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> GitHub has reversed its decision to boot YouTube-dl, a popular tool for archiving YouTube videos, from its platform. The company restored repositories this week after "additional information" convinced it that an archiving tool is not in and of itself a copyright violation—no matter what the music industry says.
@PauloCereda Well done GitHub!
@Plergux woo
@Plergux it's still Microsoft, though. :)
@PauloCereda Yeah, well, since I needed software that required either Microsoft or Macintosh, out of these two evils I prefer Microsoft a thousand times over Mac. :p I mean, you can go to the Windows store now and download Ubuntu! All you get when you get a Mac is debt. :p
@PauloCereda oh god, I'm gonna puke...
/shares carrot with sheep person
@PauloCereda /munches carrot happily
/saves some carrots for mr. rabbit
user image
@PauloCereda LOL
@Plergux the feature looks... fishy :)
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy
@Plergux Wise words. Apple wants to charge you for everything. Or so I hear.
@PauloCereda I wonder where that fish has gone?!
@Plergux ooh a most elusive fish
@Plergux I was actually thinking of youtube.com/watch?v=cUusX1Js6R0 instead of MP's fish sketch, but it worked perfectly! :D
@FaheemMitha Yeah, I've never bought anything from Mac. Things are generally expensive here (Iceland) but the price tags on Mac stuff are usually double the amount on other stuff. And I was once working in a preschool when they decided to buy tablets to use with the kids, and the silly woman bought iPads when we only had Windows computers and they ended up being half useless because we couldn't sync them with anything.
@Plergux That does sound quite foolish.
Apple stuff is very expensive here too.
These days MS is probably the lesser of two evils, though of course one is better off using a free OS.
@PauloCereda Ah, I didn't know that one. I know Sesame Street, but back in the day there were two TV stations in Iceland, a public one which showed the Muppet Show, and a private one which was scrambled which for some reason showed Sesame Street. XD So I grew up knowing all the Muppets from the public TV but had no idea about the Sesame Street until a lot later :p
@Plergux oh same here! IIRC only Muppets were available in public television.
@FaheemMitha Well, she knew nothing about computers. None of the women there did. I'd only been there a week when they started calling me for help if something wasn't "working" XD
@Plergux Ouch. She should have not been making computer purchases, then.
Is this school in Iceland too?
Hey, I hardly ever get a chance to talk to someone in Iceland. How is it there?
Yes, I'm waiting for my husband to buy a new desktop. Then our kid will get the old desktop and I can have his old laptop. So I'm gonna put linux on it. :p
That woman was the head teacher so from her point of view she was in charge of everything, no matter if she knew what she was doing or not :| (yes, also in Iceland)
Iceland today is cold :p half closed for covid :| and quite expensive :p
@Plergux ooh SheepLinux :)
@Plergux I remember Assange saying that Iceland says that Iceland now had the strongest civil liberties protections in the world. It's been so long, I can't remember where I read or heard that. Or even exactly what it means.
Apparently he'd been working with legislators. But in any case, I understand that Iceland is quite a progressive place, by international standards.
@PauloCereda :O there is SheepLinux! :D or rather, a sheep (cloud) for Linux. :p
Actually, I've always wanted to visit. Maybe some day.
@FaheemMitha Well, I must admit that I'm not up on the actual law in this regard. I only know that although we've usually been very good with this kind of stuff we're now afflicted with the same kind of speech-policing PC crap that for example plagues YouTube. It's not found its way into law yet, that I know of, and I'm hoping the whole concept will go away before it does.
@DavidCarlisle I will edit the question and added the problem of hyperref, have you an idea on haw I can put theorems and definitions in a color box
@Plergux Hmm. Well, good luck with that. And stay safe.
@PolineSandra with the tcolorbox package.
@FaheemMitha You too :)
Oh, and it is true about all the natural hot springs in Reykjavik?
Wow, that's one pretty looking city.
@FaheemMitha Not in Reykjavík per se, but there are hot springs in various places in Iceland, mostly around the middle where the fault line lies through :p (Iceland is actually "spreading" because it's on the boundaries of two earth plates that are moving apart). But all the hot water you get from the taps is from hot water pumped out of the ground.
@Plergux Wow. That's so cool.
@Plergux speaking of which, how does one pronounce Eyjafjallajökull? :)
@FaheemMitha Yeah, the cold tapwater is spring water too. So when you make it here DON'T BUY BOTTLED WATER! the cold tap water is probably better. :p
@Plergux I won't. Thanks for the tip. :-)
heh heh heh...
@PauloCereda Throatwobbler Mangrove fits always
@UlrikeFischer LOL
@UlrikeFischer LOL
@UlrikeFischer (replying to you as we speak)
@Plergux see Brian Blessed saying the name: youtu.be/_TBVFCWKDpk?t=574
@PauloCereda Though I wouldn't buy bottled water anyway. I detest the very idea.
