@DavidCarlisle I am too innocent to reset the page size. My dream is to calculate the header height in advance to pass it to geometry since I don't guarantee every time I change something in the document, the header will have the same height or I will be able to calculate the new height.
I found myself solved it by % arara: --> flag = (exists('log') && found ('log','(Undefined control sequence|Error)')) || flag;
@DavidCarlisle Earlier, I was advised to compile in nonstopmode to make the compilation come to an end in case of errors without going in endless compilation. Do you recommend another way?
@barbarabeeton :D Thank you :) Speaking of surnames, I'm gonna get my sisters to help me with the book and list authors as Beck, Beck, Beck, and Beck XD
@barbarabeeton Speaking of which, back in the 80s sometime, I visited the Courant Institute briefly. While there, I chatted with an Icelandic postdoc (I think) there. He had his wife and kid with him, and he told me about their experience enrolling the kid in school. The person taking down their names etc. was completely confused by the father, the mother, and the child all having different last names. They tried to explain, but in the end she said, …
… “you know, dears, it would be so much easier if you just got married!”
@Diaa whichever mode you run in you can not use the pdf file if there was any error, if you use nonstopmode it might get to the end to make a pdf but that is only useful for debugging not as an actual document.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen -- Oh, I'm not much of a gamer, but I loved that one. I believe that DEK has rewritten it in MIXX. (Should check.) Jigsaw and crossword puzzles are more in my line.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Reminds me of the time I was visiting my mother at the care home and I had my son with me. This lady, around seventy maybe, asks me very kind like "Oh, is this your youngest child?" To which I replied "No, this is my only child." THe look on her face was priceless. XD
@HaraldHanche-Olsen :D Well, we have a writer with a degree in French, a customs officer with a degree in Swedish, an archeologist (PhD) and a linguist (soon to be PhD) so it's gonna be something XD Maybe we should rope dad into it as well. Then we'd have an ex-farmer with a degree in History as well XD
Quick scope question: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/573622/… feels off-topic, as it is not about R-in-TeX but only about R. Or do we include general R questions?
@Skillmon -- Does that mean that rabbits will attack much larger two-legged creatures? (I'll have to watch my stuffed bunny more carefully! I always knew she was subversive.)
@barbarabeeton Then again, somebody would probably have the same reaction over the fact that I've never seen a single Friends episode. :p
@Skillmon nah, nagging is more fun. "Are you gonna do it like that?" "No, it's fine, you do it like you want." "It's not what I would do but whatever." ... "Are you gonna put that much?" "Why don't you put more?" (as you can hear I'm an expert "back seat baker" :p)
@Plergux -- We actually have lived without a TV for at least ten years. When we are staying in a hotel, the first thing my husband does is pick up the remote and turn it on.
@barbarabeeton Well, we haven't had any TV stations for almost two decades now, but we watch a lot of movies. And TV shows. And cartoons. The movies I've seen probably number in the hundreds.
@AlanMunn -- Thank you! (I didn't actually realize it was my name day.) The day I really want to be prepared for is the day of the winter solstice. Soon ...
@Plergux -- It's been suggested that I ask you about Þorrablót, According to Wikipedia, it happens in mid-January (which is much closer to mid-winter than the solstice) and is now celebrated with "traditional" foods. (If that includes pickled fish, count me in.)
@yo' no rush (and I should probably ask overleaf support) but is it clear why overleaf made main.pdf but doesn't show it here?
@JairoA.delRio almost got it: check this overleaf context project overleaf.com/read/gqkyhmftnrrw It actually worked, if you look in "other files" the main.pdf has been generated but latexmk is confused and has a non zero error status so overleaf thingks it has errored and doesn't show the pdf. That must be fixable by someone who knows latexmk... — David Carlisle1 min ago
@UlrikeFischer actually with the latest version with zzz.aux I'm not sure why ot fails to display on overleaf, I get status 0 from latexmk when i try it locally
@UlrikeFischer oh of course overleaf uses --jobname so I need output.pdf
@UlrikeFischer I never write tex files with errors
@UlrikeFischer to do it properly (short of writing the perl so latexmk actually understands a context log) you would replace that copy of a latex log with some grep in the real log fo errors then write (any) tex error to the log you construct.
@UlrikeFischer but doing any more is consulting for Overleaf for free and it's bed time:-)