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@samcarter_left_tex.se no. I encourage you to post it, since you have helped me in all this journey
@samcarter_left_tex.se there is a reason of why you have to post an answer, explaining what you discovered!
Can you also help me in this question if you don't care?: tex.stackexchange.com/q/554681/152550
Hi everyone! I am using Table~\ref{fig:mytable'sname} to reference the table, but it only highlights the number of the table, I get something like Table 1, with only "1" being the hyperlink. What should I do to extend it to "Table" too? Thanks for any suggestion
I have the same issue, when I reference an equation like (1), where only the "1" is highlighted, but I want (1) to be highlighted. Any suggestions?
@KonformistLiberal Use hyperref's \autoref instead. So instead of Table~\ref{foo}, do \autoref{foo} and it will insert Table (or Figure) and highlight everything.
That works great for the table thank you! For equations, it makes "Equation 2", but I just want to write (2) for example
@KonformistLiberal Add \def\equationautorefname~#1\null{(#1)} to your preamble after loading hyperref.
@AlanMunn It actually didn't work. I have a customstyle.sty and I am writing in a subdocument sub.tex and I am loading them in the main.tex, I added the line to the customstyle.sty but didn't work
What does ‘doesn’t work, mean? Do you get an error? Are you sure you’re loaded hyperref before making the command?
@AlanMunn I get the same result: Equation 2. In the customstyle.sty, hyperref gets loaded before the command.
@KonformistLiberal well it’s hard to tell then. Are you loading babel? What if you put the redefinition after \begin{document}? Sorry I’m on my phone right now so not easy to reply
@AlanMunn yes I am loading babel just before hyperref. I added that line after the begin document, before it and it customstyle.sty but none works.
@KonformistLiberal If you're loading babel then you need to add it to the extras for your language (or English): \addto\extrasenglish{\def\equationautorefname~#1\null{(#1)\null}} (note the extra \null at the end which I forgot originally.
@AlanMunn Thank you very much, now it works completely!
@KonformistLiberal You're welcome.
4 hours later…
@manooooh You have the choice, either post an answer yourself or leave the question unanswered. I no longer post to tex.se.
@manooooh Are you looking for something like this:



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut puruselit, vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabiturdictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy eget, consectetuer id, vulputate a, magna. Donec vehicula augue euneque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus etmalesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Mauris ut leo. Cras viverrametus rhoncus sem. Nulla et lectus vestibulum urna fringillaultrices. Phasellus eu tellus sit amet tortor gravida placerat.Inte
@samcarter_left_tex.se yes that is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!!
Now I am realizing that in my full document I have a lot of onlyenv and \only so the manual numbers are still here
Is there any way to say to LaTeX where the "only stuff" occurs with commands like \beginonly and \endonly?
In case that \only works with slides one after another of course
@samcarter_left_tex.se uh, my apologies. I don't think I deserve to post an answer because the credit is yours, and if you don't post more, it will be vacant
(Btw this is the first time I see your new nickname, the other said something like "samcarter_likes_topanswers.xyz")
I have a question: I am using \item<+(2)-> but I need to add to this item only@ for a few more slides, but I don't know how to do it. I tried with \item<only@+(2)-.(3)> but it seems it does not work
@manooooh You're welcome!
@manooooh I'm not sure I understand the question, but are you maybe looking for \begin{onlyenv}<3-4> ... \end{onlyenv}?
@manooooh One user simply could not drop the topic, even though several users asked him to. So renaming seemed to be easier solution ...
@samcarter_left_tex.se I want automatization. Suppose I forgot to add an \item inside onlyenv. So I should increment the last number by 1, resulting in \begin{onlyenv}<3-5>. Instead, if we could say LaTeX where the only slides will occur with a group, it will be awesome, because there will be no more numbers
@manooooh If you don't want hard coded numbers, have a look into relative overlays, +, ., etc.