Brian Blessed being involved my first guess would be:
"Ey...$#%$#%$#"%$#"%$"%$#"%$#"!" :p
@UlrikeFischer I need something like this
but in arabic
@PauloCereda Stephen is pretty close, which is more than you could say for his attempt to pronounce "Huginn" and "Muninn" in a different episode XD
@Plergux ooh
@Plergux LOLOL
@PolineSandra well tcolorbox can do it, but arabic (and so RTL) is always a challenge, not everything is bidi aware and it can involve debugging and resolving bugs. You wrote I think at least twice "urgent", so you are perhaps under time constraints. So think carefully if you have time to spent on something that is only decoration.
no I get solution for the urgent I made an update for latex
this is not urgent
@PauloCereda Also, my sister bought the audio book of Neil Gaimans book about Norse mythology but she couldn't listen to it because it was so painful to listen to him mangle the pronunciation XD (no offence to Gaiman). Also, last God of War game is hilarious in that regard (it takes place in the Norse Mythos World).
@Plergux oh my!
@Plergux Because they use English pronunciation?
@JosephWright Yes. Some times very :p
@Plergux Always tricky: one might argue that using any other pronunciation is an affectation, as the bulk of the text is in English
@JosephWright That is true, and one could argue that it shouldn't matter, it being Old Norse and everything. It's just that it's so damn close to Icelandic it feels like "mine" :p
I am using latexdiff, and it seems that it does not like it when a figure environment is moved. The latexdiff output looks as if the figure caption's text had been removed from the main text. Is there any solution to this at all?
I needed to exchange the order of a paragraph and a figure environment to make sure that to figure wouldn't move to the tex page just because I added some text earlier in the document.
@UlrikeFischer good to see you explaining that tabularx and me not to blame for the luacolor issue:-)
@DavidCarlisle ;-).
@DavidCarlisle quack
@PauloCereda bit late for breakfast, but no worry, time to prepare lunch
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@PolineSandra you presumably copied that from some tex document, just take that and try it in Arabic, if it fails, make a small but complete example and post as a question.
@Plergux Some Norwegian dialects still have that “dl” pronunciation of “ll”.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Cool :D I only know Brødrene Dal Norwegian. :p
Ryan Donovan on November 09, 2020
The endless war between Vim and Emacs users has continued ad nauseam over the years. It’s less a war at this point than a grumbling shuffle of ingrained habit and stubborn resistance to change.
@PauloCereda @DavidCarlisle ^^^
@CarLaTeX so slow, saw that the other day. I thought the war was over, and emacs won.
learnlatex.netlify.app now has search :)
At least basic search
All: @DavidCarlisle and I are talking to the learnlatex.org web developer today - anything we should raise?
@JosephWright Ouch
@PauloCereda Yup: no good for me as I have to have a Windows machine
@JosephWright too bad it does not work
@PauloCereda I suspect a big issue: lots of developers use Macs to allow them to work on multiple platforms
@JosephWright you still can run 64bit virtualization, I suspect
@JosephWright (I meant the search does not work)
@PauloCereda Ah, I've not actually tried it
@PauloCereda Maybe ... it's not at all clear. Certainly I'd hold off until it's clear
@JosephWright wise decision
@PauloCereda Looks like the code was copy-pasted and needs updating
@JosephWright raise your eyebrow at them?
@PauloCereda Well I've just got a new machine, so I'm in a position to wait a long time now: unless there is a disaster, I'd expect this laptop to last five years
@JosephWright you don't say
@PauloCereda Ha!
@JosephWright but it must be placed somewhere else and get a less green color ;-)
@JosephWright You are secured for half a decade. :)
@UlrikeFischer Well yes: I think at one side and the same colour scheme as the header
@PauloCereda Fingers-crossed: there really should be no major issues with an i7, 32Gb RAM, 2Tb HD, 4 USB-C ports
@JosephWright Also, what's the criteria for listing languages? Shouldn't they be in alphabetical order?
@JosephWright show-off :)
@PauloCereda Good point: I think probably English first (sorry) then as you say alphabetical
@PauloCereda :)
@PauloCereda I really mean 'if this doesn't last 5 years, something is wrong'
@JosephWright and it does some searching, but it searches latex-project.org. But it is nice that it uses a duck ;-)
@UlrikeFischer I guess the site target is a trivial fix
@UlrikeFischer YES
@UlrikeFischer Jonas did say in the specific issue that he targeted latex-project.org for now
@JosephWright I think there could be an autodetect thing based on the HTTP request, then the list in alphabetical order. Fallback to English.
@PauloCereda Ah, right, yes
@PhelypeOleinik I wasn't really worried. Aren't we doing it all in the same way? Add some code to test and worry about deco and details later.
