@barbarabeeton Aha, I understand.
@cis As @barbarabeeton you can't "overdrive" someone. You can "drive over" or "run over" someone, but they have different meanings. "run over" means to hit them with the car; "drive over" doesn't actually have that meaning, for example in a stunt you could say "the magician drove over the assistant". Or if you were standing under a bridge, I clearly drive over you, but I definitely didn't run you over.
@cis Part of this is that the `over' in 'run over' is a particle (like a German separable prefix), where as in 'drive over' it's just a regular preposition. So you can say "I ran him over" but you can't say "I drove him over" (at least not with the same meaning).
@cis Also, you can say 'overrun' as a verb, but this has a totally different meaning. E.g. "Venice is overrun by tourists in the summer" (well it used to be...)
@AlanMunn -- Yes. The magician case is very specific. With respect to the bridge, it's true that you'd drive above the location where one is standing, but I'd find it unusual to express that as driving over the person. (Bridges are eminently suitable places to hide under in rainstorms, and I've done that many times in my Swedish car, though I don't think that makes me a troll.)
"Drive across a bridge" seems to me more common than "drive over a bridge". If I heard someone say "run over a bridge", I'd think of something like the New York City marathon.
@barbarabeeton Yes, of course, because most particle verbs also have a prepositional version as well (given that particles are fundamentally prepositions). But for me, 'drive over the bridge' is just as natural as 'drive across the bridge'.
@barbarabeeton The main point is that 'drive over someone' never has the hit with the car interpretation, which means that you'll always need to have a special context to make it reasonable.
Aha, so I believe when I say (incorrectly):
"I overdrive Amy".
Then it will probably be understood more as a sexual innuendo.
@AlanMunn -- I wonder if that's regional? To me, those two expressions have slightly different connotations. "Drive across" puts the emphasis on getting to the other side, while "drive over" puts the emphasis on the bridge itself. (Cf. "over the river and through the woods".)
@cis No, it really has not much meaning at all, since 'overdrive' can't really be used as a verb ever.
@cis -- I'm not sure I'd think that; more likely that you didn't learn English as a child growing up among native English speakers.
@barbarabeeton While I agree with your contrast, it's very weak for the 'over' case for me. For example if I were giving someone directions I'd still use 'over' rather than 'across' as a preference (although I could also use 'across').
@AlanMunn -- Hmmm. Trying to reconstruct what's more often used here in Rhode Island. (Can no longer remember what was common in Baltimore when I was growing up. But admittedly, I've lived in quite close proximity to bridges in both places. In Baltimore, my house was about two blocks from a substantial stone bridge, and whether I crossed over or walked under depended on where I was going.)
user image
So I like the English language because of its simplicity.

But I have to say that - for me - this is imprecise in many places.

E.g. education for a job is sometimes called 'professional training'.
For me, that would be more like professional sports training.
@cis All language is heavily context dependent. In a sense this is informationally efficient. Why have a separate word for each distinct concept when you can use context to select the relevant meanings.
@TorbjørnT. sorry blame @UlrikeFischer could you put a bug report in at the latex github issues. stick \def\ext@table{lot} pretty much anywhere to fix it
@DavidCarlisle who should provide this command? A class or latex? Wasn't that changed because of a koma feature request?
@UlrikeFischer yes it was but there's no harm in longtable doing \providecommand\ext@tablle{lot} or equivalent so it works with classes that have not set up tables
@DavidCarlisle yes.
@UlrikeFischer See. I knew I was right to blame you.
@DavidCarlisle a small blame is better than none at all ;-)
@DavidCarlisle do you know why w32tex.org is gone?
@UlrikeFischer maybe it's gone on holiday, like me
@DavidCarlisle no it seems to be closed completly. The (one) link is now texlive.texjp.org/2021/w32tex
@UlrikeFischer oh it goes to a japanese ISP holding page translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&u=http://…
Context-independence is what the German language tries to establish.
We say 'Berufsausbildung' (= 'education for the work in a (defined) job').
Often it is heared shorter 'Ausbildung', that allows for a non-German-speaker the interpretation 'education' or 'training'; but to eliminate this interpretation-space there is, as I said, the word 'Berufsausbildung'.
@DavidCarlisle and ctan.org/pkg/w32tex names Akira as inactive?
I use the titling package and I very much need to break the title at a specific point (linebreak). But using `\` cases the spacing between the first and second line to be way too small (much smaller than if I let LaTeX break the line naturally).
Does this sound familiar and is there a quickfix (I hope not to have to post a full MWE on main at this time ...)
I ended up putting in an \rule{0pt}{1.1em}. Ugly but worked.
@DavidCarlisle Thanks, done.
1 hour later…
Using package scrletter instead auf class scrlttr2 would work
@mrpiggi Thanks, but that wasn't really necessary :) It wasn't my document in the first place, and scrlttr2 was introduced to the example by accident, so no one here actually needed to write a letter with a captioned table.

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