@samcarter_left_tex.se is that possible with \only and onlyenv numeration?
@manooooh I'm still not sure I understand the question, but relative overlays can be used whereever overlays are used
@samcarter_left_tex.se let me show you with an example:





        \item In the 4th slide, it should not include the following item space:
            \only<4>{&\implies ax^2+(2a-3)x+a=ax^2+x+1\\}
        \item<only@5> More text here.
Look at the commented code. I need to add that item to my document, I forgot to add it. So I have to change \begin{onlyenv}<5-7> to \begin{onlyenv}<5-10>. Which is quite tedious everytime I forgot to add something new
If we could find a way to automate this it will be awesome. Something like:
\beginonly % Starts from the last counted index, say 5
            \item This starts from slide 5
            \item This starts from slide 6
            % ==== Whoops I forgot to add this! ====
            \item This is between 6 and 7:
                \item Text.
                \item Text.
            % =======================================
            \item This starts from slide 7
    \endonly % Calculates all the indexes inside and returns the last counter index (which would be 10 
@JosephWright @samcarter_left_tex.se I see you have swapped places at tug2020
@DavidCarlisle I assume I got put before the break because I asked for a shorter timeslot.
@manooooh In this specific case that the onlyenv is at the end of the slide, you can simply show it from the next slide until the end, e.g. +-





        \item In the 4th slide, it should not include the following item space:
            \only<4>{&\implies ax^2+(2a-3)x+a=ax^2+x+1\\}
        \item<only@5> More text here.
making progress on a minted not requiring --shell-escape :-) github.com/gpoore/minted/issues/271
@egreg @UlrikeFischer I've been through murrays preindexhook issue. Not memoir related at all, murray loads embrac and it has an issue with \emph{$()$}, tex.stackexchange.com/a/554738/3929
@manooooh For a more general solution, you could measure the \beamer@slideinframe counter at the start and end of your environment, use the totcount package to store the information and then use this information to determine the start end end values you want
@daleif nice. I will perhaps look. I did sent you a mail about memoir and the new hooks from latex-dev, but I guess you will only see it later.
@daleif Unfortunately the OP sternly refused to provide a list of the loaded packages.
@DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer, @HenriMenke Reply on LaTeX-L coming up
@samcarter_left_tex.se well yes, technically it is correct. However I have more than one onlyenv inside one frame, I will think about it. But using totcount sounds more interesting
@PauloCereda maybe I'm dumb (or worn out), but ... how can I use an "island of TeX" docker from the command line in my Ubuntu system? I have docker installed.
@daleif @egreg it is a bug, the argument number is wrong:
\cs_set_protected:Npn \__embrac_replace:Nnnnn #1#2#3#4#5
    \tl_replace_all:Nnn #1 {#3}
          {#3} %<---instead of #4
            \embrac_kern:n {#2}
            \embrac_braces_format:n {#3}
            \embrac_kern:n {#4}
@Rmano Hi! Oh, I managed to get it working yesterday, so I can help! Could you give me just a couple of minutes? I am giving the final touches to my video talk...
@PauloCereda or a couple of hours, RL kicked in and I have to stop playing now ;-)
@Rmano oh :)
@samcarter_left_tex.se I have some difficulties with the positioning of certain graphics. Consider this MWE:



            \item $n=0$:

                        \begin{axis}[set layers=standard,clip=false]
                            \addplot {0};
                            \node<+-> (a) at (rel axis cs:-.5, .25) {$R_0$};
I need to place R_0 and R_1 to the left of each tikz picture. However before they appear, the pictures are moved to the left. Do you know how to always leave them in the same place?
I think it has to do with \node<+->
@manooooh Have a look at the beamer overlay styles library and make the node visible when you need it instead of using beamer overlays. This way it will always take the same space.