"Your browser language seems to be English, so this page is automatically set to it."
@UlrikeFischer Fair enough
@PauloCereda Good plan: I'll raise that with Jonas
"Your browser language is not supported, so we we going with English. Want to translate to your language? See how by clicking this awesome blinking underlining pink uppercase LINK HERE"
@PauloCereda I think the basic plan (language-neutral landing page) is a good one: modelled on Wikipedia
@JosephWright ooh we can expect another commit before 2021!
@PauloCereda I hope so: I'd really like it finished before 2021
@JosephWright raising an eyebrow does not seem too out of place. :)
@PauloCereda Oh yes: it is taking a bit longer than I hoped
@PauloCereda alphabetic by which language? Where would you place german? under g or d?
@PauloCereda I think the overall idea is not bad: the design is a better than I'd ever manage3
@UlrikeFischer Deutsch, definitely. :)
@UlrikeFischer Ah, there is that
Deutsch (German)
^^ like this
@UlrikeFischer @PauloCereda's idea is abotu right: auto-detect language then probably alphabetical by ISO identifier
English, Deutsch (German), Français (French), Português (Portuguese)
@JosephWright Well you could run into problem with locale. I would expect german under "D" and chinese under "C", but what would a chinese expect?
@UlrikeFischer I think we could use the order Wikipedia uses
@PauloCereda just show the english one then the ordering is simpler?
@DavidCarlisle :)
@PauloCereda add "if you want the lesson in your local language just ask David" that should cover it.
@DavidCarlisle ooh or we could point them to the Duolingo site. :)
@DavidCarlisle you could then create a github for every language to collect the questions
@Plergux I had a part in that! As a pirate in an episode of the first series. Arrr!
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Noice! :D
@Plergux It was my birthday (in the show, not in real life). The other pirates gave me attachments to my wooden leg. It took all day to shoot this one five minute scene. We were close to the airport, so most of the time it was too noisy to film. Other times, a boat was passing in the background. And when all else was perfect, the camera needed a battery change. A very frustrating day, but fun even so.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Professor Drövels Hemmelighet? Found the complete thing on YouTube XD Will definitely watch later. We had the series on TV and I loved the goofiness of it. Sounds like it was rather "goofy" behind the scenes also? XD
@Plergux Found it! (it should start at around 55:49).
@HaraldHanche-Olsen :D Brilliant! :D "Gratulerar fra Sorte-Bill, Röde-Bill, Store-Bill, Sports-bil..." XD
@Plergux That was my five minutes of fame. Well, a bit more than five minutes: Kids recognised me for the next week or so. I did not need a wig like the rest of the crew, since I had long hair at the time.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen :D It was the time for long hair. :p
@Plergux Yup. I even was refused service at a restaurant once because of it.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ugh... those lovely conservatives :p
ooh are you ready, kids?
oopsie sorry, wrong pirate
@PauloCereda AYE AYE CAPTAIN! :p
@Plergux OOH
ooh a pineapple under teh sea
@PauloCereda Salty Pineapple :p
@Plergux ooh plot twist
@PauloCereda Sounds like a prog band XD
@Plergux LOL
3 hours later…
@JosephWright what is the difference between \xref_label:nN and \xref_label:nV?
@UlrikeFischer ER, I'd have to check
@UlrikeFischer ooh I know, the letters N and V :)
@JosephWright Is this correct? The braces around the #1 look odd:
\cs_new_protected:Npn \xref_label:nN #1#2
  { \xref_label:nV {#1} #2 }
@UlrikeFischer I could just have \cs_new_eq:NN there, couldn't I
@UlrikeFischer It was to allowed pre-stored or explict lists
@JosephWright I'm not sure, why do you need both at all?
@UlrikeFischer Heiko has both forms of list
@JosephWright I didn't meant why explicit lists and a \clist-var, but why both N and V? wouldn't N and n or V and n be enough?
@UlrikeFischer It's a syntactic sugar thing: the clist module works that way
@JosephWright ah, so there is no difference ;-). That explains why I couldn't decide which to use. And ignore my question about #1, I confused the arguments.
@PauloCereda My work bought me wacom.com/en-us/products/pen-tablets/one-by-wacom to replace the failed Huion
@JosephWright woo
@PauloCereda :)
@JosephWright I have the smallest one of wacom.com/en-us/products/pen-tablets/wacom-intuos --- works a treat. Except when enters Android mode for unknown reasons (the on light is less bright, and you have to press the two external keys together for 7 seconds to reset it to PC mode) (But I am using it with Linux, so it could be a Linux glitch).
@wipet ahoj!
