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I'd like to draw something like this
but I'd like to change the labels on the y and x axes
is this your approach: tex.stackexchange.com/a/105584/63097?
I was able to do it :D
5 hours later…
Good morning @UlrikeFischer, do you remember when we were discussing default link colours, which lead to this post? tex.stackexchange.com/q/525261/6302 Did anything come out of it eventually? Will the defaults be changed?
2 hours later…
@Szabolcs I haven't forgotten this. But it is not a "standalone" problem: we are currently working on color commands in l3color, and I want this to be there and know which colors are available by default and which I have to define. I'm not sure if I will dare to change the defaults, but if I do it will probably towards Phelype's colors as they are near enough to the current state.
@JosephWright I thought about the named colors, and I think putting them all in a "named" color space would work too and is probably the easiest. Then such a color would have named=BrickRed, cmyk= 0,0.89,0.94,0.28 as value. The main question is then what to do if dvips is not used where this named model should be ignored. Could your code easily drop a model e.g. in a named/cmyk/rgb declaration?
@DavidCarlisle should I add something about the missing fontspec with lualatex?
@UlrikeFischer I added a codeline commit coment about that last night, he said he'd fix.
@DavidCarlisle ah ok. The package is quite an "one-language/script" package. To write a marathi document is should be ok, but adding e.g. some english text is not so easy as the default script is devaganari. Should the translations show examples of mixed languages/scripts?
@samcarter_left_tex.se ooh
@JosephWright I am a bit stuck in the Overleaf endeavour
@UlrikeFischer well I think at least one of the language-xxx lessons should show a mixed language example
@DavidCarlisle want to co-write yet another article? :)
Please please please
@PauloCereda what you are writing? "How to find z on the keyboard"?
@UlrikeFischer worse, a TUG 2020 report. :) Want to join? :)
@DavidCarlisle yes, I think too. Perhaps we should ask, that a small example with "main english/other language" and one with "main language/other english" is always included.
@PauloCereda Finished your thesis tugboat article?
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle wanna help?
@PauloCereda probably can't do anything till the weekend
@DavidCarlisle Karl can wait. :) I realised it would be better to have more people working on this, since each one of us probably watched different talks...
@PauloCereda do you know what happened to the youtube streams for friday and Saturday, only thursday and Sunday are still there
@DavidCarlisle I've no idea, really...
@DavidCarlisle hangouts poking
@UlrikeFischer rough plan (but not sure I have time to look today) for this is to set an "invisible" annotation typeset everything as normal then walk over the tree removing all invisible nodes replacing them by right space if necessary. Does that sound reasonable perhaps I can tempt @MarcelKrüger to answer:-) tex.stackexchange.com/questions/555595/…
@DavidCarlisle yes sounds okay. I would set an attribute and then wander through the list and replace every node with something sensible. The chickenize package should help. Perhaps @MarcelKrüger can combine this with the virtual metapost duck font and replace every node with a invisible duck ;-)
@UlrikeFischer ooh
@UlrikeFischer I'll think about that after re-working the drawing colour stuff (Which is fixed 'in my head' but not in the repo)
@JosephWright I will create a repo.
@PauloCereda Looked at it briefly, will think about the content and try to add something
@JosephWright I am creating a GH repo so Ulrike and David can help as well. :)
@JosephWright @DavidCarlisle @UlrikeFischer welcome. :)
1 hour later…
@UlrikeFischer good call with chickenize it has \tabularasa which possible does the right thing already
@DavidCarlisle yes sounds right. add an answer.
@DavidCarlisle hm, doesn't work as expected, it ignores rules and pictures, and more importantly math and it even stops there.
@UlrikeFischer yes there's some comment in the code that it might need extending
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle @MarcelKrüger took care of it and added an hideme command ....
@DavidCarlisle I've answered, but I'm a bit puzzled what the usecase would be for this? I mean it's certainly a good way to save ink when printing documents and it's even accessible in a certain sense (I'll assume that even the worst screenreaders can identify the absence of content reliably) but it might not be the most effective way to communicate. I'm especially puzzled by the idea of using this over "many [...] pages"...
@MarcelKrüger I have seen similar questions over the years. Sometimes it is done to hide answers of tests, sometimes to hide some confidential content -- previously you would have added black ink, but this doesn't really work with digital documents anymore.
@MarcelKrüger as @UlrikeFischer says hiding answers most likely, although why they can't just guess they need 45 lines or whatever and leave that much space rather than really redacting the text in this way I don't know. Thanks for answering!
@PauloCereda prepare evening meal
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle Providing space by hiding the correct answer seems like a reliable way to end up with too little space for a student-provided answer, but maybe they compensate for that somehow. I like @Ulrike's idea of using this as a eco-friendly alternative to the censor package, even though black bars are probably less confusing than a sudden gap in the text.
@MarcelKrüger ooh
2 hours later…
ooh lobster
@samcarter_left_tex.se -- This is amazing! One of my friends, a former co-worker, has an autistic son, so I've forwarded. Thanks for posting.
@DavidCarlisle -- I think for that particular type of youtube live stream, it only persists for 24 hours. Too bad. Work is proceeding on editing and posting the individual talks.
@barbarabeeton yes somehow 2 of the 4 days were kept, two vanished
This series is great!
2 hours later…
I wanted ice cream :(
@barbarabeeton If the son of your friend now also builds a ship, you'll have to show us pictures :)
@PauloCereda You missed the vanilla ice cream day last week
@samcarter_left_tex.se oh
urgent Does anyone know why these equations aren't coming out properly?
A: What are the different ways of calculating dispersion constants?

mykd2009 (Tkatchenko−Scheffler) TS The Tkatchenko−Scheffler model for van der Waals interactions (vdW) defines the $C_6^{AB}$ parameters in an ab-initio fashion. In TS model the vdW energy $E_{vdw}$ is defined as, \begin{equation} E_{vdW} = -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{A,B}f_{damp}\left(R_{AB},R^0_A,R^0_B\right...

When you click "edit" they look fine.
Is www.tug.org down?
@musarithmia It's working for me
@musarithmia Works For Me
@NikeDattani I'm not sure what you mean by not coming out properly. They look ok to me. But this is a MathJax issue, which isn't what this site is about. MathJax uses a LaTeX like syntax, but isn't LaTeX.
If you look at the revision history you'll see what happened. I know that this site doesn't use MathJax, but we needed to fix this urgently.
@NikeDattani So the problem has been solved?
@NikeDattani My comment about MathJax was just that people here are unlikely to know much about how it works.
@AlanMunn I know that, but people here know how latex works, and maybe there was an error in the latex
Sorry not latex,
At the beginning, we had no idea why it wasn't rendering.
@NikeDattani Fair enough. :)
So there might have been some non-standard code in there that would render fine on Overleaf but not in arXiv (for example)

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