            \item $n=0$:

                        \begin{axis}[set layers=standard,clip=false]
                            \addplot {0};
I got a mail from TUG. Does anyone knows if one has to install/do anything for this "Zulip channel"?
@UlrikeFischer It seems to be browser based (but does require a separate login - one can use one's github account though...)
@UlrikeFischer I bet it's a @DavidCarlisle company, see the Z thingy :)
Wow, my video is taking one hour to export...
@UlrikeFischer mmmm, maybe I spoke a bit too fast. While this Zulip thingy seems to work fine in the browser, the topics link to meetings with yet another meeting tool, which again asks for an account. I gave up at this point...
@UlrikeFischer Zulip?
@JosephWright didn't you got the tug mail this morning?
@UlrikeFischer Ah, at the bottom of the mail: I didn't read that far!
@JosephWright ducks have short attention span OOH A COOKIE
@egreg well, their setup is rather messy. Have they been informed about \listfiles?
@PauloCereda It's not healthy if you only eat cookies. Take this instead:
@samcarter_left_tex.se ooh <3
@samcarter_left_tex.se there's even sprinkles!
@UlrikeFischer I guessed you would, as I'm currently on vacation I don't read my work email. You can send it to my obvious gmail, otherwise I'll look at it next week
@PauloCereda You can also have other icing: topanswers.xyz/tex?q=1197
@daleif ooh vacation
@samcarter_left_tex.se ooh more options
@samcarter_left_tex.se the best part is that your answer is high technical and delicious at the same time. :)
@PauloCereda :D
@daleif basically it says "please look if memoir need adjustments/can use the new hooks/can avoid to patch kernel commands" (with a few examples).
@PauloCereda I'm wondering if we need a tikzsweets package :)
@samcarter_left_tex.se YES PLEASE
@PauloCereda One could have cookies, cake, cupcakes, ...
@samcarter_left_tex.se ooh and a cartesian product of these goodies
Wait a minute, how about a powerset of them?!
ooh more sweets
@PauloCereda :) yeah, the ultimate sugar overdose
@samcarter_left_tex.se Cannot wait to visit you and Ulrike and friends in Germany, so I can try the Schokolade thingy. :)
@PauloCereda :) Funny as (some of) the cocoa beams come from your place of the world
@samcarter_left_tex.se ooh
@egreg ooh
@UlrikeFischer I thought so when Joseph mentioned the inclusion on twitter. Hopefully we can switch to using kernel stuff instead. Nowadays I don't feel that stuff like that should be in a class like memoir, it should be in the kernel
@PauloCereda Ask and ye shall receive
@egreg :D
@PauloCereda well, there are a bit too many people to my liking. Most are spending their vacation in DK instead of going to other countries in Europe.
@daleif oh... :(
@samcarter_left_tex.se I see that the upcoming LaTeX changes have raises some ... interest ... on topanswers :)
@JosephWright ooh
@PauloCereda I 'm not saying that these was positive interests
@JosephWright wait for version 6 of arara. :)
@JosephWright saw that as well ...
@samcarter_left_tex.se I know :)
@samcarter_left_tex.se I also see you had 'fun' with your recording: I'm lucky that my employer have a Camtasia license
Just for curiosity: why can't \AtBeginDocument be redefined to use the new hook thingy?
@samcarter_left_tex.se It is
> \AtBeginDocument=\long macro:
->\AddToHook {begindocument}.
@samcarter_left_tex.se ^^^
@samcarter_left_tex.se why do you think it can't? Is there a misleading message somewhere?
@JosephWright In theory I could get a Camtasia license, too. They are just not handed out to everyone by default, just on request. So I tried with the available stuff first.
@samcarter_left_tex.se Ah, right, fair enough: I did my recording at work on my desktop, and the software is there; partly thre's a work link as I'll need to do the same for my teaching, so it was practice
@UlrikeFischer Oh, that's cool! I thought why should people make a fuss about stuff if nothing changes in practise, so my conclusion was that things must be broken ...
