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3:02 AM
Hi, can you guys suggest me some alternatives to Mathb.in ?
I am facing error in generating URL in mathb.in
6 hours later…
9:01 AM
@raf ? what is Mathb.in ?
9:32 AM
@DavidCarlisle quack
oh wait, hold on
@DavidCarlisle oh no
9:50 AM
@barbarabeeton it's cold and goats know it: twitter.com/DannyDeraney/status/1296840271674527752
5 hours later…
3:07 PM
I was trying to understand the implementation of \mathmakebox in mathtools and ran into the command \hb@xt@. Obviously, you can’t Google something like this containing special symbols. Can someone tell me what it does?
And the same with \bm@c, \bm@l, \bm@r etc.
'ello (")>/
3:23 PM
@Gaussler latex.ltx defines it as \def\hb@xt@{\hbox to}. Use \show to find out the definitions.
@Gaussler Or use latexdef from the command line: latexdef \hb@xt@
@Gaussler Or wait a couple of months and use \ShowCommand
@PhelypeOleinik What happens in a couple of months?
@Gaussler The 2020-10-01 LaTeX release. I implemented a \ShowCommand that will be available in that update. It does more or less what latexdef does (but can be extended from within LaTeX).
@PhelypeOleinik I know about \show etc, but the previous 10 commands I checked were defined using horrifying commands with lots of @s, so I imagined it would be no help doing it to that one, too. Next time, I’ll check once more. Thanks anyway :-)
3:37 PM
@Gaussler Most commands are defined using the horrifying @s (or their digi-evolution _ and :): they are the internal code that make the macro work. Few commands, like \hb@xt@, have a definition simpler than their name :-)
4:06 PM
@PauloCereda -- but nobody told the cat ...
What do you do in LaTeX3 packages if you need \mathpalette or \mathchoice? Are they fine to use?
4:21 PM
@Gaussler the document typesetting level isn't really available, so expl3 gives you low level programming for lists and things but once you get to that level you basically need 2e and or primitive behaviour (have a look how unicode-math works, it uses expl3 for the font handling but mostly defers math layout to amsmath
@Gaussler you should always have latex.ltx in your editor:
@PhelypeOleinik \let\bm@t\bm@l is especially lovely I think: overload the vertical and horizontal alignments to the same command so saving defining \bm@t as a new 3-token command using \vss . Lost skills:-)
5:00 PM
Does a gnuplo-expert any tips for me for a nice plot?

I think, this should be more round at the top.
% arara: pdflatex: {shell: yes}
\documentclass[tikz, margin=5pt]{standalone}
z buffer = sort,
axis equal,
xmin=-5, xmax=5,
ymin=-5, ymax=5,
zmin=-5, zmax=5,
raw gnuplot,
surf, draw=none,
%colormap = {whiteblack}{color(0cm)  = (white); color(1cm) = (black)},
%very thin,
] gnuplot[id=surf]{
p(u)=exp(  -(0.5*u-pi)**2  );
q(u)=exp(  -(u-1.5*pi)**2  );
2 hours later…
7:15 PM
@cis increase the sample size (s) ?
7:38 PM
Yes, but

set samples s,s;

he does. But

set samples s,s;

he won't. :(
@cis well yes if you have 5 times as many points in each axis that's a lot of extra data.
2 hours later…
9:30 PM
@egreg good evening and good LaTeX...Just a your simple comment. My recent question of xy package is clear? If you or someone else have some time, I wanted to see if xy package has any options to rotate the labels around its axis. My best regards to you and all users.

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