I use it a lot for online classes and to correct exams with xournalpp
@Rmano I love that app
@PauloCereda yep, it's a staple! I love the LaTeX-rendered object too... and that thing will get better github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp/pull/1952
(so it's at least a bit on topic :-P)
@Rmano The one I have is the cheaper one I think
@Rmano Had a bit of fun getting it working with Big Sur, but seems sorted
I have a few other Big Sur oddities still to fix ...
@Rmano Seems to be quite good now IK have the driver going: main issue is how good the marking software we have is
@Rmano I'll try it out
1 hour later…
@Rmano Xournalpp looks pretty good: just trying to sort full file access on the Mac
@PauloCereda I can see why: looks at least as good as the paid-for solution I tried
@JosephWright yes --- still has missing features and some bug (the most dangerous is github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp/issues/1916, and the most annoying is github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp/issues/2355) but the developers are quite active and I have high hopes for 1.1.0
@Rmano Tar: looks almost as good as PDF Annotator, which is Windows-only anyway
@Rmano I'm having fun trying out my work 'toy' (although I wish they';d gone for the Inuos - I don't get pressure sensing)
@JosephWright any link? (looking for tar is... difficult...)
@Rmano 'Tar' = 'Thanks'
Q: Why does "tar" mean “thank you”?

Jake SymonsI was wondering on where the origins of the word tar to mean thank you came from. I have reached tar and have come up with this definition Tar is a dark brown or black viscous liquid of hydrocarbons and free carbon, obtained from a wide variety of organic materials through destructive distill...

@JosephWright I do not use pressure sensing a lot --- it's nice for painting, but for annotation and free-hand writing is not --- at least not for me.
@Rmano It's more that on Amazon the price difference is only £15
@JosephWright Ah, didn't know! Tad
@JosephWright yes, that's why I bought the other one. With BT also, which doesn't work in Linux ;-) (other 20€ more...).
@JosephWright “tar” means “tape archive”, as every unix user knows
@Rmano Ah, right: here, I'm on macOS natively but also Windows and Linux, depending on my mood :) (Work is all-Windows)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Well apparently I can't spell and it should be 'ta' anyway: @DavidCarlisle?
@JosephWright spelling is overrated anyhow
@JosephWright definitely no r :-) More northern English than Southern (I use it commonly, my wife less so (not at all)
@DavidCarlisle I'd agree it's northern: my parents are from Liverpool and Hull, so I tend toward more northern phrasing and pronounciation (short 'a' in 'bath', for example)
@DavidCarlisle to anyone not British, it really sounds like Brits are appending an “r” sound to the end of many words. You say “idea”, I hear “idear”.
Perhaps the resident linguists have something to say about that.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ah, that we can
@Rmano Anyway, minor issues not withstanding, I'm enjoying this pen tablet quite a bit: really does seem to work for PDF annotation with Xournal++
@HaraldHanche-Olsen -- Or somebody who grew up in Boston. (But they leave it out of Hahvahd". Some of us call it "r entropy".)
Hi all! I just wanna make sure, the Poirot meme in a LaTeX error message is Knuth's, right? @barbarabeeton Hi, do you please know the answer? :)
@yo' -- I'm pretty certain that it was in the original version of TeX, so yes, Knuth.
@barbarabeeton ok thanks :) (We regularly get users offended by this claiming that Overleaf is black in its humour and doesn't respect the user, so I wanted to make sure...)
@yo' -- One could research this on SAILDART for TeX78. (I haven't done that though.)
@PauloCereda It's the other way around, if you check the chess pond: There's a (Stock)fish saying "I want new features in this pond" and there's Leela saying "Here I stand!"
@barbarabeeton well, definitely as you seem to be aware of it, it's not something Overleaf-induced :-)
@yo' you get it from \errmessage, and this is a primitive: \errmessage{blub}.
@UlrikeFischer ah right, so very low-level
@Rmano Aha! “The intrusive r.” Thanks! That cleared up a long standing mystery for me.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Ah yep, that's what French have zee for. For instance "donne moi-en" (give me one) is pronounced as "donne moisen" with a strong "zee" sound, becase an "s" at the end of the word is silent unless followed by a vowel in the next word. The same phenomenon! And mostly funnily enough, the gramatically correct is "donne m'en", but nobody really says that :D
and where's @AlanMunn when we needr im?
@yo' He was teaching. :)
@yo' But yes, intrusive r is a thing in non-rhotic dialects of English.
@AlanMunn -- But that doesn't totally account for the r-alternation characteristic of Boston (and much of the rest of eastern New England). What's the term for the "Hahvahd idear" phenomenon?
@barbarabeeton It’s the same thing AFAIK
@AlanMunn -- hmmm. "Extrusive" doesn't sound right (more like what happens with a tube of toothpaste). "Exclusive" is how some Bostonians think of themselves. Ought to be something that describes it more precisely.

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