@samcarter_left_tex.se There are a few packages that will need adjustment, and that of course creates concern
@samcarter_left_tex.se We have hopefully given ourselves long enough that adjustments will all be made well before release
@JosephWright s/concern/havoc/g :)
@JosephWright Thanks for the clarifications!
@JosephWright All my teaching was live this term, so up to now I only needed zoom (+ stuff to compensate for missing blackboard)
@samcarter_left_tex.se Much the same here: we are planning for more formalised 'dual mode' work next semester (large groups - online, small groups - in person if allowed)
@samcarter_left_tex.se We are trying to avoid full-hour lectures, so short videos + reading + interactive stuff
@samcarter_left_tex.se imho one part where there could be problems are beamer presentations which do more or less complicated "shipout page stuff" (notes on second page, rotations, handouts etc). If you have examples or test files it would be nice if you could test.
@UlrikeFischer I'll need to test my own stuff :)
@JosephWright a similar plan here, combining online teaching for bigger events and in person for smaller groups. An in addition all English speaking course of studies have to be online too, because we can't guarantee that foreign students can get into the country
@samcarter_left_tex.se I think we are all working toward the same ideas
@UlrikeFischer Looks OK here with the updated beamer: my 4-up handouts are fine
      % Version for handouts to print
      \setbeamertemplate{footline}[text line]{%
        \parbox{\linewidth}{\vspace*{-3em} \hfill \small \insertframestartpage}%
      \pgfpageslogicalpageoptions{1}{border code=\pgfstroke}
      \pgfpageslogicalpageoptions{2}{border code=\pgfstroke}
      \pgfpageslogicalpageoptions{3}{border code=\pgfstroke}
@UlrikeFischer How can I test? Is pdflatex-dev example enough or do I need to make any other configurations?
@samcarter_left_tex.se That's all you need
@JosephWright Thx
@JosephWright nice, I looked yesterday a bit which packages mess play around with shipout and pgfpages was a candicate. Did you try with xelatex too?
Is this a new feature?
Temporary page!
LATEX was unable to guess the total number of pages correctly. As there was some unprocessed data that should have been added to the final page this extra page has been added to receive it.
If you rerun the document (without altering it) this surplus page will go away, because LATEX now knows how many pages to expect for this document.

I don't think I've ever seen this before, but I normally compile with latexmk, so I might just missed this
@UlrikeFischer @samcarter_left_tex.se ooh
@samcarter_left_tex.se oh... latexmk... /sobs
@PauloCereda Got your mail, but can only watch later
@samcarter_left_tex.se That's one Frank still has to sort
@samcarter_left_tex.se it's just a screenshot, don't worry :)
@PauloCereda I also have a couple of documents using arara :)
@samcarter_left_tex.se yes, that is for the shipout/lastpage hook code (but we need a rerun message)
@samcarter_left_tex.se ooh <3
@UlrikeFischer @JosephWright Quite irritating to see this in the document instead of the log file
@PauloCereda Ah, I though this would be video. At images I can look right now :)
@samcarter_left_tex.se Will provide the link soon, it's uploading it. :)
@UlrikeFischer Seems to be OK
@samcarter_left_tex.se Frank knows about it: @DavidCarlisle spotted it more-or-less as soon as latex-dev went out
@samcarter_left_tex.se yes I complained about this yesterday too: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/55025081#55025081. It will be adjusted.
@UlrikeFischer :)
2 hours later…
@samcarter_left_tex.se % arara: latexmk?
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz ooh
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz no :) I use arara for all documents that need shell escape. Doing this with arara is faster than opening the texstudio preferences to add the shell escape flag
@samcarter_left_tex.se since I write Makefiles for my bigger projects, I never used latexmk or arara for any of my own documents... (I usually create every figure/plot as a standalone PDF and include those, this way my compilation takes only a fraction of the time, and this is way easier to control with a Makefile than with arara or latexmk)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz I heard rumors that arara v6 tries to compete to make a bit more ;)
@TeXnician I will have to reevaluate my choices once arara seems to be up to the task (my workflow is well tested and I use it for years now, I don't want to have to make compromises with arara), and, perhaps more importantly, find the time :)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz Well you know how long these new major releases of arara take, so there's plenty of time for you to keep your own workflow :D
@yo' ooh
@TeXnician bah it will never work :)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz It was a very tight discussion between latexmk and ltx2any. The latter has great error parsing, but the former won because it also recognises if no tex run is necessary (ltx2any always requires at least one run)
I'm thinking again about siunitx v3: I really want to finish it
@UlrikeFischer Sigh, the blessed issue with stray format files
@JosephWright just reach out for help if you need something you think I can provide :)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz It's the 95-5 problem: I have 95% of the work done, but the last 5% is hard (it's the combination of values and units)
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz I know the code basically works, it's just a question of having time to tidy the last parts: complex numbers in particular are in my mind
@JosephWright my guess was right ;-)
@UlrikeFischer Yes, keeps coming up
@JosephWright I still wonder what triggers the creation of these local format files. Perhaps I should ask on the texlive list.
@JosephWright ooh
@UlrikeFischer I never had any such problems... Maybe I'm not messing with tlmgr enough.
@Skillmonlikestopanswers.xyz it isn't tlmgr. Something is sometimes calling fmtutil instead of fmtutil-sys. I had this a few times too -- and I certainly didn't do it directly.
@UlrikeFischer ooh we have a secret tool
@UlrikeFischer alias fmtutil=fmtutil-sys
@samcarter_left_tex.se messes up the re-run logic of my server. I blame @UlrikeFischer
@DavidCarlisle :D Sounds reasonable, that's why you need her on the team
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@UlrikeFischer it used to be the case that fmtutil made user ones by default now there is a separate fmtutil-user and the main fmtutil suggests you want fmtutil-sys, you should be familiar with this issue from miktex:-) once you have a local format it masks any update and perhaps you do not notice that you are not getting the new latex for years until something breaks
@DavidCarlisle I know that, but I'm not calling fmtutil. I always use fmtutil-sys or let tlmgr do the work. So why sometimes this local formats are suddenly in my system? In miktex I wouldn't be surprised: it seems to do some internal checks and then triggers a format creation when I start pdflatex.
@UlrikeFischer oh I assumed it was people running fmtutil since before the change and just having old format files hanging about. Them appearing on their own sounds wrong (if you have write access to the system format directory)
@UlrikeFischer just wondering about embrac, if one is working directly in lualatex, can you then specify that brackets need to be upright when in italic context? Not looking for code, just wondering if lualatex would make embrac irrelevant. Murray already have a so what dual setup, I think it's pdflatex and xelatex, I only tested lualatex as xelatex cannot find latex fonts on my system
@daleif well you can exchange glyphs in fonts, see e.g. combofont or ask Marcel for some magic with virtual fonts.
@daleif Sounds like a typical virtual font usecase, then you might even be able to kern with these exchanged letters. Of course, a package might still be useful to provide the right spacing paramters.
@samcarter_left_tex.se we are going to "bimodal" classes --- in large groups (our largest group is 50) half will come physically and half will stay at home --- we will stream the class inreal time (we have a multi-zoom camera and an automatic directional mic in every room --- it's quite cool). Small group will come to class normally (labs is still unknown, we'll see).
@PauloCereda ooh!
@PauloCereda Impressive! LEGO is a big part of my life. On my floor. ;-)
@PauloCereda My 7yo fork builds fancy cars with it.
@StefanKottwitz ooh the Technic one?
@PauloCereda Some Technic, some fantasy! Sooner or later the first one turns into the second kind!
@StefanKottwitz Cool. :) I wanted a technic one, but they are insanely expensive!
@PauloCereda What's your favorite LEGO project you did?
@StefanKottwitz Oh I just used to build wacky cars. :)
@PauloCereda pics or it didn't happen ;-)
@StefanKottwitz No LEGO survived. :)
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle, @JosephWright -- I see a new issue of ltnews. Does it want to be read/checked? (Even if still just a draft.)
@PauloCereda that u within makes a difference ;-)
@StefanKottwitz quack :)
@PauloCereda uquack :-) to plus it
@barbarabeeton if you would (it's for latex-dev so for the october release really)
@StefanKottwitz oh a unicode duck!
@yo' U+1F986 aka 🦆
anyone looking tug?
@UlrikeFischer tomorrow? me confused
@UlrikeFischer I'm present, but not really following much
@StefanKottwitz they started today, with a workshop. I started it because I thought it would be good training for zoom etc.
@UlrikeFischer ah, ok! good testing, will do!
@UlrikeFischer 3 hours ago - does it still run?
@StefanKottwitz I already learned that you should better not switch computer in the middle - you loose the chat and the questions and they only very slowly come back.
now it stopped ...
@UlrikeFischer a dummy presentation could help us testing / preparing
I think I crashed TUG
@PauloCereda Did you run \immediate\write18{rm -rf /} on some cloud service?
@StefanKottwitz of course not! I prefixed sudo :)
@PauloCereda That's why it worked!
@StefanKottwitz ooh
@PauloCereda Don't worry, when I tried that last Fri/Saturday night, Cloudflare fixed it in less than 30 minutes and thought it was a router misconfig.
@StefanKottwitz ooh :)
@PauloCereda Up for some online chess games? :-)
@yo' ooh I have 40 minutes! Let's do it!
@PauloCereda got a lichess account?
@yo' Hold on, I can create one. :)
@PauloCereda I hold your beer.
@PauloCereda can we watch?
@UlrikeFischer It's embarrassing to me :)
@PauloCereda but we are nice - and the Bär is here too ;-)
@UlrikeFischer ooh
@UlrikeFischer it was a quick match, it's over and I lost. :)
@PauloCereda with what time did you play?
@PauloCereda you forgot to cheat
@UlrikeFischer 10 minutes
@DavidCarlisle oopsie
@Rmano This sounds like an interesting concept. Is it always the same half that comes to class and the same half that watches from home or do they alternate?
If the former this could be a great way to study how remote teaching compares to normal teaching
@samcarter_left_tex.se no, they will alternate each week!
@Rmano I see. Still an interesting approach - not wasting empty rooms if at least half can enjoy the event on site
@samcarter_left_tex.se yes, the idea is trying to give as much as contact hours as possible, without duplicating teachers... And fairly distributed across students. We'll see.
@samcarter_left_tex.se thanks for the help! I didn't watch your solution but I have taken the answer from this: tex.stackexchange.com/a/64076/152550 i.e. I have used \node (a) at (rel axis cs:-.5, .25) {{\visible<+->{$R_1$}}};. I see you put visible into the arguments of the node, but I put it on the "text node". Is there any difference ?
@manooooh IMHO using the beamer overlay styles library is a bit more flexible, e.g. this would also work if the node had a frame etc. But if it works for your case, your workaround is totally fine.
@samcarter_left_tex.se I like more your solution, it seems more robust. I just watched your first message into the inbox, I didn't see the code lol, sorry!
@UlrikeFischer I joined the meeting for a few minutes but is it sure that nobody can see and hear me? I don't want to be seen while I'm at home... let's say not dressed as a Milanese woman should be :)
@CarLaTeX if your camera is off you can't be seen:-)
@DavidCarlisle How can I check my camera is off? It's the first time I join a Zoom conference
@CarLaTeX Well I have no camera at my pc so I'm quite safe ;-)
@DavidCarlisle where are you meeting? I am interested
@samcarter_left_tex.se When we did a trial I see where to switch off the camera, but I didn't find any option today
Is TUG live?
@manooooh Another tiny comment: you might be able to remove the \vspace{-.55cm} (or reduce it) if you don't add additional vertical space by using the center environment. You could \centering instead
@CarLaTeX my pc has a light but anyway in zoom at the bottom there are icons to turn off mic and camera
@manooooh tug.org/tug2020 You can participate via zoom for just watch via youtube
@manooooh yes starts tomorrow (there was a workshop today but I didn't join that)
@DavidCarlisle I didn't find them today :'(
@DavidCarlisle For webinar the icons might not be there as the participants can't enable their mic or cam by themselves
@samcarter_left_tex.se ah yes.
@samcarter_left_tex.se So I'm safe :)
@CarLaTeX Never say never with computers, but I'm 99.9% sure nobody can see or hear you
@samcarter_left_tex.se ohh you are right. I should have removed \begin{center} because before I realized that I was not getting enough space, the center acts as alignment between columns and rows of columns
@samcarter_left_tex.se LOL L'unica sicurezza in informatica è che non c'è sicurezza
@samcarter_left_tex.se we could test by getting @PauloCereda to insert a pineapple pizza into his talk and then we can wait to test if we can hear the screams from Milan.
@DavidCarlisle Maybe you can hear them even without mic
@DavidCarlisle The scream might be audible across Europe, need someone from abroad to confirm :)
@DavidCarlisle I was there to test - and I had to comment that $$ is not supported LaTeX-syntax ;-(. I also sneaked in the words "learnlatex.org" ;-)
@CarLaTeX that's superstitious! If you have ever used Zoom, you will know that you can configure so that before entering any meeting you enter with the microphone and camera turned off
@manooooh as @samcarter_left_tex.se says in webinar mode the audience can not turn on camera/mic anyway so the interface is a bit different,
@DavidCarlisle uh well, I hope you can join them soon! Now it's 18.16 pm, tomorrow I have classes starting from 18.15. I hope I can join with you guys!
@manooooh Your time zone sounds much better for TUG than mine
@DavidCarlisle good to know. I use free Zoom -- damn it
@manooooh Your time zone sounds much better for TUG than mine
@manooooh you should register first at tug.org/tug2020/register.html if you have not already
@manooooh I meant @DavidCarlisle can hear my screams without mic because it is not necessary to hear them
@samcarter_left_tex.se lol really? What time will it be tomorrow for you?
@manooooh Starts around 6pm and goes until 2:30am
@CarLaTeX :) very true words.
@CarLaTeX hahaha. Well not screams but a talk. I don't speak native English, but if I can join, I will do my best efforts to understand what are you saying (don't expect the same with German etc.)
@samcarter_left_tex.se Yes :)
@DavidCarlisle aww I don't usually register. But this time I will listen to you
@manooooh I don't think they will let you join zoom without registering (the youtube channel is presumably open, that will also have auto-translated captions available, i thought I saw)
@DavidCarlisle The zoom link is published on the website
@samcarter_left_tex.se yes but normally you only connect to the waiting room and the host has to let you in (but I don't know how tug have set it up)
@samcarter_left_tex.se but I had to add my name and mail adress to enter.
@UlrikeFischer Ah, then sorry for the noise. I did not test the public link
@UlrikeFischer I read other comments on the $$ in chat, not a fine figure for a tutorial at the TUG meeting, sigh
@DavidCarlisle done :)
Why the lessons have a lot of overfull and underfull hbox? I feel it would be more interesting to try to resolve those warnings
@manooooh which lessons?
@UlrikeFischer youtu.be/pjDTtDvph6U go back about 38 minutes
@manooooh one wonder. In view that is always the same value, it would say it is the overfull navigation line. The other question is, why \section is inside the frame.
@UlrikeFischer I don't know the speakers, I thought they were going to take some TeX.SE user. Although they have dictated very well

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